OpenCV: Detect a black to white gradient in an area - opencv

I uploaded an example image for better understanding:
In the image you can see some scanlines and a marker (the white retangle with the circle in it). I want OpenCV to go along a specified area (in the example outlined trough the scanlines) that should be around 5x5. If that area contains a gradient from black to white, I want OpenCV to save the position of that area, so that I can work with it later.
The final result would be to differentiate between the marker and the other retangles separated trough black and white lines.
Is something like that possible? I googled a lot but I only found edge detectors but that's not what I want, I really need the detection of the black to white gradient only.
Thanks in advance.

it would be a good idea to filter out some of the areas by calculating their histogram.
You can use cvCalcHist for the task, then you can establish some threshold to determine if the black-white pixels percentage corresponds to that of a gradient. This will not solve the task but it will help you in reducing complexity.
Then, you can erode the image to merge all the white areas. After applying threshold, it would be possible to find connected components (using cvFindContours) that will separate images in black zones or white zones. You can then detect gradients by finding 5x5 areas that contain both a piece of a white zone and black zone simultaneously.
hope it helps.

Thanks for your answerer dnul, but it didn't really help me work this out. I though about a histogram to approach the problem but it's not quite what I want.
I solved this problem by creating a 40x40 matrix which holds 5x5 matrix's containing the raw pixel data in all 3 channels. I iterated trough each 40px-area and inside iterated trough each border of 5px-area. I checked each pixel and saved the ones which are darker then a certain threshold a storage.
After the iteration I had a rough idea of how many black pixels their are, so I checked each one of them for neighbors with white-pixels in all 3 channels. I then marked each of those pixels and saved them to another storage.
I then used the ransac algorithm to construct lines out of these points. It constructs about 5-20 lines per marker edge. I then looked at the lines which meet each other and saved the position of those that meet in a square angle.
The 4 points I get from that are the edges of the marker.
If you want to reproduce this you would have to filter the image in beforehand and apply a threshold to make it easier to distinguish between black and white pixels.
A sample picture, save after finding the points and before constructing the lines:

What you are describing is edge detection. This is exactly how, say, the Canny edge detector works. It looks for dark pixels near light pixels, and based on a threshold that you pass in (There is also the adaptive canny, which figures out the threshold for you), and sets them to all black or all white (aka 'marks' them).
See here:


Adaptive hole filling in regards of the adjacent regions

I have the following problem, best explained with this picture:
I have a hole (blue) with an edge (white line).
I now want to fill the hole with the color of the region next to it.
So above the white line it shoud be yellow and below the white line red.
Is there an algorithm which does something similar i could adapt?
Possibly even an implementation in openCV?
Ok, maybe to specify: The white line is from an edge detection and irregular. Also there are many blue spots like this on a big image and it needs to compute the color for each spot according to the adjacent colors
EDIT2: added a better example image containing the whole scene:
To further clarify: Only the blue "holes" should be filled, because they are the regions of error we know. The white object edges are taken from a ground truth for this example which is more precise than the data we can actually work with. It is possible to get a aproximation of that edge though.
The data is a depth map from a multi camera scan by the way. Goal is to fill the error regions cause by overshadowing of the objects. If an object can't be viewed by 2 camera views, because it is obfuscated, no depth estimation is possible.
Maye you want to have a look at the OpenCV's function called floodFill.
This function has an input mask parameter that you could use to specify the white line between the two colored regions.
I kinda found a solution to my problem: openCV has a inpaint function.
I'm gonna modify this according to this paper. Should work fine for my case.

Good Method for Processing some Similar Images

I need to process some images in a real-time situation. I am receiving the images from a camera using OpenCV. The language I use is C++. An example of the images is attached. After applying some threshold filters I have an image like this, Of course there may be some pixel noises here and there, but not that much.
I need to detect the center and the rotation of the squares, and the center of the white circles. I'm totally clueless about how to do it, as it needs to be really fast. The number of the squares can be predefined. Any help would be great, thanks in advance.
Is the following straight forward approch too slow?
Binarize the image, so that the originally green background is black and the rest (black squares are white dots) are white.
Use cv::findContours.
Get the centers.
Binarize the image, so that the everything except the white dots is black.
Use cv::findContours.
Get the centers.
Assign every dot contours to the squate contour, for that is an inlier.
Calculate the squares rotations by the angle of the line between their centers and the centers of their dots.

