Pluggable ASP.NET MVC framework query -

I am trying to create a pluggable ASP.NET MVC framework. I have extensively used Prism (CAB for silverlight) and am a huge fan and wish to implement the following items in my pluggable ASP.NET MVC framework
The framework will have a host to load the unity container and other infrastructure items like logging services and all.
Plugins will be independent MVC2 application. Every application will have IModule interface implemented which will initialize and register Controllers/VIEWS(Is this possible!!!) type in Unity?
This IModule will also register custom routes per plugin and add it to host Routes collection.
When the application will start, the plugins list will be loaded from the database/external file and IModule of the project will be called which will load the above mentioned items in Unity Container.
Whenever any request is made, the controller will be loaded from unity and the Views will be loaded (Is it possible that I register a custom view engine in unity which will point to physical path rather than embedding the resource in the dll)
Is this possible. The question may sound a bit stupid... :)

This is generally possible, though a lot of work from scratch. Fortunately Microsoft's Orchard project already does pretty much everything you are asking, and you can download the MVC source code to see how it's done. See:


Can I share an Autofac container between an MVC project and a Web API project?

I have a project which until recently was 100% ASP.NET MVC5 using Autofac as the DI. I now have a requirement to add a piece of Web API functionality so I have created a new Web API Project inside the solution to sit alongside the MVC project. I am intending to make use of the existing service layer which is in a third project.
My Autofac registration is all in the MVC project. I have spent most of today researching into using Autofac with Web API and I can see how to do it with stand-alone projects, and I can see how to do it with projects that are both MVC and Web API (answered in this SO question). But I can not see how I can set the DI container (built in the MVC project) as the DependencyResolver in the WebAPI project.
Is it possible to register a container across projects in this way?
Is it possible to register a container across projects in this way?
But essentially the container configuration is for a single application. Sharing the configuration between 2 different applications is bound to have a lot of code that applies to one application or another, and some code that applies to both. This situation will likely make it difficult to understand and maintain the configuration code.
Think of it this way, the composition root of the application is the configuration of the application. You wouldn't share a web.config file between applications, so why would you want to share the DI configuration?
Of course, if you just add WebAPI to your existing application, you will prevent the need to have 2 different configurations because you will only have 1 application.

I need to deploy source ASP.NET MVC code on Azure websites, and for it to run

This may be a terribly simple question, but....
I am using MVC3, Razor, C#, ASP.NET4.5/SQL Server 2008 and deploying to Azure Websites & SQL Azure.
I need to copy all of my source code, without compilation, from my web application ie model source, class libraries and views. All additional projects such as Entity Framework DAL projects will remain as a DLL. However I do not wish to have a web application DLL since I need to edit C# code in situ, and have the site run using this code, no doubt using the JIT compiler.
The main reason is because I am doing some integration work and the 3rd party site sends a return url back, and "Localhost" is not very accessible to the outside world, so wish to use my Azure website instead.
So can I copy my web application code as source, and if so is it a matter of copying all the C# files up and removing the web application DLL?
Thanks in advance.
Further thoughts. Azure Websites provides a container for the Worker process to operate which hosts the Application DLL which is P-Code which is then dynamically compiled to native code. So I am not sure if one can start with a source C# file like one can with a Razor View.
Or do I need to make the changes on my Local machine and keep republishing to Azure Websites to test the integration? A little long winded...
MVC Sites must be Web Applications, they cannot be on the fly compiled. Sorry, there is no way around this. You must compile your code into a DLL for it to run if you want to use MVC.
The reasons for this are many, but a big one is that the "on the fly" compilation model used by ASP.NET Web Site projects does not use namespaces, and namespaces are very important to the operation of MVC.
Another issue is that MVC depends heavily on static assembly references, which is also not the case in Web Site projects.
In general, ASP.NET Web Site projects are poorly supported, have a lot of issues that make them unsuitable for larger projects, and even more unsuitable for use with more advanced frameworks. MVC and modularity

