How do I publish/deploy an MVC Project with ResX Resources? -

I have written a VERY simple MVC application which just displays a single string from a Resource file. It works just fine on my local machine but when I deploy the project to the web server I get the error.
CS0103: The name 'Resources' does not
exist in the current context
You can very easily replicate exactly what I am doing in just 10 steps!
Create a New MVC 2 Web Application.
(File->New->Project->ASP.NET MVC 2 Web Application, say no to the Unit Testing Project)
Add the "App_GlobalResources" folder.(right click the project and select Add->Add ASP.NET Folder->App_GlobalResources)
Add a Resource File to this folder.(right click the folder and select Add->New Item...->Resources File. Name it Strings.resx)
Add a single string to the Resource table.(Name = "HelloWorld", Value = "I localized Hello World!")
Set the File Properties for the Resource File.(Click the file Strings.resx and int the Properties window set Build Action = "Embedded Resource" and the CustomTool = "PublicResXFileCodeGenerator")
Add a new Controller(Right click the Controllers folder and select Add->Controller... Name it HelloWorldController.cs)
Add a the View(With the cursor in the Index method of the HelloWorldController.cs Press CTRL-M-V. Use the default values including View name = "Index")
Modify the View so that it displays our string from the resource file.Replace the content of the MainContent placeholder with
<h2><%: Resources.Strings.HelloWorld %></h2>
Run it locally to test that it works. Which it should.
Publish it to a web server and visit the url "http://localhost/HelloWorld"
This is where I see the error described at the top.
I would imagine that the settings I've put on the ResX file are incorrect and the resource is not published to the server.
Help is greatly appreciated.

Ah ha! Figured it out. In LARGE part to this article:
Sounds like the App_GlobalResources folder is NOT cooperative with MVC. So I moved my ResX file to a new folder~/Resources/Strings/Strings.resx
This along with 1 minor change to set the File Property
Custom Tool Namespace = Resources
and Problem Solved!


How can I reference a script that is in my pages directory?

I'm trying to keep a good practice of keeping context together and in that regard, I like how Razor Pages forces you to place your view models next to its view. I'd like to do this with script files as well.
For example, if script is a bit large and is only used on this particular page, it may not be the cleanest thing to have it in a render section in the cshtml. Instead, I'd want to place it into its own .js file. But to keep the project easy to navigate for team members, I'd like to place that .js file in the same folder next to its view and view model. I'm not sure how to link that file, or if I even can. If I give src a path to the file, it is not found. Assuming that's because wwwroot is the only folder setup to host static files.
You can add an option to the StaticFilesProvider in your Configure method:
app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions()
FileProvider = new PhysicalFileProvider(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),"Pages")), RequestPath="/Pages"
See the documentation on Static Files in ASP.NET Core:

Swashbuckle custom asset not found

I added to SwaggerConfig.cs this string
c.CustomAsset("index", thisAssembly, "Table.Web.CustomContent.index.html");
...than I run the application, go to swagger docs and get error:
An error has occurred.
Embedded resource not found - Table.Web.CustomContent.index.html
The build action property of the index.html was set to embedded resource
What should I do to fix it?
I struggled with this for a while today in a ASP.NET C# project and finally resolved it by cobbling together a few different resources.
First (as noted in the Swagger comments), the item must be marked as an Embedded Resource by right-clicking the item in the solution explorer and going to Properties, and selecting Embedded Resource from the Build Action dropdown.
Second, the logical name can be tricky to identify. In my case, a dash in a directory name was being converted to an underscore once embedded, leading to lots of hair-pulling (hair_pulling?). The easiest way to get the true logical path is to get it from the Build Output window.
Go to Tools => Options
Expand the Projects and Solutions sidebar item and click Build and Run
Set the MSBuild Output to Detailed.
Clean the solution and rebuild, opening the Output window if necessary.
The output log should unambiguously state the true logical name of the file with a line like...
Resource file 'swagger-ui\SwaggerUiStyle.css' gets manifest resource name 'MySolutionName.swagger_ui.SwaggerUiStyle.css'
(credit to #bkwdesign for his excellent explanation on this part)

