Trouble with HandleError -

I have the following Action Method:
public ActionResult PerformanceChart(ChartViewModel chart)
var x = 1;
var y = 0;
var z = x/y;
return Json("");
where HaneleFtmsError is defined as:
public class HandleFtmsErrorAttribute : System.Web.Mvc.HandleErrorAttribute
public override void OnException(ExceptionContext context)
if (context.ExceptionHandled)
private static void RaiseErrorSignal(Exception e)
var context = HttpContext.Current;
ErrorSignal.FromContext(context).Raise(e, context);
I thought that attribute over the action method would have been executed with a DivideByZero exception, but it's not working. All I'm seeing is the code breaks on the line where I'm doing the division. Am I doing something wrong?

When you say "the code breaks" do you mean it's breaking into the debugger? That's probably just the standard debugger behaviour, which you can change via the Debug menu's "Exceptions..." item. If you hit F5 again - or run without debugging - you may see the behaviour you expect.
MVC isn't preventing the exception from being thrown (which is what the debugger's looking for) - it's just handling the exception by noticing the attribute on the controller and passing the information on appropriately. At the point where the debugger's breaking in, there hasn't been a chance for it to do that yet.


Exception logging in ASP.NET MVC Application

Currently I log exceptions as follows-
public ActionResult Login()
throw new Exception("test");
catch (Exception ex)
return View();
I can get a clear & detail information about the exception from LogException() method here. See below-
Created on: 27-Dec-2016, 06.34.33 PM
Type: System.Exception
Error Description: test
Source File: ...\Controllers\LoginController.cs
Method: Login
Line: 20
Column: 17
I tried the same method in -
public class MyCustomAttribute : FilterAttribute, IExceptionFilter
public void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
Exception ex = filterContext.Exception;
public class MyCustomAttribute : HandleErrorAttribute
public override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
Exception ex = filterContext.Exception;
I also tried overloading OnException method-
public abstract class BaseController : Controller
public BaseController() {}
protected override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
Exception ex = filterContext.Exception;
filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
In all three abose cases I am getting no information about Source File, Method, Line and Column-
Created on: 27-Dec-2016, 06.44.45 PM
Type: System.Exception
Error Description: test
Source File:
Method: <BeginInvokeAction>b__1e
Line: 0
Column: 0
This is my method to log exception-
public static void Create(Exception exception, String rootDirectoryPath)
StackTrace st = new StackTrace(exception, true);
StackFrame frame = st.GetFrame(st.FrameCount - 1);
string fileName = frame.GetFileName();
string methodName = frame.GetMethod().Name;
int line = frame.GetFileLineNumber();
int col = frame.GetFileColumnNumber();
//Other code .....
catch (Exception)
//do nothing.
My question is, is it possible to retrieve Source File, Method, Line and Column information from those three cases?
I would not like to handle exceptions by writing try .. catch.. every time.
I have heard about ELMAH & Log4Net. But not sure whether those library able to supply my desired information from exceptions.
Sorry for the long question.
I'm the author of Coderr which also takes care of tracking exceptions for you.
the problem with your solution is that the exception filter (and the ASP.NET framework calls to invoke it) will be part of the stack trace, thus getting frames from the stack trace object wont work.
Also note that if the .PDB file is not included when you put your web site in production you wont get file numbers.
The most common approach is just to log exception.ToString() which will include line numbers in the stack trace (if there is a PDB file).
Why do you want to use your custom approach?
You are reinventing the wheel as ELMAH will do the job just fine. Did you give it a try? Just a Nuget package and some configuration to be fully set.
You can read more about it from Scot Hanselman or read the tutorial.

Implementing ASP.NET MVC error handling using Castle Windsor's Dynamic Proxies

I spent a long time trying to get the ASP.NET MVC [HandleError] attribute to work in my websites. It seemed like a good idea to go with the solution offered by the framework, but I just couldn't get it to do anything useful. Then I tried writing my own attribute (mainly so that I could step in to the code with the debugger), but although my code seemed to be doing all the right things, after it executed the framework took over and did mysterious things. Finally I tried the MVC Contrib's [Rescue] attribute, which was better but I still couldn't get it to do what I wanted.
One problem is that exceptions thrown in code embedded in aspx / ascx pages get wrapped in HttpException's and WebHttpException's.
Another problem for me was that the system is very opaque. I was essentially poking inputs in to a black box with some desired outputs in mind, but with no idea (other than the documentation, which doesn't seem very accurate / thorough) what the relationship was between them.
So, what to do?
I went for Dynamic Proxies in Castle Windsor, using the code below, which tries to handle Database errors, for which I have a specific Exception (AccessDBException).
The _alreadyAttemptedToShowErrorPage is to stop infinite recursion in the case where the error page throws an Exception.
The GetAccessDBException(...) method finds the relevant exception anywhere in the Exception stack, for the case when there are problems in aspx / ascx code.
The code requires that there is a BaseController class that all controllers derive from. This class is used to add a CreateErrorView(...) method (being as the standard View(...) method is protected)
public class AccessDBExceptionHandlingDynamicProxy : IInterceptor
private bool _alreadyAttemptedToShowErrorPage;
public AccessDBExceptionHandlingDynamicProxy()
_alreadyAttemptedToShowErrorPage = false;
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
Contract.Requires(invocation.Proxy is BaseController);
catch (HttpException e)
if (_alreadyAttemptedToShowErrorPage == true) throw e;
_alreadyAttemptedToShowErrorPage = true;
var dbException = GetAccessDBException(e);
if (dbException != null)
var baseController = (invocation.Proxy as BaseController);
var view = baseController.CreateErrorView("AccessDBException", new AccessDBExceptionViewModel(dbException));
baseController.Response.StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
throw e;
private static AccessDBException GetAccessDBException(HttpException e)
AccessDBException dbException = null;
Exception current = e;
while (dbException == null && current != null)
if (current is AccessDBException) dbException = (current as AccessDBException);
current = current.InnerException;
return dbException;

