Why are URLs in the form of "http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/mongo+-+The+Interactive+Shell" - url

What is the mongo+-+The+Interactive+Shell part for and why is it that way? It seems like it is urlencoded from "mongo - The Interactive Shell"

for the same reason the url to this qustion includes why-are-urls-in-the-form-of-http-www-mongodb-org-display-docs-mongo-theinte. unencoded spaces aren't valid, and encoded ones (%20) are hard to read, so a more readable alternative is used.

The W3C reserved the plus sign as a shorthand for the space character. You'll also find the same document codified as RFC 1630.


What are the legal and illegal characters in URL/Link?

What happens if there is a illegal character? Does the URL fix it self by encoding the illegal characters into something else?
As explained here
Any other character needs to be encoded with the percent-encoding
(%hh). Each part of the URI has further restrictions about what
characters need to be represented by an percent-encoded word.
Allowed characters
RFC 3986 defines which characters are allowed in which URI components.
RFCs for specific URI schemes might further restrict this.
If you are interested in HTTP/HTTPS URIs: they are defined in RFC 7230. AFAIK they don’t have further restrictions regarding allowed characters, so you could stick to the definitions in RFC 3986.
What happens if illegal characters are used?
Depends on many factors … could be anything from "nothing happens" to "doesn’t work anymore".
Does the URL fix it self by encoding the illegal characters into something else?
A URI can’t fix itself, it’s just a string.
Clients working with this URI (browser, server, email client, etc.) may try to fix a URI (or work with invalid URIs) according to their own rules.
URI vs. link
Also note that there’s a difference between a URI and linking to (or storing etc.) this URI in a document.
The host language (e.g., HTML) might have rules what to encode. This does not change the URI, only the way the URI is stored/specified in this document.
For example, the valid URI http://example.com/a&b would have to be linked like this in HTML documents:
But the URI is still http://example.com/a&b, not http://example.com/a&b.

how can I use colon instead of question mark in url query?

for example this image:
then I add a color symbol to send query string:
I googled that is twitter image
what coding language can achieve this?
php? ruby on rails?
or any htaccess rewrite rule?
It has nothing to do with programming languages, but with CGI: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Gateway_Interface
The colon is however not a valid part of the CGI spec, so the server receiving the request will probably parse it in code.
Note though that the CGI spec defines '&' as separator between different variable/value pairs, which results in incorrect (X)HTML when used in <a> tags. This is because it doesn't define a valid entity. To remedy this, at least in PHP, you can change this separator: http://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.arg-separator.output

url escaping in ruby

There are many discussion about URL escaping in Ruby, but unfortunately I didn't find an appropriate solution.
In general, URI.escape should do the job, but looks like it doesn't support all characters, for example it doesn't escape "[".
works well.
raises an exception.
I understand that "[" is not an eligible character in URL according to RFC, but when I enter it into the browser it takes it, and renders the page, so I need exactly the same behavior.
Do know any ready solution for escaping in Ruby?
I typically use
to escape URI parameters.
require 'cgi'.
=> "1111%5B3333"
The character [ is a uri delimiter character and does not require escaping.
section 2.4.3. Excluded US-ASCII Characters

A url resource that is a dot (%2E)

I have a resource that is a .
This means my url looks like this:
And i need to add query parameters so that it looks like this:
I use Freemarker for the presentation of my resources and made a percent-encoding hack for this case:
<#if key?matches("\\.")>
This works fine for Firefox. But all other Browsers like IE, Safari, Chrom, Opera just ignore my url encoded dot (http://myapp/index/%2E).
Any suggestions?
It's actually not really clearly stated in the standard (RFC 3986) whether a percent-encoded version of . or .. is supposed to have the same this-folder/up-a-folder meaning as the unescaped version. Section 3.3 only talks about “The path segments . and ..”, without clarifying whether they match . and .. before or after pct-encoding.
Personally I find Firefox's interpretation that %2E does not mean . most practical, but unfortunately all the other browsers disagree. This would mean that you can't have a path component containing only . or ...
I think the only possible suggestion is “don't do that”! There are other path components that are troublesome too, typically due to server limitations: %2F, %00 and %5C sequences in paths may also be blocked by some web servers, and the empty path segment can also cause problems. So in general it's not possible to fit all possible byte sequences into a path component.
It is not possible. §2.3 says that "." is an unreserved character and that "URIs that differ in the replacement of an unreserved character with its corresponding percent-encoded US-ASCII octet are equivalent". Therefore, /%2E%2E/ is the same as /../, and that will get normalized away.
(This is a combination of an answer by bobince and a comment by slowpoison.)

Can we use & in url?

Can we use "&" in a url ? or should "and" be used?
Yes, you can use it plain in your URL path like this:
Only if you want to use it in the query you need to encode it with %26:
Otherwise it would be interpreted as argument separator when interpreted as application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
See RFC 3986 for more details.
An URL is generally in the form
So it is not advisable to use it in an URL unless you want to use it for parameters. Otherwise you should percent escape it using %26, e.g.
This results in the path being submitted as hello&world. There are other characters which must be escaped when used out of context in an URL. See here for a list.
Unless you're appending variables to the query string, encode it.
encode '&' with & (this answer is based on your use of tags)
If you are asking what to use "&" or "and" when registering the name of your URL, I would use "and".
EDIT: As mentioned in comments "& is an HTML character entity and not a URI character entity. By putting that into a URI you still have the ampersand character and additional extraneous characters." I started answering before fully understanding your question.
