Changing Output for FasterCSV - ruby-on-rails

I currently have a controller that will handle a call to export a table into a CSV file using the FasterCSV gem. The problem is the information stored in the database isn't clear sometimes and so I want to change the output for a particular column.
My project.status column for instance has numbers instead of statuses ie 1 in the database corresponds to Active, 2 for Inactive and 0 for Not Yet decided. When I export the table it shows 0,1,2 instead of Active, Inactive or Not Yet decided. Any idea how to implement this?
I tried a simple loop that would check the final generated CSV file and change each 0,1,2 to its corresponding output, but the problem is every other column that had a 0,1,2 would change as well. I'm not sure how to isolate the column.
Thanks in advance
def csv
qt = params[:selection]
#lists = Project.find(:all, :order=> (params[:sort] + ' ' + params[:direction]), :conditions => ["name LIKE ? OR description LIKE ?", "%#{qt}%", "%#{qt}%"])
csv_string = FasterCSV.generate(:encoding => 'u') do |csv|
csv << ["Status","Name","Summary","Description","Creator","Comment","Contact Information","Created Date","Updated Date"]
#lists.each do |project|
csv << [project.status,, project.summary, project.description, project.creator, project.statusreason, project.contactinfo, project.created_at, project.updated_at]
filename ="%Y%m%d") + ".csv"
:type => 'text/csv; charset=UTF-8; header=present',
:filename => filename)

This is actually fairly easy. In your controller code:
#lists.each do |project|
csv << [project.descriptive_status,, project.summary, project.description, project.creator, project.statusreason, project.contactinfo, project.created_at, project.updated_at]
Then in your model code. You probably already have a method that decodes the DB status to a more descriptive one though:
def descriptive_status
case status
"Not Yet Decided"
There are probably a number of ways you can then refactor this. In the controller at least, it would probably be best to make that finder a more descriptive named scope. The constants in the model could be brought into SettingsLogic configuration or another similar gem.


Create timestamped labels on csv files (ruby code)

I am running a transaction download script through Ruby. I was wondering if it is possible to label each .csv it creates with the current date/time the script was run. Below is the end of the script."transaction_report.csv", "w") do |csv|
csv << header_row
search_results.each do |transaction|
transaction_details_row ={ |attribute| transaction.send(attribute) }
csv << transaction_details_row
Like this?"transaction_report-#{}.csv", "w") do |csv|
csv << header_row
search_results.each do |transaction|
transaction_details_row ={ |attribute| transaction.send(attribute) }
csv << transaction_details_row
This just appends the time of generation to the file name. For example:
# => "transaction_report-2019-10-10 16:09:07 +0100.csv"
If you want to avoid spaces in the file name, you can sub these out like so:
"transaction_report-#{\s/, '-')}.csv"
# => "transaction_report-2019-10-10-16:09:40-+0100.csv"
Is that what you're after? It sounds right based on the question, though happy to update if you're able to correct me :)

When CSV.generate, generate empty field without ""

Ruby 2.2, Ruby on Rails 4.2
I'm genarating some CSV data in Ruby on Rails, and want empty fields to be empty, like ,, not like ,"", .
I wrote codes like below:
def get_data
respond_to do |format|
format.csv do
#data = SheetRepository.accounts_data
send_data render_to_string, type: :csv
require 'csv'
csv_str = CSV.generate do |csv|
csv << [1,260,37335,'','','','','','']
And this generates CSV file like this.
I want CSV data like below.
It seems like Ruby adds "" automatically.
How can I do this??
In order to get CSV to output an empty column, you need to tell it that nothing is in the column. An empty string, in ruby, is still something, you'll need to replace those empty strings with nil in order to get the output you want:
csv_str = CSV.generate do |csv|
csv << [1,260,37335,'','','','','',''].map do |col|
col.respond_to?(:empty?) && col.empty? ? nil : col
# => 1,260,37335,,,,,,
In rails you can clean that up by making use of presence, though this will blank out false as well:
csv_str = CSV.generate do |csv|
csv << [1,260,37335,'',false, nil,'','',''].map(&:presence)
# => 1,260,37335,,,,,,
The CSV documentation shows an option that you can use for this case. There are not examples but you can guess what it does.
The only consideration is, you need to send an array of Strings, otherwise, you will get a NoMethodError
csv_str = CSV.generate(write_empty_value: nil) do |csv|
csv << [1,260,37335,'','','','','','', false, ' ', nil].map(&:to_s)
=> "1,260,37335,,,,,,,false, ,\n"
The benefit of this solution is, you preserve the false.
I resolved by myself!
in somethings_controller.rb
send_data render_to_string.gsub("\"\"",""), type: :csv

