Algorithms for: printer checker - image-processing

I want to make a program for checking the printed paper for errors.
PDF File: please refer to the second page, top right picture
As you see, that system could identify the errors made by printer.
I want to know how was it achieved. What are existing documents about this?
Or any ideas you have?
Thank you

This can be very easy or very difficult.
if your images are black white and your scan is quite precise you can try with a simple subtraction between the images (scanned and pattern)
if your scan will read the image with a possible deformation or translation the you will need first an image registration algorithm.
if your scan present background noise you will have some trouble with the subtraction and then it turns very difficult.
may be some image samples can help to suggest you a more specific algorithm.

I think you need to some how compare two images in a way that is robust to deformation. As mentioned before, substracting the two images can be a first step. Another more sophisticated way can be to use distance transform (or chamfering based methods for template matching) to compare how similar the two images are in the presence of some deformation. More sophisticated solutions can use methods like shape contexts.


How to filter a texture from an image for OCR

I'm trying to do OCR to some forms that, however, have some texture as follows:
This texture causes the OCR programs to ignore it tagging it as an image region.
I considered using morphology. A closing operation with a star ends up as follows:
This result is still not good enough for the OCR.
When I manually erase the 'pepper' and do adaptive thresholding an image as follows gives good results on the OCR:
Do you have any other ideas for the problem?
For the given image, a 5x5 median filter does a little better than the closing. From there, binarization with an adaptive threshold can remove more of the background.
Anyway, the resulting quality will depend a lot on the images and perfect results can't be achieved.
Maybe have a look at this: (see ocr-doc-clean).
Considering that you know the font size, you could also consider using connected component filtering, perhaps in combination with a morphological operation. To be able to retain the commas, just be careful if a smaller connected component is near one that has a size similar to the characters that you are trying to read.
The background pattern is very regular and directionnal, so filtering in the Fourier domain must do some pretty good job here. Try for example the Butterworth filter
A concrete example of such filtering using gimp can be found here

Feature detection on a small, noisy image with OpenCV

I have an image that is both pretty noisy, small (the relevant portion is 381 × 314) and the features are very subtle.
The source image and the cropped relevant area are here as well:
The task is to count the number of white-ish dots within the relevant area using Python but I would be happy with just isolating the lighter dots and lines within the area and removing the background structure (in this case the cell).
With OpenCV I've tried Histogram equalization (destroys the details), finding contours (didn't work), using color ranges (too close in color?)
Any suggestions or guidance on other things to try? I don't believe I can get a higher res image so is this task possible with the rather difficult source?
(This is not a Python answer, since I never used the Python/OpenCV binding. The images below were created using Mathematica. But I just used basic image processing functions, so you should be able to implement that in Python on your own.)
A very general "trick" in image processing is to think about removing the thing you're looking for, instead of actually looking for it. Because often, removing it is much easier than finding it. You could for instance apply a morphological opening, median filter or a gaussian filter to it:
These filters effectively remove details smaller than the filter size, and leave the coarser structures more or less untouched. So you can just take the difference from the original image and look for local maxima:
(You'll have to play around with different "detail removal filters" and filter sizes. There's no way to tell which one works best with just one image.)

