How do I resolve Dependency Injection in MVC Filter attributes -

I have a custom attribute class derived from AuthorizationAttribute, which performs custom security on controller actions. The OnAuthorizationCore method depends on various other components (e.g. DAL) in order to ajudicate whether a user can invoke an action.
I'm using Autofac for dependency injection. The ExtensibleActionInvoker claims to be able to perform property injection on action filters. Setting an attribute's properties at runtime (which seems like a bad idea) will work in a simple unit test, but in a busy, multi-threaded web server it's bound to go wrong, and so this idea seems like an anti-pattern. Hence this question:
If my AuthorizationAttribute depends on other components in order to work correctly, what it the right [architecture] pattern in order to achieve this?
i.e. AuthorizationAttribute depends on IUserRepository... how should this relationship be resolved?

The ExtensibleActionInvoker claims to be able to perform property injection on action filters.
Correct - but don't confuse action filters with the attributes that might not implement them. The cleanest way to approach this in ASP.NET MVC is to split responsibilities, even though the MVC framework allows you to combine them.
E.g., use a pair of classes - an attribute class that holds data only:
// Just a regular old attribute with data values
class SomeAttribute : Attribute { ... }
And a filter that has dependencies injected:
// Gets dependencies injected
class SomeFilter : IActionFilter { ... }
SomeFilter just uses the typical approach of getting the SomeAttribute attribute from the controller or action method via GetCustomAttributes() to do whatever work is needed.
You can then use ExtensibleActionInvoker to wire up the filter:
It might be a little more code than you'd write using the attribute-as-filter approach, but the quality of the code will be better in the long run (e.g. by avoiding the limitations of attributes and the awkwardness of the Service Locator solutions.)

I would seem that the easiest way to achieve this is to bite the bullet and accept a dependency on autofac itself. While a dependency on the IoC is in itself an anti-pattern, it's somewhat more pallatable. You can implement a property as follows:
public class UserAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
public IUserRepository CurrentUserService
var cpa = (IContainerProviderAccessor)HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance;
var cp = cpa.ContainerProvider;
return cp.RequestLifetime.Resolve<IUserRepository>();

There's no straight-forward way to do this prior to MVC2. There is an interesting technique detailed here: I'd suggest using the Common Service Locator to abstract over this and locate your DI container.
If you're using MVC 3 then you can use MVC Service Location

Constructor injection seems to be impossible w/o changing way of filter registration.
Even in Asp.Net Mvc3:
One place where dependency injection has been difficult in the past is inside the filter attributes themselves. Because the .NET framework runtime is actually responsible for creating these attribute instances, we cannot use a traditional dependency injection strategy.
So - next best thing is property injection (Mvc3 provides some support for that out of the box).
Here's a how to for doing that manually.
I personally use MvcExtensions. I'm fine with registering them in different way. Here's usage.
Another thing You might want to investigate is MvcTurbine project. In contrast to MvcExtensions project which is more general - MvcTurbine is primarily for providing dependency injection support.


Laravel 4: Facade vs DI (when to use)