Rails Multiple CSV Export Buttons in Single View (i.e. Two or More)

I've followed Railscasts and the similar GoRails videos--searched SO for [rails] [csv] export to no avail. There's a similar but hard-to-follow question/answer called Two Export Buttons to CSV in Rails. I am able to add a single button to export my table records to csv (have chosen all records for this button).
I want to add a second (or nth) button to my view page to export a subset of table records...e.g. Event.where(country: some_country) in addition to the current (working fine) button/download that exports all records of a model. I thought this would be a common use of a csv export.
Here's what I have, working backwards:
Events Index view: I have a download button to export to CSV (added helper code for the glyph image)
<%= link_to glyph(:save), "events.csv", class: "btn btn-success" %>
If I want a second action, I need a different route than events.csv, right? So, I tried a new button changing "events.csv" to #events_us.csv.
Events Controller: have defined the 'what' and respond as all records (using ransack and will_paginate gems too):
def index
#search = Event.ransack(params[:q])
#events = #search.result.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 50)
#events_all = Event.all
respond_to do |format|
format.html # need to have html
format.csv { send_data #events_all.to_csv, filename: "Events-#{}.csv" }
Should I add a second format.csv in the respond_to do...? Tried that (i.e. defined a different instance variable like #events_us = Event.where(country: "US"), to no avail. Seems weird to have two format.csvs though. And, I get No route matches [GET] "/#events_us.csv"
I probably don't need to say much more, as I'm all kinds of lost on this one.
Event Model: use all scope, csv library, etc to organize the csv:
def self.to_csv
column_names = - %w[id created_at updated_at]
CSV.generate(headers: true) do |csv|
csv << column_names
all.each do |record|
csv << record.attributes.values_at(*column_names)
If I have a second respond_to action in the controller, could I have a second method like self.to_csv_us?
def self.to_csv_us
column_names = - %w[id created_at updated_at]
CSV.generate(headers: true) do |csv|
csv << column_names
#events_us.each do |record|
csv << record.attributes.values_at(*column_names)

extremely slow csv exporting

We are trying to generate a CSV file for users to download. However, it's extremely slow, about 5 minutes for 10k lines of CSV.
Any good idea on improving? Code below:
def download_data
start_date, end_date = get_start_end_date
report_lines = #report.report_lines.where("report_time between (?) and (?)", start_date, end_date)
csv_string = CSV.generate do |csv|
report_lines.each do |report_data|
csv << [report_data.time,, report_data.value]
respond_to do |format|
format.csv { send_data(csv_string, :filename => "#{}.csv", :type => "text/csv") }
I would start by checking if report_time is indexed, unindexed report_time is certainly going to contribute to the slowness. Refer to Active Record Migration for details on adding index.
Second, you could trim down the result to only what you need, i.e. instead of selecting all columns, select only time, name, and value:
report_lines = #report.report_lines
.where("report_time between (?) and (?)", start_date, end_date)
.select('time, name, value')
Try with:
def download_data
start_date, end_date = get_start_end_date
report_lines = #report.report_lines.where("report_time between (?) and (?)", start_date, end_date).select('time, name, value')
csv_string = CSV.generate do |csv| { |row| csv << row }
respond_to do |format|
format.csv { send_data(csv_string, :filename => "#{}.csv", :type => "text/csv") }
Check which part takes so much time.
If it's SQL query, then try to optimize it: check if you have indexes, maybe you need to force another index.
If query is fast, but Ruby is slow, then you can try 2 things:
either try some faster CSV lib (like fastest-csv)
generate as much of CSV as possible in SQL. What I mean is: instead of creating ActiveRecord objects there, fetch just concatenated string for each row. If it's better, but still too slow, you can end up generating just one big string in database and just rendering it for ust (this solution might not seem good, and it looks quite ugly, but in one project I had to use it, because it was the fastest way)