MVC 4 error in accessing resource file from controller

Getting error in accessing resource file string from MVC controller(working file with views)
Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "TempNameSpace.App_GlobalResources.Resource_EN_US.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "TempNameSpace" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.
What I have already done
1. Resource file build action : from content to Embedded resource
Result : Publish does not include resource files in it.
2. Added new resource file with name Resource.resx
Result : Same error
Solution hierarchy
1. Solution contains 4 projects, two with resource files(Resource.resx and Resource_EN_US under App_GlobalResources folder)
2. Designer for Resource_EN_US contains correct namespace
global::System.Resources.ResourceManager temp = new global::System.Resources.ResourceManager("TempNameSpace.App_GlobalResources.Resource_EN_US", typeof(Resource_EN_US).Assembly);
In my projects I use a seperate project for resources. I have set all resource files Build Action property to Embedded Resource.
On the reference to the resources project, I have Copy Local set to True for the resources project. (Rightclick a reference and select Properties)
If you have your resource files inside your web project, I think that the property corresponding with Copy Local should be Copy to Output Directory (Also accessible via rightclick and Properties).
I see that in your comment you said that you access the file as Resource.Resource_EN_US.WaterMarkEmail but this is not the right way to access the files. You should access them as one single file: Resources.Property.
My files are named as: Standard.resx, Standard.en.resx, and so on. To access them I can use Standard.Property. The resource files will mold toghether, but only if you give them valid names. If you can access all your resource files individually, then you have not used the correct naming convention.
I recommend implementing a ResourceHelper that uses the ResourceManager to access the property that you need.

ASP.NET MVC locating cs files generated from cshtml?

So I've recently started with ASP.NET MVC 4. I'm using the razor engine.
My question is concerning the view files, with suffix cshtml. It seems to me that these are precompiled into *.cs files by razor which in turn are then compiled into MSIL. (A pattern that is familiar from my days as a JSP developer.) One reason why I am making this assumption is that if I enter some invalid c# code into the cshtml file I get a compilation error displayed like this:
Line 34: public class _Page_Views_BaseDataAdmin_Index_cshtml : ...
And line 34 is not indicative of where the error is in the cshtml file, just as the class _Page_Views_BaseDataAdmin_Index_cshtml seems to refer to a regular .net class not the view file.
So my question is: Where do I find the cs file? Specifically, in the example above, "_Page_Views_BaseDataAdmin_Index_cshtml.cs"? Maybe I need to add some config to tell MVC to keep this .cs file on disk, if so, how do I do this?
A quick tip to find the generated files is to add this to your .cshtml file.
This will show you immediately the full path
<div>This file is compiled to #this.GetType().Assembly.CodeBase</div>
You can find the compiled views in your Temporary ASP.NET Files folder.
First find the .compiled file that corresponds to your view (ex: home.cshtml):
This file contains the assembly name: assembly="App_Web_hkc53urb"
Your .cs file will be the assembly name concatenated with a number: App_Web_hkc53urb.1.cs
An easier approach might be to use Windows search for your view name in the temp ASP.NET directory.

how to save text in app_resource. asp net mvc c# metatags

I have all my text inside view coding. I preffer to save it in app_resources, because i would to add other languages in future, and its look quite cleaner.
I just know that I need to use metatags in my view for text to connect it with file app_resource. How to it correctly, could you show me some examples how it looks like in view??
Thanks a lot and take care,
You only need to create App_LocalResources folder in the same folder where you hold your views. Then give a name to zzz.resx. And then you can call resources in your view via zzz.
Example: *You have folder Contact in your View Folder.
Your add App_LocalResources to Contact folder. Then you give a name Contact.resx to your .resx file.
Finally in the view you can use <%= ContactResources.Contact.Index_ContactWithUs %> where Contact.Index_ContactWithUs - name of concrete resource.
Don't forget that in resources settings you can modify access type (Internal or Public).
