ROR: Paperclip styles - ruby-on-rails

I have a model that handles all my uploads of different filetypes.
How do I create a style with the same name as the :basename so that the url will be the same for images and non-image files?

Try this
class Upload < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :photo,
:styles => {
:thumb => {"115x70>"},
:orig => {"300x168>"} }
As long as you specify two different styles, it'll create two different styles associated with your Upload object.
Then you can call them via :
= image_tag
= image_tag

You are going to need to create a custom processor, then inside that processor you can call the IM methods for images and ignore the rest.
I didn't put much research into it, but this link might get you headed in the right direction:

The thumbnails will be created when
the new file is assigned, but they
will not be saved until save is called
on the record. Likewise, if the
attribute is set to nil is called on
it, the attachment will not be deleted
until save is called. See the
Paperclip::Attachment documentation
for more specifics.

I know this is a simple question, but are you sure you have ImageMagick installed properly? Most problems that I've ran in to happen because ImageMagick isn't compiled/installed correctly. If you watch the logs, Paperclip will hum along and silently fail.


ActiveStorage Thumbnail Persistence

I have migrated my Rails app to 5.2.0. Before I was using Paperclip. Paperclip generates different variants like thumbnail and avatar when an image is uploaded. How can I achieve this with ActiveStorage? I know we can do this user.avatar.variant(resize_to_fit: [100, 100]) but to me it's like doing this over and over again. I'm aiming to do pre-processing of these variants once it's uploaded.
Also you guys can suggest a better technique if this is bad from your experience.
Using .processed is the correct way to check if that variant was already processed and uploaded to the storage service.
One thing that Paperclip did nicely was the styles: {} object, in which you could list all the different transformations you wanted to do for thumbnails, etc, and name them.
Here's how I am handling named & stored transformations. This also keeps my template syntax shorter:
class Image < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one_attached :image_file
def self.sizes
thumbnail: { resize: "100x100" },
hero1: { resize: "1000x500" }
def sized(size)
Then in a template, say I have #image, I can simply call #image.sized(:hero1)
#aguardientico is correct that by add the .processed method to your variant object which will use the blob key to check if the file already exists on your service before attempting to re-produce the whole process again.
Also something to know in addition is the resize_to_fit is a ImageProcessing gem transformation method and is not supported yet by Rails 5.2. Instead right now it uses MiniMagick where you would append > to the resize method for paperclip.
so rewritten it would look like user.avatar.variant(resize: "100x100>")

Carrierwave, creating a duplicate attachment when duplicating its containing model

I would like to duplicate a model. The original model contains an attachment through Carrierwave. Ideally, a new attachment would be created, that is a copy of the original image, for the new model object.
I have looked through the Carrierwave documentation, and googled this problem, but have not found a solution that creates a new duplicate of the original image. Is this reasonable? Possible?
I don't believe Carrierwave has this option. However, you can make use of the *_remote_url= method to set the new model's picture to be a duplicate of the first.
Here's a brief example
Say I have a model which has_one :photo attached with carrierwave. I can duplicate, the model, set the photo to the previous one and save it. Example:
first_model = User.first
duplicate_model = first_model.dup #(where the dup code duplicates everything else you need)
duplicate_model.remote_photo_url = first_model.photo_url
This would then "copy" the photo from the first object into your second as a new carrierwave attachment.
While copy_carrierwave_file is a neat gem it is not nescessary as long as you use local storage.
carrierwave can use local files as source of attachments and you can use this to duplicate the attachment:
first_user = User.first
duplicate_user = first_user.dup = if
This is more efficient than routing the image twice through your web server.
Try this gem , it handles both local storage and Fog storage
original_resource = User.last
new_resource =, new_resource, :avatar).set_file
nev_resource.avatar.url # https://...image.jpg
For me with CarrierWave 0.10 this works just fine:
user = User.first
dup_user = user.dup =
Although I'm not sure how this works out when using cloud storage like S3
Extracted from the Carrierwave wiki page:
YourModel.find_each do |ym|
ym.process_your_uploader_upload = true # only if you use carrierwave_backgrounder
ym.your_uploader.recreate_versions!(:version1, :version2)!
rescue => e
puts "ERROR: YourModel: #{} -> #{e.to_s}"
I needed to fully duplicate the whole version set on S3, while some of the versions were cropped.
Unfortunately, remote_#{column}_url= method was of no help, because by the time the versions are recreated, there are no crop params on the model:
I used RailsCasts approach using attr_accessor to crop the avatar, and those params weren't stored in the DB.
After some research and a lot of failures, I found this answer and noticed that copy_to method.
It turned out that both SanitizedFile and Storage::Fog have it, so it's possible to use it for local and S3 files. I didn't however investigate how it literally works and decided to let Carrierwave a chance to take care of it.
class AvatarUploader
def duplicate_to(target)
return unless file.present? && target.logo.file.present?
versions.keys.each do |version|
That's all it takes to fully duplicate the images, no matter if they are cropped or not.
There's a catch, however: you should only call duplicate_to after the model is already saved with other avatar, or the target path would be nil. Thus, one useless round of processing takes place for the new record.
new_user.assign_attributes(old_user.slice(:avatar, :avatar_alignment))
# Won't work!
old_user.avatar.duplicate_to(new_user) # => as the `new_user` hasn't persisted yet, its avatar files are Tempfiles # => will recreate the versions from the original image, losing the cropped versions!
# But this works # => the avatar will be stored as a set of versions created from the original (useless processing)
old_user.avatar.duplicate_to(new_user) # => the avatar files will be rewritten by the copies of old_user files
I think it's a good idea to store the crop params somewhere in the DB in a JSON-like object for such cases (and to be protected from losing cropping data when you have to recreate_versions!), but if that's not an option, this solution might be what you seek.
As this thread is the first G-link when searching for carrierwave duplicate, I decided to post this answer exactly here.
Carrierwave 1.3.2 with fog-aws 1.2.0.
Hope this helps someone or the future me!
This worked for me:
user = User.first
dup_user = user.dup =

