Passing state when using decorators (formencode) in pylons - pylons

I've met the same problem as this page:
This is the main content from there:
I am using formencode to validate my
forms, and I've stumbled upon a
problem. When using tha validator
inside the controller action, I call
to_python() and I can pass the state
variable with any information I need
to the validators. Is it possible to
do the same with the validate
From the answers of there, they said it has not been fixed in pylons, but that was several months agao. I wanna if there any solutions for it now?

pylons.decorators.validate(schema=None, validators=None, form=None, variable_decode=False, dict_char='.', list_char='-', post_only=True, state=None, on_get=False, **htmlfill_kwargs)
Note the state parameter. Full docs here (Pylons 1.0)


Correctly using services in Grails (per MVCS)

So I am a newbie grails developer, and was wondering how to properly use services per the MVCS design pattern. Right now in my service, I have a couple functions doing my application logic, and then I am referencing the service directly from my gsp. I read on a comment here that this is not good form. So right now I have
<g:set var="doc" bean="documentPartService"/> directly in my gsp.
So I am looking to change it, just like the comment states, by passing the information through the right channels.
One little hurdle I am coming across is passing information from my service to my controller to my gsp. For an example
<g:form name="inputForm" action="replace">
<input value="Submit" type="submit">
then in my replace function in my controller
def replace(){
render documentPartService.replace(params)
then I have some logic in my service.
I have seen in some services I have looked at, they return the variable as a json (documentBody is a variable local to my service)
return documentBody as JSON
but I am a little puzzled on how to actually access this in my controller/view. I can't just
print documentBody in my controller, because it is only defined in my service. In the plugin services and controllers I was using as references, the controllers are 1 liners, just like I have, where the only thing they do is render servicefunction()
Can anyone shed some light on how I should properly design this?
When you post your form the action is replace - the replace action in your controller renders the output of your service back out as the output rather than returning a gsp bound to the replace controller definition.
In theory it should work as in the user will post - the post will return the action replace which will return that JSON response.
the alternative is
def replace(){
def myValue=documentPartService.replace(params)
render (view: 'replace', model: [myValue:myValue ])
then you could have a gsp page called replace which has ${myValue} defined in it which will be its results.
Also its probably a better idea to call your service with defined values passed via the controller to it:
def replace(String val1,String val2,String val3){
def myValue=documentPartService.replace(val1,val2,val3)
[myValue:myValue ]
It may seem much coming from me to be hinting the latter method considering you probably seen the first call i.e.
render documentPartService.replace(params)
calls similar to above methods within one of my plugins.. I guess if you took a look at the mailinglist plugin, you will notice with the help of Burt. The controllers/services are locked down to data types and exact expectations.
I can only tell you from experience that best practices are if they are to be defined functions that have no reason for expansion then stick with the latter method. In the case of for example ajaxdependancyselection using the render services output method, in some ways this helps keep it more backward/forward compatible. But actually thinking about it maybe those calls can be locked down. Will update the plugin soon

Angular: Input with model binding acts on keypress, only when there's no controller

Angular newb here, thoughts appreciated...
Say I want an input field to control the window title as you type. A field with a model binding and no associated controller acts on keypress, as intended. However, there has to be a bit more logic to it -- default value before any user input, also used if the input is blanked.
Adding a controller bound to enclosing elements gives a place for that logic, but the change-on-keypress behavior is gone. I'm sure it's possible to recreate it by hand or with ui, but since it's inherently there without the controller, I'm wondering if I'm missing the simple clean way.
Simple version, acts on keypress, but with no smarts:
<title ng-bind-template="{{windowTitle}}">Default Title (not seen)</title>
<input ng-model="windowTitle" type="text">
Putting controller bindings on the head (for the title) and a containing div (for the input), and setting a default $scope.windowTitle inside the controller function does use that default value, but it breaks the auto-update.
I know in real life you'd want a real model, but what I'm really trying to understand is these two ways angular appears to work. I haven't found anything specifically describing two different implicit input binding behaviors, but I haven't been through all the docs yet.
How should I be thinking about this?
Edit: It's not the window title or default value per se that I'm interested in. I'm trying to understand this:
When there's no controller on either the field or the title, typing in the field changes the window title immediately, on keypress. The title is directly linked to the field value, with no other angular hookup.
With controller bindings around the title and the field, typing in the field has no effect on the title.
What I've since realized (I think) is that ng-controller bindings create a new instance of the controller each time. Here's the non-working code I didn't show before:
<title ng-controller="TitleCtrl" ng-bind-template="{{windowTitle || 'Foo'}}">Foo</title>
<label ng-controller="TitleCtrl">
<input ng-model="windowTitle" type="text">
The value set by the model binding to the field is shown correctly within that instance of that controller, and updates on keypress, as before. But since those two controller instances are separate, the binding to the title works but the data it points to isn't bound to the field.
Isn't that right? The reason it works with no controllers is that that makes the value global, so the title binding sees the value set by the field binding.
So what's the canonical way to reference data from some other area? Create a service?
I realize that this is basic angular stuff, just getting started here, so thanks!
Edit 2
On reflection, I've come to seriously disrespect this whole question, even though I wrote it.
It's based on way-too-early poor understanding of the Angular application model. I had worked through only part of the official tutorials, and jumped ahead to removing all the js from a not big but not totally trivial existing app, and exploring what Angular could to in that context.
I got some very quick bang for the buck, getting several pieces of functionality working with very little code, and simple, clear markup, felt good. But I really had short-circuited internalizing the Angular way of thinking, and my quick and dirty no-architecture approach broke down when different parts of the page needed to coordinate with each other, as in this question.
I've postponed that project while I go back to tutorials and other learning. If other folks think this question should be deleted, I'd add my vote. Or maybe it's a useful on some level, ignorant though it is.
Well, there are multiple ways to achieve the behavior you want without using an explicit controller and model, you could:
<title ng-bind-template="{{windowTitle && windowTitle || 'default'}}"></title>
Or in a more simple way:
<title>{{windowTitle && windowTitle || 'default' }}</title>
In both cases, we're using the conditional expression:
(condition) && (answer if true) || (answer if false)
You should however strive to remove logic from the templates.