Problem in saving fields to database from csv using fastercsv

I am trying to save my csv data to table items which is associated with Item model.
This is what my csv have:
'name';'number';'sub_category_id';'category_id';'quantity';'sku'; 'description';'cost_price';'selling_price'
'Uploaded Item Number 1';'54';'KRT';'WN';'67';'WNKRT0054';'Some Description here!!';'780';'890'
'Uploaded Item Number 2';'74';'KRT';'WN';'98;'WNKRT0074';'Some Description here!!';'8660';'9790'
First row show the fields for items table.
Here I am using fastercsv to process my csv and paperclip to upload.
I am able to process file read content and able to fill up the field too here is the processing code:
def proc_csv
#import = Import.find(params[:id])
#lines = parse_csv_file(#import.csv.path)
#lines.each do |line , j|
unless line.nil?
line_split = line.split(";")
unless ((line_split[0].nil?) or (line_split[1].nil?) or (line_split[2].nil?) or (line_split[3].nil?) or (line_split[4].nil?) or (line_split[5].nil?))
# I used puts to get to know about what's going on.
puts "*"*50+"line_split[0]: #{line_split[0]}"+"*"*50
puts "*"*50+"line_split[1]: #{line_split[1]}"+"*"*50
puts "*"*50+"line_split[2]: #{line_split[2]}"+"*"*50
puts "*"*50+"line_split[3]: #{line_split[3]}"+"*"*50
puts "*"*50+"line_split[4]: #{line_split[4]}"+"*"*50
puts "*"*50+"line_split[5]: #{line_split[5]}"+"*"*50
puts "*"*50+"line_split[6]: #{line_split[6]}"+"*"*50
puts "*"*50+"line_split[7]: #{line_split[7]}"+"*"*50
puts "*"*50+"line_split[8]: #{line_split[8]}"+"*"*50
#item = [:name => line_split[0], :number => line_split[1], :sub_category_id => line_split[2],:category_id => line_split[3],:quantity => line_split[4], :sku => line_split[5], :description => line_split[6], :cost_price => line_split[7], :selling_price => line_split[8]]
puts "#"*100+"#item is: #{#item.inspect}"+"#"*100
redirect_to import_path(#import)
but the problem is that when it process it and when I check the #item in console it looks like this:
#####################################################################################################item is: [{:quantity=>"\000'\0006\0007\000'\000", :name=>"\000'\000U\000p\000l\000o\000a\000d\000e\000d\000 \000I\000t\000e\000m\000 \000N\000u\000m\000b\000e\000r\000 \0001\000'\000", :sku=>"\000'\000W\000N\000K\000R\000T\0000\0000\0005\0004\000'\000", :cost_price=>"\000'\0007\0008\0000\000'\000", :number=>"\000'\0005\0004\000'\000", :selling_price=>"\000'\0008\0009\0000\000'\000", :sub_category_id=>"\000'\000K\000R\000T\000'\000", :description=>"\000'\000S\000o\000m\000e\000 \000D\000e\000s\000c\000r\000i\000p\000t\000i\000o\000n\000 \000h\000e\000r\000e\000!\000!\000'\000", :category_id=>"\000'\000W\000N\000'\000"}]####################################################################################################
#####################################################################################################item is: [{:quantity=>"\000'\0009\0008\000", :name=>"\000'\000U\000p\000l\000o\000a\000d\000e\000d\000 \000I\000t\000e\000m\000 \000N\000u\000m\000b\000e\000r\000 \0002\000'\000", :sku=>"\000'\000W\000N\000K\000R\000T\0000\0000\0007\0004\000'\000", :cost_price=>"\000'\0008\0006\0006\0000\000'\000", :number=>"\000'\0007\0004\000'\000", :selling_price=>"\000'\0009\0007\0009\0000\000'\000", :sub_category_id=>"\000'\000K\000R\000T\000'\000", :description=>"\000'\000S\000o\000m\000e\000 \000D\000e\000s\000c\000r\000i\000p\000t\000i\000o\000n\000 \000h\000e\000r\000e\000!\000!\000'\000", :category_id=>"\000'\000W\000N\000'\000"}]####################################################################################################
Can anyone kindly tell me why am I getting this kind of string instead of simple string I entered in my csv file? And because of this it's not being saved into the items table too, I have tried all possible formats but nothing seems to be working. I want :name => "Uploaded Item Number 1" instead of :name=>"\000'\000U\000p\000l\000o\000a\000d\000e\000d\000 \000I\000t\000e\000m\000 \000N\000u\000m\000b\000e\000r\000 \0001\000'\000" . Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance :)
After punching my head on to the wall and getting frustrated with this issue, I figured out that it was my CSV file that was not in proper format (was in UTF16le) and when I made an another csv file in UTF-8 encoding, I get the break through. Though I'm left with one more issue which is the string that comes is like this: :name => "'Uploaded Item number 1'" So when it saves into the database the column contains the data is: 'Uploaded Item number 1' . Do you have any idea how can I do it to like this: :name => "Uploaded Item number 1" ?
