Avoiding nil in Rails views - ruby-on-rails

I'm sure this has been asked already, but I can't find the answer.
I have a Project model, which has a belongs_to relationship with my Client model. A client has a name, but a project doesn't necessarily have a client.
In my view, I've got code like this:
<%=h project.client && project.client.name %>
because if the project doesn't have a client then trying to access project.client.name causes a NoMethodError (nil doesn't have a method called name).
The question is, is it acceptable to have this kind of nil checking in the view, or should I be looking for another way around it?

Just use

I think its perfectly acceptable - this is view logic, you are more or less deciding whether or not to show portions of your view, based on whether there is data.

I run into this all the time, and yes it's annoying. Even when there is supposed to never be a nil, dirty data that I inherited sometimes triggers it.
Your solution is one way of handling it. You could also add a method to Project called client_name that displays the client name if it exists, but then you are linking the models together more than some people recommend.
def client_name
client && client.name
You could also make a helper method to do it, but you can end up writing a lot of them. :)
As mentioned by Skilldrick below, this is also useful to add a default string:
def client_name
client ? client.name : "no client"

You can use delegate in your Project class, so this way you will respect the Law of demeter which says that you should "talk only to your immediate friends".
class Project
delegate :name, to: :client, prefix: true, allow_nil: true
So this way the project object will know where to ask about the client's name:
#You can now call
See more about delegate in the Rails documentation.

my hacky solution is to yield a block and rescue the error. Many would say using rescue as logic is very bad form. Just don't use this where you would actually need to know when something is nil and shouldn't be.
In application_helper.rb:
def none_on_fail
return yield
return "(none entered)"
Then in the view:
<%= none_on_fail { project.client.name } %>
Then methods can be chained as deep as needed and it can be used on any method BUT it will cover up other potential problems with models/relationships/methods if they exist. I would equate it to taking out a splinter with a flamethrower. Very effective with painful consequences if used improperly.

I think these checks can usually be eliminated with a bit of thought. This has the benefit of keeping your view code cleaner, and more importantly, keeping logic out of the view layer, which is a best practice. Some templating engines don't allow any logic in the view.
There are at least a couple of scenarios. Let's say you have a show action that depends on an instance variable. I'd say if the record is not found the controller should not render the html, by redirecting or something else. If you have a loop in the view for an array, use #array.each do |a| end so that it doesn't evaluate if the array is empty. If you truly want an application default in the view, try loading it from a config file, e.g. #page_title || #{#APP_CONFIG['page_title']} (see Railscasts #85). Remember you may want to change these strings later, for example translating the UI.
Those are a couple scenarios where presence checks and usage of try can be avoided. I'd try to avoid them if possible. If you can't avoid them, I'd put the conditional checks in a view helper and add a helper unit test for it to verify (and document) both code paths.


Monkey patching a core class with business logic with Rails

I have a monkeypatched of ActiveRecord find with some business logic, for example:
# lib/core_extensions/active_record/finder_methods/finder.rb
module ActiveRecord
module FinderMethods
def find(*args)
return super if block_given?
#... business logic code => my_error_control = true
raise "My Error" if my_error_control
retorn = find_with_ids(*args)
I have not seen many examples like this, and this causes me a doubt:
Where should finder.rb be?
In this example, this file is in lib/core_extensions/... but if it contains business logic, I think finder.rb should lives in the folder app/core_extensions/ isn't it?
Edited, after Sergio Answer
things like this, are a bad practice?
# lib/core_extensions/nil_class/image_attributes.rb
# suport for product images attributes
class NilClass
def main_image(size,evita_video)
Where should finder.rb be?
Ultimately, it doesn't matter. It only matters that this code gets loaded. This mix of patching base libraries and adding business logic there looks like something that MUST be documented thoroughly (in the project's wiki or something like that). And if it is documented, then it doesn't matter. The code is where the documentation says it is.
That being out of the way, here's a design suggestion:
when user seeks a Family Family.find(params[family_id],session[:company_id]), this find will compare the company of the family result family.company witht the parameter
Why not do something like this:
family = current_company.families.find(params[:family_id])
where current_company can be defined as #current_company ||= Company.find(session[:company_id])
Here, if this company doesn't have this family, you'll get an exception.
Same effect*, only without any patching. Much more futureproof. You can even add a couple of rubocop rules to ensure that you never write a naked Family.find.
* it's not like you add that patch and rest of your code magically acquires super-powers. No. You still have to change all the finders, to pass that company id.
It's the first time I see such case :). I'd put it in app/core_extensions and check if live reloading works correctly with it. If not, I'd move it to lib/. (It's just a heuristic)
Instead of extending NilClass I'd rather use regular NullObjects. It's really less surprising and easier to understand.

