progress bar for http request - Blackberry - blackberry

in my project i am using popupscreen with GaugeField for http request.Currently we are just incrementing the value of gaugefield with fixed rate and after http response we just remove the popupscreen. so some times http request is completed when gauge field is in 40% or 60%.
But i want to synchronize gaugefield value with http request/responses. it means that popupscreen will always remove at 100%.

I don't have the code in front of me, but I something similar in a project several years ago.
I wrote a subclass of InputStream that wrapped around the InputStream object I got back from openInputStream(), reimplementing all the read() methods so they would increment a counter with the number of bytes read. Whenever the counter reached a certain threshold, it would update a GaugeField object that was passed into the subclass's constructor.
So your subclass would look something like this:
public GaugedInputStream extends InputStream
private InputStream _inputStream = null;
private GaugeField _gaugeField = null;
private int _counter = 0;
private int _threshold = 0;
public void GaugedInputStream(InputStream inputStream, GaugeField gaugeField)
_inputStream = inputStream;
_gaugeField = gaugeField;
... other constructor stuff ...
public int read()
int byte =;
return byte;
public int read(byte[] b)
int bytes =;
return bytes;
public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len)
int bytes =, off, len);
return bytes;
... override other InputStream methods here ...
private void increment(int bytes)
_counter = _counter + bytes;
_threshold = _threshold + bytes;
private void updateGaugeIfNeeded()
if (_threshold > 100)
_threshold = 0;
private void updateGauge()
... code to update the gauge ...
I'm leaving out a lot of the guts here, but I hope this sets you in the right direction.


proper video streaming with rxjava

To handle a video stream from a webcam (delivered by opencv) i am considering to use RxJava.
I am hoping to achieve the following:
being able to control the frames per second to be delivered
to be able to handle different inputs - e.g. a life webcam, a video or even a still picture
being able to switch to a picture-by-picture handling under the control of a gui
I have been experimenting a bit with RxJava but i am confused about the debounce, throttleFirst and async operators
Examples like show some code but I am missing more detailed explanation.
Where could I find a decent example for video processing or something similar along the needs mentioned above?
The code below does some non async logic at this time - please let me know if i could build on it:
import org.opencv.core.Mat;
import org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture;
import rx.Observable;
import rx.functions.Action1;
import rx.functions.Func0;
import rx.functions.Func1;
* fetcher for Images
public class ImageFetcher {
// OpenCV video capture
private VideoCapture capture = new VideoCapture();
private String source;
protected int frameIndex;
public int getFrameIndex() {
return frameIndex;
* fetch from the given source
* #param source
* - the source to fetch from
public ImageFetcher(String source) {
this.source = source;
* try opening my source
* #return true if successful
public boolean open() {
boolean ret =;
return ret;
* fetch an image Matrix
* #return - the image fetched
public Mat fetch() {
if (!this.capture.isOpened()) {
boolean ret =;
if (!ret) {
String msg = String.format(
"Trying to fetch image from unopened VideoCapture and open %s failed",
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
final Mat frame = new Mat();;
return !frame.empty() ? frame : null;
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
* convert me to an observable
* #return a Mat emitting Observable
public Observable<Mat> toObservable() {
// Resource creation.
Func0<VideoCapture> resourceFactory = () -> {
VideoCapture capture = new VideoCapture();;
return capture;
// Convert to observable.
Func1<VideoCapture, Observable<Mat>> observableFactory = capture -> Observable
.<Mat> create(subscriber -> {
boolean hasNext = true;
while (hasNext) {
final Mat frame = this.fetch();
hasNext = frame!=null && frame.rows()>0 && frame.cols()>0;
if (hasNext) {
String msg = String.format("->%6d:%4dx%d", frameIndex, frame.cols(), frame.rows());
// Disposal function.
Action1<VideoCapture> dispose = VideoCapture::release;
return Observable.using(resourceFactory, observableFactory, dispose);
import org.opencv.core.Mat;
import rx.Subscriber;
public class ImageSubscriber extends Subscriber<Mat> {
public Throwable error;
public int cols = 0;
public int rows=0;
public int frameIndex=0;
public boolean completed = false;
public boolean debug = false;
public void onCompleted() {
completed = true;
public void onError(Throwable e) {
error = e;
public void onNext(Mat mat) {
cols = mat.cols();
rows = mat.rows();
if (cols==0 || rows==0)
System.err.println("invalid frame "+frameIndex);
if (debug) {
String msg = String.format("%6d:%4dx%d", frameIndex, cols, rows);

