Using Ninject with Membership.Provider -

I'm new to Ninject and I'm having problems using it with a custom membership provider.
My membership provider has a repository interface passed in. It looks like:
public class CustomMembershipProvider : MembershipProvider
public CustomMembershipProvider( IRepository repository )
I'm using the code thats part of the Account Model in the MVC app as a starting point.
However when it calls Membership.Provider I get an error saying No parameterless constructor defined for this object.
I've setup the bindings in ninject to bind a IRepository to a Repository class which work as I've testing this in a controller.
What are the correct bindings in Ninject to use for Membership.Provider?

This is how it should be done today with new versions of both MVC and Ninject (version 3):
You have access to the DependencyResolver instance and Ninject sets itself as the current DependencyResolver. That way you don't need hacks to get access to the static Ninject kernel. Please note, my example uses my own IUserService repository for Membership...
IUserService _userService = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<IUserService>();

The best solution I found was the following:
private IRepository _repository;
public IRepository Repository
get { return _repository; }
set { _repository= value; }
public CustomMembershipProvider()
Where NinjectHelper is a static helper class to get the Kernal from.

Since the membership collection and the Membership.Provider instance are created before Ninject can instantiate them, you need to perform post creation activation on the object. If you mark your dependencies with [Inject] for your properties in your provider class, you can call kernel.Inject(Membership.Provider) - this will assign all dependencies to your properties.

I haven't used Ninject ever.
but in StructureMap i set this dependency:
and it works fine.


Onion architecture : respecting dependencies in the MVC Layer of the application

I am making a website using ASP.NET MVC and an onion architecture. I have the following architecture:
Domain : Entities / Domain Interfaces
Repository : Generic repository (for now) using Entity Framework Code First Approach
Service : Generic Service that calls the Repository
Now I am trying to create a method in my controller to start testing the methods I have implemented in Repository and Service, and I am having a hard time as to what I am allowed to create in this controller. I want to test a simple Get method in the Repository, but to do that I need GenericService object and GenericRepository object in my controller. To demonstrate what I mean here's a snippet of my GenericRepository(I will skip the interfaces):
public class GenericRepository<T> : IGenericRepository<T> where T : class
private readonly PrincipalServerContext context;
private DbSet<T> entities;
public Repository(PrincipalServerContext context)
this.context = context;
entities = context.Set<T>();
Now my GenericService:
public class GenericService<T> : IGenericService<T> where T : class
private IRepository<T> repository;
public GenericService(IRepository<T> repository)
this.repository = repository;
public T GetEntity(long id)
return repository.Get(id);
And finally, my question, am I allowed to create these objects in my controller as follows (using my dbcontext called PrincipalServerContext):
public class NavigationController : Controller
private IGenericService<DomainModelClassHere> domainService;
private IGenericRepository<DomainModelClassHere> domainRepo;
private PrincipalServerContext context;
public ActionResult MyMethod(){
context = new PrincipalServerContext();
domainRepo = new GenericRepository<DomainModelClassHere>(context);
domainService = new GenericService<DomainModelClassHere>(domainRepo);
return View("UserNotFound");//Just as an example
return View();
Is this allowed? According to Jeffrey Palermo, UI can depend on Service and Domain so I don't know about the Repository. Technically I am not using methods from repository, but I do need to add a reference to the project.
If I can't then how can I create a new GenericService if I don't have a GenericRepository? Is there a better way to instantiate my objects ?
EDIT I think the answer to my question resides in Startup.cs where I can put something like service.addScoped(typeof(IGenericRepository<>),typeof(GenericRepository<>));
but I 'm not sure about this, any ideas?
I'll answer this on my own if ever someone encounters the same problem. There are configuration methods we can use to create instances of classes when needed. In the Startup.cs file you have to add ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) method and inside there are several methods that can be applied to services to create these instances. For example you can use:
services.AddTransient(IGenericRepository, GenericRepository)
What is the difference between services.AddTransient, service.AddScope and service.AddSingleton methods in Asp.Net Core 1? (this link explains differences between methods).
AddTransient is good in my case because it creates an instance of an object through the whole lifespan of the application, which is what I need. This means UI is dependant on the rest of the solution, because Startup.cs needs to know about the Repositories as well as the Services.
A pretty good answer can be found here :Onion Architecture : Can UI depend on Domain.

