Moving a 3d camera on XNA - directx

Im doing some practices on XNA, and i created a class that represents a Camera.
My objective is that when the user press some keys make a translation of the camera (not the target) 90 degrees in the X axys (to see an object that i placed in the scene from different angles). By the moment i move the camera in X, Y, and Z without problems.
Actually to set up my camera i use the following lines of code:
public void SetUpCamera()
#region ## SET DEFAULTS ##
this.FieldOfViewAngle = 45.0f;
this.AspectRatio =1f;
this.NearPlane = 1.0f;
this.FarPlane = 10000.0f;
this.ProjectionMatrix = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(MathHelper.ToRadians(this.FieldOfViewAngle), 16 / 9, this.NearPlane, this.FarPlane);
this.ViewMatrix = Matrix.CreateLookAt(new Vector3(this.PositionX, this.PositionY, this.PositionZ), new Vector3(this.TargetX, this.TargetY, this.TargetZ), Vector3.Up);
I have this method to move the camera:
public void UpdateView()
this.ViewMatrix = Matrix.CreateLookAt(new Vector3(this.PositionX, this.PositionY, this.PositionZ), new Vector3(this.TargetX, this.TargetY, this.TargetZ), Vector3.Up);
Then in the game (update event handler i have the following code)
if (keyboardstate.IsKeyDown(Keys.NumPad9))
this.GameCamera.PositionZ -= 1.0f;
if (keyboardstate.IsKeyDown(Keys.NumPad3))
this.GameCamera.PositionZ += 1.0f;
I would like to know how to make this camera translation of 90 degrees to surround one object that i placed in the screen.
To explain my self better about the camera movement here is a video on youtube that uses the exact movement that im trying to describe (see from 14 second)

Assuming the camera in the video is orbiting the car, here is how you would accomplish that in XNA.
For the sake of readability, we'll just use vectors instead of their individual components. So 'target' means it's a Vector3 that includes TargetX, TargetY, & TargetZ. Same with the camera’s position. You can break X, Y, Z values out into fields and make Vector3s out of them to plug into this code if you want to later, but really it would be best for you to work at vector level instead of component level.
//To orbit the car (target)
cameraPosition = Vector3.Transform(cameraPosition – target, Matrix.CreateRotationY(0.01f)) + target;
this.ViewMatrix = Matrix.CreateLookAt(cameraPosition, target, Vector3.Up);
Since all matrix rotations act about an axis that intersects the world origin, to use a rotation matrix to rotate the camera around the car, the object of rotation has to be shifted such that the target (and thus the rotation axis) is located at the world origin. CameraPosition - target accomplishes that. Now cameraPosition can be rotated a little bit. Once cameraPosition is rotated a little bit, it needs to be sent back to the scene at hand, that's what the '+ target' at the end of the line is for.
The 0.01f can be adjusted to whatever rotation rate suits you.


SceneKit - Rotate object around X and Z axis

I’m using ARKit with SceneKit. When user presses a button I create an anchor and to the SCNNode corresponding to it I add a 3D object (loaded from a .scn file in the project).
The 3D object is placed facing the camera, with the same orientation the camera has. I would like to make it look like the object is laying on a plane surface and not inclined if it is that way. So, if I got it right, I’d need to apply a rotation transformation so that it’s rotation around the X and Z axis become 0.
My attempt at this is: take the node’s x and z eulerAngles, invert them, and rotate that amount around each axis
let rotationZ = rotationMatrixAroundZ(radians: -node.eulerAngles.z)
let rotationX = rotationMatrixAroundX(radians: -node.eulerAngles.x)
let rotationTransform = simd_mul(rotationTransformX, rotationTransformZ)
node.transform = SCNMatrix4(simd_mul(simd_float4x4(node.transform), rotationTransform))
This works all right for most cases, but in some the object is rotated in completely strange ways. Should I be setting the
rotation angle to anything else than just the inverse of the current Euler Angle? Setting the angles to 0 directly did not work at all.
I've come across this and figured out I was running into gimbal lock. The solution was to rotate the node around one axis, parent it to another SCNNode(), then rotate the parent around the other axis. Hope that helps.
You don't have to do the node transform on a matrix, you can simply rotate around a specific axis and that might be a bit simpler in terms of the logic of doing the rotation.
You could do something like:
node.runAction(SCNAction.rotateBy(x: x, y: y, z: z, duration: 0.0))
Not sure if this is the kind of thing you're looking for, but it is simpler than doing the rotation with the SCNMatrix4
Well, I managed a workaround, but I'm not truly happy with it, so I'll leave the question unanswered. Basically I define a threshold of 2 degrees and keep applying those rotations until both Euler Angles around X and Z are below the aforementioned threshold.
func layDownNode(_ node: SCNNode) {
let maxErrDegrees: Float = 2.0
let maxErrRadians = GLKMathDegreesToRadians(maxErrDegrees)
while (abs(node.eulerAngles.x) > maxErrRadians || abs(node.eulerAngles.z) > maxErrRadians) {
let rotationZ = -node.eulerAngles.z
let rotationX = -node.eulerAngles.x
let rotationTransformZ = rotationMatrixAroundZ(radians: rotationZ)
let rotationTransformX = rotationMatrixAroundX(radians: rotationX)
let rotationTransform = simd_mul(rotationTransformX, rotationTransformZ)
node.transform = SCNMatrix4(simd_mul(simd_float4x4(node.transform), rotationTransform))

Map device tilt to physicsWorld gravity?