Orchard CMS ContentManager.New<>() Specified Cast Was Invalid

I am in the early stages of developing a new module.
Much of it is laid out in terms of the models etc. Also have the migrations all set up and my database now has the tables for my module.
I am encountering the following error when calling ContentManager.New<myPart> and would like some help please.
Error is this:
An unhandled exception has occurred and the request was terminated. Please refresh the page. If the error persists, go back
Specified cast is not valid.
System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
at Orchard.ContentManagement.ContentCreateExtensions.New[T]
(IContentManager manager, String contentType)
The chunk of code that fires the exception is this:
public static T New<T>(this IContentManager manager, string contentType) where T : class, IContent {
var contentItem = manager.New(contentType);
if (contentItem == null)
return null;
var part = contentItem.Get<T>();
if (part == null)
throw new InvalidCastException();
return part;
Here are the various parts to my module that are related to the operation i am struggling with:
public class GoogleMapsSettingsPart : ContentPart<GoogleMapsSettingsPartRecord>
public string ApiKey {
get { return Record.ApiKey; }
set { Record.ApiKey = value; }
public class GoogleMapsSettingsPartRecord : ContentPartRecord
public virtual string ApiKey { get; set; }
public GoogleMapsSettingsPartHandler(IRepository<GoogleMapsSettingsPartRecord> repository)
Migration for this table
// Settings Table
SchemaBuilder.CreateTable("GoogleMapsSettingsPartRecord", table => table
.Column("ApiKey", DbType.String, c => c.WithLength(60))
Some of the code from the controller for this model etc
public AdminController(IContentManager contentManager, IShapeFactory shapeFactory, IServiceLocatorService serviceLocatorService, INotifier notifier)
_contentManager = contentManager;
_serviceLocatorService = serviceLocatorService;
_notifier = notifier;
Shape = shapeFactory;
T = NullLocalizer.Instance;
/// <summary>
/// Display Settings
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ActionResult Settings()
var settings = _serviceLocatorService.GoogleMapsSettings;
var editor = CreateSettingsEditor(settings);
var model = _services.ContentManager.BuildEditor(settings);
return View((object)model);
Finally - the Services where my call throws this exception
private GoogleMapsSettingsPart _settings;
public GoogleMapsSettingsPart GoogleMapsSettings
get {
if (_settings == null)
_settings = _contentManager.Query<GoogleMapsSettingsPart, GoogleMapsSettingsPartRecord>().List().FirstOrDefault();
if (_settings == null)
_settings = _contentManager.New<GoogleMapsSettingsPart>("GoogleMapsSettings");
return _settings;
The actual line where the exception happens is _settings = _contentManager.New<GoogleMapsSettingsPart>("GoogleMapsSettings");
I have tried all sorts of stuff in place of "GoogleMapsSettings" though nothing is working.
I'm pretty sure at this point it's something simple, though it's avoiding me..My limited knowledge of Orchard is stumping me
Any help would be appreciated :)
The exception is thrown because your content type does not have the part you specified to get.
This method call creates a new content item of type GoogleMapSettings and gets the content item as a GoogleMapsSettingsPart. However, it seems that GoogleMapSettings content type does not have a GoogleMapsSettingsPart. That's why the exception gets thrown here.
var part = contentItem.Get<T>();
if (part == null)
throw new InvalidCastException();
You must either attach the part dynamically to your content type or do it in a migration (or manually in the admin, but that's not a good idea). Your migration should look like this.
alt => alt
Ok, so I fixed it...
My understanding of how Orchard works is still very much in the learning stages.
for this particular operation I didn't want to have a content type in the admin - though not sure why after adding the ContentType it still didn't work...
anyway, adding the lines below to my handler took care of the rest. I believe it's actually creating a temporary type so one isn't needed in the system.
public GoogleMapsSettingsPartHandler(IRepository<GoogleMapsSettingsPartRecord> repository)
Filters.Add(new ActivatingFilter<GoogleMapsSettingsPart>("GoogleMapsSettings"));
Filters.Add(new TemplateFilterForRecord<GoogleMapsSettingsPartRecord>("GoogleMapsSettings", "Parts/GoogleMapsSettings"));
I'v got the same error, but in my case it was everything ok with migration class.
The reason was unlucky merge, which deleted my driver class of my part.
Just look at this code of Activating method of ContentPartDriverCoordinator class. In my case there was no partInfo for my content part and resulted part became ContentPart, so casting throws an exception
var partInfos = _drivers.SelectMany(cpp => cpp.GetPartInfo()).ToList();
foreach (var typePartDefinition in contentTypeDefinition.Parts) {
var partName = typePartDefinition.PartDefinition.Name;
var partInfo = partInfos.FirstOrDefault(pi => pi.PartName == partName);
var part = partInfo != null
? partInfo.Factory(typePartDefinition)
: new ContentPart { TypePartDefinition = typePartDefinition };