Rails common method for updating a database field

I am new to rails and I have a task to write a common method that will update a specific database field with a given value. And I should be able to invoke the method from anywhere in the app.(I understand about the security flaw and so on.. But I was asked to do it anyway) In my application controller I tried
def update_my_model_status(model,id,field, value)
#model = model.find(id)
#model.update(field: value)
Of course this doesn't work.. How to achieve this? What is the right way to do this? And if it is possible how to pass a model as an argument to a method?
If you're using Rails, why not use Rails?
Compare update_all:
MyModel.where(id: 1).update_all(banned: true)
or maybe update_attribute:
my_model.update_attribute(:banned, true)
update_my_model_status(MyModel, 1, :banned, true)
Notice how, despite being shorter, the first two approaches are significantly more expressive than the last - it is much more obvious what is happening. Not only that, but they are immediately more familiar to any Rails developer off the street, while the custom one has a learning curve. This, combined with the added code from the unnecessary method adds to the maintenance cost of the application. Additionally, the Rails methods are well tested and documented - are you planning to write that, too? Finally, the Rails methods are better thought out - for example, your prototype naively uses attribute validations, but does not check them (which could result in unexpected behavior) and makes more SQL queries than it needs to. It's fine to write custom methods, but let's not write arbitrary wrappers around perfectly fine Rails methods...
Try this:
def update_my_model_status(model,id,field, value)
#model_var = model.capitalize.constantize.find(id)
#model_var.update_attributes(field: value)
Instead of just using update you should use update_attributes:
def update_my_model_status(model,id,field, value)
#model_var = model.find(id)
#model.update_attributes(field: value)

Should Rails helpers assume an instance variable exists or should they receive them as parameters?

I'm wondering if there's a specific programming principle (Demeter?) that supports the idea that Rails helpers should never use controller instance variables, rather, they should receive such variables as function parameters. For example, assume my ChickensController#squawk action creates an instance variable called #egg. Furthermore, assume the squawk view contains a call to a helper called cockadoodledoo, implemented like so:
def cockadoodledoo
Would it be better or unnecessarily verbose to pass #egg as a parameter, such that the view calls cockadoodledoo(#egg) and for the helper to resemble:
def cockadoodledoo(egg)
I hope one of you happy hackers is bored enough on a Friday afternoon to assert an answer. Cockadoodledoo!
This question here is similar, but was never accurately answered.
Receive them as a param. Otherwise, as the app grows, it gets very difficult to trace where the instance vars are being set when refactoring, troubleshooting, etc.
Also, I believe there's a general best practice to only use instance vars in views within the initial template...and from there you should pass the var into helpers and other partials.
I'd say you should always pass the variables explicitly to your helper for 2 reasons:
you control exactly what you do
above all, you can test your helper
I don't know if there is any named principle governing this sort of thing but I would pass an argument. Not only will the argument make your helper easier to test and your application's data flow easier to follow but it will also let you use one helper for a single instance as well as a list; if you pass an argument then both:
<%= cockadoodledoo #egg %>
<% #eggs.each do |egg| %>
<%= cockadoodledoo egg %>
<% end %>
will work as expected without introducing a special cockadoodledoo that handles a list in #eggs rather than a single #egg.
Since helper messages are mixed in to all controllers, hence available to all views (including partials and layouts), it's always wise to establish a clear contract - the parameters.
The only exception I could think of is when a instance variable is also available to all views and controllers, like a menu or something similar.