My understanding is that a facade is used as an alternative to dependency injection. Please correct if I'm mistaken. What is not clear is when one should use one or the other.
What are the advantages/disadvantages of each approach? How should I determine when to use one or the other?
Lastly, why not use both? I can create a facade that references an interface. It seems Sentry 2 is written this way. Is there a best practice?
Facades are not an alternative to dependency injection.
Laravel Facade is an implementation of the Service Locator Pattern, creating a clean and beautiful way of accessing objects:
This is the PHP syntax for a static methods, but Laravel changes the game and make them non-static behind the scenes, giving you a beautiful, enjoyable and testable way of writing your applications.
Dependency Injection is, basically, a way of passing parameters to your constructors and methods while automatically instatiating them.
class MyClass {
private $property;
public function __construct(MyOtherClass $property)
/// Here you can use the magic of Dependency Injection
$this->property = $property
/// $property already is an object of MyOtherClass
A better construction of it would be using Interfaces on your Dependency Injected constructors:
class MyClass {
private $property;
public function __construct(MyInterface $property)
/// Here you can use the magic of Dependency Injection
$this->property = $property
/// $property will receive an object of a concrete class that implements MyInterface
/// This class should be defined in Laravel elsewhere, but this is a way of also make
/// your application easy to maintain, because you can swap implementations of your interfaces
/// easily
But note that in Laravel you can inject classes and interfaces the same way. To inject interfaces you just have to tell it wich one will be this way:
App::bind('MyInterface', 'MyOtherClass');
This will tell Laravel that every time one of your methods needs an instance of MyInterface it should give it one of MyOtherClass.
What happens here is that this constuctor has a "dependency": MyOtherClass, which will be automatically injected by Laravel using the IoC container. So, when you create an instance of MyClass, Laravel automatically will create an instance of MyOtherClass and put it in the variable $class.
Dependency Injection is just an odd jargon developers created to do something as simple as "automatic generation of parameters".
As you can see, they are completely different things, so you won't ever need to decide between them, but you will have to decide where go to with one or the other in different parts of your application.
Use Facades to ease the way you write your code. For example: it's a good practice to create packages for your application modules, so, to create Facades for those packages is also a way to make them seem like a Laravel public class and accessing them using the static syntax.
Use Dependency Injection every time your class needs to use data or processing from another class. It will make your code testable, because you will be able to "inject" a mock of those dependencies into your class and you will be also exercising the single responsibility principle (take a look at the SOLID principles).
Facades, as noted, are intended to simplify a potentially complicated interface.
Facades are still testable
Laravel's implementation goes a step further and allows you to define the base-class that the Facade "points" to.
This gives a developer the ability to "mock" a Facade - by switching the base-class out with a mock object.
In that sense, you can use them and still have testable code. This is where some confusion lies within the PHP community.
DI is often cited as making your code testable - they make mocking class dependencies easy. (Sidenote: Interfaces and DI have other important reasons for existing!)
Facades, on the other hand, are often cited as making testing harder because you can't "simply inject a mock object" into whatever code you're testing. However, as noted, you can in fact "mock" them.
Facade vs DI
This is where people get confused regarding whether Facades are an alternative to DI or not.
In a sense, they both add a dependency to your class - You can either use DI to add a dependency or you can use a Facade directly - FacadeName::method($param);. (Hopefully you are not instantiating any class directly within another :D ).
This does not make Facades an alternative to DI, but instead, within Laravel, does create a situation where you may decide to add class dependencies one of 2 ways - either using DI or by using a Facade. (You can, of course, use other ways. These "2 ways" are just the most-often used "testable way").
Laravel's Facades are an implementation of the Service Locator pattern, not the Facade pattern.
In my opinion you should avoid service locator within your domain, opting to only use it in your service and web transport layers.
I think that in terms of laravel Facades help you keep you code simple and still testable since you can mock facades however might be a bit harder to tell a controllers dependencies if you use facades since they are probably all over the place in your code.
With dependency injection you need to write a bit more code since you need to deal with creating interfaces and services to handle the depenancies however Its a lot more clear later on what a controller depends on since these are clearly mentioned in the controller constructor.
I guess it's a matter of deciding which method you prefer using

