Which ORM supports mapping existing databases? - asp.net-mvc

So I have a layered ASP.NET MVC proof-of-concept application with good separation between presentation concerns, business logic, and infrastructure concerns. Right now it is operating off of a fake repository (i.e. LINQ queries against static IQueryable objects). I would like to create a functional SQL repository now.
That said, I don't want to simply tie it into a database that has a 1-1 mapping between tables and entities. That wouldn't meet the business need I am hoping to solve (partial integration with existing database - no hope for convention over configuration).
Do you have suggestions for which ORM / mapping tools I should consider and/or avoid?
Do you have suggestions for articles/books I could look at to help me approach this topic?
Would it be better to simply use parameterized queries in this scenario?

Entity Framework in version 4 would definitely allow you to:
have a mapping between the physical database schema and your conceptual schema, e.g. having an entity mapped to several tables, or several tables joined together forming a single business entity
grab data from views (instead of tables directly)
use stored procedures (where needed and appropriate) for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE on every entity

NHibernate sounds like a good fit for what you are looking for. You will be able to make your repositories call queries in either HQL or using the API, either way you can get to your database and shape the data to fit the way your repository is being used. It will always be hard to make a square peg fit into a round hole though. SO has lots of nice support when you get into using NHibernate, good luck.

As you mentioned in the question, it is very debatable to choose an ORM. Different people will have different project needs. I am not exactly sure what will take priority for you. Here is what I have tried myself.
NHibernate seems to be the most commonly used ORM in DotNet projects. I feel it suffers from a typical open source problem. It offers so many features but the documentation really sucks. If you have lots of time at your disposal you can give it a shot.
Another options is to go for something like Entity Framework. Its very easy to set up and get up and running. With version 4.0 and the CTP there is provison for code first as well as fluent mapping and configuration. Since you have said you would want to keep the domain model separated EF 4 will help you because it has a notion of conceptual model which is an abstraction over the mapping layer.
You can refer to few links below for the blogs I had written based on my experience


