WCF Rest Service or ASP.NET MVC Controllers/Actions? - asp.net-mvc

I would appreciate if someone can provide some insight into which one is more beneficial.
RESTful service in WCF can provide the same functionaly as ASP.Net MVC Controller, i.e URLS can be formed appropriately using Controller/Action.
Is there real benefit of using one over the other.
WCF Rest service will provide..
1) Cert Authentication out of the box
2) Logging
3) Message Headers etc
1) Different Action Results out of the box
If someone has used or debated these two technologies . please let me know
I went ahead with the MVC Model as it gives me lot of flexibility and I can use the same action to render different views with CustomActionInvoker, which is really cool!!!

WCF makes your service more manageable and offers more protocol options like TCP, Named Pipes, PerChannel, and MSMQ.

WCF gives you the ability to specify multiple methods of binding to the service through the web.config including restful urls, giving you greater flexibility. In conrast, mvc provides you with the ability to easily construct resful urls and output data via code in much the same way as you do a web application, which is really easy and requires minimal additional knowledge if you already know mvc.
My recommendation would be to go with wcf if the service is really important to the overall solution, likely to be called in a different or many ways or has or is likely to have special security requirements.
On the other hand I would go mvc if this is meant to be a quick and simple isolated solution or perhaps is just providing a different representation of data being output in an existing .net mvc application.

At this point in time, your best option is ASP.NET MVC. It provides cleaner access to the HTTP primitives you need to be able to design RESTful solutions.
The only significant advantages of WCF Rest is the ability to self-host the service and if you want to use ADO.NET Data Services to deliver OData/Atom services, then obviously WCF is your best choice.


Design approaches when separating web api from mvc application

net core mvc web application, it also has web api controllers layer. Since these controllers now also need to be used from another application we are thinking about separating API and exposing it independently.
I would like to understand how best to do it, what will be the different options with it specially considering authentication/authorization? Do I need to implement Identity Server or it is a nice to have?

Serving up WCF Services in MVC

I'm wondering if it's possible to service up WCF services via MVC. I've seen a few posts about this as it relates to RESTful services, but I'm not looking to create a RESTful service.
I've also seen this topic covered as far as serving up .svc files from MVC, but I'm not looking for that either.
Basically, I'm just looking to expose my WCF services via MVC, instead of a typical Wep App type structure with svc files.
so instead of having ttp://localhost/MyService.svc, I would just have ttp://localhost/MyService and that would go to a controller that would return the data.
Is it possible to have a "servicehost" controller? I would assume that the biggest obstacle to this would be that IIS handles the service a certain way based on the .svc extension - would some kind of custom handler have to be set up for something like this?
Any thoughts?
You can do this without MVC (or, it seems, with it too)

ASP.NET MVC and Providing Third-Party API

I'm developing a web app. This is more of a line-of-business app rather than a web site. I'm using ASP.NET MVC, SQL Server 2008, and I've purchased LLBLGen. I need to provide an some sort of API to third parties. For instance, if this was a medical app, third parties might need to CRUD patients, retrieve complex reports, engage certain kinds of workflows, etc.
What is the best way to do this with MVC without going to the architecture astronaut route. Do I need a whole "web service" type layer or can I re-use my controllers in MVC? Does it make sense to have this kind of API exposed through MVC? Optimally, I need a solution that involves the least amount of code repitition. I've found some stuff on doing REST with MVC but some of it is rather ambiguous and I'm not sure if it makes sense. I need a reasonable API but I'm not required to follow all the tenets of the REST religion or anything like that. I just need some sort of API in addition to providing the HTML front-end to the site, be it REST, SOAP, whatever.
Also, what are some options for dealing with URLs? Not everything in the app maps to something like site/products/product-id. Some of it involves engaging complex workflows, etc.
If you're going to have a web site and a web service then I would consider separating the data access and entities layers out from the MVC.
That way, your web service can do the same things that your website can. I would have a service layer that they both interact with. After which point the calls then go to the database and return the objects, and neither the web service nor the website should be able to interact with this layer.
This concept is also known as Separation of Concerns.
You can't/shouldn't reuse your MVC controllers in your web service. If they're so alike that they're indistinguishable, then consider writing your website to be a client of the web service, rather than being part of the same solution.