ELMAH - Using custom error pages to collecting user feedback

I'm looking at using ELMAH for the first time but have a requirement that needs to be met that I'm not sure how to go about achieving...
Basically, I am going to configure ELMAH to work under MVC and get it to log errors to the database when they occur. On top of this I be using customErrors to direct the user to a friendly message page when an error occurs. Fairly standard stuff...
The requirement is that on this custom error page I have a form which enables to user to provide extra information if they wish. Now the problem arises due to the fact that at this point the error is already logged and I need to associate the loged error with the users feedback.
Normally, if I was using my own custom implementation, after I log the error I would pass through the ID of the error to the custom error page so that an association can be made. But because of the way that ELMAH works, I don't think the same is quite possible.
Hence I was wondering how people thought that one might go about doing this....
My solution to the problem is as follows:
public class UserCurrentConextUsingWebContext : IUserCurrentConext
private const string _StoredExceptionName = "System.StoredException.";
private const string _StoredExceptionIdName = "System.StoredExceptionId.";
public virtual string UniqueAddress
get { return HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress; }
public Exception StoredException
get { return HttpContext.Current.Application[_StoredExceptionName + this.UniqueAddress] as Exception; }
set { HttpContext.Current.Application[_StoredExceptionName + this.UniqueAddress] = value; }
public string StoredExceptionId
get { return HttpContext.Current.Application[_StoredExceptionIdName + this.UniqueAddress] as string; }
set { HttpContext.Current.Application[_StoredExceptionIdName + this.UniqueAddress] = value; }
Then when the error occurs, I have something like this in my Global.asax:
public void ErrorLog_Logged(object sender, ErrorLoggedEventArgs args)
var item = new UserCurrentConextUsingWebContext();
item.StoredException = args.Entry.Error.Exception;
item.StoredExceptionId = args.Entry.Id;
Then where ever you are later you can pull out the details by
var item = new UserCurrentConextUsingWebContext();
var error = item.StoredException;
var errorId = item.StoredExceptionId;
item.StoredException = null;
item.StoredExceptionId = null;
Note this isn't 100% perfect as its possible for the same IP to have multiple requests to have errors at the same time. But the likely hood of that happening is remote. And this solution is independent of the session, which in our case is important, also some errors can cause sessions to be terminated, etc. Hence why this approach has worked nicely for us.
The ErrorLogModule in ELMAH (version 1.1 as of this writing) provides a Logged event that you can handle in Global.asax and which you can use to communicate details, say via HttpContext.Items collection, to your custom error page. If you registered the ErrorLogModule under the name ErrorLog in web.config then your event handler in Global.asax will look like this:
void ErrorLog_Logged(object sender, ErrorLoggedEventArgs args)
var id = args.Entry.Id
// ...

Custom Exception Filter not being hit in MVC

I have a custom exception filter that I'm using to catch a custom exception that I wrote but for some reason when I throw my exception, it's not ever getting to the filter. Instead I just get an error that my exception was not handled by user code. Can anyone please provide some advice/assistance as to how I should have this set up? Relevant code is below:
// controller
public class SomeController : Controller
public SomeController()
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
that's the controller with the customexception attribute
// some class (where exception is being thrown)
public class SomeClass
public static void SomeStaticMethod()
throw new MyCustomException("Test");
that's the class (for my test) that throws the exception (I've also tried throwing it directly on the controller).
// Custom exception filter (want this to catch all unhandled exceptions)
public class CustomExceptionFilter : FilterAttribute, IExceptionFilter
public void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
if (filterContext.Exception.GetType() == typeof(MyCustomException))
// do stuff
that's the custom exception's never being reached when the code is executed and the exception is thrown. Instead I get the error mentioned above. Everything I've read indicates that this is the proper way to set this up, but when I put breakpoints in my custom filter, it's never being hit....
What am I missing here?
Once you've handled your error, you need to let the filter context know it has been handled. Like this:
filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
This should be in your '// do stuff' section.
I've copied your code, and the filter is getting called fine. The only difference I made was I added the exceptionHandled code and adding my breakpoint at that line.
