Copy core data database between two iphone - ios

I'm coding an app with core data. I need to sync the database between two iphones running the same app maybe via bonjour...
Can anyone help?

I would suggest using cocoahttpserver for the basic network communication. Now you can either
copy your sqlite file if used in CoreData
use some exchange-format (xml, json) on top of the server communication.
I myself would consider idea one being quite bad in most situations, also it might fit for your use-case.
With idea two you will have more work but more control about the data representation on each phone.
Actually we are using idea two in my company. But I can't post any code here.


Is it possible to use Core Data in a document-based application?

I'm working on an iOS app that will need to save data onto files. I chose to go for a Document Based app, precisely an app based on a UIDocumentBrowserViewController so that I can easily save and load files from the system's Files app.
Since the data I need to save/load on a file is quite complex: big hierarchy of different objects, with meta-data, image files, etc. I'm wondering what is the best technology to use going forward.
I came across NSFileWrapperand its ability to save different files as one. And I could definitely use that. But I also saw UIManagedDocument and the ability to use Core Data in my project while maybe saving the content of the Core Data database (I know it's not quite a database, but you know what I mean) into a file that I could write somewhere in the File App.
Is this a behavior I can expect?
To reformulate: I'm wondering if I can read/write files through a UIDocumentBrowserViewController, with data described by a UIManagedDocument that works with Core Data.
Thank you in advance. 🙂
As you have discovered, UIManagedDocument is there for your kind of application. And it does feature methods to write and read additional content like the metadata or image files you have, within the document package.
That being said, I have never used UIManagedDocument, and have never seen it used by others. A quick search of GitHub finds only this one project with two contributors who wrote a wrapper around it in 2013. Also, there does not seem to be any sample code from Apple, and the remark in the the writeAdditionalContent(_:to:originalContentsURL:) documentation that Additional content is not supported on iCloud leaves me a little concerned, but maybe it's a good sign that the Core Data team knows where to draw the line.
I have used the macOS counterpart of UIManagedDocument, NSPersistentDocument. It is in a similar situation of not being used very much, but with many more known technical issues. So a few years ago I switched to BSManagedDocument, which purportedly mimics UIManagedDocument to support Core Data in all its modern glory. I have been happy with BSManagedDocument.
In summary, if I was in your situation, yes I would give UIManagedDocument a try. But don't be surprised if you need to use a DTS support incident or two during your development.

Sync Core Data across Devices

Hey at the moment I'm learning Swift and started to create an App for that. Everything is fine and I think I know the basics now. In that App, I use CoreData to save my Data but I would like to Sync that across Devices
Is there a way with Icloud to do that, I found there is something called "Core Data Ensembles" But is there a better way, or should I use the IcloudKit, if I can do the same things in IcloudKit with the relations like in coreData.
I just found old posts about that, so maybe there is a better way to do this.
Thanks in advance
Such synchronization works without any libraries involved. The main trick here is to place SQL file (or whatever you use for storing data) into a special folder that is going to be synced, so-called ubiquity container, and specify path to it for your persistent store coordinator. Here you can check high-level description of how it works, and there are a lot of step-by-step tutorials about it, e.g. here.

Core Data iCloud sync or smth else?

I build an iOS app which works with base. User can work with it everywhere, that is cool. When application starts for the first time, obviously, base will be empty. For now, user's base stores data locally with Core Data. But there is a case, when user may have his own base with a lot of data and he do not want to start work from scratch. For this reason I want to create simple Cocoa App for macOS, which will allow user to import some data from, for example - CSV file.
Both Core Data models (iOS app and macOS app) will be the same. I just want to make sync between two platforms.
I think it's possible with cloudKit, but which way is the best? Core Data Sync or smth like supporting MySQL database on server, etc...
Thanks in advance!
Asking which method is "best" is a matter of opinion, but in mine, Apple has made working with iCloud fairly simple. If all you want to do is sync between platforms, I would use cloudKit. There seems to be no reason to spin up your own MYSQL database instance and introduce another level of complexity, when the functionality you're looking for is free and easily accessible.
See this WWDC16 video for some cloudKit tips:

Basics of simple text data collection iOS apps. Where is the data stored?

I'm trying to inch my way towards building a data collection app for a specific application. Eventually I want to have drop-down and manual text entries, building a dataset that I can export as a CSV and manipulate further in Excel.
I've used some apps like Fulcrum, but eventually I'd like to add some more functionality to the app. Basically I'm trying to figure out how these apps are storing the entered data, then pushing it to a server when internet access is available. What are some general options that I should explore to do this magic?
Thank you!
You can store data with Core Data, you can use the native API's and methods or external libraries which will make a lot easier all the work, such as Magical Record and more.
If you want native I recommend you AppCoda tutorials, you need to do a lot of research to start with core data.
And also you can use an external library to store this info into a server or in the cloud.
I've heard Parse is great.
Hope it helps.

Best practice to deliver Core Data App with content?

Hey guys,
what would you say is the best way to ship initial data with an Core Data iOS App?
Is it maybe to once run the app, store the data and then insert the datafile in the build?
There must be a better way..
I have had good experiences with loading the data into a sqlite backing in the simulator, and then bundling the resulting sqlite file with the app.
Especially for bigger datasets, first-run filling of the database is not really an option.
I've been toying around with the same problem myself, recently; and what I opted for was to store the data in the app in some easily parsable (for me) format, and parse and incorporate it on first run.