What is the best way to inject repositories into an ASP.NET controller

We have a project written in ASP.NET MVC and we use NInject to inject the repositories into the controllers. Currently we are using properties and the Inject-attribute to inject the repositories, which works well enough:
public IMyRepository MyRepos {get;set;}
An alternative way of injecting would be to do it "manually" using the NInjectServiceLocator:
var myRepos = NInjectServiceLocatorInstance.Resolve<IMyRepository>();
Now I was wondering about the following: the first method requires all repositories to be listed at the top (not necessarily at the top of course, but it's the most logical place) of a controller. Whenever a request is made, NInject instantiates each and every repository. This happens regardless of whether all of the repositories are actually needed inside a specific Action.
With the second method you can more precisely control which repositories are actually necessary and thus this might save some overhead when the controller is created. But you probably also have to include code to retrieve the same repository in multiple places.
So which one would be better? Is it better to just have a bunch of repository-properties or is it better to resolve the repositories which are actually necessary for a specific action when and where you need them? Is there a performance penalty involved for injecting "useless" repositories? Are there (even ;-) better solutions out there?
I prefer constructor injection:
private readonly IMyRepository _repository;
public MyController(IMyRepository repository)
_repository = repository;
All your dependencies are listed in one operation
Your controller does not need to know anything about NInject
You can unit-test your controller without NInjects involvment by stubbing interfaces straight to the constructor
Controller has a cleaner code
NInject or any other DI framework will do the work behind the scenes and leave you concentrating on the actual problem, not DI.
Constructor Injection should be your default choice when using DI.
You should ask yourself if the controller is really dependent on that specific class to work at all.
Maybe Method injection could also be a solution for specific scenario's, if you have only specific methods that needs dependencies.
I've never used Property Injection but Mark Seeman describes it in his book (Dependency Injection in .NET):
PROPERTY INJECTION should only be used when the class you’re developing has a good
LOCAL DEFAULT and you still want to enable callers to provide different implementations
of the class’s DEPENDENCY.
PROPERTY INJECTION is best used when the DEPENDENCY is optional.
NOTE There’s some controversy around the issue of whether PROPERTY INJECTION
indicates an optional DEPENDENCY. As a general API design principle, I
consider properties to be optional because you can easily forget to assign
them and the compiler doesn’t complain. If you accept this principle in the
general case, you must also accept it in the special case of DI. 4
A local default is described as:
A default implementation of an ABSTRACTION that’s defined in the same assembly as
the consumer.
Unless you're building an API I would suggest not to use Property Injection
Whenever a request is made, NInject instantiates each and every repository. This happens regardless of whether all of the repositories are actually needed inside a specific Action.
I don't think you should worry to much about the performance when using constructor injection
By far my favorite method is:
public class MyController : Controller
public IMyRepository MyRepos {get;set;}
public MyController(IMyRepository repo)
MyRepos = repo;
So you can use a NuGet package, such as Ninject.MVC3 (or MVC4) which has specific support for including the Ninject kernel inside the MVC's own IoC classes
Once you have Ninject hooks in, you can let it do the work of injection instances into the controller's constructor, which I think is a lot cleaner.
Ahh, OK. Having read your question a bit more thoroughly, I see where you're going with this. In short, if you want to pick and choose which repo classes are instansiated then you will need to manually call, for example:
var myRepos = NInjectServiceLocatorInstance.Resolve<IMyRepository>();
You cannot configure Ninject (or any other IoC AFAIK) to selectively create object instances based on the currently execute method. That level of granularity is a real edge case I feel, which may be solvable by writing your own controller factory class, but that would be overkill.

Using Dependency injection to initialise Entity Framework model?

So i started looking into Dependency Injection and Ioc Containers. From what i know DI is used to avoid tighly coupling the classes or avoid creating the depending object out of the consumer class. But isnt it unnecessary to use DI if we are using that object only in one class?
Now my problem is how do i initialize my Entity model with unity?
Currently i use constructor injection as usual to initialise my Entity model as
public class Food
private FoodContext _foodContext
public Food(FoodContext food)
Now here FoodContext is my entity framework model, how do I initialise with unity? I may want to replace the model with another in future, so it may become a headache to find and replace all the reference across the entire solution.
So in order for doing that, am I going to create an interface first? I mean that autogenerated class contains lots and lots of properties and methods. that doesn't seem right.
So what is the normal practice of doing this?
To achieve that, take a look at the Repository pattern
The main Idea of Repository pattern : It abstracts the DataProvider using an interface and called using dependency injection that leads to two main benefits : Low coupling and Testability.