Using the repository pattern to support multiple providers

Well, not sure if that's exactly the right title, but basically I have been having a lot of problems using repositories in MVC applications in such a way that you can substitute one set of repositories, implementing a different data storage technology, for another.
For example, suppose I want to use Entity Framework for my application. However, I also want to have a set of test data implemented in hard-coded Lists. I would like to have a set of interfaces (IUserRepository, IProductRepository, etc. -- let's not talk about a more generic IRepository<T> for now) that both approaches can instantiate. Then, using (say) a Dependency Injection tool such as Ninject or Castle Windsor, I can switch back and forth between the entity framework provider (accessing the actual database) and the test provider (accessing the lists).
In a nutshell, here's the problem:
-- If you are going to use Entity Framework, you want your repositories returning IQueryable<SomeType>.
-- If you are going to use hard-coded lists, you do NOT want your repositories returning IQueryable, because it adds hugely to the overhead, and plus, Linq to Entities is significantly different from Linq to Objects, causing many headaches in the code that is common to both providers.
In other words, I have found that the best approach isolates all the EF-dependent code within the repositories, so that the repositories themselves return IEnumerable or IList or some such -- then both EF and some other technology can use the same repositories. Thus, all the IQueryable's would be contained WITHIN the EF repositories. That way, you can use Linq to Entities with the EF repositories, and Linq to Objects with the Test repositories.
Yet this approach puts an enormous amount of the business logic into the repositories, and results in much duplicated code -- the logic has to be duplicated in each of the repositories, even if the implementations are somewhat different.
The whole idea of the repositories as this layer that is very thin and just connects to the database is then lost -- the repositories are "repositories" of business logic as well as of data store connectivity. You can't just have Find, Save, Update, etc.
I've been unable to resolve this discrepancy between needing to isolate provider-dependent code, and having business logic in a centralized location.
Any ideas? If anyone could point me to an example of an implementation that addresses this concern, I would be most appreciative. (I've read a lot, but can't find anything that specifically talks about these issues.)
I guess I'm starting to feel that it's probably not possible to have repositories that can be swapped out for different providers -- that if you are going to use Entity Framework, for example, you just have to devote your whole application to Entity Framework. Unit tests? I'm struggling with that. My practice to this point has been to set up a separate repository with hard-coded data and use that for unit testing, as well as to test the application itself before the database is set up. I think I will have to look to a different solution, perhaps some mocking tool.
But then that raises the question of why use repositories, and especially why use repository interfaces. I'm working on this. I think determining the best practice is going to take a bit of research.
What I can say? Welcome to the club ...
What you found is problem reached by many developers who followed "repository boom" with EFv4. Yes it is the problem and the problem is really complex. I discussed this several times:
ASP.NET MVC 3 and Entity Framework code first architecture
Organizationally, where should I put common queries when using Entity framework
Separate topic is why to use repositories:
Generic repository, what is the point
Basically your proposed way is a solution but do you really want it? In my opinion the result is not repository but the Data Access Object (DAO) exposing plenty of access methods. Repository definition by Martin Fowler is:
A Repository mediates between the
domain and data mapping layers, acting
like an in-memory domain object
collection. Client objects construct
query specifications declaratively and
submit them to Repository for
satisfaction. Objects can be added to
and removed from the Repository, as
they can from a simple collection of
objects, and the mapping code
encapsulated by the Repository will
carry out the appropriate operations
behind the scenes. Conceptually, a
Repository encapsulates the set of
objects persisted in a data store and
the operations performed over them,
providing a more object-oriented view
of the persistence layer. Repository
also supports the objective of
achieving a clean separation and
one-way dependency between the domain
and data mapping layers.
I believe exposing IQueryable fulfils this 100 times better then creating a public interface similar to repositories from Stored procedures era - one access method per stored procedure (fixed query).
The problem can be summarized by the rule of leaky abstraction. IQueryable is an abstraction of the database query but the features provided by IQueryable are dependent on the provider. Different provider = different feature set.
What is a conclusion? Do you want such architecture because of testing? In such case start using integration tests as proposed in first two linked answers because in my opinion it is the lest painful way. If you go with your proposed approach you should still use integration tests to verify your repositories hiding all EF related logic and queries.

Any MVC 3 tutorials on *Real World* developement situations?

MVC total noobe here but long time web developer - 10 + years. The tutorials for MVC 3 (and earlier versions) are great but as usual they lack a ton for real on the job type scenarios.
For example, how often do you find yourself in a situation where you are going to create a new database from scratch with no stored procs so that you could actually use EF Code-First. I don't know about you but in my career it has been NEVER.
The usual story is that you are creating a new app or enhancing an existing app with new functionality that will connect to an existing very mature database with tons of stored procs, user defined functions and views and you are required either by management or time restrictions to use it all. And of course you may get to create some new tables but they usually will have joins to existing tables or in the least your app will have to query existing tables for some of the data.
To see a tutorial based on that scenario would be WORTH IT'S WEIGHT IN GOLD. Especially the stored procedure scenario.
Thank you for any advice
Most of the earlier examples (e.g. the original NerdDinner) were based on either Linq to Sql or Entity Framework (without CodeFirst). Since CodeFirst is the 'new hotness' most of the latest examples use it.
The interesting part of the question, though, is that it highlights an important point: "it doesn't matter". Your data access strategy (EF, EF code first, NHibernate, L2S, raw SQL) is totally irrelevant to MVC. By that I don't mean it's unimportant, I mean that MVC doesn't place any constraints on you at all in that regard.
You will generally (in a well-designed MVC app) pass your controllers interfaces which let them call data access methods of various sorts (or perhaps another layer of indirection with services that do other things before hitting the storage layer). The implementation of the data access, if it is using an ORM like EF or Nhibernate, will then have mechanisms for you to either use a query syntax of some sort (e.g. LINQ) or to call stored procedures (possible in all major ORMs that Iv'e used) or to push raw SQL if hte situation calls for it.