I'm trying to find out if there is a way to use ASP.Net MVC to design a modular web application.
By modular, I mean that I should be able to drop a "package" (which could be made of a bunch of files, I don't necessarily require a single file deployment).
The idea is to deploy additional functionality seamlessly. Functionality could go from tweaking the existing web site (that is the easy part, any plugin architecture would do), up to having whole new site areas.
I'm looking for pointers as to
- if that is even possible
- what choices I have to make w/ regards to view engines for example
- any gotchas I should be aware of
I found one or two references, but ASP.Net MVC moves fast and they might be out of sync.
Any input is welcome (up to and including "don't go there") !
It's easy.
Start with creating a class library with the same structure as a regular MVC project. Make sure that all views are changed to "Embedded" in file properties.
Use an inversion of control container like Autofac and just tell it to register all controllers in all assemblies found in the current directory.
You need to create a custom VirtualPathProvider that looks for your views in all found plugin dlls. You might also want to make the VirtualPathProvider modify the views so that #inherits YouBaseView<TModelName> is added, since Views\Web.Config isn't used for embedded views.
I am thinking about doing something similar, I found this to be a good article to get started:
What I have done so far is opt for the Castle Windsor IoC container - information about ASP .NET MVC and Windsor is here:
I then use the Razor Generator from here: so that I can compile views into separate assemblies.
And some code from here: to build a view engine that uses the IoC container.
With those two things and a few interfaces that are custom to my application I have been able to drop in "modules" by putting DLLs into a folder and have them appear as tabs within the hosting application.

Multiple web projects, (almost) same layout in Visual Studio

Im currently developing an application with two web projects (MVC):
These two are going to have almost the same layout (few minor changes). Therefore I thought about creating a MasterPage, they can share. But since it's two projects in two different locations, where should I put the masterpage, images and javascript?
The images and javascript (static stuff), could be placed on a CDN.
But how 'bout the ASP.NET specific stuff? Any suggestions? Any help appreciated!
A MasterPage is a UserControl under the hood, so any method of sharing UserControls would work for MasterPages. Unfortunately this isn't that great of an experience in ASP.NET as the BuildManager (what compiles and connects the app paths to classes during build-time) only recognizes & processes files within the current project.
Sharing code-behind, or base classes is easy and works well. It is the design surface (.master, .ascx, .aspx) that doesn't have a lot of ability to be shared. You can use a deployment project to compile a web app project into an Assembly that can be referenced, but you will still need some design files in your actual project.
This might also be of help:
ScottGu: Creating and Using User Control Libraries
SO: How do I share user controls between web applications in ASP.NET?
It's possible to include an existing file from another project in a new project. You can do that. So just put it in one project and include it in the other.
Alternatively, you can create a 'core' library, and put things in there, but that doesn't 'play' well with controls and so on, so I'd recommend the first approach.

Can you convert an ASP.NET MVC Application to a Web Site using ASP.NET MVC and what problems might you run into?

I would like to use a WebSite project instead of a Web Application project for an MVC project.
What is the best way to accomplish this and are there signifigant problems that I might run into?
(as a side note, my reasoning for wanting this is because I have graphic designers who put files into SVN but they don't get added to the "project" and don't show up on deployment or deployment testing. My thought was that switching to a Web Site project might prevent this)
You don't need to do anything special if you are not using CodeBehind files (if you're using them, it'll be more complex but anyway, it's an MVC app. If you're using them, don't!). Just take an MVC Web app project and put all source files (*.cs) under App_Code directory of the Web site. That said, I fail to see any advantage for it.
The application project allows you to use the Models folder to embed classes into. This would then be compiled for that web project. A web site does not provide for this directly. It would require that you use an assembly project to maintain all of your classes. Rather than converting from one project type to another (which I am not sure how you wold go about doing that) you can simply attach an assembly project to your web application and not store any classes in the model folder of your application.
Having said this, you should keep your web project as an application as there usually are view specific classes that are required such as a your view model classes that belong in the web project.
