I'm using Grails 1.2.4. I would like to know on how can I sort by "countDistinct" (descending) and with groupProperty inside a projections.
Here are my domains:
class Transaction {
static belongsTo = [ customer : Customer, product : Product ]
Date transactionDate = new Date()
static constraints = {
class Product {
String productCode
static constraints = {
In MySQL terms, this is what I want:
group by
order by
count(product_id) desc
In general term, I would like to get a list of products (or just product id) sorted by the number of transactions a product had (descending)
This is my guess:
def c = Transaction.createCriteria() def transactions = c.list {
projections {
firstResult(pageIndex) }
def products = transactions.collect { it[0] }
But it doesn't give my expected result. Any lead on this will be highly appreciated. Thanks!
Try this:
def c = Transaction.createCriteria()
def transactions = c.list {
projections {
Your criteria query is actually equivalent to:
count(**distinct** product_id)
group by
order by
count(product_id) desc
Note the distinct. You want to count the number of distinct transactions per product, so counting the transaction id (or any transaction property) makes more sense. Product id just happens to work without the distinct clause.
You can turn on the super useful hibernate SQL logging for debugging this kind of issue. It will show you exactly how your criterias are being transformed into SQL. At runtime:
or throw this in your Config.groovy:
environments {
development {
log4j = {
debug 'org.hibernate'
EDIT: use countDistinct("id", "transactionCount") as the projection and order("transactionCount") will sort by the count.
I am using grails-2.5.6 version. I am using spring-security-core plugin. I have a criteria query on UserRole table. Where I want to find all distinct users by a role. It is working properly.
But the problem is the pagination effect. When I am counting on the list it is counting on UserRole list object. But I need the count on distinct projection items. Here is my attempt below:
def list(Integer max) {
def userInstanceList = UserRole.createCriteria().list(params) {
createAlias('user', 'au')
createAlias('role', 'ar')
projections {
if (params.roleId) {
eq('ar.id', params.getLong("roleId"))
def totalCount = userInstanceList.totalCount
[userInstanceList: userInstanceList, totalCount: totalCount]
Here, totalCount is the number of UserRole list. But I want the distinct projection count.
I would tackle this slightly differently, you want to analyse the users, not the userroles.
So I'd do something like:
List<User> usersWithRole = UserRole.createCriteria().list(params) {
role {
eq('id', params.getLong("roleId"))
int count = usersWithRole.size()
Unless of course there's hundreds or thousands of users, in which case I wouldn't want to load all of them each time and would revert to SQL.
Is this a custom version of spring security you're using? I've never seen Roles with a 'long' based ID, usually, the key is a String representing the Authority name.
Usually the DBAs see the use of distinct keyword as a code-smell.
In your case I would rather use the User as the main domain object to run the query against and a group by clause:
long id = params.getLong "roleId"
def list = User.createCriteria().list( params ) {
groupProperty 'userRole.role.id'
if( id )
eq 'id', id
Is there a way that I can get a list of distinct Order objects (based on customerName) with projections (selected fields only)?
Assuming only the id would be different, I want to fetch orders having unique customerName. Is it possible using projections or any other way?
My code is:
def criteria = Order.createCriteria()
def orders = criteria.list() {
and {
eq("showAddress", true)
like("customerName", "%abcdPqrs%")
projections {
return orders
The above code fetches duplicate (customerName) records from Order, how can I fix this?
If you will see the SQL query generated by GORM, you will find that the distinct will apply on a complete row instead of the customerName. You can enable the logs by putting
logSql = true
in datasource.groovy.
You can try this
def criteria = Order.createCriteria()
def orders = criteria.list() {
and {
eq("showAddress", true)
like("customerName", "%abcdPqrs%")
projections {
I have an app with the following entities:
class Topic {
String description
String name
boolean visibility = true
// Relation
static hasMany = [tests:Test]
class Test {
boolean active = true
String description
static hasMany = [evaluationsTest: Evaluation]
static belongsTo = [topic: Topic, catalog: Catalog]
When I show all visible topics to the user I request the query:
def visibleTopics = Topic.findAllByVisibility(true, [sort:"name", order:"asc"])
This query returns me for example: [['English'], ['Spanish']]. Then, I can show the full information about each topic to the user.
But I also want to indicate to the user the number of active test in each visible topic.
For example:
English topic has 2 active test.
Spanish topic has a total of 2 test. One is active and the other is not.
German topic has not any active test.
