codeigniter display warning error if argument in URL not provided - url

If I don't provide the value in the URL for Codeigniter, it'll display a PHP Error was encountered saying it's missing argument for a function call. I do NOT want it displayed at all. If there's no argument in the URL, it should just reroute to its index function. How do I prevent that from happening?
For example,
anyone would guess and enter like this ""
that would generate the error. How do I prevent that? I tried, "if (!isset($id))" but it generated error before it reached to that condition.

just learned that the solution is simple:
function id($id=NULL)
if ($id===NULL)

you can also use:
$this->uri->segment(2); // gets 'id'
$this->uri->segment(3); // gets '45'
then do a redirect, check out:

use default values for your function
function id($id=0){
if(there any record with $id being provided){
//do something
//id not provided,set to default values 0 and then
no way there could be id = 0 so its automatically showerror without redirect, if user enter the url ,


coffeescript update url if contains string

I'm trying to change url if it contains the word 'register'. I can do this, but the page continues to loop and doesn't stop. Does anyone know how I can get the page to update to .../register?bypass_verification=true without making the page continuously loop? Thanks
if window.location.href.indexOf("register") > -1
window.location.href = 'register'+ '?bypass_verification=true'
Your if condition is matching your new URL once you've redirected back with the bypass_verification parameter set. Since this still matches your condition, you are getting what appears to be a loop. You need to change your logic so that window.location.href doesn't get reassigned if it already contains bypass_verification=true.
Here is one approach that should work:
if window.location.href.indexOf("register") > -1
window.location.href = 'register'+ '?bypass_verification=true' unless window.location.href.indexOf("?bypass_verification=true") > 0

Prevent URL value from being cut off while passing to conrtroller

I think the issue is with the UrlMapping file or some configuration file that I don't know about but I didn't see it addressed in this site so I'm posting for help.
I have a UrlMappings.groovy with:
"/lookupMap/$fromVal/$toVal/xml/$id**" (controller:"lookup, action:"returnMapXml", formats=['xml'], method:"GET")
and the controller is:
def returnMapXml = {
if ( {
print + "\n";
try {
def result = getLookup.result(params.fromVal, params.toVal,
render ...yadda yadda
This is a REST service. My problem happens when someone enters an ID value with either a pound sign (#) or question mark (?), the value is truncated at that character. For example the output of ID (per the print line in the code) for this: localhost:8080/productdefinition/lookupMap/Denver/Toronto/carton OR container OR box? OR bag would be carton OR container OR box It removes the ? and everything after it. This happens somewhere either before it gets to the UrlMappings file or when that directs the call to the controller. Either way, how can I stop this and where, which file do I fix this in? I don't have access to the server so I can't alter any URL encodings; this has to be a code update. Any help/direction would be appreciated.

LoadRunner web_reg_save_param, ord=all, paramName_count issues

I am using LoadRunner version 12.02 - Build 2739
Looking at an old, yet correct 'guide' shows that I have used the statements correctly (3rd Point, around 1/3rd of the way down the page, inside the code block - the atoi statement).
But I am still unable to convert the _count parameter to an int-Variable.
In the script, before the call is made;
After the web call the save_param function is placed before, the output log shows;
Notify: Saving Parameter "ParamName=rotaPeople_count = 21".
Inside the script, after the call is made, and the count has been totaled;
peoplesCount = atoi(lr_eval_string("{rotaPeople_count}"));
In the logs after the above executions are made;
Warning: The string 'rotaPeople_count' with parameter delimiters is not a parameter.
Warning: The string 'rotaPeople_count' with parameter delimiters is not a parameter.
Warning: The string 'rotaPeople_count' with parameter delimiters is not a parameter.
Anyone have any ideas?
Note: The Warning messages are expected
Note: Workaround: Used web_reg_save_param_regex() and created a regular expression. Using the returned _count parameter within a for-loop worked. Keeping question open, as the original problem still persists
The problem is that you use a soon to be deprecated API web_reg_save_param which does not support the ParamName syntax. In this API the second parameter is always the parameter name and therefore the correct use would be:
The proper API to use is web_reg_save_param_ex which does support the syntax you used so the call should look like:
Then the rest of your code should work properly.
I am not sure what you are doing but you might want to take a look at the somewhat unknown API lr_paramarr_random which will automatically pull a random value from the parameters array.
This should help you
You are using ord=all,see the run time data which value you want to capture,If you want to capture the 10th value please use ord=10,automatically this warning will remove from output log.
Example for capturing an array of dynamic values:
int i;
int ncount;
char ParamName[100];
web_set_sockets_option("SSL_VERSION", "TLS");
web_reg_save_param("trackingno","LB=;","RB= (NTN 0430)","search=All","ord=all",LAST);
"Name=formcode", "Value=0430", ENDITEM,
"Name=count", "Value=10", ENDITEM,
"Name=narrow", "Value=2", ENDITEM,
ncount= atoi(lr_eval_string("{trackingno_count}"));
for (i =1;i <= ncount;i++)
sprintf(ParamName, "{trackingno_%d}", i);
lr_output_message("Value of %s: %s",ParamName,lr_eval_string(ParamName));
return 0;

eVar value not getting passed in call

I have a page that contains a login form. I am calling a separate function (which resides in a separate .js file) on the onsubmit event of the form. Below is the function
var LoginClick = function() {
// Omniture Code
s.linkTrackVars="events, eVar1";
s.eVar1="Login";, "o", "Login Clicks");
while the events data is getting passed on the call, the evar1 value turns up as "none" in the conversion report. I used a packet sniffer (omnibug) to check the values being passed. Even though s.eVar1 is assigned the value "Login" it does not pass that value.
Ofcourse, s.t() works well (evar value gets passed) but I dont want to do that.
I have tried, "o"...) which doesnt work either.
What am I doing wrong here?
Appreciate your time and help.
remove the space between the comma and eVar1
s.linkTrackVars="events, eVar1"
should be

AJAX Form Update for a single Field

I'm trying to implement x-editable for my Form. For this is need to find a way to update the entity on a single-property-basis. The biggest headache this is giving me is the way of how a single data could be validated. To my understanding the setValidationGroup() doesn't appear to work (or i am doing this completely wrong). Here's what i tried:
if ($request->isPost()) {
if($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
$filters = $form->getInputFilter();
if ($form->isValid()) {
if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
$response = $this->getResponse();
return $response;
} else {
$errors = $form->getMessages();
The checks for isXmlHttpReqiest serve the purpose of #1 to minify the validation-group to just one Element and #2 to send out specific responses that work with the x-editable plugin for jQuery.
Current Error: all FormFields are validated. I get an error-message for two required fields whose isEmpty-Validator are called.
I think the way you're calling setValidationGroup is wrong Sam, it's a form method, and you give it an array of field names
if($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
Solution was:
Learn to freaking set your inputFilters correctly. I don't know why i didn't get any parsing error, but there was a string error while fetching the correct inputFilters, so actually there was no inputFilter attached at all.
Since the Form has valid default data, error only occured when validating single elements.
Start writing Unit Tests ....
