Terminology and concepts surrounding the use of code pages - character-encoding

I'm in the process of researching code pages and have come across many conflicting uses of terminology, even amongst different Wikipedia entries. I just can't find a source of information that spells out the entire character handling process from start to finish. Could someone well versed in this field suggest ways in which the following information is inaccurate or incorrect:
The process of character representation as far as I understand:
We start with sets of symbols (not sure of the correct terminology here, possibly 'scripts') that are not associated with any specific platform. 'The Cyrillic alphabet' is understood to refer to the same entity in the context of Windows as in Linux, for example.
Members of these sets are selected, generally in bunches, by vendors to form a platform specific character set. The platform might assign these various codes such as GDI values on Windows (eg. 0 for ANSI_CHARSET and the other codes mentioned here: http://asa.diac24.net/wiki/index.php?title=ASS:fe&printable=yes). I cannot find much information on these sets such as whether they are in fact coded character sets or if they are simply unordered and abstract.
From these sets, individual code pages are developed that appear to have a one to one mapping with GDI values. Since these GDI values appear to represent sets that are platform dependent, does this mean Windows code pages are essentially a coded version of each individual set?
I've been having trouble reconciling this idea with a link shown to me earlier (which I've lost) that showed a one to many mapping between these GDI charsets and code pages across different platforms. Is this accurate, do these GDI values point to sets from which different code pages across different platforms can be developed?
Each code page maps a member of an abstract character set onto an integer to represent its position in the set. In the case of the 'simpler' code pages mentioned on the above webpage, these can be referred to using the more precise 'character map' term. Is this term worth considering or is the distinction too subtle and unimportant?
A font resolves a code point to a glyph if it contains one for that code point, otherwise it reports a failure. I've also read that a font may return its own blank glyph for those code points which it doesn't support. Can an application distinguish between this blank glyph and a successful resolution, ie. does the font return an error code of sorts with this blank glyph?
I believe that's the extent of my confusion. Any clarification in this regard would be invaluable. Thanks in advance.

You are essentially correct:
Start with the number of known characters.
Select a subset of this characters (a character set)
Map these to bit patterns (code page and encoding)
Render these to an output device by combining the character with a glyph (ie. using a font, a bit pattern, and a codepage/encoding that maps bit pattern to character).
Across platforms, there are similar code pages. And even across many code pages there are similar mappings of value to character. For example, Windows Latin, Mac Roman and unicode share characters for the first 127 values. There is some standardization (eg. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shift_JIS for Japanese) of codepages so that machines can interact.
Generally for new development, you should be using a unicode codepage with one of the popular encodings. UTF8 is popular on most modern systems. UTF16LE is used for Windows system calls ending in W.

This might be a good match: http://mihai-nita.net/2006/08/06/basic-lingo/


Punycode is showing instead of Unicode in URL [duplicate]

If I use a domain such as www.äöü.com, is there any way to avoid it being displayed as www.xn--4ca0bs.com in users’ browsers?
Domains such as www.xn--4ca0bs.com cause a lot of confusion with average internet users, I guess.
This is entirely up to the browser. In fact, IDNs are pretty much a browser-only technology. Domain names cannot contain non-ASCII characters, so the actual domain name is always the Punycode encoded xn--... form. It's up to the browser to prettify this, but many choose to not do so to avoid domain name spoofing using lookalike Unicode characters.
From a security perspective, Unicode domains can be problematic because many Unicode characters are difficult to distinguish from common ASCII characters (or indeed other Unicode characters).
It is possible to register domains such as "xn–pple-43d.com", which is equivalent to "аpple.com". It may not be obvious at first glance, but "аpple.com" uses the Cyrillic "а" (U+0430) rather than the ASCII "a" (U+0061). This is known as a homograph attack.
Fortunately modern browsers have mechanisms in place to limit IDN homograph attacks. The page IDN Policy on chrome highlights the conditions under which an IDN is displayed in its native Unicode form. Generally speaking, the Unicode form will be hidden if a domain label contains characters from multiple different languages. The "аpple.com" domain as described above will appear in its Punycode form as "xn–pple-43d.com" to limit confusion with the real "apple.com".
For more information see this blog post by Xudong Zheng.
Internet Explorer 8.0 on Windows 7 displays your UTF-8 domain just fine.
Google Chrome 19 on the other hand doesn't.
Read more here: An Introduction to Multilingual Web Addresses #phishing.
Different browsers to things differently, possibly because some use the system codepage/locale/encoding/wtvr. And others use their own settings, or a list of allowed characters.
Read that article carefully, it explains how each browser works when making a decision.
If you are targeting a specific language, you can get away with it and make it work.

