I am currently pursuing Masters in Embedded and for my thesis I have to study the effectiveness of Erlang for programming Robot. AFAIK Erlang's declarative nature and concurrency can be effective, so I made an Erlang code for "Adaptive cruise control" which takes sensor values from C program(because Erlang can not read sensors directly) then perform computation and send back control signal to C program. But the code looks quite big in size(lines). Why am I not able to use declarative nature or there is some other problem?
Here is my code snippets.
start() ->
spawn( cr, read_sensor, []),
spawn(cr, take_decision, []),
% this will make it to run infinitely
sleep_infinite() ->
after infinity ->
read_sensor() ->
register(read, self()),
Port = open_port({spawn , "./cr_cpgm" }, [{packet, 2}]),
Port ! {self(),{command, [49]}},% for executing read sensor fun in C pgm
read_reply(Port) ->
read_sensor ->
Port ! { self(), { command, [49]}};
{Port, {data, Data}} ->
[Left,Center,Right,Distance] = Data, % stored values of sensors into variables for further computation
io:format("value of Left: ~w and Center: ~w and Right: ~w and Distance: ~w~n",[Left,Center,Right,Distance]),
if Distance =< 100 -> decision ! {1, out}; % Distance shows the value returned by front sharp sensor
((Left > 25) and (Center > 25) and (Right > 25)) -> decision ! {2, out}; % stop robot
Center < 25 -> decision ! {3, out}; % move forward
((Left > 25) and (Center > 25)) -> decision ! {4, out}; % turn right
((Right > 25) and (Center > 25)) -> decision ! {5, out}; % turn left
true -> decision ! {6, out} % no match stop robot
take_decision() ->
register(decision, self()),
Port = open_port({spawn , "./cr_cpgm" }, [{packet, 2}]),
decision_reply(Port) ->
{A, out} ->
Port ! {self(), {command, [50,A]}};
{Port,{data, Data}} ->
Data == [102] -> read ! read_sensor %
This code looks more like a C code.
Is my way of implementation wrong?(especially IF...end) or problem itself is small(only 2 processes)
Please suggest me how to show the effectiveness of Erlang in programming robots. All suggestions are welcome.
Well I am agree with #cthulahoops that this problem is not enough to show the effectiveness of Erlang. Can anybody suggest some Robotic application which I can implement in Erlang??
Well, firstly I'd say that this doesn't sound like a very good project for showing the effectiveness of Erlang.
The first thing that comes to mind to make the code more declarative is to split the if out into a separate function like this:
choice(Distance, _Left, _Center, _Right) when Distance =< 100 -> something_you_didnt_say_what;
choice(_Distance, Left, Center, Right) when Left > 25, Center > 25, Right > 25 -> stop;
choice(_Distance, Left, _Center, _Right) when Center < 25 -> forward;
choice(_Distance, Left, Center, _Right) when Center > 25, Left > 25 -> right;
choice(_Distance, _Left, Center, Right) when Center > 25, Right > 25 -> left.
Which separates the declaration of how to respond to sensors from the messy business of looping and sending messages, etc. Also, returning atoms rather than the cryptic integers avoids having to put that information into comments. (Following the philosophy of comments tell you where you need to clarify the code.)
example: If you had multiple robots which would interact with some way and each had their own logic controlled by a central erlang server.
Normally you'd make a big loop and put the logic of all the elements each cycle through, with ugly stuff like shared memory and mutexes if you utilise standard threads. In erlang you can code it more naturally and spawn functions which waste minimal space and have them communicate via message passing. With OTP you can make generic structures which handle the more annoying non functional aspects to common problems and help make it fault tolerant with supervision trees. You end up with much easier to read code and much more efficient and robust structure to develop in.
That's the power of erlang.
If you need to calculate some decisions basing on couple variables (Right, Left, etc..) you obviously will not avoid it. The question is how to benefit from using erlang.
Here, what comes to my mind, is implementing one of OTP behaviours - gen_fsm (finite state machine). So, the logic would be (maybe/probably?): Receive Left -> wait only for Right or Center and so on. This would make your code very clear and give you possibility to spawn lots of actions basing on current state, which would result in asynchronous system totally under your control.
It strikes me that Erlang is particularly well-suited for robotic swarms. Having each member of the swarm rpc:abcast messages to all the other members is a fantastic alternative to the usual UDP boilerplate crap that you'd have to deal with in a procedural language. There's no binding to ports, no specifying a binary format for your messages, no serializing of objects, etc.