What are good candidates for base controller class in ASP.NET MVC?

I've seen a lot of people talk about using base controllers in their ASP.NET MVC projects. The typical examples I've seen do this for logging or maybe CRUD scaffolding. What are some other good uses of a base controller class?
There are no good uses of a base controller class.
Now hear me out.
Asp.Net MVC, especially MVC 3 has tons of extensibility hooks that provide a more decoupled way to add functionality to all controllers. Since your controllers classes are very important and central to an application its really important to keep them light, agile and loosely coupled to everything else.
Logging infrastructure belongs in a
constructor and should be injected
via a DI framework.
CRUD scaffolding should be handled by
code generation or a custom
ModelMetadata provider.
Global exception handling should be
handled by an custom ActionInvoker.
Global view data and authorization
should be handled by action filters.
Even easier with Global action filters
in MVC3.
Constants can go in another class/file called ApplicationConstants or something.
Base Controllers are usually used by inexperienced MVC devs who don't know all the different extensibility pieces of MVC. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not judging and work with people who use them for all the wrong reasons. Its just experience that provides you with more tools to solve common problems.
I'm almost positive there isn't a single problem you can't solve with another extensibility hook than a base controller class. Don't take on the the tightest form of coupling ( inheritance ) unless there is a significant productivity reason and you don't violate Liskov. I'd much rather take the < 1 second to type out a property 20 times across my controllers like public ILogger Logger { get; set; } than introduce a tight coupling which affects the application in much more significant ways.
Even something like a userId or a multitenant key can go in a ControllerFactory instead of a base controller. The coupling cost of a base controller class is just not worth it.
I like to use base controller for the authorization.
Instead of decorating each action with "Authorize" attribute, I do authorization in the base controller. Authorized actions list is fetched from database for the logged in user.
please read below link for more information about authorization.
Good practice to do common authorization in a custom controller factory?
I use it for accessing the session, application data etc.
I also have an application object which holds things like the app name etc and i access that from the base class
Essentially i use it for things i repeat a lot
Oh, i should mention i don't use it for buisiness logic or database access. Constants are a pretty good bet for a base class too i guess.
I have used base controller in many of my projects and worked fantastic. I mostly used for
Exception logging
Notification (success, error, adding..)
Invoking HTTP404 error handling
From my experience most of the logic you'd want to put in a base controller would ideally go into an action filter. Action Filter's can only be initialized with constants, so in some cases you just can't do that. In some cases you need the action to apply to every action method in the system, in which case it may just make more sense to put your logic in a base as opposed to annotating every action method with a new actionFilter attribute.
I've also found it helpful to put properties referencing services (which are otherwise decoupled from the controller) into the base, making them easy to access and initialized consistently.
What i did was to use a generic controller base class to handle:
I created BaseCRUDController<Key,Model> which required a ICRUDService<TModel> object as constructor parameter so the base class will handle Create / Edit / Delete. and sure in virtual mode to handle in custom situations
The ICRUDService<TModel> has methods like Save / Update / Delete / Find / ResetChache /... and i implement it for each repository I create so i can add more functionality to it.
using this structure i could add some general functionality like PagedList / AutoComplete / ResetCache / IncOrder&DecOrder (if the model is IOrderable)
Error / Notification messages handling: a part in Layout with #TempData["MHError"] code and a Property in base Controller like
public Notification Error
set { TempData["MHError"] = value; }
get { return (Notification) TempData.Peek("MHError"); }
With this Abstract classes i could easily handle methods i had to write each time or create with Code Generator.
But this approach has it's weakness too.
We use the BaseController for two things:
Attributes that should be applied to all Controllers.
An override of Redirect, which protects against open redirection attacks by checking that the redirect URL is a local URL. That way all Controllers that call Redirect are protected.
I'm using a base controller now for internationalization using the i18N library. It provides a method I can use to localize any strings within the controller.
Filter is not thread safe, the condition of database accessing and dependency injection, database connections might be closed by other thread when using it.
We used base controller:
to override the .User property because we use our own User object that should have our own custom properties.
to add global OnActionExecuted logic and add some global action-filters