How to inject class in nonController class with ninject

I set up "Ninject" in my asp.mvc project. And it works fine each controller get its dependency classes. But I have one class in mvc project that is not controller. It's a simple class that extends "MembershipProvider" (because I have made custom membership) and I need to inject "UserRepository" class in it.
In a NinjectControlelrFactory I bint it:
private void AddBindings()
"connectionString", ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connStr"].ConnectionString);
But how to get it from non controller class?
I can't inject through constructor.
I have some solution but I don't know how 'clean' it is:
using (IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel())
.WithConstructorArgument("connectionString", "ttttttttttttt");
//var tc = kernel.Get<IUserRepository>();
this.userRepository = kernel.Get<IUserRepository>();
Use Property Injection. Register your MembershipProvider in the Ninject and use Property injection.
You will need to instantiate MembershipProvider via ninject context.
Check these articles.
Property Injection in ASP.NET MVC with Ninject
Injecting properties in Ninject 2 without 'Inject' attribute

Inject repository to custom membership provider with Ninject

I'm trying to inject a repository to a custom membership provider with ninject in MVC 3.
In MembershipProvider I have tried the following:
public ICustomerRepository _customerRepository{ get; set; }
public TUMembershipProvider(ICustomerRepository customerRepository)
_customerRepository = customerRepository;
In my ninject module i tried the following:
None of the above works.
When i use(in global.asa)
together with
public ICustomerRepository _customerRepository{ get; set; }
it works, but i have no life cycle management and this will cause a "ISession is open" error from NHibernate, because the ISession is InRequestScope and the repository is not.
You could use the approach #Remo Gloor outlines in his blog post on provider injection. It involves 3 steps:
Add [Inject]s to any properties on your provider you need injected (although the pattern he shows -- creating a very simple class whose only function is to be a receptable for property injection and forwards any requests to a real class implemented using constructor injection -- is well worth following)
public class MyMembershipProvider : SqlMembershipProvider
public SpecialUserProvider SpecialUserProvider { get;set;}
Create an initializer wrapper that implements IHttpModule which pulls the provider in, triggering its creation:-
public class ProviderInitializationHttpModule : IHttpModule
public ProviderInitializationHttpModule(MembershipProvider membershipProvider)
Register the IHttpModule in your RegisterServices :-
there is no 4; Ninject does the rest - bootstrapping all registered IHttpModules including the one you added) during the startup sequence.
(Don't forget to read the comments on the blog post re lifetimes etc.)
Finally, if you're looking for something completely braindead direct that solves it neatly, try this #Remo Gloor answer instead
PS a great writeup on the whole mess is Provider is not a Pattern by #Mark Seemann. (and the oboligatory plug for his excellent book:- Dependency injection in .NET which will have you figuring this stuff out comfortably from first principles)
i had this problem
a custom membership, role and profile provider in another project from MVC using repository, when ever i call the provider the injected repository was null.
tried to call kernel.Inject(Membership.Provider); in the NinjectWebCommon method registerServices(IKernel kernel) but got the exception
The result is always null, because has it's own static property for membership.which is membership.provider. and this instance is not part of instance ninject management.
so use on PostApplicationStartMethod
here is the soloution by cipto add to NinjectWebCommon the attrbute and method :
[assembly: WebActivator.PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(WebApp.App_Start.NinjectWebCommon), "Start")]
[assembly: WebActivator.PostApplicationStartMethod(typeof(WebApp.App_Start.NinjectWebCommon), "RegisterMembership")]
[assembly: WebActivator.ApplicationShutdownMethodAttribute(typeof(WebApp.App_Start.NinjectWebCommon), "Stop")]
public static void RegisterMembership()
The problem is that the whole Membership infrastructure is a "native" .NET code (System.Web.Security) that does not know about MVC and about the DI container used by MVC.
The static call to Membership.Provider returns the membership provider based on the configuration, however, the specified provider type is instantiated with a simple Activator.CreateInstance call. Hence, the dependency injection has no chance to kick in and set your repository dependency on the result. If you explicitly setup the returned instance with Ninject it can work, because you explicitly gave Ninject the object to set the dependencies. Even in this case it can only work with property injection and not with constructor injection, because the instance is created by the membership configuration previously.
To summarize: you cannot easily inject dependencies into the membership provider because it is not resolved from a dependency injection container.
I think you have 2 possibilities:
You create a repository in the custom membership provider directly or you access it by some other means on demand (where the web context is already present).
You go one level higher and check the components that would use your membership provider and you try change there (to use a membership provider resolved from your DI container instead of the uninitialized Memership.Provider). If this "higher component" is the forms authentication, then this article might be of help (using dependency injection with IFormsAuthentication and IMembershipService):
Did you try resolving your repository "manually", like in this answer:
Ninject : Resolving an object by type _and_ registration name/identifier