As long as you can sort out the discovery of other nodes in your area, it seems like a decentralized/distributed Erlang swarm would be a great project.
I am writing a program that solves producers-consumers problem using Erlang multiprocessing with one process responsible for handling buffer to which I produce/consume and many producers and many consumers processes. To simplify I assume producer/consumer does not know that his operation has failed (that it is impossible to produce or consume because of buffer constraints), but the server is prepared to do this.
My code is:
Server code
server(Buffer, Capacity, CountPid) ->
{Pid, produce, InputList} ->
NumberProduce = lists:flatlength(InputList),
case canProduce(Buffer, NumberProduce, Capacity) of
true ->
NewBuffer = append(InputList, Buffer),
CountPid ! lists:flatlength(InputList),
Pid ! ok,
server(NewBuffer,Capacity, CountPid);
false ->
Pid ! tryagain,
server(Buffer, Capacity, CountPid)
{Pid, consume, Number} ->
case canConsume(Buffer, Number) of
true ->
Data = lists:sublist(Buffer, Number),
NewBuffer = lists:subtract(Buffer, Data),
Pid ! {ok, Data},
server(NewBuffer, Capacity,CountPid);
false ->
Pid ! tryagain,
server(Buffer, Capacity, CountPid)
Producer and consumer
producer(ServerPid) ->
X = rand:uniform(9),
ToProduce = [rand:uniform(500) || _ <- lists:seq(1, X)],
ServerPid ! {self(),produce,ToProduce},
consumer(ServerPid) ->
X = rand:uniform(9),
ServerPid ! {self(),consume,X},
Starting and auxiliary functions (I enclose as I don't know where exactly my problem is)
spawnProducers(Number, ServerPid) ->
case Number of
0 -> io:format("Spawned producers");
N ->
spawnProducers(N - 1,ServerPid)
spawnConsumers(Number, ServerPid) ->
case Number of
0 -> io:format("Spawned producers");
N ->
spawnProducers(N - 1,ServerPid)
start(ProdsNumber, ConsNumber) ->
CountPid = spawn(zad2, count, [0,0]),
ServerPid = spawn(zad2,server,[[],20, CountPid]),
spawnProducers(ProdsNumber, ServerPid),
spawnConsumers(ConsNumber, ServerPid).
canProduce(Buffer, Number, Capacity) ->
lists:flatlength(Buffer) + Number =< Capacity.
canConsume(Buffer, Number) ->
lists:flatlength(Buffer) >= Number.
append([H|T], Tail) ->
[H|append(T, Tail)];
append([], Tail) ->
I am trying to count number of elements using such process, server sends message to it whenever elements are produced.
count(N, ThousandsCounter) ->
X ->
N >= 1000 ->
io:format("Yeah! We have produced ~p elements!~n", [ThousandsCounter]),
count(0, ThousandsCounter + 1000);
true -> count(N + X, ThousandsCounter)
I expect this program to work properly, which means: it produces elements, increase of produced elements depends on time like f(t) = kt, k-constant and the more processes I have the faster production is.
I launch program:
How the program behaves:
The longer production lasts the less elements in the unit of time are being produced (e.g. in first second 10000, in next 5000, in 10th second 1000 etc.
The more processes I have, the slower production is, in start(10,10) I need to wait about a second for first thousand, whereas for start(2,2) 20000 appears almost immediately
start(100,100) made me restart my computer (I work on Ubuntu) as the whole CPU was used and there was no memory available for me to open terminal and terminate erlang machine
Why does my program not behave like I expect? Am I doing something wrong with Erlang programming or is this the matter of OS or anything else?
The producer/1 and consumer/1 functions as written above don't ever wait for anything - they just loop and loop, bombarding the server with messages. The server's message queue is filling up very quickly, and the Erlang VM will try to grow as much as it can, stealing all your memory, and the looping processes will steal all available CPU time on all cores.
Hi I'm a newbie in Erlang and I just started learning about processes. Here I have a typical process loop:
loop(X,Y,Z) ->
{do} ->
NewX = X+1,
NewY = Y+1,
NewZ = Z+1,
Product = NewX * NewY * NewZ,
% do something
How do I get the latest value of Product from a function let's say get_product()? I know that message passing will be the logical option but is there a more optimal way of extracting the value?