Is there any way to define a model's attribute as always html_safe?

I have a model called Feature with a variable called body_string, which contains HTML markup I'd like to render, rather than escape.
Every time I reference body_string in my views, I need to use <%=raw or .html_safe. This seems redundant and not-so-DRY.
Is there any way that I can establish once-and-for-all the body_string variable as html_safe?
I'm assuming this would happen in the app/models/feature.rb file, but I can't figure out what the right syntax would be, exactly. I've thought of this:
def body_string
return self.body_string.html_safe
But Rails doesn't like it; it raises a stack level too deep exception.
Naturally I could define a variable/method with a different name:
def safe_body_string
return self.body_string.html_safe
And then just change all references in the views from body_string to safe_body_string. But somehow this seems almost as un-DRY as simply using raw or .html_safe in the first place.
Any insights to how best to handle this? I feel like there must be something really elegant that I'm just not seeing.
Just use read_attribute to avoid the recursive call to body_string:
def body_string
read_attribute is complemented by write_attribute for setting attributes from within your model.
A note on style: Don't use explicit returns unless you actually need them. The result of the last statement in a method is implicitly the value returned from the method.
While #meager's answer will definitely work, I don't think this logic belongs in a model. Simply because it adds view-level concerns (HTML safeness) to the model layer, which should just include business logic. Instead, I would recommend using a Presenter for this (see http://nithinbekal.com/posts/rails-presenters/ or find a gem for this -- I personally love Display Case). Your presenter can easily override the body_string method and provide the .html_safe designation when displaying in the view. This way you separate your concerns and can continue to get body_string from other models without mixing in the view concern.
Maybe this gem is useful for you. I also wanted to stop repeating html_safe all the time when the content is completely trustable.
Or you can also use this approach,
def body_string
super && super.html_safe

Rails: Helpers and Models - where to organize code

More and more I'm putting all of my code in models and helpers concerning MVC.
However, sometimes I'm not sure where to organize code. Should it go into the model or should it go into a helper. What are the benefits of each. Is one faster or are they the same. I've heard something about all models getting cached so it seems then like that would be a better place to put most of my code.
For example here is a scenario that works in a model or in helper:
def status
if self.purchased
elsif self.confirmed
elsif self.reserved
I don't need to save this status as in the database because there are boolean fields for purchased, and confirmed, and reserved. So why put this in a model or why put it into a helper?
So I'm not sure of the best practice or benefits gained on putting code into a model or into helper if it can be in both.
Your specific example is including a business rule in the sense that if the instance of the model is both purchased and confirmed then the proper status is "purchased" not "confirmed"
So in your example, I'd definitely put the method in the model since it is coding one of your applications business rules.
A different example:
def status_string
case status
when 0: "Purchased"
when 1: "Confirmed"
In this case, the status_string method could be reasonably defined either in a View Helper or Model--it has nothing to do with any business rules, it is changing the representation of the value. I'd put it in the model since I tend to only put html-related sw into the View Helpers. But depending on your internationalization scheme, a similar method might be better placed in the View Helper.
A good example of a View Helper is an application-wide method to transform date time values into the standard representation for your app. Eg
# application_helper.rb
def date_long_s(d)
d.strftime("%A, %b *%d, %Y *%I:%M %p")
This is really subjective and I agree, sometimes it is not clear if something belongs in a model or helper.
For example:
# using model
status ? status.nice_name : "Pending"
# using helper
The clear advantage here for the helper is that it can handle nil objects gracefully keeping views clean. The disadvantage is that the code is now in a different location away from the model
Performance wise you will not see any significant difference between using helpers and models. It is more likely that DB round trips to pull status objects will be a bottleneck.
I use constant hashes in this kind of situations.
Hash is defined in model file like this
1 => "Pending",
2 => "Confirmed"
I also declare constants for each status like this.
Declaring this is useful when writing queries. For example,
status field in database table is number.So when printing, I simply use this.