Then I need a query whose result is: def activeTotalEachTopic = [[2],[1],[0]] and I can pass the activeTotalEachTopic variable to the view (.gsp).
From the first query where I can obtain all visible topics, I get the number of active test.
def visibleTopics = Topic.findAllByVisibility(true, [sort:"name", order:"asc"])
def numberActiveTest = []
activeTopics.each { topic ->
def result = Test.findAllByTopicAndActive(topic, true).size()
And I pass to the view both variables.
render view: 'home', model: [activeTopics: activeTopics, numberActiveTest: numberActiveTest]
What you are missing is grouping so that you get the count per group, rather than a total count.
You also need to change the join type from the default inner join to an outer join in order for topics without an active test to return 0. However, a side-effect of this is that it changes how association properties are referenced due to the alias that's created by the join. Something like this:
import static org.hibernate.sql.JoinType.*
def activeTotalEachTopic = Topic.createCriteria().list() {
createAlias('tests', 't', LEFT_OUTER_JOIN)
eq 'visibility', true
or {
eq 't.active', true
isNull 't.id'
projections {
groupProperty 'name'
order ("name", "asc")
Now, another issue to address is that the output would be something like this due to the grouping: [['English', 2],['Spanish', 1],['German', 0]]. So what you can do is collect the second item in each sub-list:
// Which is the equivalent of...
activeTotalEachTopic.collect { it[1] }
To paraphrase a Grails example, I'm trying to fetch a list of books with no author. The author could be anonymous, or simply not set (null). So far I can search by value, I can search by null, but I can't seem to do both at once. Using the Book and Author example, let's say I have the following books...
"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain
"O: A Presidential Novel" by Anonymous
To find books by "Anonymous" I could do this...
Book.withCriteria {
author {
eq('name', 'Anonymous')
Returns "O: A Presidential Novel"
All is well. Now to find books with no author I can do this...
Book.withCriteria {
Returns "Beowulf"
That's fine too. So to fetch both books I should 'or' them together...
Book.withCriteria {
or {
author {
eq('name', 'Anonymous')
Returns "O: A Presidential Novel"
Why doesn't this return both books? I'm using Grails 2.3.7 with Hibernate
I've found a query that works though I'm confused how it's different...
Book.withCriteria {
or {
// author {
// eq('name', 'Anonymous')
// }
sqlRestriction('{alias}.author_id = (select author_id from authors where name = ?)', 'Anonymous')
As mentioned in another answer, association queries like that map to an inner join at the SQL level. You can instead do a left outer join using createAlias:
def list = c.list {
createAlias('author', 'a', CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN)
or {
eq('a.name', 'Anonymous')
Your 3rd query results in this SQL statement (Grails 2.4.4, PostgreSQL):
select ...
from book b inner join author a on b.author_id = a.id
where (b.author_id is null or (a.name=$1))
So Grails emits an inner join which eliminates all books without an author. I don't know if it is possible that Grails emits an outer join here.
As for your 4th query using sqlRestriction, this results in a sub select:
select ...
from book b
where (b.author_id is null or b.author_id =
(select author_id from author where name = $1))
So this works, but generally speaking sub selects might be slower than inner/outer joins.
Did you try to do ? It seems that you get just the first result.
def c = Book.createCriteria()
def list = c.list{
or {
author {
eq('name', 'Anonymous')
I ran into some problems while trying to count items.
Imagine the following domain classes
class Book {
String name
class Author {
String name
static hasMany = [books:Book]
How do I get a list of Authors sorted by number of Books?
here's my try:
def c = Author.createCriteris()
c.list {
projections {
count 'books', 'numBooks'
groupProperty 'id'
order 'numBooks', 'desc'
but somehow I get only unusable results... and I don't know how to join the Author objects to the rsult list.... :-(
Havent tried it, but couldn't you do something like:
class Author {
String name
static hasMany = [books:Book]
static namedQueries = {
sortByMostBooks {
books {
order('size', 'desc')
And then get access by the cleaner named query
In addition, you may want to include a belongsTo in you Book domain class:
static belongsTo = Author;
static belongsTo = [authors:Author];
if a book is likely to have multiple authors
got something!
I still don't know how to do it with a criteria, but by switching to HQL, I succeeded.
So if someone comes up with a criteria solution, he will still get the bonus for the correct answer :-)
here is my query:
a, size(a.books) as numBooks
Author a
group by
order by
numBooks DESC
This query isn't efficient, since it fetches all Authors in a loop, but that's ok for now.