I'm building a "marble" labyrinth game in order to learn spritekit basics.
I want to map the gravity of the game to the tilt of the device. I've been trying to figure out how to do it but I've only been able to map the y axis successfully:
class func obtainGravity(motionManager: CMMotionManager) {
var vec = CGVectorMake(0, 0)
if let attitude = motionManager.deviceMotion?.attitude? {
let y = CGFloat(-attitude.pitch * 2 / M_PI) // This works, it returns 1/-1 when the device is vertical (1 when the home button is upside down)
let x = CGFloat(attitude.roll * 2 / M_PI) // This doesn't work
physicsWorld.gravity = CGVectorMake(x, y)
I could map the Y axis which makes the ball go "up" or "down" (relative to portrait mode) however I don't understand how to map the X axis (the pull from the side of the device).
For example, when putting the device flat on the table (x, y) should be (0,0) and when putting it on the table screen-down it should also be (0,0) however attitude.roll returns -179. Also if I keep my device vertical (on portrait mode) and turn on my feet keeping the device still, gravity should remain (x: 0, y: 1) however x continues to change as it's based on attitude.roll
How can this be done?
The most straightforward way would be to take accelerometer updates, not device motion updates, and directly read the gravity vector from there — that's exactly what the accelerometer captures: a measure of gravity in the device's coordinate system.
Sadly I'm a Swift thickie so can't provide example code but you're looking to provide a block of type CMAccelerometerHandler which will receive a CMAccelerationData from which you can obtain CMAcceleration struct and that is, directly, the gravity vector to apply.
if let data = motionManager.accelerometerData? {
vec = CGVectorMake(CGFloat(data.acceleration.x), CGFloat(data.acceleration.y))

Calcul new coords of camera after a 90 degres rotation in a isometric 2D projection

I made a 2D isometric renderer. It works fine but now I want to show my scene from 4 differents point of view (NO NW SE SW) but, on a 90° rotation, my camera cannot keep the center of my scene on screen.
What's working :
I calcul new projection of scene to match the new viewport (x y z in my world).
I reorganise part of my scene(chunk) to draw them in a correct order
I reorganise 'tiles' of 'chunks' to draw them in a correct order
I can keep the correct center with a 180 degres rotation.
What's do not working :
I cannot find a correct translation to apply to my camera after a 90 degres rotation.
What I know :
To keep the same center on a 180° rotation with my camera I have to do this :
camera.Position -= new Vector2(2 * camera.Position.X + camera.Width, 2 * camera.Position.Y + camera.Height);
If the center of your map is origo (0,0,0), this gets easy:
First you store your default camera position in a Vector3 CameraOffset, then you calculate position using a rotation-matrix. 90* in redians is half a Pi, so we will use PiOverTwo. We will also use an enum to decide what direction to be pointing, so you can say
Camera.Orientation = Orientation.East;
and the camera should fix itself :)
public enum Orientation
North, East, South, West
in camera:
public Vector3 Position { get; protected set; }
Vector3 _CameraOffset = new Vector3(0, 20, 20);
public Vector3 CameraOffset
return _Orientation;
_Orientation = value;
Orientation _Orientation = Orientation.North;
public Orientation Orientation
return _Orientation;
_Orientation = value;
private void UpdateOrientation()
Position = Vector3.Transform(CameraOffset, Matrix.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.PiOverTwo * (int)Orientation));
If you want a gliding movement between positions, I think I can help too ;)
If your camera does not focus on Vector3.Zero and should not rotate around it, you just need to change:
Position = Vector3.Transform(CameraOffset, Matrix.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.PiOverTwo * (int)Orientation));
Position = Vector3.Transform(CameraOffset, Matrix.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.PiOverTwo * (int)Orientation) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(FocusPoint));
Here, FocusPoint is the point in 3D that you rotate around (your worlds center). And now you also know how to let your camera move around, if you call UpdateOrientation() in your Camera.Update() ;)
EDIT; So sorry, totally missed the point that you use 2D. I'll be back later to see if I can help :P