Paperclip returning a url for non existing styles

I've added paperclip styles to my Rails model:
class Asset < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :media,
:styles => {:thumb => "100x100>"}
New assets that are uploaded have the appropriate thumb style and this returns the correct url:
asset = Asset.last = correct_url
But it seems as though even styles that don't exist return a url:
asset = Asset.last = some_url
I'm adding new styles to my model such as "large" and if that style doesn't exist for previously saved model instances, i'd expect it to return an error or an empty string.
If a style doesn't exist for an instance, how can get paperclip to return an empty string?
asset = Asset.last #doesn't have style foobar = '' #or could return an error
I'm not sure if I understand what exactly you want.
If you want to get an error/empty string when requesting an url for JUST WRONG style (i.e. developer misspell it), then you can try following.
By default it just replace tags as you specified in has_attached_file. See interpolate method.
Looks like it is possible to change this default behavior with options. You'll need to implement similar class to Paperclip::Interpolations. See self.default_options here. :interpolator is the one for you.
On the other hand, if you want to get empty url for missing style for particular attachment (i.e. correct, but file not exists for some reason - maybe you've just add new style), then:
I guess this could hit performance (i.e. working with filesystems or even external service). So, not a good idea for generic usage.
You probably should consider run rake tasks when add new style. Paperclip already have rake paperclip:missing_styles (on github) to do this. But this might be very long running task (E.g. my hosting server kills rake process before completion).
And again you can make your own interpolator if performance is not an issue for you.
If a style doesn't exist for an instance, how can get paperclip to
return an empty string?
In that simple case, setting :default_url to "" should work:
class Asset < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :media, :styles => {:thumb => "100x100>"}, :default_url => ""
I did not think :default_url would handle that scenario, I'll have to check. But what I've done for your case when I really need to know if a style exists is something like the following:
flavor = (Faraday.head( == 200) ? :output : :original
url =
It downloads the file which you take a hit for so keep that in mind. This also assumes you don't want to reprocess all your existing attachments with the paperclip rake task.