Are there any keyboard character code differences between PC and Mac?

So I'm working on a site in PHP/JS and also a database. I have a co-worker that sends me documents written on Apple devices and I'm on a PC. Since I don't have access to a Mac, I'd like to know if spaces and punctuation are identical typed on different keyboards.
I want to be able to copy the contents of the documents and paste it in the database, however I don't want to assume that the PC dash character is the same as a Mac dash (that might be an actual minus character).. or that a PC space turns out to be a Mac narrow/en space.
I could just test a received document, but she works all over the place and never knows where she wrote what.
This is a programming question because I'm pasting mathematical expressions where such characters make a difference.. and also using PHP and JavaScript to interpret those characters.
The main issue is the character encoding in the document. Mostly likely that's a Unicode encoding (e.g. UTF-8) which is fully cross-platform.
Someone using a U.S. keyboard layout (and probably most others) intending to type something like dash/hyphen/minus would most likely produce HYPHEN-MINUS U+002D. There are, of course, ways of typing EN DASH U+2013, EM DASH U+2014, SMALL EM DASH U+FE58, HYPHEN U+2010, and others, but the user would have to do that deliberately. It wouldn't be done routinely just because they're using a Mac.
Also, some editors or word processors may do "smart substitutions", replacing the ASCII characters with fancier (more typographically correct) non-ASCII ones. That would be independent of Mac vs. PC. If it does that, the character would still come across to the PC as such, but if your use of the document data is sensitive to such differences (as is apparently the case), then that would be problematic.
It would be very unlikely that Space would routinely be anything other than a normal SPACE U+0020. There are, of course, ways of typing variants such as NO-BREAK SPACE U+00A0, EN SPACE U+2002, EM SPACE U+2003, etc., but the user would have to go out of their way to type those. And I doubt smart substitutions would replace normal spaces.

Profanity checking for promotional codes

I have a slightly unusual profanity-related question.
Now we're used to dealing with profanity-filtering of user-generated content — any method is imperfect, but products like CleanSpeak and WebPurify do a good-enough job.
The problem we have at the moment, though, is that we've been building an engine to run promotional-code–based competitions, that will be used internationally. We could do with checking that none of these codes is profane in Latin American Spanish or Malay (at least in the first instance), to make sure we don't send out a code that's equivalent to FUCK23 or PEN15 or something.
We've tried Googling around and asking people we know, but we can't find an easy way of getting hold of an es-419 or an ms profanity list to filter the codes against. As there are literally millions of codes per locale, we'd rather do an offline check than hit an API for each code (which would be expensive both in terms of bandwidth and usage fees).
I know this is a bit of a long shot, but does anyone know of a good source for profanity lists in different languages?
#disclaim: We know that no profanity filtering is perfect, that it's essentially futile with user-generated content and we have read SO #273516: How do you implement a good profanity filter? — that's not what we're asking.
Building or finding lists in other languages is extremely time consuming and difficult (trust me, we've built many of them at Inversoft). You might be better off tweaking the code generators instead (from what I could tell your code is generating the promotional codes rather than humans).
The best way to tweak a generator is to ensure that the codes can't easily form words based on the general use of consonants and vowels in most European languages. Things get a bit dicey in Polish and others, but it usually works.
Generally, most codes that start with a vowel are followed by another vowel or a non-joining consonant (like 'q' without a 'u'). If the code starts with a consonant then the next character is the same consonant or one that has a low probability of being used. For example, if you start with 's' then adding 'g' is a good choice.
You could also use wiktionary or other similar sources (like Linux dictionary files) to build a statistical approach to this. By extracting the probability of characters being next to each other, you should be able to generate codes with good accuracy of never being words in any language.
However, if I misread your question and you aren't generating the codes programmatically, you can ignore my response completely. :)
I have had the same thoughts. in trying to generate 6 character codes for a project i am doing.
I decided to reduce the likelyhood of obvious porfain codes So i removed the vowels that i found in as many "bad" words as i could think of, from my intial base 36 generation code. Leaving me with something more like a base 28 system that did not include a,e,i,o,u, 1,0. the one and zero were removed to reduce confusion between those characters in some fonts with I,L,O's
so far I have not seen a "profain" code genreated. Although base 28 has 1.something billion unique combinations.
i cannot vouch for other languages, and had not even considered it...

