is it possible to use swing/awt with blackberry/j2me? - blackberry

just want to know that if i can use swing/awt component with blackberry or j2me.
if yes how can i plugin it into eclipse.

finally it is not possible to use swing component with blackberry/j2me.Mobiles doesnt support swing/awt.

If you are familiar with Swing, you might like to take a look at LWUIT:, which has Blackberry support (to some extent).
That said, ideally I'd go for native Blackberry UI.

The blackberry UI APIs resemble swing/awt (including things like layout managers). So swing code isn't directly usable but if you know swing you'll be at home.


Can Delphi VCL project be compiled to a browser plugin?

I have a Delphi VCL application which I'm using to show some pictures and I would like to know if there is any possibility to transform it into a browser plugin (like firefox, google chrome etc ) in order to load it remotely, like a java applet.
for all of them the answer is NO. even for IE it is sometimes difficult...VCL applications means win32/64 development in general, browsers are more 'related' to web development. you can reconsider and try to resolve this by using an already existing platform which can be easily integrated into web browsers like Shockwave (yeah, I don't like to give links to wikipedia...) or another similar tool.
You can use VirtualUI from CybeleSoft to run your Windows app in a browser. You still need to set up your backend server with database etc, and make sure that some operations are blocked - you don't want someone to browse through your server files ;-)
There are options:
ActiveX plugin (you might need to enable ActiveX support in browser or use a special plugin to enable it)
NPAPI plugin (will be deprecated in Chrome in late 2014). See question: How to embed Delphi VCL form into HTML page using NPAPI?
Take a look at the samples on Raudus. It might be what you are looking for. It will be interesting for you to read this about VCL compatible component set for the web.

Tools for prototyping iPad applications

I would like to build a GUI prototype for an iPad application. The prototype can use static data (e.g. an xml file) but should look good and be fully functional, i.e. support user gestures, etc.
Obviously, I can program it in Objective-C. I wonder if I can use any other tool to build such a GUI easier. Does such a tool exist ?
Maybe I should use a GUI builder to build a "static" GUI and add some Objective-C code to make it react on user gestures. Does it make sense ?
You could use Antetype
It ships with various look and feels including ios and Android.

Windows 7 integration with Delphi

I need components to integrate my app to Windows 7. I'm talking about the taskbar's ability to have progressbar, buttons, text and so on.
What is the best you know?
I don't know about components, but I've seen a few blog posts that explain how to implement this yourself. Check out and, for example.
Daniel Wischnewski is developing some Windows 7 components for Delphi.
This video on his blog, demonstrates some of the features.
There's a package of Windows 7 components, free with source, at The best I can say is that the components perform as expected, when you work out how to use them: the implementation is not very elegant and I found it hard to get started with them. Mason Wheeler's link to DrBob's post will get you to about the same point but you will gain useful knowledge along the way.
There is also a project hosted on goolge code from The unknownones with a component set
called TaskbarListComponents.
It looks to be a very nice and a complete implementation.
You can see them in action here. TTaskbarListThumbButtons and TTaskbarListOverlayIcon TTaskbarListProgress TTaskbarlistFormTab and TTaskbarlistControlTab

BlackBerry java UI development

Is there a tool for BlackBerry java application UI development. I do not find drag and drop options in xml file in eclipse like in Android SDK. Is there something like Droid Draw here too? I am new to BB Java dev, any pointers are appreciated.
Unfortunately no... There is no designer tool for blackberry ui, it must all be done in code. I heard that RIM plans on coming out with something of the kind but there is no such tool available at the moment.
There are tutorials on how to create many of the common UI, if you are searching for something specific I'm sure you can find some sample code to get you started.

Firefox extension: native code execution?

Is it possible to write an extension that runs native, platform-dependent code? I'm an extension-newbie (what a phrase!) :), can you please point me towards good material on this subject? (good keywords to feed to Google are enough)
(I would like to put a GtkMenu in Firefox)
I started checking out the Gecko SDK, and it's a rather big subject, and I'm not sure this is what I want.
I'd be happy with a friendly manual (which is not a raw reference, but rather some kind of tutorial on how to make extensions that utilize XPCOM (if that is the way). Good keywords are still appreciated.
Check out the Gecko SDK.
You can use it make portable C++ native code firefox extensions which I believe are XPCOM objects with JavaScript wrappers in the .xpm zip file.
I haven't tried it, but you can go the usual route and write the plugin, I mean extension, in javascript also.
Native Client doesn't quite offer the breadths of API firefox extensions offer, but it's still well worth checking out for your purposes IMHO.
Yes, you can. Witness the Cooliris extension, that makes (heavy) use of your 3D graphics card, and is Windows specific.