Model for ASP.NET MVC

I just started with ASP.NET MVC 1.0. I've read through some tutorials but I don't have any good ideas on how to build my model.
I've been experimenting with LINQ to SQL. Can't say I like it that much, but I'll give it a try. I prefer using SQL Stored Procedures, but it doesn't seem to work very good together with the optional parameters in my stored procedures.
The project is a prototype, but I would like to start with a good design right away.
The database will probably contain around 50 tables and stored procedures will be used for all queries and updates. Some procedures will also return multiple results. How would the best way to design this model?
All and any ideas are welcome. Should I even use LINQ to SQL? Should I design my stored procedures to only return one result? I feel a little bit lost.
You can use stored procedures with LINQ. You simply need to replace the autogenerated statements on your entities with your stored procs. Look at the properties for the entity (table) in the designer to change these. Your stored procedures won't be able to return multiple results as they need to map onto a collection of either one of your entities or an autogenerated entity, i.e, onto a collection of a single class.
Having said all that, I'd give it a go without using stored procedures. The LINQ code is fully parameterized so you already have this benefit. You'll find that LINQ allows you to easily build up queries alleviating your need for the optional parameters in your stored procs and, likely, resulting in more efficient queries as you don't need to build extra logic into your query to handle the optional parameters. Once you start using LINQ I think you'll find that the power and expressiveness in the code will make you forget about using your stored procedures.
You may still have a need for stored procs or table-valued functions for complex queries -- that's ok. If they map onto an existing entity, you can simply drag the proc/function onto the entity in the designer and you get a nice method on your data context that runs your SQL and returns collections of that entity. If not, I often create a view for the proc/function schema, use that as an entity, and attach the proc/function to it.
May I ask why you need to use stored procedures for this project? They have almost no value today if you are working with a modern database. Parameterized SQL using a good ORM will give you the same cached execution plans and security benefits that you are looking for with stored procedures.
I would recommend NHibernate because it's a far better way to achieve persistence ignorance. And IMHO this is the goal of anyone designing a model. You should be thinking object first instead of data first.
The best resource around is a screencast series by Steve Bohlen "The summer of nhibernate"
Also LINQ to NHibernate is available and works great for any dynamic query that you might need to write.
The only pain you will notice with NHibernate is the XML, but if you really enjoy the ORM you could write a fluent interface instead using FNH.
I found NHibernate to be the best tool around for modeling a domain because your objects are 100% infrastructure free and this allows you to do anything you want with them without having to worry about the database. Also if you are into unit testing of any kind this will make your life much easier :P
Part of the reason I replied to your question is that I have built many a system using stored procedures and found to regret that decision later. But in my situation I had a requirement by a dba so I couldn't step away from the norm.
If you are already looking at LINQ to SQL I would simply encourage you to look at NHibernate as another great option to achieve the goal of persistence ignorance.
When I got away from thinking about the problem data first it allowed me to work at a much higher level and take advantage of the .net platform for solving problems. TSQL has its place but if you are writing an application and want to maintain it - try to think about how your domain objects will work together in memory first.

Choosing an ORM for a "simple" SaaS startup (ASP.NET MVC)

