Is there a relatively easy way for a hybrid .Net exe (console app/Windows service) to install and start itself as a service? - windows-services

Suppose an executable named ConsoleOrService.exe is written in C#. It currently is a hybrid. I can just start it on the command line, or I can install it using the .Net's installutil ConsoleOrService.exe and then start the service. I would like a third option: running it on the command line like so: ConsoleOrService.exe --install and have it do all of the work.
Is this possible?
Is this hard?
How can I get started?
Thank you, and let me know if there are questions please.

It's actually quite simple. I've used it in many of my own services (in fact, ALL of my services are capable of doing their own install/uninstall. I control it with a command-line switch, such as /install or /uninstall.
The installation is performed like this:
private static void InstallService()
var ti = new System.Configuration.Install.TransactedInstaller();
var si = new MyServiceInstaller();
var cl = new string[] { string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "/assemblypath={0}", System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) };
var ctx = new System.Configuration.Install.InstallContext(null, cl);
ti.Context = ctx;
ti.Install(new Hashtable());
The uninstallation is the same, except that you call ti.Uninstall(null); instead of ti.Install(...);.
My MyServiceInstaller is a class that inherits from the System.Configuration.Install.Installer class (as you would normally have in a service).


Unable to resolve service for type Microsoft Extensions Configuration IConfiguration

I am getting this error, could not understand for the life of me.
Unable to resolve service for type 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.IConfiguration' while attempting to activate 'Microsoft.FeatureManagement.ConfigurationFeatureSettingsProvider'.
This is a simple .net core 2.2 console app, with the following nuget packages added.
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.FeatureManagement;
using Microsoft.FeatureManagement.FeatureFilters;
namespace ConfigurationConsoleApp
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
const string FeatureName = "Beta";
var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.json").Build();
var services = new ServiceCollection();
var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
var featureManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IFeatureManager>();
var enabled = await featureManager.IsEnabledAsync(FeatureName);
Console.WriteLine($"The {FeatureName} feature is {(enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")} ");
// The following are the command for the packages.
dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json --version 2.1.1
dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection --version 2.1.1
dotnet add package Microsoft.FeatureManagement --version 2.0.0-preview-010610001-1263
Ok, here it is after hours of hair pulling.
should be
Note the generic <IConfiguration>
Also I have noted that declaring configuration object as IConfiguration will also do the trick. Using var to declare configuration is giving the problem. Instead of var use IConfiguration. Then again the problem goes away.
Sorry for commenting this as an answer, but the above code be careful if you are using it inside a new project. It goes still into the root to search for it, might cause issues when you have 2 projects with the same application.Environment.json
var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.json").Build();

How do i run a Windows service in Azure Service Fabric?