Sparse Image matching in iOS

I am building an iOS app that, as a key feature, incorporates image matching. The problem is the images I need to recognize are small orienteering 10x10 plaques with simple large text on them. They can be quite reflective and will be outside(so the light conditions will be variable). Sample image
There will be up to 15 of these types of image in the pool and really all I need to detect is the text, in order to log where the user has been.
The problem I am facing is that with the image matching software I have tried, aurasma and slightly more successfully arlabs, they can't distinguish between them as they are primarily built to work with detailed images.
I need to accurately detect which plaque is being scanned and have considered using gps to refine the selection but the only reliable way I have found is to get the user to manually enter the text. One of the key attractions we have based the product around is being able to detect these images that are already in place and not have to set up any additional material.
Can anyone suggest a piece of software that would work(as is iOS friendly) or a method of detection that would be effective and interactive/pleasing for the user.
Sample environment:
The environment can change substantially, basically anywhere a plaque could be positioned they are; fences, walls, and posts in either wooded or open areas, but overwhelmingly outdoors.
I'm not an iOs programmer, but I will try to answer from an algorithmic point of view. Essentially, you have a detection problem ("Where is the plaque?") and a classification problem ("Which one is it?"). Asking the user to keep the plaque in a pre-defined region is certainly a good idea. This solves the detection problem, which is often harder to solve with limited resources than the classification problem.
For classification, I see two alternatives:
The classic "Computer Vision" route would be feature extraction and classification. Local Binary Patterns and HOG are feature extractors known to be fast enough for mobile (the former more than the latter), and they are not too complicated to implement. Classifiers, however, are non-trivial, and you would probably have to search for an appropriate iOs library.
Alternatively, you could try to binarize the image, i.e. classify pixels as "plate" / white or "text" / black. Then you can use an error-tolerant similarity measure for comparing your binarized image with a binarized reference image of the plaque. The chamfer distance measure is a good candidate. It essentially boils down to comparing the distance transforms of your two binarized images. This is more tolerant to misalignment than comparing binary images directly. The distance transforms of the reference images can be pre-computed and stored on the device.
Personally, I would try the second approach. A (non-mobile) prototype of the second approach is relatively easy to code and evaluate with a good image processing library (OpenCV, Matlab + Image Processing Toolbox, Python, etc).
I managed to find a solution that is working quite well. Im not fully optimized yet but I think its just tweaking filters, as ill explain later on.
Initially I tried to set up opencv but it was very time consuming and a steep learning curve but it did give me an idea. The key to my problem is really detecting the characters within the image and ignoring the background, which was basically just noise. OCR was designed exactly for this purpose.
I found the free library tesseract ( easy to use and with plenty of customizability. At first the results were very random but applying sharpening and monochromatic filter and a color invert worked well to clean up the text. Next a marked out a target area on the ui and used that to cut out the rectangle of image to process. The speed of processing is slow on large images and this cut it dramatically. The OCR filter allowed me to restrict allowable characters and as the plaques follow a standard configuration this narrowed down the accuracy.
So far its been successful with the grey background plaques but I havent found the correct filter for the red and white editions. My goal will be to add color detection and remove the need to feed in the data type.

Algorithm for capturing machine readable zones

What method is suitable to capture (detect) MRZ from a photo of a document? I'm thinking about cascade classifier (e.g. Viola-Jones), but it seems a bit weird to use it for this problem.
If you know that you will look for text in a passport, why not try to find passport model points on it first. Match template of a passport to it by using ASM/AAM (Active shape model, Active Appearance Model) techniques. Once you have passport position information you can cut out the regions that you are interested in. This will take some time to implement though.
Consider this approach as a great starting point:
Black top-hat followed by a horisontal derivative highlights long rows of characters.
Morphological closing operation(s) merge the nearby characters and character rows together into a single large blob.
Optional erosion operation(s) remove the small blobs.
Otsu thresholding followed by contour detection and filtering away the contours which are apparently too small, too round, or located in the wrong place will get you a small number of possible locations for the MRZ
Finally, compute bounding boxes for the locations you found and see whether you can OCR them successfully.
It may not be the most efficient way to solve the problem, but it is surprisingly robust.
A better approach would be the use of projection profile methods. A projection profile method is based on the following idea:
Create an array A with an entry for every row in your b/w input document. Now set A[i] to the number of black pixels in the i-th row of your original image.
(You can also create a vertical projection profile by considering columns in the original image instead of rows.)
Now the array A is the projected row/column histogram of your document and the problem of detecting MRZs can be approached by examining the valleys in the A histogram.
This problem, however, is not completely solved, so there are many variations and improvements. Here's some additional documentation:
Projection profiles in Google Scholar:
Tesseract-ocr, a great open source OCR library:
Viola & Jones' Haar-like features generate many (many (many)) features to try to describe an object and are a bit more robust to scale and the like. Their approach was a unique approach to a difficult problem.
Here, however, you have plenty of constraint on the problem and anything like that seems a bit overkill. Rather than 'optimizing early', I'd say evaluate the standard OCR tools off the shelf and see where they get you. I believe you'll be pleasantly surprised.
You'll want to preprocess the image to isolate the characters on a white background. This can be done quite easily and will help the OCR algorithms significantly.
You might want to consider using stroke width transform.
You can follow these tips to implement it.

Webcam image capture issue

I am trying to do some image tracking by capturing images from a webcam and comparing it with a reference image. The problem I face is that two images of the exact same spot differ in their bitmaps. I am using OpenCV. I need to know a way to capture images so that this kind of jitter is avoided.
Thanks in advance.
Well, I would say that you can't.
Two images will never be the same, due to illumination changes, and thousands of other effects (including electronic noise).
What you want to do is to find a way to uniformize it like applying some kind of gaussian filter.
There are also some good links in this post :
Natural feature tracking with openCV- evaluating the options