Here are methods to communicate between Erlang processes I am aware of, and my (possibly wrong) assessment of theirs relative performance.
Message passing. This method will suit most of your needs. I don't know how it is actually implemented, but from my point of view it should be as fast as putting a pointer into a queue and retrieving it back.
Exterior methods, e.g. sockets, files, pipes. These methods might be faster for communicating between different nodes, depending on a problem you solve, your solution and environment your program will be executed in. Inter-node communication in Erlang is done via TCP connections, so if you want to use self written code to communicate via TCP sockets, you should try really hard to outperform Erlang's implementation.
ETS, Dets. These methods won't be faster than message passing (ETS) or file (Dets) assuming best possible implementation.
NIF. You can write one method to save value in your NIF library and one to retrieve it. This one has a potential to outperform message passing since you can just save a value into a variable and return it back when needed and it has no overhead on pattern matching in receive.
Process dictionary. You can get another process dictionary using erlang:process_info(Pid, dictionary) call, in the Pid process you can put value in that dictionary using put(Key, Value) call.
Also, if you want to speed up your Erlang application take a look at HiPE, it might help.
Before switching from message passing to anything from this list to gain in speed you should measure it first!
I assumed this is what you want:
start() ->
InitialState = {1,1,1},
Pid = spawn(?MODULE, loop, [InitialState]),
register(server, Pid).
loop(State) ->
{X, Y, Z} = State,
tick ->
NewX = X+1,
NewY = Y+1,
NewZ = Z+1,
NewState = {NewX, NewY, NewZ},
{get_product, From} ->
Product = X * Y * Z,
From ! Product,
_ ->
io:format("Unknown message received.~n"),
get_product() ->
server ! {get_product, self()},
Product ->
tick() ->
server ! tick.
From within the Erlang shell:
1> c(lab).
2> lab:start().
3> lab:get_product().
4> lab:tick().
5> lab:get_product().
6> lab:tick().
7> lab:tick().
8> lab:get_product().
I have edited the program so that it works(with small numbers) however I do not understand how to implement an accumulator as suggested. The reason why is because P changes throughout the process, therefore I do not know in with which granularity I should break up the mother list. The Sieve of Erastosthenes is only efficient for generating smaller primes, so maybe I should have picked a different algorithm to use. Can anybody recommend a decent algorithm for calculating the highest prime factor of 600851475143? Please do not give me code I would prefer a Wikipedia article of something of that nature.
primes(N) -> [2|lists:reverse(primes(lists:seq(2,N),2,[]))].
primes(_,bound_reached,[_|T]) -> T;
primes(L,P,Primes) -> NewList = mark(L,P),
NewP = find(NewList,P),
find([],_) -> bound_reached;
find([H|_],P) when H > P -> H;
find([_|T],P) -> find(T,P).
mark(L,P) -> lists:reverse(mark(L,P,2,[])).
mark([],_,_,NewList) -> NewList;
mark([_|T],P,Counter,NewList) when Counter rem P =:= 0 -> mark(T,P,Counter+1,[P|NewList]);
mark([H|T],P,Counter,NewList) -> mark(T,P,Counter+1,[H|NewList]).
I found writing this very difficult and I know there are a few things about it that are not very elegant, such as the way I have 2 hardcoded as a prime number. So I would appreciate any C&C and also advice about how to attack these kinds of problems. I look at other implementations and I have absoulutely no idea how the authors think in this way but its something I would like to master.
I have worked out that I can forget the list up until the most recent prime number found, however I have no idea how I am supposed to produce an end bound (subtle humour). I think there is probably something I can use like lists:seq(P,something) and the Counter would be able to handle that as I use modulo rather than resetting it to 0 each time. Ive only done AS level maths so I have no idea what this is.
I cant even do that can I? because I will have to remove multiples of 2 from the entirety of the list. Im thinking that this algorithm will not work unless I cache data to the harddrive, so I'm back to looking for a better algorithm.
I'm now considering writing an algorithm that just uses a counter and keeps a list of primes which are numbers that do not divide evenly with the previously generated prime numbers is this a good way to do it?