Cross detection in image

I have to find the crosses in the image. What I know is the exact position of each red square. Now I have to decide, if there is a cross inside the square or not. What is the best and fastest way to do this? I am using OpenCv/c++! Well, I could try to use the SVM of OpenCv? But is it fast? Do you have any other ideas?
If you really have the coordinates of the center of each number-box and you maybe can adjust the image acquisition a bit, this should be a feasible task.
The problem I see here is, that you have a brightness gradient in your image which you should get rid off by either taking a better picture or using a big Gaussian-filter and an image subtraction.
Otherwise I'm not sure you'll find a good brightness-threshold to separate crossed from non-crossed.
Another approach you could use is to calculate the variance of your pixels. This gives you a nice local measure, whether or not a dark pen spread your pixel-distribution. A quick test looks promising
Note, that I didn't had the real positions of the boxes. I just divided your image into equally sized regions which is not really correct regarding the box/sub-box like structure. Therefore there are some false positives in it because of the red triangles in each upper left corner and because of some overlapping crosses.
So here's what I did:
Take your image without the red channel and made it a graylevel image.
Filtering this image with a Gaussian of radius 100 and subtracting this from the image.
I divided your image into (7*6)x(7*2) subregions.
Calculated the variance of each subregion and used a variance-threshold of about 0.017 for the above image
Every box which had a larger variance was crossed.
Simple solution: if you know a-priori locations of all boxes, just calculate the average brightness of the box. Boxes with a mark will be much darker than empty boxes.
If not detecting red ink is an option, keep it simple: Accumulate all pixels within the red square and threshold on the "redness", i.e. the quotient of the sum of red values divided by the total color values.
just find rectungles and then do simple pixel compare.

Background removal using Kinect: noise suppression around body shape

The objective is to display the person on a different background (aka background removal).
I'm using the Kinect with Microsoft's Beta Kinect SDK to do so. With help of the depth, the background is filtered and we get only the image of the person.
This is pretty simple to do, and we can find the code that does that everywhere on the Internet. However, the depth signal is noisy, and we get pixels which do not belong to the person that are displayed.
I applied an edge detector to see if it was useful, and I currently get this:
Here's another without edge detection:
My question is: Which way can I get rid of these noisy white pixels around the person?
I tried morphological operations, but some parts of the body are erased and still leave white pixels behind.
The algorithm doesn't need to be real-time, I can just apply it when I press a 'Save image' button.
Edit 1:
I just tried to do background substraction with the closest frames on the shape border. The single pixels you see are flickering, which means it is noise and I can get easily get rid of them.
Edit 2:
The project is now over, and here's what we did: manual calibration of the Kinect by using the OpenNI driver, which provides directly the infrared image. The result is really good, but each calibration is specific to each Kinect.
Then, we applied a little transparency on the borders, and the result looks really nice! I can't provide pictures, however.
Your problem isn't just the noisy white pixels. You're missing significant parts of the person as well, e.g. part of his right hand. I'd recommend being more conservative with your thresholding of the depth data (allow more false positives). This would give you more noisy pixels, but at least you'd have the person in their entirety.
To get rid of the noisy pixels, I can think of a couple of things:
Feather the outer pixels (reduce them in intensity/increase their transparency if you're using an alpha channel)
Smooth the image, perform the edge detection on the smoothed image, then use these edges with your original sharp image.
Do some skin region detection to mark parts that definitely belong to a person. See skin detection in the YUV color space? and Skin Color Detection
For clothes, work with the hue and saturation image. If you know the color of the t-shirt (or that at least that it's not a neutral color), then this will stand out easily. If you don't know this information, then it may be worth building up a model of the person using the other frames (if there's a big gray blob that's moving around in your video, chances are that your subject is wearing a gray shirt)
The approaches aren't mutually exclusive so it may be worth trying to do them in combination. If I think of anything else, I'll post back here.
If there is no other way of resolving the jitter on the edges you could always try anti-alias as post-process.

