How to make a Xul browser with no background? - transparency

I want to render an animation in javascript in a html file. But I don't want my browser component to show the white background. Is there a way to make the background fully transparent?

After some experience with xul, looks like it' not possible to make a browser with no background in a high level programming, maybe with some modifications on the low level code.


Firemonkey android how to set transparency form like widget and remove the black background system behind my app

I have a question about firemonkey inside android !
Is it possible to remove the black system background when my application launches ?
I mean: I want to make my main form application transparent and show just the Rectangle control like the widget in dxscene example ....
Finally, my problem is just how to remove the black background launcher which is a part of the android system and not a bug from firemonkey...
I think it just needs a few lines of API's code to resolve the problem...
Any way...if anyone want to reply, be sure that all your suggestions will be appreciated and welcome.
maybe you must play with
WindowManager.updateViewLayout(view, layoutparams);
maybe something like FLAG_SHOW_WALLPAPER
best is to decompile classes.dex and see the embarcadero java code of the activity
ok i found the solution: is just by Modifying this line: (android:theme="%theme%") inside the <%uses-permission%> section from AndroidManifest.template.xml of your fmx project by this line: (android:theme="#android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar") that all.
nb: without parentheses. result here:

Watchkit App: slider background color

I am surprised no one asked already this question, maybe I am just thinking something wrong. But here it is: I am trying to use WKInterfaceSlider to show some progress. The background of my app is black and I really need the background of the slider to match. It looks really bad with that dark grey default background. Isn't there really anyway to set it to replace it or simply set it to nothing?
I would accept also a no answer, but I would really like to understand why this choice in the APIs.
It seems you are unable to set the background color of the WKInterfaceSlider. You could always do a feature request.
I think the reason behind this is that the user should be familiar with the interface elements regardless of which app he/she uses.
You could make your own Slider via a WKInterfacePicker. Where you define the slider as an image sequence. Highly customisable and you could slide it via the digital crown.
Check out this piece of code: Trying to get button to spin in WatchKit

how to embed flash/SWF animation in startup screen in IOS app?

i wanna to embed an animated logo in the application startup screen, this logo is already done in 2 formats of files SWF and Flash, my question is about how to embed these files directly in the application startup screen, such that the animated logo appears directly on the startup screen.
Appreciate your concern,
Thanks in advance
This is not possible. iOS does not support Flash.
Update: to follow up with a possible solution, since your Flash is just an animation, perhaps you can just render it to a video and use that instead?
First off, your start-up screen is a static image ("Default.png")... so you can't do animated stuff there.
Once your app fully starts up and the static image disappears, then you could have something animated.
In a practical sense, it can not be Flash or a SWF though (Flash files are SWF files, by the way). One can build Flash-based apps for iOS using Adobe AIR, but that's a full blown environment and IDE separate from Xcode.
It'd be smarter to do your start-up animation using CoreAnimation, HTML5 or some other fine animating framework (Unity, Cocos2d or whatever).
Or a separate video file (in which case the user has minimal interaction possibilities). But +1 to Darren for suggesting this answer faster than I could think of it.
If you are planning to publish your app on the AppStore, then what you are trying to do is Impossible !
Your best option is to create the animation you want using Core animation or you can simply convert that animation to a video and play it once your app is loaded.

How to make a flowing ribbon background for iOS like the one on PS3?

I've started playing with animated background views in iOS, and I really think it improves the presentation of my app. However, I'd like to create a background that I don't know how to make. The effect I'm looking for is something like this:
I'm not sure how to actually design the graphic for this kind of pattern, or if there is even a better way to do it with core graphics. Can anyone please advise? Thanks.
Try to find (or create yourself) an animated image of what you want. You could probably just find or make a video of the effect you want and do a frame-by-frame change into something like a .gif. Then set that as your background. The problem I see with the effect you want is that it will probably take a lot of system resources.

Putting info on BlackBerry homescreen

We're developing some application and want to display some information on the device homescreen like Weather Plus application does.
Could you tell me how i can do the same thing? Thank you!
From what I've seen in the Weather Plus video demos, the app doesn't (or can't) paint on the current background image, but you can choose an image to be the homescreen background with all the weather info painted on it. It also doesn't need a custom theme, so I'm pretty sure they just use the HomeScreen.setBackgroundImage() method.
As far as the image generating is concerned, my best bet would be opening the background image picked by the user in a Bitmap object, passing it to a new Graphics object to do all the necessary rendering and creating a new .png file using the encode(Bitmap bitmap) method of PNGEncodedImage.
If you wanted the homescreen image to be for example animated you might want to try the Blackberry Theme Studio, but I don't think it offers the amount of interactivity (retrieving data, loading images) you are looking for, at least for now.