grails - ways to set up a replicated site?

I've got a need where each user can customize their own page on a replicated site. In grails it seems the most straightforward way to do this is:
spelling out a controller, except this forces folks to type in a longer domain name, versus something like
Using sub-domains may be another approach, however they would need to be created automatically, i.e. when someone joins.
Can you please clarify the main ways Grails supports this kind of requirement/need (replicated site), and some of the pros/cons of each?
Thanks, Ray
Edit: Per Tomasz's edit below, the simplest course of action isn't clear. If you have insights on this please do share.
It is called UrlMappings in grails. You need to declare:
"/$username?" {
controller = 'someController'
action = 'user'
It redirects to someController, action user and optional variable called username.
This solution has one catch. Every one level path you visit passes this rule and takes you to someController. You cannot go to because it passes rule above and it follows you to someController#user with params['username']='books'. Then you can't use default actions. But if you decide that all your other paths have at least one slash, e.g. /books/list then you can follow this solution
Edit: I was wrong. It doesn't work as I've expected. I thought that UrlMappings are applied in order they are defined. That's not true, as explained here. Even worse - it's not documented (GRAILS-6246). Most specific explanation comes from Peter Ledbrook :
It uses a specificity algorithm, so the most specific match should apply
You must experiment then. I suggest you use safest solution and stick with /user/username solution.

problem in interceptor executing before action in struts2

I am working on struts2. I have an interceptor that executes before my action claas. Now when I submit on a jsp page control goes to interceptor and after some processing there the control goes to action class. This complete flow is running well. But I found two things –
1) Control does not go to action-validation.xml before going to action class.
2) Its not getting the values of textfield or etc that uses has entered into jsp page before submitting.
Can anyone tell me how to find solution for these two points.
Thanks in advance.
I'd be looking at the order in which you have your interceptors defined in struts.xml. You need to make sure that you have a params interceptor (at least 1, the model driven pattern requires 2) and a validation interceptor defined in the correct place. I generally copy the default stack (defined here) and then modify it for my needs. Perhaps you could add your interceptor stack definition to your question?

ASP.Net MVC - strange params caching behaviour in Actions

I'm facing a strange problem in my project. My actions are getting old param values instead of the actual values which are in Request.Params. I created a HomeController.Echo(string text) action to illustrate it (see screenshot). When I call the action for the first time like "Home/Echo?text=aaa" everything works fine. When I call the same action second time with different text value ("Home/Echo/text=bbb"), I get the old "aaa" value again in my action "text" parameter. Strange think is that Request.Params contains the right "bbb" value.
I'm thinking if there's something I could break myself, but can't figure out anything. I'm serving controllers from IoC container, I overrided ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionMethodWithFilters method (to inject dependencies into filters from IoC) and I'm handling HttpApplication.AuthenticateRequest. Im'not working with params/binding anyhow in any of these...
The problem was caused by some threading issues probably - I forgot to register controllers in my IoC container with per-request lifecycle (they were registered as singletons).
Have you debugged through the application to see where the value is getting switched out. A simple watch on the text variable (whatever you call it in the code) should yield where the variable gets changed. Without code to run through, I have no clue where it is happening.
I would say write a test, but there is still a possibility of UI interfering here. If you find where in the code it is changing, then write a test to confirm the bug and start whacking at it.
I suggest you to start commenting all the methods you overrode until you isolate the problem. In worst case you will get to the point where the ASP.NET MVC wizard left your project when you created it and where parameter binding definitely worked.
