How to add YouTube videos to watching queue? - youtube

I have a list of youtube video links on a page. I want to let user mark interesting ones, programatically add them to a watching queue, and then forward a user to YouTube where they can watch all those videos in sequence. Is it possible?

I dont think youtube has a feature to access yt quicklist etc, but you can easily do it with youtube javascript api, if is it ok that the videos gonna be played inside your site.
Embed a youtube player with js api in your site, then you can make a simple js array for queue.
If this solution is ok for you, i gonna write some more details about it, if you're interested in.


How do I to POST info about a Youtube video's chapters via API?

Youtube added the ability to break up their videos in the progress bar into sections called "chapters". As seen here Video Chapters
I would like to post a video via API and add chapters, I have not been able to find any documentation or example in the API about this.
This method is not currently available in the YouTube Data api, it appears to just be part of YouTube studio.
YOu may want to add a feature request maybe its something they will add to the api.

pull playlists/video from youtube by scraping or parsing the video id

my job has a youtube channel were we put our tutorials on. However we want to also put the tutorials on our company website. I know we can use the embed and embed every single one, but we don't want to have to do that every time we make a video. Is there a way that when you create a video on youtube that another website can automatically pull that video onto our website?

For YouTube video, how to automatically display interactive transcript?

YouTube supports interactive-transcripts, using both machine-generated and user-uploaded transcripts. This is very useful for hearings, lectures, speeches, and educational videos where a visitor might want to read along or jump around. For example in this video:
The visitor can click on "...More" and then "Transcript" to view the interactive-transcript.
How does a video owner make that hidden feature automatically open for visitors? I cannot find any documented method for doing that through the API for either embed or linked videos. Is there an undocumented method in the API, or a URL parameter like "&action-panel-transcript=true" that works the way I'd expect it to?
As for url parameter, you can try adding &cc_load_policy=1 behind the rel=0 if it's an embedded video or &yt:cc=on at the end of the url if it's a link to the video.

YouTube API: 'Official Content Only?'

When using the YouTube api to query and retrieve videos, is there a way to limit results only official content? I want to retrieve the new music videos for certain artists but I want to make sure I am only receiving real videos and not UGC stuff. Can this be accomplished? Thank you.
There is no search parameter that ensures that you only get back "real" music videos. (And the line between a "real" video and user-generated content isn't always clear.)

Youtube player for multiple videos from various accounts

I have a page that has many videos on it and the page has become so slow it is unusable. These are all Youtube videos and I changed to the new iFrame tags hoping that would help the loading. I need a solution to make this page more useable.
I would be happy if I could just pull a frame from the video and display that, when clicked it would load the video. Or I would be happy with a multi-video player. The custom play from Youtube will not work because the videos I am serving are not all from my account and as I understand the custom player you reference a group from your account. I have also considered using AJAX to load the iframe, which would be okay too if I could figure out how to get a thumbnail of the video to show as a link.
Ideas and suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance for any ideas.
YouTube API is made up of 2 different sets - one for the player and one for the data.
You can start here ...
... then click on "Data API" link and after looking over that page, click on the "Reference Guide" link.
In essence, the gData API will allow you to get videos in numerous ways (feeds, channels, tops, etc) in chunks of up to 100 videos at a time, using a startIndex (or whatever it may be called) option for paging. What you get is an XML document with parts or everything that YT has about a video, including not one but several different thumbnail images.
HTH helps you and/or another Web 0.2 Fellow (like me)