How does ASP.NET MVC relate to WCF?

A Guide to Designing and Building RESTful Web Services with WCF 3.5, this article explains the foundations of REST and how it relates to WCF. MVC uses REST as the architectural model. I am guessing one can use the .NET MVC to create web applications that have both a front end and an API point, but I am not sure if the safe way of building the API is to build it with WCF and then use it in the MVC as a controller.
Please comment if the question is not clear, I will add or modify the text.
Theres actually a third option, ADO.NET Data Servies. Anyway, here how I see them.
MVC REST: Gives you full control over how to expose your data, you have to write all the code to get it up an running tho, e.g. serialization, deserialization, all the CRUD methods etc etc. Worht metioning that this being an MVC site means you are limited to exposing your service via IIS over HTTP(S)
WCF REST: More automation than MVC, a much more solid frameowkr than MVC REST, i.e. caching, security, error handling etc (basically all the stff you'd have to write yourself using plain MVC). Being WCF, you can host this in a variety of ways (e.g WS-, TCP) etc.
ADO.NET DATA SERVICES: The quickest way to get up an running with everthing ready to use, all you need todo is configure the global.asax, however you have to use an Entity Data Model, which you many not want to.
Personally, I would use either ADO.NET DATA SERVICES or WCF REST to build an API, consue that API in MVC site and then expose that API either directly, or by passing it through another layer.
ASP.NET MVC can serve as a REST endpoint for light services work, so I guess the answer to your question depends on how you define "safe."
Clearly WCF is designed specifically for creating REST endpoints, with all of the security implications that are implied thereof, whereas ASP.NET MVC is designed to create REST endpoints which can be used by ASP.NET MVC itself.
The following article shows how to create a web service using an ASP.NET MVC controller:
Create REST API using ASP.NET MVC that speaks both Json and plain Xml
See also the following article from Phil Haack, which discusses an SDK the WCF team put together for users of ASP.NET MVC:
Rest For ASP.NET MVC SDK and Sample
They are two different sets of technologies, only related by being built on .net
MVC is used to create websites and provides a model where URLs are routed to controllers and controllers deliver views to the user as the user interface.
WCF is a set of libraries in .net that are used to abstract the type of service (is it hosted in a windows service, as a webservice in IIS etc.) as well as the protocol (HTTP, TCP, MSMQ etc.) from the client and server which are communicating.
An MVC website may use WCF to connect to a web service, but that is just one of many options.

Can ASP.NET MVC be applied to web services?

I'm planning architecture for a web-based application using web services. It has been recommended that I look into using the ASP.NET MVC Framework. All of the information I'm finding on the MVC discusses its use with web pages, but I have found nothing regarding web services. Can the MVC be used for web services? and if so, where might I find resources to support my research effort?
ASP.NET MVC can be used to create REST web services. For SOAP, you should stick to standard Web Services.
MVC is a UI design pattern. It is not a natural fit to web services.
It's not clear from your question whether you're building a web application that has a web service component, or just a web service. Web services, strictly speaking, don't have user interfaces, so the MVC model wouldn't directly apply. But there's really no substitute for thinking through what you're trying to do in a straightforward way. Architecture patterns can help, but they're only guides. It sounds like you're still feeling your way around, so don't think too much about these sorts of patterns at this stage: figure out what needs to be done and find out what technologies would be best suited to do it with. The overall architecture will emerge eventually.
In order to dispaly data, You could use the mvc built in "JsonResults" to return all kind of entitles or collections in json format, I find it very practice.
If you need some more options I recommend you to use WCF instead of Web Service.
