workaround for contenteditable on iPad - ipad

I have a web application that uses TinyMce to allow rich text editing. Some of my customers are desperate to get it to work on iPad (which doesn't support contenteditable and therefore TinyMce doesn't work)
At the moment the only choices I have are:
Disallow rich text editing when i detect the browser is iPad. This is not much of a solution because my app relies heavily on rich text editing
Wait for iPad to support contentEditable
Write my own iPad app. This isn't really workable because it's a big complex app with loads of HTML and javascript and I would have to rewrite it all
Use another browser. As far as I know none of the other browsers support contenteditable either.
I'm really keen to find some workable solution. is there such thing as a rich text editor that doesn't require contenteditable? or does anyone have a clever idea I hadn't thought of?
Thanks in advance

As of June 2011, it looks like there may be support coming in iOS 5
this observation (that it's working in the beta) has been confirmed by a colleague of mine too.

Write my own iPad app. This isn't
really workable because it's a big
complex app with loads of HTML and
javascript and I would have to rewrite
it all
Not necessarily true. You can embed the working part of your web app in a UIWebView component, which is basically Safari embedded in your app, and handle the not working part in the app (providing content). It would require work for sure, but maybe a lot less than rewriting the whole app for iPad.

At to this point there are no browsers on the ipad that will allow RTE. Actually there is only one phone giving full browser support for RTE (sry, i forgot the name of the phone).
Therefor, i think you almost showed all possible solutions (jv42's suggestion excluded) yourselve.


.liquid shopify theme causing iOS mobile flickering and page reset

My clients theme is 100% custom created before it was handed to me. The theme when loaded on an iOS device is flickering when scrolling and then the page resets. This is happening all through out the website, but again is only happening on iOS devices.
I am wondering if someone could help direct me to where i can begin to search and i do apologize with how vague this is, but i am really just looking for advice on where i can begin to look in the .liquid code to try to fix this. Or is this a JavaScript issue?
Thank you for whatever help you can send my way.
The issue was with google tag manager script. The previous developer embeded the script snippet incorrectly which had an impact only on the iOS mobile for the site. Very weird and very unusual.
Be sure to check any 3rd party snippets and embeds that are on a site to make sure they aren't impacting in a negative way.

Can't view/change input field in iframe on phonegap app

So here's the situation. I am using a third party digital document signing service called PandaDoc in my mobile application which is built on PhoneGap/Cordova and I am not able to change any of the input, text-type fields when attempting to do this via the mobile app on an iPhone (haven't tested Android yet).
Here are some things i noted about this:
1) When viewed online in Chrome (on my laptop) or on my phone in the Chrome browser everything works fine.
2) The only form elements that aren't working on mobile are the input (type=text) ones. The checkboxes work, the dropdowns work etc...
3) I don't know much about Angular.js but i can tell this third party app was built on it. When i inspect and compare the mobile vs web version i noticed that on the mobile version the input fields have these two directives:
ng-pristine and ng-touched
From what i can tell researching these, they seem to be mutually exclusive so not sure how that would affect things. Also the web version had:
ng-dirty and ng-valid-parse
both of which the mobile version did not have.
I know it would be best if i could post some code here but i don't know where to start. In my app there is just a simple embed script that puts the PandaDoc into an iFrame.
If you want to see the mobile test version of this app you can view it at I have a test user with a username of "mobile2" and the password is "pass". Unfortunately there is no easy way to send out the iphone app version of this and that is where the problem is.
Oh also, when you log into the application, click on the W9 Information button and then the Enter Your W9 button, this is what brings up the pandadoc
Also should have mentioned I'm using JQuery Mobile in the app.
Any advice/guidance would be welcome even if it's just a guess.
just looking over my old questions here. The answer to the actual question I asked is that you can not change anything in an iFrame from the parent frame unless both the domain and the port match due to the cross-domain policy restraints.
There are no ways around this that I am aware of.
The solution to my particular problem was to get rid of PandaDoc entirely because it just wasn't designed to be used on a mobile device. In the end i wrote my own javascript for creating a signature and passing to the backend where i used a php pdf generating library to construct the final document.

Embedd HTML5 inside native iOS Application

i am searching for a way to extend my native iOS App (written in Objective-C) with HTML5/CSS/JS
So i could write parts of my App´s Code in HTML like a basic shop or similar where code in HTML already exists.
But i don´t want to destroy the great native like look and feel or make users think they left the app and entered a scaled-down version of Safari or similar. So they won´t even feel they are on external HTML on the net.
I want a HTML page inside my App but with full advantages of device like animations, transitions, preloading, no borders. Maybe even make use of device functions like accessing camera, sound and so on.
How could this be done if possible?
thanks in advance
You could use JavaScriptCore as a bridge between your native app and Javascript logic. You can also use a UIWebView to bridge between your native and web apps using something like this.
You could explore UIWebView
Though offhand I am not sure if it supports everything you are hoping for in terms of animation/etc.
Your choices are:
More on that here:
Comparison between Corona, Phonegap, Titanium

Stop part of page being index by search engines?

How can I stop search engines indexing part of my page? Is there an HTML5 element for this?
Its just a line of text that I want to hide (a co-worker doesnt want their name on google for some reason). Im thinking that I could inject the text with javascript, but I have heard google does sometimes look inside javascript files.
I also thought of using images instead of text, but im concerned how this will look cross device and platform. Ive noted text rendering can differ on mac and pc and thats before ive had to think about mobile devices, retina displays, etc.
You can't hide content unless you use the methods you've already outlined above. Your best bet is to use JavaScript in an external file and then block that file using robots.txt.

SharePoint 2010 'contentEditable' and Safari on iPad?

I'm just checking if you know a work-around to the problem where we can't use the contentEditable attribute on iPads? I know we can edit the compact.browser to redirect iPad users to the mobile version but we don't want to do this.
Is there some jQuery magic we can use or any 3rd party app you recommend for a rich experience with SharePoint 2010 and iPad?
Thanks in advance.
What you need is a rich text component that is based on canvas rather than contentEditable. Unfortunately such a thing doesn't yet exist as far as I am aware, at least not as a ready to use component.
You can use jQuery to update the content in any of SharePoint's editable areas and it will be saved (I know this mostly because it tends to save dynamic stuff I don't want saved), so it is possible to set something up with a textarea and sync script, but probably more work than you are looking for.