I have a Windows service for test purposes that i want to migrate to Service Fabric. The service does nothing more than writing to a txt-file on my drive when it starts and when it stops. It works fine when i manually start and stop the service after installing it on my machine. Can i achieve the same result on service fabric or does the implementation be different?
I have created a guest executable with the service and deployed it to a local cluster following this guide.
First of all, I don't like this answer. After playing with it, I'm convinced the best way is to just port the code to a service fabric app. I would love to see a better "bolt-on" solution, but I haven't found any others. Every answer I've seen says "just run the exe as a Guest Executable", but a Windows Service exe doesn't "just run". It needs to be ran as a Windows Service which calls the OnStart entry point of the Service class (which inherits from ServiceBase).
The code below will allow your Windows Service to run in Service Fabric, but Service Fabric seems to report WARNINGS! So it's FAR from perfect.
It shouldn't require any changes to your OnStart or OnStop methods, however it does require some basic plumbing to work. This is also helpful if you wish to debug your windows services, as it allows you to pass in a /console command line argument and have it run in a console window.
First, either create your own ServiceBase class, or simply paste this code into your Service class (by default it's called Service1.cs in a C# Windows Service project):
// Expose public method to call the protected OnStart method
public void StartConsole(string[] args)
// Plumbing...
// Allocate a console, otherwise we can't properly terminate the console to call OnStop
// Yuck, better way?
StaticInstance = this;
// Handle CTRL+C, CTRL+BREAK, etc (call OnStop)
SetConsoleCtrlHandler(new HandlerRoutine(ConsoleCtrlCheck), true);
// Start service code
// Expose public method to call protected OnStop method
public void StopConsole()
public static Service1 StaticInstance;
private static bool ConsoleCtrlCheck(CtrlTypes ctrlType)
switch (ctrlType)
case CtrlTypes.CTRL_C_EVENT:
case CtrlTypes.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT:
case CtrlTypes.CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT:
return false;
return true;
private static extern bool AllocConsole();
public static extern bool SetConsoleCtrlHandler(HandlerRoutine Handler, bool Add);
public delegate bool HandlerRoutine(CtrlTypes CtrlType);
public enum CtrlTypes
Now change your Main method in Program.cs to look like this:
static void Main(string[] args)
var service = new Service1();
if (args.Length > 0 && args.Any(x => x.Equals("/console", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
new ServiceBase[]
You may need to rename 'Service1' to whatever your service class is called.
When calling it through Service Fabric, make sure it's passing in the /console argument in ServiceManifest.xml:
<CodePackage Name="Code" Version="1.0.0">
If you wish to use this as a debuggable Windows Service, you can also set your 'Command line arguments' to /console under the Project settings > Debug tab.
A better option is to use TopShelf. This will work without warnings in Service Fabric, however it does require some code refactoring as it becomes a Console project instead of a Windows Service project.

not able to run job in batch

static void Job47(Args _args)
str path,stx;
TreeNodeIterator iter;
TreeNode treeNode, treeNodeToRelease;
Map dictMenuDisplay;
FormName formName;
MenuItemName menuItemName;
container conMenu;
int i,n;
for (n=1;n<=1;n++)
path ="Menu Items\\Display";
dictMenuDisplay = new Map(Types::String,Types::Container);
treenode = Treenode::findNode(path);
iter = treenode.AOTiterator();
treenode =;
while (treenode)
formName = treenode.AOTgetProperty("Object");
menuItemName = treenode.AOTname();
if (dictMenuDisplay.exists(formName))
conMenu = dictMenuDisplay.lookup(formName);
conMenu = conIns(conMenu,conlen(conMenu)+1,menuItemName);
treenode =;
When I run the above job in batch it shows the following error "The server side impersonated(RunAs) session tried to invoke a method available for client-side processing only" and points to the line
I have tried putting false in the method runsImpersonated() in class RunbaseBatch. But doesnt seems to work either.
I am new to AX2009 so dont really understand what it means to running job in client or in server, kindly lead me to the right direction.
First, remove the modification to the RunBaseBatch class. That method is mean to be overridden in any classes extending that class (inheritance). Take a look at the class "Tutorial_RunbaseBatch" for insight on how the RunBaseBatch pattern can be achieved.
Now, also consider that when you run x++ code, it can be run either client-side or server-side. You can have methods locked for which side you allow the code to run. The GLobal::info-method can run both client- and server-side.
When you activate a batch to run a class (not a job), a class extending RunBaseBatch, then the Batch Framework will run the class server side according to your settings. Your code should then be independent of client-side, meaning there can not be any line of code that requires access to client-side. WinAPI::moveFile is an example.
Hope this helps a bit.