Performance of sequential stream

I read the "when to use parallel stream?" by DougLea
I wonder did any one had a guide lines(do's/ don't dos)/ observations which felt them that old way of coding is better in some cases than sequential stream?
I found one here
I know it's a abstract question but it will be helpful if somebody can share their experience in performance of seq stream vs java 7 way
I've done this just a few days ago; we had to sum a very large array and was wondering what would be the fastest way to do it - so I measured (don't guess; I've used jmh):
public static class Holder {
#Param({ "1000", "10000", "50000", "100000", "1000000" })
public int howManyEntries;
int array[] = null;
public void setUp() {
array = new int[howManyEntries];
for (int i = 0; i < howManyEntries; ++i) {
array[i] = i;
public void tearDown() {
array = null;
public int iterative(Holder holder) {
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < holder.howManyEntries; ++i) {
total += holder.array[i];
return total;
public int stream(Holder holder) {
public int streamParallel(Holder holder) {
The winner is always the old style java-7 way.
// 1000=[iterative, stream, streamParallel]
// 10000=[iterative, stream, streamParallel]
// 50000=[iterative, stream, streamParallel]
// 100000=[iterative, stream, streamParallel]
// 1000000=[iterative, stream, streamParallel]
Even for 1 million elements. But the result differs in up to 60 ms - if that bites you or not is entirely your choice.
Streams are not meant for speed, they will not replace the old style, neither do they want to - it could add extra visibility to your code for example.

how to get JNA read back function's string result

public interface Kernel32 extends StdCallLibrary {
int GetComputerNameW(Memory lpBuffer, IntByReference lpnSize);
public class Kernel32Test {
private static final String THIS_PC_NAME = "tiangao-160";
private static Kernel32 kernel32;
public static void setUp() {
System.setProperty("jna.encoding", "GBK");
kernel32 = (Kernel32) Native.loadLibrary("kernel32", Kernel32.class);
public static void tearDown() {
System.setProperty("jna.encoding", null);
public void testGetComputerNameW() {
final Memory lpBuffer = new Memory(1024);
final IntByReference lpnSize = new IntByReference();
final int result = kernel32.GetComputerNameW(lpBuffer, lpnSize);
if (result != 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"calling 'GetComputerNameW(lpBuffer, lpnSize)'failed,errorcode:" + result);
final int bufferSize = lpnSize.getValue();
System.out.println("value of 'lpnSize':" + bufferSize);
Assert.assertEquals(THIS_PC_NAME.getBytes().length + 1, bufferSize);
final String name = lpBuffer.getString(0);
System.out.println("value of 'lpBuffer':" + name);
Assert.assertEquals(THIS_PC_NAME, name);
The offical instructions says use byte[]、char[]、Memory or NIO Buffer for mapping char pointer in c native function.But I tried all of above, and String、WString、StringArrays、class extends PointType etc, all of them are no use.
Out parameter 'lpnSize' can return the corret buffer size,but 'lpBuffer' return 'x>'(i think it's random memory) or nothing no matter I mapping any java type.If i wrote someting to the 'lpBuffer' memory first, it would read the same things after calling native function.
How can I solve the problem?
You need to use Pointer.getString(0, true) to extract the unicode string returned by GetComputerNameW.
You'll also need to call GetComputerNameW again with the length parameter initialized before the function will fill in the result. Either pass back the same IntByReference to a second call, or initialize the IntByReference to the size of your Memory buffer to have the buffer written to in the first call.

Is there any LazyLoader for images to load image in ListField in BlackBerry?