Unicode Precomposition and Decomposition with Delphi

The Wikipedia entry for Subversion contains a paragraph about problems with different ways of Unicode encoding:
While Subversion stores filenames as Unicode, it does not specify if
precomposition or decomposition is used for certain accented
characters (such as é). Thus, files added in SVN clients running on
some operating systems (such as OS X) use decomposition encoding,
while clients running on other operating systems (such as Linux) use
precomposition encoding, with the consequence that those accented
characters do not display correctly if the local SVN client is not
using the same encoding as the client used to add the files
While this describes a specific problem with Subversion client implementations, I am not sure if the underlying Unicode composition problem could also appear with regular Delphi applications. I guess that the problem can only arise if Delphi applications are able to use both Unicode encoding ways (maybe in Delphi XE2). If yes, what could Delphi developers do to avoid it?
There is a minor display issue in that many fonts used on Windows won't render the decomposed form in the ideal way, by using the combined glyph for both the letter and the diacritical. Instead it falls back to rendering the letter and than overlaying the standalone diacritical mark on top, which typically results in a less visually pleasing, potentially-lopsided grapheme.
However that is not the issue the Subversion bug referenced from wiki is talking about. It's actually completely fine to check in filenames to SVN that contain composed or decomposed character sequences; SVN neither knows nor cares about composition, it just uses the Unicode code points as-is. As long as the backend filesystem leaves filenames in the same state as they were put in, all is fine.
Windows and Linux both have filesystems that are equally blind to composition. Mac OS X, unfortunately, does not. Both HFS+ and UFS filesystems perform ‘normalisation’ to decomposed form before storing an incoming filename, so the filename you get back won't necessarily be the same sequence of Unicode code points you put in.
It is this [IMO: insane] behaviour that confuses SVN—and many other programs—when being run on OS X. It's particularly likely to bite because Apple happened to choose decomposed (NFD) as their normalisation form, whereas most of the rest of the world uses composed (NFC) characters.
(And it's not even real NFD, but an incompatible Apple-only variant. Joy.)
The best way to cope with this is, if you can, is never to rely on the exact filename something's stored under. If you only ever read a file from a given name, that's fine, as it'll be normalised to match the filesystem at the time. But if you're reading a directory listing and trying to match filenames you find in there to what you expected the filename to be—which is what Subversion is doing—you're going to get mismatches.
To do a filename match reliably you would have to detect that you're running on OS X, and manually normalise both the filename and the string to some normal form (NFC or NFD) before doing the comparison. You shouldn't do this on other OSes which treat the two forms as different.
AFAICT, both encodings should produce the same results when displaying, and both are valid Unicode, so I don't quite see the problem there. A display routine should be able to handle both if decomposition is encountered for. A code point é should display as-is, while e´ should only display as é in decomposition mode.
The problem is not display, IMO, it is comparison, either for equality (which fails if both use a different encoding) or lexically, i.e. for sorting. That is why one should normalize to one encoding, as David says. That way there are no abmiguities anymore.
The same problem could arise in any application that deals with text. How to avoid it depends on what operations the application is performing and the question lacks specific details. Mostly I think you'd solve such problems by normalizing the text. This involves using a single preferred representation whenever you encounter ambiguity of encoding.

Does anyone know an API that generates the Hash images

I've been searching for an API which can generate (and i'll need one that can then read) image hashes.
I don't know if that exactly what they are called. They are those black and white crossword looking like images you see on tickets or groceries at the supermarket that uniquely identify something.
Those are not called image hashes, they are regular barcodes, albeit 2-d or matrix barcodes. The reason why they identify things is due to the fact that the barcode contains a unique id, or in the case of matrix barcodes, quite some amount of data.
Popular examples would be the QR-code or Datamatrix. You did not specify any language, so you have to look up compatible libraries yourself, but I guess with the keywords provided here, this will be very easy.
Do you mean barcodes? QR code?
http://fukuchi.org/works/qrencode/index.en.html (c)
http://code.google.com/p/zxing/ (java)
http://www.twit88.com/home/opensource/qrcode (c#)
The word you are searching for is "barcode". The first examples were one-dimensional. They were patterns of bars and spaces that were scanned normal to the bar. Information is coded by the variations of widths of the bars and spaces. One dimensional barcodes have the advantage that they generally require relatively low-precision print processes to form. They have the disadvantage of low information density. Common 1D symbologies include Code 39, UPC-A and Interleaved 2 of 5.
More recent codes use 2D patterns to pack more information into less area. Common examples are the hexagonal MaxiCode symbols seen on UPS packages, and the various square pattern symbols (QR code, Aztec code, Datamatrix are common) turning up on a lot of goods, in postage, and even in advertising.
There are many recognized kinds of barcode (known as symbologies to the industry). Here is a link to a nice concise list with examples of some commonly found symbols.
Most of the vendors of barcode equipment also sell software to generate symbols and labels containing symbols. There are also a number of open source projects, usually focused on a single symbology, or a group of closely related symbologies.