ASP.NET MVC and IoC - Chaining Injection

Please be gentle, I'm a newb to this IoC/MVC thing but I am trying. I understand the value of DI for testing purposes and how IoC resolves dependencies at run-time and have been through several examples that make sense for your standard CRUD operations...
I'm starting a new project and cannot come up with a clean way to accomplish user permissions. My website is mostly secured with any pages with functionality (except signup, FAQ, about us, etc) behind a login. I have a custom identity that has several extra properties which control access to data... So....
Using Ninject, I've bound a concrete type* to a method (Bind<MyIdentity>().ToMethod(c => MyIdentity.GetIdentity()); so that when I add MyIdentity to a constructor, it is injected based on the results of the method call.
That all works well. Is it appropriate to (from the GetIdentity() method) directly query the request cookies object (via FormsAuthentication)? In testing the controllers, I can pass in an identity, but the GetIdentity() method will be essentially untestable...
Also, in the GetIdentity() method, I will query the database. Should I manually create a concrete instance of a repository?
Or is there a better way all together?
I think you are reasonably on the right track, since you abstracted away database communication and ASP.NET dependencies from your unit tests. Don't worry that you can't test everything in your tests. There will always be lines of code in your application that are untestable. The GetIdentity is a good example. Somewhere in your application you need to communicate with framework specific API and this code can not be covered by your unit tests.
There might still be room for improvement though. While an untested GetIdentity isn't a problem, the fact that it is actually callable by the application. It just hangs there, waiting for someone to accidentally call it. So why not abstract the creation of identities. For instance, create an abstract factory that knows how to get the right identity for the current context. You can inject this factory, instead of injecting the identity itself. This allows you to have an implementation defined near the application's composition root and outside reach of the rest of the application. Besides that, the code communicates more clearly what is happening. Nobody has to ask "which identity do I actually get?", because it will be clear by the method on the factory they call.
Here's an example:
public interface IIdentityProvider
// Bit verbose, but veeeery clear,
// but pick another name if you like,
MyIdentity GetIdentityForCurrentUser();
In your composition root you can have an implementation of this:
private sealed class AspNetIdentityProvider : IIdentityProvider
public MyIdentity GetIdentityForCurrentUser()
// here the code of the MyIdentity.GetIdentity() method.
As a trick I sometimes have my test objects implement both the factory and product, just for convenience during unit tesing. For instance:
private sealed class FakeMyIdentity
: FakeMyIdentity, IIdentityProvider
public MyIdentity GetIdentityForCurrentUser()
// just returning itself.
return this;
This way you can just inject a FakeMyIdentity in a constructor that expects an IIdentityProvider. I found out that this doesn’t sacrifice readability of the tests (which is important).
Of course you want to have as little code as possible in the AspNetIdentityProvider, because you can't test it (automatically). Also make sure that your MyIdentity class doesn't have any dependency on any framework specific parts. If so you need to abstract that as well.
I hope this makes sense.
There are two things I'd kinda do differently here...
I'd use a custom IPrincipal object with all the properties required for your authentication needs. Then I'd use that in conjunction with custom cookie creation and the AuthenticateRequest event to avoid database calls on every request.
If my IPrincipal / Identity was required inside another class, I'd pass it as a method parameter rather than have it as a dependency on the class it's self.
When going down this route I use custom model binders so they are then parameters to my actions rather than magically appearing inside my action methods.
NOTE: This is just the way I've been doing things, so take with a grain of salt.
Sorry, this probably throws up more questions than answers. Feel free to ask more questions about my approach.