How to compensate for uneven illumination in a photograph of a printed page?

I am trying to teach my camera to be a scanner: I take pictures of printed text and then convert them to bitmaps (and then to djvu and OCR'ed). I need to compute a threshold for which pixels should be white and which black, but I'm stymied by uneven illumination. For example if the pixels in the center are dark enough, I'm likely to wind up with a bunch of black pixels in the corners.
What I would like to do, under relatively simple assumptions, is compensate for uneven illumination before thresholding. More precisely:
Assume one or two light sources, maybe one with gradual change in light intensity across the surface (ambient light) and another with an inverse square (direct light).
Assume that the white parts of the paper all have the same reflectivity/albedo/whatever.
Find some algorithm to estimate degree of illumination at each pixel, and from that recover the reflectivity of each pixel.
From a pixel's reflectivity, classify it white or black
I have no idea how to write an algorithm to do this. I don't want to fall back on least-squares fitting since I'd somehow like to ignore the dark pixels when estimating illumination. I also don't know if the algorithm will work.
All helpful advice will be upvoted!
EDIT: I've definitely considered chopping the image into pieces that are large enough so they still look like "text on a white background" but small enough so that illumination of a single piece is more or less even. I think if I then interpolate the thresholds so that there's no discontinuity across sub-image boundaries, I will probably get something halfway decent. This is a good suggestion, and I will have to give it a try, but it still leaves me with the problem of where to draw the line between white and black. More thoughts?
EDIT: Here are some screen dumps from GIMP showing different histograms and the "best" threshold value (chosen by hand) for each histogram. In two of the three a single threshold for the whole image is good enough. In the third, however, the upper left corner really needs a different threshold:
I'm not sure if you still need a solution after all this time, but if you still do. A few years ago I and my team photographed about 250,000 pages with a camera and converted them to (almost black and white ) grey scale images which we then DjVued ( also make pdfs of).
(See The catalogue and complete collection of photographic facsimiles of the 1144 paper transcripts of the French Institute of Pondicherry.)
We also ran into the problem of uneven illumination. We came up with a simple unsophisticated solution which worked very well in practice. This solution should also work to create black and white images rather than grey scale (as I'll describe).
The camera and lighting setup
a) We taped an empty picture frame to the top of a table to keep our pages in the exact same position.
b) We put a camera on a tripod also on top of the table above and pointing down at the taped picture frame and on a bar about a foot wide attached to the external flash holder on top of the camera we attached two "modelling lights". These can be purchased at any good camera shop. They are designed to provide even illumination. The camera was shaded from the lights by putting small cardboard box around each modelling light. We photographed in greyscale which we then further processed. (Our pages were old browned paper with blue ink writing so your case should be simpler).
Processing of the images
We used the free software package irfanview.
This software has a batch mode which can simultaneously do color correction, change the bit depth and crop the images. We would take the photograph of a page and then in interactive mode adjust the brightness, contrast and gamma settings till it was close to black and white. (We used greyscale but by setting the bit depth to 2 you will get black and white when you batch process all the pages.)
After determining the best color correction we then interactively cropped a single image and noted the cropping settings. We then set all these settings in the batch mode window and processed the pages for one book.
Creating DjVu images.
We used the free DjVu Solo 3.1 to create the DjVu images. This has several modes to create the DjVu images. The mode which creates black and white images didn't work well for us for photographs, but the "photo" mode did.
We didn't OCR (since the images were handwritten Sanskrit) but as long as the letters are evenly illuminated I think your OCR software should ignore big black areas like between a two page spread. But you can always get rid of the black between a two page spread or at the edges by cropping the pages twices once for the left hand pages and once for the right hand pages and the irfanview software will allow you to cleverly number your pages so you can then remerge the pages in the correct order. I.e rename your pages something like page-xxxA for lefthand pages and page-xxxB for righthand pages and the pages will then sort correctly on name.