I'm about to start developing a web-based application that I can best describe as a specialized version of 37Signal's Highrise contact management app, targeted towards service businesses such as lawn care. I've decided to use ASP.NET MVC to take advantage of my BizSpark membership and to leverage the C#/ASP.NET/SQL Server that I already know.
I'm doing a bit of research to choose an ORM for the project; I'm not sure if I should go with something lightweight such as LINQ to SQL or go with the big guns of NHibernate. At this point I don't envision the application as being overly complex. I essentially have these models:
User (provided by ASP.NET, but I might need to extend it)
where the following business rules apply:
The account is the master record (since it represents a subscriber) and everything else (users, customers, jobs) hang off it
A customer can have more than one job
There are two types of Customers: A "lead" and a "customer" - the idea is that customers can request a followup from a form that we provide and be automatically added to the account's customer database, and then an employee can follow up and schedule a job, which "converts" the lead
A job can be either one-time or set on a recurring schedule (e.g. every two weeks, once a month)
I have a bad habit of trying to overarchitect things. LINQ to SQL seems like it would suit my needs immediately, but I'm concerned about scalability in the future and whether the upfront costs of using a more feature-rich ORM such as Entity Framework or NHibernate would make up for itself in query effectiveness and optimization. I'm considering using Windows Azure to host the application.
Any thoughts?
Your model seems simple enough to be supported by Linq2Sql, Entity Framework, and NHibernate.
The biggest choice you need to make is do you want to follow a Domain Driven Design approach to software modeling or do you want to work with your objects as database rows. If you want to get fancy when mapping rows to objects NHibernate is the best choice. If your happy with a 1:1 between your business objects and database rows Linq2Sql and Entity Framework just fine.
NHibernate and to an extent Entity Framework support POCO objects that don't inherit from a base class and can be unaware of their persistence requirements. Linq2Sql can, but its hacky and weird.
As far as scaling goes all three of those ORM tools will get you pretty far yet AFAIK NHibernate has more options when it comes to splitting database servers up and handling cross-database IDs and there is even some Sharding support in the works.
NHibernate also supports the most providers, you can go from MSSql to MySql in an hour, with Linq2Sql and EF ( although support is forthcoming you can't )
NHibernate if you want better POCO support, more scaling features, and "there is a mapping for that" row->object mapping features. FluentNHibernate is awesome. You have multiple provider support
Entity Framework if you want better designer GUI support and are willing to wait for EF4, vs2010 for a fully featured ORM.
Linq2Sql if simple db access is all you need.
I've used all three and I'm least happy with EF1, EF4 is better but not as good as NHibernate.
I'm using EF4 with VS 2010 for all future "simple CRUD" apps and NHibernate when I need to get fancy.
My experience has been that the "up-front costs" of Entity Framework are about the same as LINQ-to-SQL for simple data models (assuming you have an existing database schema to work with).
A series of tutorials on getting a simple Entity Framework model up and running is available.
I'm not one of those "LINQ-to-SQL is dead!" people, but it does look like Microsoft intends to invest more in Entity Framework down the road. This to me tips the scales slightly in its favor over L2S. The ADO.NET team blog is a good place to keep an eye on for this.
You may want to consider SubSonic. It appears to be aimed directly at your sweet spot.
After that, I would consider NHibernate. NHibernate has minimal downsides and it can effectively "scale down" to your project. With NHibernate, you aren't boxing yourself in to a limited feature set like you would be with the Microsoft ORMs and SubSonic.
Inspired by the engine that runs stackoverflow.com, I have been working on developing a full-blown CRM and business-in-a-box solution over the last few months. I had lot of reservations about using LINQ to SQL as the ORM (discussion on stackoverflow.com and elsewhere pointed out the fact that the Entity framework was the 'in thing'),however, I found LINQ to SQL to be a breeze to work with, even with its known limitations. With LINQ-to-SQL, I could build a fully-functional prototype CRM within weeks. Currently, the CRM is in late stages of beta with few customers and some of them have quite a high volume of usage (1000s of lead and few dozen users). I haven't seen any noticeable, show-stopping issues with the ORM/database so far.
I have written quite a few SQL stored procedures (and used them with LINQ to SQL) where very complex joins were required. Since I come from a SQL/Microsoft Enterprise Library background, I find it easier to write complex stored procedures in SQL and keeping the basic CRUD operations within the LINQ to SQL layer
I am currently wrapping up an asp.net mvc application. We used the S#arp Architecture. It is a "framework" that enables developers to leverage NHibernate, Fluent, and a myriad of other best practices tools (DI, etc.) Here is a link to the site.
Our team absolutely loves this product and recommends anyone to add it to their technical arsenal when deciding on architecture paths.
I'd recommend this:
S#arp Architecture. It uses NHibernate but is highly pre-configured so that you can get up and running in literally few minutes - not only with data but also with MVC and other useful things.
ActiveRecord implementation - namely, Castle ActiveRecord. Thsi is very easy to use, but still you need to understand NHibernate a bit.
Linq to SQL with Repository pattern. You'll benefit from simplicity of L2S while will be prepared to future changes. Just google for "linq to sql repository".
As my ex-boss said, "it doesn't really matter what you choose, it's important to choose something and start working" ;-)

ASP.NET MVC + LINQ to SQL or Entities?