Using carrierwave to upload one image to multiple storage location

I would like to be able to upload one image into two different locations: one location would be on the local filesystem (of the server) and the other would be Amazon S3 (the Amazon S3 location would be optional).
My current environment is Rails 3.2.8, Ruby 1.9.3, with Carrierwave used for uploading the file.
I've had some success using the following method:
class Image < ActiveRecord:Base
attt_accessor :remote
before_save :configure_for_remote
mount_uploader :image, ImageUploader #stores images locally
mount_uploader :image_remote, ImageRemoteUploader #store images on S3
def configure_for_remote
if self.remote=="1"
self.image_remote = self.image.dup
Relevant view form fields (simple form syntax)
<p><%= f.input :image, as: :file %></p>
<p><%= f.input :remote, as: :boolean %></p>
The user checks the "remote" checkbox in the form and chooses the image to upload. The before_save callback stores a duplicate of image into image_remote, the file is processed by their respective uploaders, and I have my desired result.
However, I'm starting to run into problems when I want to update that field. For example, if the user chooses to first upload the file locally and not to S3 (does not check the remote checkbox), then later comes back to the form and checks the remote checkbox. In this case, the before_save callback does not get run because no real active record column has been changed (only the remote flag). I've tried to use before_validation, but this fails to work (the image_remote uploader stores the proper filename in the image_remote column, but the image does not get uploaded to S3). Obviously something is changing between the before_validation and the before_save (image attribute is being converted to and uploader?) but I can't seem to figure out why this doesn't work.
With all this being said, I think my approach with using dup is a bit of a hack, and I'm hoping someone can advise me in a more elegant way of reaching my goal.
Thanks for your help.
I was to solve this, although I'm still not sure if it's the most elegant solution.
First off, I mentioned in my question that when I registered config_for_remote_upload with the before_validation callback, the file was not uploaded to S3, but the image_remote column was populated. Upon further inspection, the situation is even worse. When initializing the image_remote uploader within the before_validation callback, all files were deleted on the S3 storage bucket! I replicated this a couple times. I only tested when the store_dir was set to nil in the uploaded, thus putting the files at the root of the bucket.
Initializing the image_remote column in during the before_save callback does not have this problem. In order force the record to save (it wouldn't save, because only a non db column attribute was being changed) I added a before_validation that changed the update_at field of the record.
before_validation: :change_record_updated_at
def change_record_updated_at
I also moved away from using dup, not because it didn't work, but rather because I didn't know why it worked. Instead I created a StringIO object for the file and assigned that to the image_remote column.
def config_for_remote_upload
if self.remote.to_i==1
#self.image_remote = self.image.dup
#this will open the file as binary
img_binary ={ |i| }
img_encoded = Base64.encode64(img_binary)
io =
io.original_filename = self.image.file.original_filename
self.image_remote = io
elsif self.remote.to_i==0
#delete remote image and clear field
self.remove_image_remote = true
See here for further info on FilelessIO (StringIO with original_filename).
With this configuration, the file can be uploaded to the second storage location (S3 in my case) after the initial upload.
Hope this helps someone else out.

Rails: Preventing Duplicate Photo Uploads with Paperclip?

Is there anyway to throw a validation error if a user tries to upload the same photo twice to a Rails app using Paperclip? Paperclip doesn't seem to offer this functionality...
I'm using Rails 2.3.5 and Paperclip (obviously).
SOLUTION: (or one of them, at least)
Using Beerlington's suggestion, I decided to go with an MD5 Checksum comparison:
class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :image #, ...
before_validation_on_create :generate_md5_checksum
validate :unique_photo
def generate_md5_checksum
self.md5_checksum = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(
def unique_photo
photo_digest = self.md5_checksum
errors.add_to_base "You have already uploaded that file!" unless User.find(self.user_id).photos.find_by_md5_checksum(photo_digest).nil?
# ...
Then I just added a column to my photos table called md5_checksum, and voila! Now my app throws a validation error if you try to upload the same photo!
No idea how efficient/inefficient this is, so refactoring's welcome!
What about doing an MD5 on the image file? If it is the exact same file, the MD5 hash will be the same for both images.
For anyone else trying to do this. Paperclip now has md5 hashing built in. If you have a [attachment]_fingerprint in your model, paperclip will populate this with the MD5.
Since I already had a column named hash_value, I made a 'virtual' attribute called fingerprint
#Virtual attribute to have paperclip generate the md5
def picture_fingerprint
def picture_fingerprint=(md5Hash)
And, with rails3, using sexy_validations, I was able to simply add this to the top my my model to ensure that the hash_value is unique before it saves the model:
validates :hash_value, :uniqueness => { :message => "Image has already been uploaded." }
You might run into a problem when your images have amended EXIF metadata. This happened to me, and I had to extract pixel values and calculate MD5s out of them, to ignore changes made by Wordpress etc. You can read about it on our blog: but essentially you want to get the pixel data out of image with some tool (like RMagick), concatinate it to string, and calculate MD5 out of that.
As Stephen indicated, your biggest issue is how to determine if a file is a duplicate, and there is no clear answer for this.
If these are photos taken with a digital camera, you would want to compare the EXIF data. If the EXIF data matches then the photo is most likely a duplicate. If it is a duplicate then you can inform the user of this. You'll have to accept the upload initially though so that you examine the EXIF data.
I should mention that EXIFR is a nice ruby gem for examining the EXIF data.