If you still need a solution I hope some of the above is useful to you.
i would recommend calibrating the camera. considering that your lighting setup is fixed (that is the lights do not move between pictures), and your camera is grayscale (not color).
take a picture of a white sheet of paper which covers the whole workable area of your "scanner". store this picture, it tells what is white paper for each pixel. now, when you take take a picture of a document to scan, you can reload your "white reference picture" and even the illumination before performing a threshold.
let's call the white reference REF, the picture DOC, the even illumination picture EVEN, and the maximum value of a pixel MAX (for 8bit imaging, it is 255). for each pixel:
beware of the parenthesis: most image processing library uses the image pixel type for performing computation on pixel values and a simple multiplication will overload your pixel. eventually, write the loop yourself and use a 32 bit integer for intermediate computations.
the white reference image can be smoothed before being used in the process. any smoothing or blurring filter will do, and don't hesitate to apply it aggressively.
the MAX value in the formula above represents the target pixel value in the resulting image. using the maximum pixel value targets a bright white, but you can adjust this value to target a lighter gray.
Well. Usually the image processing I do is highly time sensitive, so a complex algorithm like the one you're seeking wouldn't work. But . . . have you considered chopping the image up into smaller pieces, and re-scaling each sub-image? That should make the 'dark' pixels stand out fairly well even in an image of variable lighting conditions (I am assuming here that you are talking about a standard mostly-white page with dark text.)
Its a cheat, but a lot easier than the 'right' way you're suggesting.
This might be horrendously slow, but what I'd recommend is to break the scanned surface into quarters/16ths and re-color them so that the average grayscale level is similar across the page. (Might break if you have pages with large margins though)
I assume that you are taking images of (relatively) small black letters on a white background.
One approach could be to "remove" the small black objects, while keeping the illumination variations of the background. This gives an estimate of how the image is illuminated, which can be used for normalizing the original image. It is often enough to subtract the illumination estimate from the original image and then do a threshold based segmentation.
This approach is based on gray scale morphological filters, and could be implemented in matlab like below:
img = imread('filename.png');
illumination = imclose(img, strel('disk', 10));
imgCorrected = img - illumination;
thresholdValue = graythresh(imgCorrected);
bw = imgCorrected > thresholdValue;
For an example with real images take a look at this guide from mathworks. For further reading about the use of morphological image analysis this book by Pierre Soille can be recommended.
Two algorithms come to my mind:
High-pass to alleviate the low-frequency illumination gradient
Local threshold with an appropriate radius
Adaptive thresholding is the keyword. Quote from a 2003 article by R.
Fisher, S. Perkins, A. Walker, and E. Wolfart: “This more sophisticated version
of thresholding can accommodate changing lighting conditions in the image, e.g.
those occurring as a result of a strong illumination gradient or shadows.”
ImageMagick's -lat option can do it, for example:
convert -lat 50x50-2000 input.jpg output.jpg
You could try using an edge detection filter, then a floodfill algorithm, to distinguish the background from the foreground. Interpolate the floodfilled region to determine the local illumination; you may also be able to modify the floodfill algorithm to use the local background value to jump across lines and fill boxes and so forth.
You could also try a Threshold Hysteresis with a rate of change control. Here is the link to the normal Threshold Hysteresis. Set the first threshold to a typical white value. Set the second threshold to less than the lowest white value in the corners.
The difference is that you want to check the difference between pixels for all values in between the first and second threshold. Ideally if the difference is positive, then act normally. But if it is negative, you only want to threshold if the difference is small.
This will be able to compensate for lighting variations, but will ignore the large changes between the background and the text.
Why don't you use simple opening and closing operations?
Try this, just lool at the results:
src - cource image
src - open(src)
close(src) - src
and look at the close - src result
using different window size, you will get backgound of the image.
I think this helps.