This is my new algorithm that I wrote I think it should work but I get the following error "sieve2.erl:7: call to local/imported function is_prime/2 is illegal in guard" I think this is just an aspect of erlang that I do not understand. However I've no idea how I could find the material to read about it. [Im purposely not using higher order functions etc as I have only read upto the bit on recursion in learnyousomeerlang.org]
primes(N) -> primes(2,N,[2]).
primes(Counter,Max,Primes) when Counter =:= Max -> Primes;
primes(Counter,Max,Primes) when is_prime(Counter,Primes) -> primes(Counter+1,Max,[Counter|Primes]);
primes(Counter,Max,Primes) -> primes(Counter+1,Max,Primes).
is_prime(X, []) -> true;
is_prime(X,[H|T]) when X rem H =:= 0 -> false;
is_prime(X,[H|T]) -> prime(X,T).
The 2nd algorithm does not crash but runs too slowly, I'm thinking that I should reimplement the 1st but this time forget the numbers up until the most recently discovered prime, does anybody know what I could use as an end bound? After looking at other solutions it seems people sometimes just set an arbitrary limit i.e 2 million (this is something I do not really want to do. Others used "lazy" implementations which is what I think I am doing.
lists:seq(2,N div 2)
allocates a list, and as the efficiency guide says, a list requires at least two words of memory per element. (A word is 4 or 8 bytes, depending on whether you have a 32-bit or 64-bit Erlang virtual machine.) So if N is 600851475143, this would require 48 terabytes of memory if I count correctly. (Unlike Haskell, Erlang doesn't do lazy evaluation.)
So you'd need to implement this using an accumulator, similar to what you did with Counter in the mark function. For the stop condition of the recursive function, you wouldn't check for the list being empty, but for the accumulator reaching the max value.
By the way you don't need to test all numbers up to N/2. It is enough to test up to sqrt(N).
Here I wrote a version that takes 20 seconds to find the answer on my machine. It uses kind of lazy list of primes and folding through them. It was fun because I solved some project-euler problems using Haskell quite a long ago and to use the same approach on Erlang was a bit of strange.
On your update3:
primes(Counter,Max,Primes) when Counter =:= Max -> Primes;
primes(Counter,Max,Primes) when is_prime(Counter,Primes) -> primes(Counter+1,Max,[Counter|Primes]);
primes(Counter,Max,Primes) -> primes(Counter+1,Max,Primes).
You cannot use your own defined functions as guard clauses as in Haskell. You have to rewrite it to use it in a case statement:
primes(Counter,Max,Primes) when Counter =:= Max ->
primes(Counter,Max,Primes) ->
case is_prime(Counter,Primes) of
true ->
_ ->
I have a data source that produces point at a potentially high rate, and I'd like to perform a possibly time-consuming operation on each point; but I would also like the system to degrade gracefully when it becomes overloaded, by dropping excess data points.
As far as I can tell, using a gen_event will never skip events. Conceptually, what I would like the gen_event to do is to drop all but the latest pending events before running the handlers again.
Is there a way to do this with standard OTP ? or is there a good reason why I should not handle things that way ?
So far the best I have is using a gen_server and relying on the timeout to trigger the expensive events:
init() ->
{ok, Pid} = gen_event:start_link(),
{ok, {Pid, none}}.
handle_call({add, H, A},_From,{Pid,Data}) ->
{reply, gen_event:add_handler(Pid,H,A), {Pid,Data}}.
handle_cast(Data,{Pid,_OldData}) ->
{noreply, {Pid,Data,0}}. % set timeout to 0
handle_info(timeout, {Pid,Data}) ->
{noreply, {Pid,Data}}.
Is this approach correct ? (esp. with respect to supervision ? )
I can't comment on supervision, but I would implement this as a queue with expiring items.
I've implemented something that you can use below.
I made it a gen_server; when you create it you give it a maximum age for old items.
Its interface is that you can send it items to be processed and you can request items that have not been dequeued It records the time at which it receives every item. Every time it receives an item to be processed, it checks all the items in the queue, dequeueing and discarding those that are older than the maximum age. (If you want the maximum age to be always respected, you can filter the queue before you return queued items)
Your data source will cast data ({process_this, Anything}) to the work queue and your (potentially slow) consumers process will call (gimme) to get data.
