Can we run sample-app that comes with BB Push SDK without - blackberry

I am trying to deploy the sample-app war file that comes with PushSDK.But was not able to deploy the application successfully.Steps followed till now
1) I was able to configure log4j.xmlbut didn't change value of ${sampleapp.appid} in sample-app-context.xml.
2)then made the war file using cmd
3) Deployed on the server.
during deployment an error was coming.
Invalid bean definition with name 'registerListeners' defined in class path resource [sample-app-context.xml]: Could not resolve placeholder 'sampleapp.appid'
Tried to register on link but was unsuccessful

I have just started down the path of using the Push SDK, but from what I've read I conclude that you need to get your development registration completed at least before you can run the sample code; unles you're using your own BES.


Deploying Cloud Run via YAML gives Revision named 'yourservicename-00001-soj' with different configuration already exists

When using the following command to deploy a new Cloud Run revision,
gcloud run services replace service.yaml
The deployment fails with this error
ERROR: ( ALREADY_EXISTS: Revision named 'yourservicename-00001-soj' with different configuration already exists.
This occurs when you have followed Google's documentation which instructs you to pull down the current service YAML description into a file, make edits and then redeploy it.
This is because the documentation is wrong, or Google's service has regressed since it was authored.
Edit the YAML and remove and try again.

angular 6 pwa does not work at all with service workers

I did a simple
ng g myapp --service-worker
this creates a blank app. I am expecting it to add service worker and configure by default. however it does not happen. running chrome based web server and running lightroom audit shows the error
"Does not register a service worker"
i am not sure where is the issue.
plz advise
I had exactly the same issue.
Solution: add the PWA support later on:
ng add #angular/pwa --project <your project name>
enter the project dir cd <your-project> and then
ng add #angular/pwa
which will add the pwa to your project with all the service worker related stuff which we don’t need to do it manually.
see git clone

Github -> Azure Deployment: Cant find path

I am trying to deploy a .NET-MVC-application to Azure via Github, but deployment fails with the following error message. What could be the reason for that? It works locally.
WebCompiler: Begin compiling compilerconfig.json
D:\home\site\repository\src\BeYourMarket.Web\Themes\Default\Content\theme.less : WebCompiler error 0: The system cannot find the path specified. [D:\home\site\repository\src\BeYourMarket.Web\BeYourMarket.Web.csproj]
D:\home\site\repository\src\BeYourMarket.Web\Themes\Default\Content\theme.less : WebCompiler error 0: [D:\home\site\repository\src\BeYourMarket.Web\BeYourMarket.Web.csproj]
WebCompiler: Done compiling compilerconfig.json
Failed exitCode=1, command="D:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" "D:\home\site\repository\src\BeYourMarket.Web\BeYourMarket.Web.csproj" /nologo /verbosity:m /t:Build /t:pipelinePreDeployCopyAllFilesToOneFolder /p:_PackageTempDir="D:\local\Temp\8d34cc45ff19d01";AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=false;Configuration=Release;UseSharedCompilation=false /p:SolutionDir="D:\home\site\repository\src\\"
An error has occurred during web site deployment
Thank you in advance for any tipps and hints!
This is a current open issue with WebCompiler project. The Azure file system is locked down in ways that your local environment are not. Even though the file exists at the path on the server, the deployment script cannot read it.
In scanning the comments on the Issue (, there doesn't seem to be a solution at this time except to pre-compile your CSS and include it in your repository.
In the end I dealt with it the following way:
Install package LessMsbuildTasks
Remove the file (in my case theme.less) from webcompile (right click on that file: Web Compiler - Remove file)
Add Dotless as build action for that file (right click on that file: Properties - Build action)
Commit changes and push
The next two steps are optional:
Put compilerconfig.json on .gitignore
Add that file to Web compiler again (right click on that file: Web Compiler - Compile file)
That way I can still use the constant compiling to develop and push it to my repository to initiate CI on Azure.

Grails/aNimble on Windows : Getting cannot find the specified path

I am trying to setup aNimble on Windows following this article.
I have setup the Java and MySQL (xampp) on Windows and both are working properly.
Now, as the final step I need to execute
grails prod execute-database-scripts-all
but I am getting cannot find the specified path. Even when I type grails only I get the same error. I have zero experience in Grails, but it seems that I need to install Grails first on the PC. Until I do this, I want to know is there anything else that I need to do this to successfully execute this command.
What are the three portions of this command grails, prod and execute-database-scripts-all
This error means that Windows is unable to find grails executable anywhere it looks (in any paths specified in PATH system property) when you typing grails command. You may have to follow this guide in order to install grails application framework properly in your system (also, make sure you are installing a correct version of grails compatible with your distribution of aNimble) and then retry.
Grails is a web application framework and which provides a set of tools to develop, build and run web applications like aNimble, prod is a command line option for grails telling it to run in a production mode and execute-database-scripts-all is aNimble-specific command to initialize it's database.

MS Deploy & IIS6 - 401 Unauthorised Error

I'm trying to get TFS to automatically publish (not package at the moment) my web app on a build to a Win2k3 server with IIS6. The remote agent service is started.
The build fails giving me a 401. I'm now trying to manually run a cmd line from the build server itself (just incase the MSBUILD was doing something strange with the params set on the build definition) and it's giving me the same thing. Here is the command I'm trying to run:
-source:contentPath='C:\Builds\1\Test\DummyTFSWebApp Submission Build\Binaries\_PublishedWebsites\DummyTFSWebApp'
-dest:contentPath='Default Web Site',
-verb:sync -allowuntrusted
But like the build report, it's giving me:
I can't understand why! The username & password provided is an Administrator on the destination machine. I've even made the build server machine and admin (clutching at straws), and I've made the destination folder a share for everyone with write permission.
Help appreciated as this is really frustrating me!
I changed the authType='NTLM' and it now works!