I am new to BlackBerry development. But good about android.
I want to load Images coming from the server in ListField.
I have implement like below code but not getting success:
package mypackage;
public class TempScreen extends MainScreen implements ListFieldCallback{
Bitmap[] images=null;
private ListField mylist;
private static Bitmap _bitmap;
private ImageDownloader downloader;
int size = 0;
String[] urls={
public TempScreen()
images=new Bitmap[urls.length];
size = urls.length;
mylist = new ListField();
mylist.setRowHeight(getFont().getHeight() * 3);
Thread downloader=new Thread(new ImageDownloader());
public void drawListRow(ListField listField, Graphics graphics, int index,
int y, int width) {
//Load placeholder image
_bitmap = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("close_btn.png");// load some bitmap
// of your choice
// here
//Load Bitmap
_bitmap = images[index];
graphics.drawText("row details", 100, y + 30);
//graphics.drawBitmap(0, y, _bitmap.getWidth(), _bitmap.getHeight(),_bitmap, 0, 0);
public class ImageDownloader implements Runnable
public void run()
for(int i=0; i<size;i++)
images[i]=connectServerForImage(urls[i].toString());//replace downloadImage method to whatever method you have to download the bitmap from url
UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable(){
public void run()
public Object get(ListField listField, int index) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public int getPreferredWidth(ListField listField) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public int indexOfList(ListField listField, String prefix, int start) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public static Bitmap connectServerForImage(String url) {
HttpConnection httpConnection = null;
DataOutputStream httpDataOutput = null;
InputStream httpInput = null;
int rc;
Bitmap bitmp = null;
try {
// httpConnection = (HttpConnection)
httpConnection = (HttpConnection);
rc = httpConnection.getResponseCode();
// System.out.println("===============================");
Dialog.alert("beore if condition");
if (rc == HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) {
System.out.println(" ============= IN FUNCTION. . . . .");
httpInput = httpConnection.openInputStream();
InputStream inp = httpInput;
byte[] b = IOUtilities.streamToBytes(inp);
EncodedImage hai = EncodedImage.createEncodedImage(b, 0,
bitmp = hai.getBitmap();
} else {
throw new IOException("HTTP response code: " + rc);
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("URL Bitmap Error........" + ex.getMessage());
} finally {
try {
if (httpInput != null)
if (httpDataOutput != null)
if (httpConnection != null)
} catch (Exception e) {
return bitmp;
Dont know where i am wrong. Please can any budy help me for the same.
Several problems with your code:
The BitmapLazyLoader class looks like a consumer. It holds a Thread reference. This alone is very confusing, since Runnables are intended to be passed to a Thread constructor, but Runnables should not know about the thread for the sake of encapsulation. Letting this apart, this class attempts to spawn a thread only once, but as you are creating an instance of Runnable each time a row is drawn, you'll end up spawning a considerable number of threads. This will probably end in a TooManyThreadsException being thrown as in BlackBerry the max number of threads is limited to 16 per app. Even if you don reach the limit, performance will degrade as BlackBerries, which sport a single core CPU, you shouldn't have more than 2-3 threads running at the same time. EVEN if you could spawn infinite threads, in BlackBerry you can only have X connections opened at the same time (I think X is 5 for the whole OS, not sure about this). So first of all modify the code to ensure only a single worker thread is downloading images. (and if possible, extract the thread instantiation and launch out of the Runnable class).
When the bitmap is downloaded, you are not doing anything with it. Look at the ImageDownloadCompleted method, it is empty. (BTW, the convention for methods is to start with lowercase) So you should store the bitmap somewhere and call invalidate on your list, which in turn will paint the stored bitmaps.
Hope it helps.
You can try using this link :
You have to create a separate class named as WebBitmapField as suggested in above link.
How to use that class in your list field image objects:
For every image url create WebBitmapField object
photoList_vector is the vector through which populate elements in
list field
WebBitmapField web = new WebBitmapField("http://www.image1.png");
web = new WebBitmapField("http://www.image2.png");
Now use this vector to work on your list field......
In the above lines we try to ensure that when we simultaneously send multiple requests to get the images then each image corresponds to a particular WebBitmapField Object.
Each object is then added to vector so that it can be added to the list field.
Each url send is tied to an object of WebBitmapField.
So though request is send in a separate thread it gets tied to its associated object only
Hope it helps
I have worked on this problem, earlier, and I am posting my technique here, though its not ideal solution, as it was coupled very much with Screen class, but still might be helpful.
First in your screen class have one array for bitmaps having size equal to list field items.
public class TempScreen extends MainScreen{
Bitmap[] images=null;
String[] urls={"image1_url", "image2_url".....};
public TempScreen()
images=new Bitmap[urls.length];
now in drawListRow method of ListFieldCallBack, check for the following:
public void drawListRow(ListField list, Graphics g, int index, int y, int width){
//Load placeholder image
//Load Bitmap
Now create a thread class to download the images:
public class ImageDownloader implements Runnable
public void run()
for(int i=0; i<size;i++)
images[i]=downloadImage(url[i]);//replace downloadImage method to whatever method you have to download the bitmap from url
UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable(){
public void run()
Now in constructor of the screen class, after setting callback to listfield, start thread:
Thread downloader=new Thread(new ImageDownloader());
Edit: Change TempScreen constructor to following:
public TempScreen()
images=new Bitmap[urls.length];
size = urls.length;
mylist = new ListField();
mylist.setRowHeight(getFont().getHeight() * 3);
Thread downloader=new Thread(new ImageDownloader());

Red5 stream flv file

I was inspecting the oflaDemo from Red5.
I was wondering how I could change the oflaDemo so that I could stream a certain flv file to all the subscribers...
/** {#inheritDoc} */
public boolean appConnect(IConnection conn, Object[] params) {
// Trigger calling of "onBWDone", required for some FLV players
if (conn instanceof IStreamCapableConnection) {
IStreamCapableConnection streamConn = (IStreamCapableConnection) conn;
SimpleConnectionBWConfig bwConfig = new SimpleConnectionBWConfig();
bwConfig.getChannelBandwidth()[IBandwidthConfigure.OVERALL_CHANNEL] =
1024 * 1024;
bwConfig.getChannelInitialBurst()[IBandwidthConfigure.OVERALL_CHANNEL] =
128 * 1024;
serverStream = StreamUtils.createServerStream(appScope, "live0");
SimplePlayItem item = new SimplePlayItem();
item = new SimplePlayItem();
return super.appConnect(conn, params);
The result of the code above is just a blank screen for all subscribers...
Does anyone of you have any idea?
thanks in advance!
This would be easier to accomplish on the client side and if you didn't want to hard-code the stream name, you could pass its name as a flash var.
I got the same problem. I found that blank screen is because of what line
if you set repeat to false all works fine
I think that this is red5 bug. I made a hack to repeat continiously one flv. I added custom play list controller:
public class MyPlayListController implements IPlaylistController {
public int nextItem(IPlaylist playlist, int itemIndex) {
return 0;
public int previousItem(IPlaylist playlist, int itemIndex) {
return 0;