EF Context Management

What is the best way to manage the context of Entity Framework when using MVC application?
I am using a Repository/Service pattern.
After looking through some of these questions:, I am more confused then before. Some say use the context per repository, but wht if I want to use multiple repositories in one controller method?
And to follow good separation design, how do you use UnitOfWork in the MVC app with out making it dependent on EF? I want to be able to unit test my controllers, model, services, etc. using a mock context?
Use a Dependency Injector/Inversion of Control framework like:
Using an IoC container, you can tell it how to manage a single data context (most commonly, per request). When you set the data context to per request, the container will auto-magically give any class that needs a data context the same data context per request.
Here is a good article on setting up Ninject.
What your code will most likely end up looking like, assuming you're using a generic repository:
Ninject Module:
public class NinjectRegistrationModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
Generic Repository:
public RepositoryImplementation<T> : IRepository<T> where T : class
MyDataContext _dataContext;
public RepositoryImplementation<T>(MyDataContext dataContext)
_dataContext = dataContext;
// bunch of methods that utilize _dataContext
Service Class:
public class MyServiceClass
IRepository<SomeEntity> _someEntityRepository;
public MyServiceClass(IRepository<SomeEntity> someEntityRepository)
_someEntityRepository = someEntityRepository;
// do stuff with _someEntityRepository = someEntityRepository;
public class MyController
MyServiceClass _myServiceClass;
public MyController(MyServiceClass myServiceClass)
// Ninject will auto-magically give us a myServiceClass
// which will Ninject will inject a repository into MyServiceClass's constructor
_myServiceClass = myServiceClass;
public ActionResult MyAction()
// use _myServiceClass to do stuff
return View();
If your functionality is straight forward, then you should create a new ObjectContext in each Repository. They are cheap to instantiate.
If this creates a conflict, you can use a Unit of Work pattern as was suggested in the comment.
I would advise that you be extremely cautious when integrating an ObjectContext or DataContext with a DI container. Many do not use the appropriate scope for their life cycle by default.

Can someone explain how Castle Windsor is working in my app?

I have begun using Castle Windsor and somehow my app is all up and running but I dont really understand how its working. Don't refer me to the documentation as I wouldn't be here otherwise.
In my Global.asax.cs I have this:
private static IWindsorContainer container;
protected void Application_Start()
protected void Application_End()
private static void BootstrapContainer()
container = new WindsorContainer()
var controllerFactory = new WindsorControllerFactory(container.Kernel);
Now this is registering a new controller factory which I understand. The installation of a WindsorContainer from the current assembly I think registers all installers for example I have a repository installer. I assume that the container that is created in Global.asax is passed to the installers.
public class RepositoriesInstaller : IWindsorInstaller
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)
.Where(type => type.Name.EndsWith("Repository"))
.Configure(c => c.LifeStyle.PerWebRequest));
In my controller I have created a constructor and passed in a IRepository argument. What I dont understand is how the controller accepts this argument.
Secondly as a test I created 2 repository classes that implement a IRepository. Putting a breakpoint in the controller constructor it passes in one of these classes. How do I map what class that implements IRepository should be passed to the constructor?
I also have Fluent NHibernate up and running. For the next stage I would like the IRepository to have a dependency on the ISession. How do I do that?
Thanks for your help
Since you have registered a controller factory that uses Windsor, it is the Windsor IoC container that is responsible for resolving all your controller instances as and when they are needed.
That is, when you access a URL in your MVC project that points to the action "Index" on your "HomeController" your WindsorControllerFactory will be asked, by the MVC framework, for an instance of HomeController.
If that controller has a constructor which takes an instance of IRepository and you have registered IRepository as a service with the container then Windsor will know how to satisfy the dependency of the HomeController class. Therefore it can first resolve IRepository into some concrete class, instantiate this, and pass it in as a parameter to the HomeController constructor before returning the instance of HomeController to the MVC framework.
If you need different implementations of IRepository for different purposes (i.e. a UserRepository and a ProductRepository) you could create separate interfaces for these, each of which extend IRepository, e.g.:
public interface IProfileRepository : IRepository {}
Then you can use Windsor's fluent registration API to register all concrete classes that implement IRepository, and have them registered by the specific service they provide, e.g. IProfileRepository.
If you do this, Windsor will automatically resolve all instances that implement IRepository for you without you having to write any new registration code when you add a new implementation.
As for making your repository classes depend on ISession, you can do this in a number of ways. I would recommend not letting them depend directly on a session, but rather let them depend on a class through which they can obtain the current session (so that you can share sessions between repositories). There's lots of information on why this is good practice out there on the web, just do a search.
Now, as for actually making it happen, you can either:
Register an instance of a class (by interface) that will retrieve a session for you with Windsor and let Windsor resolve this class as a parameter to your repository constructors.
Register ISession with Windsor and use a factory method to retrieve it when it is resolved.