When linq to entities was released, everybody say that linq to sql is dead.
But most books and sample projects by microsoft employees, use mvc+linq to sql.
There is some reason for that? The linq to sql seems better for POCO, would it?
Linq to SQL had its origins in a thought experiment. Linq needed a proof of concept, and Linq to SQL provided that.
Since then, many in the user community (including a few prominent Microsoft employees) have embraced Linq to SQL as the lightweight SQL Server ORM of choice, especially for small projects like NerdDinner.
The furor began with this post by the ADO.NET team. In it, they said that Linq to SQL will be maintained, and features added based on user community feedback, but that the Entity Framework would be the primary focus of future data access efforts.
Many in the user community interpreted this move as "Microsoft is killing Linq to SQL."
Microsoft didn't help matters when it disabled the provider model for Linq to SQL by sealing some critical classes, effectively making Linq to SQL usable only with SQL Server. The Entity Framework will be the ORM of choice for multiple data providers.
Unfortunately, the Entity Framework seems not quite ready for prime time.
So it depends on who you believe. Do you believe the speculations (and they are just speculations) of many bloggers who say that Linq to SQL is truly dead and buried, or do you believe people like Damien Guard of Microsoft, who says that Linq to SQL has a long life ahead of it?
Linq-to-SQL is a great technology and very easy to use, so it's extremely well geared towards demos, and it's a perfect choice for smaller, more straightforward projects, too, where you have more or less a straight 1:1 mapping from your tables in SQL Server to your objects in memory.
And those are the most restrictive limitations of Linq-to-SQL:
SQL Server only
straight 1:1 mapping from tables to objects in memory
If that's okay with you, go ahead and use Linq-to-SQL ! By all means - MS is still adding features and fixing it for .NET 4.0 - it's not dead by a long shot.
Entity Framework in its v1 version available right now has some warts, as other posters have rightfully mentioned (no POCO support, no "domain design first" approach and many others). But the EF v4 feature set looks very compelling, and will give Linq-to-SQL a run for its money!
The main advantages for EF vs. Linq-to-SQL in an enterprise environment are its database independence (you can hook it up to Oracle, Firebird, DB2, many others) which can be crucial, and it's ability to present you with an object model that looks quite different from the physical storage model in the database (by virtue of the mapping between the conceptual layer and the physical storage layer).
So it's really a matter of what is it you need: do you need a quick way to get started (demos, simpler apps) - then your choice clearly is Linq-to-SQL (at least for now), or do you need a flexible mapping approach against a non-SQL Server backend - then your choice will be Entity Framework.
The only reason the samples were written with LINQ-to-SQL is because setting it up is fast and simple.
Otherwise you can use any ORM to suit you, whether it be EF or NHibernate or whatever.
Personally, I'd start getting used to the Entity Framework now. Since it has more features, is provider-independent, and being developed (perhaps) more aggressively. The two most common complaints I hear are lack of POCO and lack of Lazy Loading. It would appear that both of these are addressed in .NET 4.0 http://blogs.msdn.com/adonet/archive/2009/05/28/poco-in-the-entity-framework-part-2-complex-types-deferred-loading-and-explicit-loading.aspx
Besides being potentially faster (to get started with) or simpler, I'm not sure of any particular advantage to use LINQ to SQL, in the long run. Is anyone aware of any?
The nerddinner sample chapter written by ScottGu uses Linq-To-SQL, he does not endorse LINQ-to-SQL but does not promote LINQ-To-Entities either. With ViewModel (Stephen Walther has a nice post on this) & the repository pattern, LINQ-To-SQL is perfect for developing ASP.NET MVC applications
In my opinion, Linq to Entity is not a good candidate at the moment. One of the things that I've come to dislike about Linq To Entity is the lack of lazy loading, which drove me up the wall every time i wrote my repositories. I think, that's what killed it for me. The other thing is the whole issue with attaching and detaching entities which are being used by multiple instances of the object context. That was another killer for me, which resulted in a lot of hacking trying to recreate entity relationships and etc. Frankly, I think a better thing to do would be to wait for the next release of this framework. I think good things are coming for it :)