multiple bone rotation mystery

I am working with quaternions and the XNA skinned model example(for weeks now......). I am received two sets of quaternions from some open source sensor boards that you can buy these days on the net. I was able to write some code so that I receive these quaternions and I am able to rotate limbs with them. Now my problem is the following. I am using the upper right arm and lower right arm in my example and I am able to rotate them separately. My initial position is the one depicted below, which perfect. "initial position"
Now when I want to rotate my right arm forward I should have my final position as shown below on the right in this figure. But somehow the result is the one position of the left but my real "physical" arm is pointing forward. "ideal final position(right), real wrong position(left)"
Some how the lower arm does not compensate for the rotation of the upperarm. I am sure I am missing one small step. Here below I have put the crucial part of the code I am using
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
// Read gamepad inputs.
float initposition = currentGamePadState.ThumbSticks.Right.X;
float armRotation = Math.Max(currentGamePadState.ThumbSticks.Right.Y, 0);
// these quaternions are received from bluetooth
Upper.Z = Fq1;
Upper.Y = -Fq2;
Upper.X = -Fq3; // set 1 quaternions
Upper.W = Fq4;
forearm.Z = Uq1;
forearm.Y = -Uq2;
forearm.X = -Uq3;
forearm.W = Uq4; // set 2 quaternions
// set initial position
if (initialpos == true)
initposition = 0.9f;
R_forTransform = Matrix.CreateRotationY(initposition);
R_forarminderinit = skinningData.BoneIndices["R_UpperArm"];
L_forTransform = Matrix.CreateRotationY(-initposition);
L_forTransform = Matrix.CreateRotationX(-initposition);
L_forTransform = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(-initposition);
L_forarminderinit = skinningData.BoneIndices["L_UpperArm"];
// Create rotation matrices for the upper and lower arm bones.
Matrix upperarmTransform = Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(Upper);
Matrix forearmTransform = Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(forearm);
animationPlayer.GetBoneTransforms().CopyTo(boneTransforms, 0);
if (initialpos == true)
boneTransforms[R_forarminderinit] = R_forTransform * boneTransforms[R_forarminderinit];
boneTransforms[L_forarminderinit] = L_forTransform * boneTransforms[L_forarminderinit];
int forearmindex = skinningData.BoneIndices["R_Forearm"];
int upperarmindex = skinningData.BoneIndices["R_UpperArm"];
boneTransforms[upperarmindex] = upperarmTransform * boneTransforms[upperarmindex];
boneTransforms[forearmindex] = (forearmTransform) * boneTransforms[forearmindex];
animationPlayer.UpdateWorldTransforms(Matrix.Identity, boneTransforms);
I would like to ask you if you could help me solve this mystery. I hope I have been as clear as possible in describing my problem. Furthermore I would like to thank you in advance for you effort.
It looks to me like you have some mixed-up reference frames. Here's what I think I'm seeing:
Your external sensors report their orientation relative to the world. Your rendering code, on the other hand, deals with the lower arm in the upper arm's reference frame.
If we assume that the initial orientations are q_u = [0,0,0,1] and q_l=[0,0,0,1], when you rotate your arm to point forward, the new orientations are both [0,.707,0,.707], or something like that because both arm segments have experienced a rotation of π/2 relative to the world.
When you render the arm, you rotate the entire arm (not just the upper arm) by q_u. This makes sense, since you want to make sure that the elbow stays connected. But then you rotate the lower arm by q_l and it has rotated twice as far as it should because it holds the shoulder's rotation. If you were to hold your arm straight, but turn your body around, you would see the same thing happen: the upper-arm would rotate by the amount of body rotation and the lower-arm would rotate by that much again.
Perhaps the easiest way to deal with this is to remove q_u from q_l. If q_k is the rotation of the lower arm relative to the upper arm, then q_k = q_u' * q_l where q_u' is the inverse quaternion (just negate the w component).

setting the angle of a b2revolutejoint

From what I have read, in Box2d, you get the angle of a revolute joint with the GetJointAngle function, but when trying to set the angle the member m_referenceAngle is protected. Can the angle not be programmatically set?
I found that I can apply the angle from one joint to another body as:
float FirstAngle = firstArmJoint->GetJointAngle();
I put this in ccTouchesMoved so that when the user drags the first object (from which FirstAngle is retrieved) the second object (secondArmBody) is also moved.
What happens is that the second body rotates at the top of the image and not at the anchor point.
Any ideas?
SetTransform() can be used to set the position and rotation of a body. This happens completely independently of any joints on the body. For example, if you want to make sure a body is perfectly upright at a given moment, you can call
body->SetTransForm(body->GetPosition(), 0);
passing 0 as the angle value (upright). I've never tried this for a body with a joint on it, but I doubt it would work properly.
When I ran into the problem of having to make a revolutejoint point at a certain angle, I solved it by enabling motor on the joint and adjusting the motor speed until the angle matched the one I wanted. This simulates realistic motion of the joint. Example:
Creating the joint
b2RevoluteJointDef armJointDef;
armJointDef.Initialize(body1, body2,
armJointDef.enableMotor = true;
armJointDef.enableLimit = true;
armJointDef.motorSpeed = 0.0f;
armJointDef.maxMotorTorque = 10000.0f;
armJointDef.lowerAngle = CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(lowerArmAngle);
armJointDef.upperAngle = CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(upperArmAngle);
Pointing the joint
float targetAngle = SOME_ANGLE;
b2JointEdge *j = body->GetJointList();
b2RevoluteJoint *r = (b2RevoluteJoint *)j->joint;
if(r->GetAngle() > targetAngle){
} else { r->SetMotorSpeed(1); }
Basically, you see what side of the current angle the target angle is on, and then set the motor speed to move the joint in the correct direction. Hope that helps!