Resolving a type without registering first - prism 4 and Untiy

First of all I would like to remark I am new with the concept of prism, DI and containers. I am looking on one of the code samples provided with the Prism Library:
The code simply injects a view with the "Hello World" string (in a TextBlock element) to a region in the shell.
When the application starts-up, it creates a new BootStrapper instance, which creates and initializes the shell:
public class Bootstrapper : UnityBootstrapper
protected override DependencyObject CreateShell()
return Container.Resolve<Shell>();
protected override void InitializeShell()
Application.Current.RootVisual = (UIElement)this.Shell;
protected override void ConfigureModuleCatalog()
ModuleCatalog moduleCatalog = (ModuleCatalog)this.ModuleCatalog;
My question refers to the method CreateShell(). I couldnt find nowhere in the supplied code (including not in a configuration file or any xaml file...) where do they register the type Shell, and even if it was registered - the supplies Shell class doesnt implement any interface... what is the meaning of resolving a specific type?
the Shell implementation:
public partial class Shell : UserControl
public Shell()
This looks like a magic to me, so I tried to create my own type (MyType) and resolve it the same way:
By setting a breakepoint inside MyType constructor, I saw that it DID resolved MyType. Can somebody please explain to me how does it work?
These couple of threads should answer your question:
Does unity just make clasess with out needing anything registered?
Additionally, if you are eager to get more detail into how Unity can do this, simple download Unity 2.0 and open the source code that is provided with the installer.
I hope this helps.
You do not need to register a type you want to resolve. You need to register the dependencies of a type, that you want to resolve. In this case, the Shell doesn't need any dependencies, so you can resolve it simply. But for an example (not really), if your shell getting an interface IService as a parameter, then you must register IService, before you resolve Shell.
Otherwise you will get Dependency Resolution Failed Exception. In Prism 4.1 it will be swallowed silently due to TryResolve.

Is there any way to specify a service name in the app.config file?

I want to specify my service name in the app.config without needing to recomple and install/uninstall my service repeatedly.
But just retrieving service name from app.config, the service seems ignoring it. Are there any special tricks how to obtain this?
Thanks in advance.
I mean classic windows service. I don't think any code is needed here. I just want to retrieve the service name from app.config dynamically.
After searching a while on the internet and reading articles, it became clearer to me that A service name can't be specified in the app.config in so dynamic way, instead sc command can be used to perform a similar solution. You can specify other configuration variables in the app.config and use sc to rename it
sc.exe create "servicename" binPath="myservicepath.exe"
I am not sure what scenario you have in mind. You would like the name of your Windows service to change. Fair enough. When would it change?
Imagine you have found the solution and created such a Windows service. I presume in your scenario you would install it at least the first time. Then you do not want to uninstall/install it. But presumably you would like to start/stop and do other things with it. Will one of those actions cause the name of the service to change?
If so, I imagine you could launch a process that uninstalls and installs it with a different name for you transparently, based on some kind of naming logic.
I don't see how else you could do it.
Or just come up with a really generic name to cover all possibilities (which might be incredibly simple or incredibly difficult).
<add key="ServiceName" value="I"/>
public class ServiceInstaller1 : Installer
internal static string ServiceNameDefault = "My Service";
internal static string ServiceName = GetConfigurationValue("ServiceName");
/// <summary>
/// Public Constructor for WindowsServiceInstaller.
/// - Put all of your Initialization code here.
/// </summary>
public ServiceInstaller1()
var serviceProcessInstaller = new ServiceProcessInstaller();
var serviceInstaller = new ServiceInstaller();
//# Service Account Information
serviceProcessInstaller.Account = ServiceAccount.LocalSystem;
//serviceProcessInstaller.Username = null;
//serviceProcessInstaller.Password = null;
//# Service Information
serviceInstaller.DisplayName = ServiceName;
serviceInstaller.StartType = ServiceStartMode.Manual;
//# This must be identical to the WindowsService.ServiceBase name
//# set in the constructor of WindowsService.cs
serviceInstaller.ServiceName = ServiceName;
private static string GetConfigurationValue(string key)
Assembly service = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Service));
Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(service.Location);
if (config.AppSettings.Settings[key] != null)
return ServiceNameDefault + " " + config.AppSettings.Settings[key].Value;
return ServiceNameDefault;
Assuming you mean Windows Service, the answer is no. The service has to be installed in the registry, and the name is one of the registry keys.
I'm afraid that what you are trying to do its not possible. It actually seems to go against the nature of a Windows Service purpose and current behavior.
After a windows service is installed the name can't be changed without re-installing it again. What actually names the service is an element called service installer. Which by now, I assume you know what it is and where its located.
However there are ways of manipulating an installed service by using Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). Maybe this combined with Izabela's recommendation become the right path to your solution.
I would recommend you to read the following tutorial, you might find an alternate way of achieving what you're trying to do.