-export([init/1, handle_cast/2, handle_call/3]).
init(DiscardAfter) ->
{ok, {DiscardAfter, queue:new()}}.
handle_cast({process_this, Data}, {DiscardAfter, Queue0}) ->
Instant = now(),
Queue1 = queue:filter(fun({Stamp, _}) -> not too_old(Stamp, Instant, DiscardAfter) end, Queue0),
Queue2 = queue:in({Instant, Data}, Queue1),
{noreply, {DiscardAfter, Queue2}}.
handle_call(gimme, From, State = {DiscardAfter, Queue0}) ->
case queue:is_empty(Queue0) of
true ->
{reply, no_data, State};
false ->
{{value, {_Stamp, Data}}, Queue1} = queue:out(Queue0),
{reply, {data, Data}, {DiscardAfter, Queue1}}
delta({Mega1, Unit1, Micro1}, {Mega2, Unit2, Micro2}) ->
((Mega2 - Mega1) * 1000000 + Unit2 - Unit1) * 1000000 + Micro2 - Micro1.
too_old(Stamp, Instant, DiscardAfter) ->
delta(Stamp, Instant) > DiscardAfter.
Little demo at the REPL:
{ok, PidSrv} = gen_server:start(work_queue, 10 * 1000000, []).
gen_server:cast(PidSrv, {process_this, <<"going_to_go_stale">>}),
timer:sleep(11 * 1000),
gen_server:cast(PidSrv, {process_this, <<"going to push out previous">>}),
{gen_server:call(PidSrv, gimme), gen_server:call(PidSrv, gimme)}.
Is there a way to do this with standard OTP ?
is there a good reason why I should not handle things that way ?
No, timing out early can increase the performance of the entire system. Read about how here.
Is this approach correct ? (esp. with respect to supervision ? )
No idea, you haven't provided the supervision code.
As a bit of extra information to your first question:
If you can use 3rd party libraries outside of OTP, there are a few out there that can add preemptive timeouts, which is what you are describing.
There are two that I am familiar with the first is dispcount, and the second is chick (I'm the author of chick, i'll try not to advertise the project here).
Dispcount works really good for single resources that only have a limited number of jobs that can be run at the same time and does no queuing. you can read about it here (warning lots of really interesting information!).
Dispcount didn't work for me because i would have had to spawn 4000+ pools of processes to handle the amount of different queues inside of my app. I wrote chick because I needed a way to dynamically increase and decrease my queue length, as well as being able to queue up requests and deny others, without having to spawn 4000+ pools of processes.
If I were you I would try out discount first (as most solutions do not need chick), and then if you need something a bit more dynamic then a pool that can respond to a certain number of requests try out chick.
From the other languages I program in, I'm used to having ranges. In Python, if I want all numbers one up to 100, I write range(1, 101). Similarly, in Haskell I'd write [1..100] and in Scala I'd write 1 to 100.
I can't find something similar in Erlang, either in the syntax or the library. I know that this would be fairly simple to implement myself, but I wanted to make sure it doesn't exist elsewhere first (particularly since a standard library or language implementation would be loads more efficient).
Is there a way to do ranges either in the Erlang language or standard library? Or is there some idiom that I'm missing? I just want to know if I should implement it myself.
I'm also open to the possibility that I shouldn't want to use a range in Erlang (I wouldn't want to be coding Python or Haskell in Erlang). Also, if I do need to implement this myself, if you have any good suggestions for improving performance, I'd love to hear them :)
From http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/lists.html it looks like lists:seq(1, 100) does what you want. You can also do things like lists:seq(1, 100, 2) to get all of the odd numbers in that range instead.
You can use list:seq(From, TO) that's say #bitilly, and also you can use list comprehensions to add more functionality, for example:
1> [X || X <- lists:seq(1,100), X rem 2 == 0].
There is a difference between range in Ruby and list:seq in Erlang. Ruby's range doesn't create list and rely on next method, so (1..HugeInteger).each { ... } will not eat up memory. Erlang lists:seq will create list (or I believe it will). So when range is used for side effects, it does make a difference.
P.S. Not just for side effects:
(1..HugeInteger).inject(0) { |s, v| s + v % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 0 }
will work the same way as each, not creating a list. Erlang way for this is to create a recursive function. In fact, it is a concealed loop anyway.
Example of lazy stream in Erlang. Although it is not Erlang specific, I guess it can be done in any language with lambdas. New lambda gets created every time stream is advanced so it might put some strain on garbage collector.
range(From, To, _) when From > To ->
range(From, To, Step) ->
{From, fun() -> range(From + Step, To, Step) end}.
list(done) ->
list({Value, Iterator}) ->
[Value | list(Iterator())].
% ----- usage example ------
list_odd_numbers(From, To) ->
list(range(From bor 1, To, 2)).