Generating parameterized F# quotations - f#

Let's say we have a simple F# quotation:
type Pet = { Name : string }
let exprNonGeneric = <## System.Func(fun (x : Pet) -> x.Name) ##>
The resulting quotation is like:
val exprNonGeneri : Expr =
NewDelegate (System.Func`2[[FSI_0152+Pet, FSI-ASSEMBLY, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]],
x, PropertyGet (Some (x), System.String Name, []))
Now I want to generalize it, so I instead of type "Pet" and property "Name" I could use an arbitrary type and method/property defined on it. Here is what I am trying to do:
let exprGeneric<'T, 'R> f = <## System.Func<'T, 'R>( %f ) ##>
let exprSpecialized = exprGeneric<Pet, string> <# (fun (x : Pet) -> x.Name) #>
The resulting expression is now different:
val exprSpecialized : Expr =
NewDelegate (System.Func`2[[FSI_0152+Pet, FSI-ASSEMBLY, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]],
Application (Lambda (x,
PropertyGet (Some (x), System.String Name, [])),
As you can see, the difference between the first and the second expression is that in first case the top level NewDelegate expression contains PropertyGet, while the second expression wraps PropertyGet in a Application/Lambda expression. And when I pass this expression to an external code it does not expect such expression structure and fails.
So I need some way to build a generalized version of quotation, so when it gets specialized, the resulting quotation is an exact match of <## System.Func(fun (x : Pet) -> x.Name) ##>. Is this possible? Or it there only choice to manually apply pattern matching to a generated quotation and transform it to what I need?
UPDATE. As a workaround I implemented the following adapter:
let convertExpr (expr : Expr) =
match expr with
| NewDelegate(t, darg, appl) ->
match (darg, appl) with
| (delegateArg, appl) ->
match appl with
| Application(l, ldarg) ->
match (l, ldarg) with
| (Lambda(x, f), delegateArg) ->
Expr.NewDelegate(t, [x], f)
| _ -> expr
| _ -> expr
| _ -> expr
It does the job - I can now convert expression from 1st to 2nd form. But I am interested in finding out if this can be achieved in a simple way, without traversing expression trees.

I don't think it will be possible to do this; in the second case, you are plugging in the expression <# (fun (x : Pet) -> x.Name) #>, which is represented using a Lambda node, into the hole in the other expression. The compiler does not simplify expressions during this plugging process, so the Lambda node won't be removed no matter what you do.
However your pattern matching workaround can be greatly simplified:
let convertExpr = function
| NewDelegate(t, [darg], Application(Lambda(x,f), Var(arg)))
when darg = arg -> Expr.NewDelegate(t, [x], f)
| expr -> expr
In fact, your more complicated version is incorrect. This is because the delegateArg in your innermost pattern is not matching against the value of the previously bound delegateArg identifier from the outer pattern; it is a new, freshly bound identifier which also happens to be called delegateArg. In fact, the outer delegateArg identifier has type Var list while the inner one has type Expr! However, given the limited range of expression forms generated by the compiler your broken version may not be problematic in practice.
Regarding your followup questions, if I understand you correctly it may not be possible to achieve what you want. Unlike C#, where x => x + 1 could be interpreted as having a type of either Func<int,int> or Expression<Func<int,int>>, in F# fun x -> x + 1 is always of type int->int. If you want to get a value of type Expr<int->int> then you generally need to use the quotation operator (<# #>).
There is one alternative that may be of use, however. You can use the [<ReflectedDefinition>] attribute on let bound functions to make their quotations available as well. Here's an example:
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.ExprShape
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.Patterns
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.DerivedPatterns
let rec exprMap (|P|_|) = function
| P(e) -> e
| ShapeVar(v) -> Expr.Var v
| ShapeLambda(v,e) -> Expr.Lambda(v, exprMap (|P|_|) e)
| ShapeCombination(o,l) -> RebuildShapeCombination(o, l |> (exprMap (|P|_|)))
let replaceDefn = function
| Call(None,MethodWithReflectedDefinition(e),args)
-> Some(Expr.Applications(e, [args]))
| _ -> None
(* plugs all definitions into an expression *)
let plugDefs e = exprMap replaceDefn e
let f x = x + 1
(* inlines f into the quotation since it uses the [<ReflectedDefinition>] attribute *)
let example = plugDefs <# fun y z -> (f y) - (f 2) #>


Injecting a variable definition into F# quotation

I have a custom variable definition, that I want to insert into a quotation. Is it even possible with the quotations syntax sugar?
What I wanted to do:
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
let var = Var("myvar", typeof<int>)
let op = <## fun l -> match l with
| [] -> 0
| %%myvar :: _ -> ... ##>
I've also tried <## let %%myvar = ... ##> with a similar purpose.
In both cases I got FS0010 "Unexpected prefix operator in binding", or "... in pattern matching".
Is there a way to inject an existing Var like this? Or do I have to resort to manually generating the entire expression?
PS: I am using the whole thing to translate some other AST into an F# quotation.
What you describe in your question is really kind of nonsensical. You cannot splice a Var into an expression. Only a value of type Expr can be spliced. If you created an instance of Expr our of your var via the Expr.Var constructor, then the splicing would be possible:
let var = Expr.Var( Var("myvar", typeof<int>) )
let op = <## fun l -> %%var ##>
But this won't let you do what you're trying to do: you can't splice an expression in a pattern position (the left side of an arrow -> inside a match is what we call a "pattern", and so is the left side of equal sign = inside a let). You can only splice expressions, not other parts of the syntax. F# code quotations are not quite as free-for-all as Lisp macros or TemplateHaskell.
Admittedly, it is not entirely clear what you're actually trying to do.
One possibility of your true intent that comes to mind is this: you want to match this variable on the left side of the arrow ->, then pass it to some other function which would construct the right side of the arrow ->. Something like this:
let mkRightSide var = <## %%var + 42 ##>
let var = Expr.Var( Var("myvar", typeof<int>) )
let op = <## fun l -> match l with
| [] -> 0
| %%var :: _ -> %%(mkRightSide var) // Doesn't compile
Which would yield the following quotation:
fun l -> match l with
| [] -> 0
| myvar :: _ -> myvar + 42
If this is your intent, then I suggest having mkRightSide return a function, which would simply take myvar as a parameter:
let mkRightSide = <## fun myvar -> myvar + 42 ##>
let op = <## fun l -> match l with
| [] -> 0
| (myvar:int) :: _ -> (%%mkRightSide) myvar ##>
The above would yield the following quotation:
fun l -> match l with
| [] -> 0
| myvar :: _ -> (fun myvar -> myvar + 42) myvar
Note 1: the type annotation on myvar is necessary because your quotations are untyped. Since mkRigthSide carries no type information, the compiler can't infer myvar to be int and makes it generic instead, which causes type mismatch when the splicing is attempted.
Note 2: the parentheses around (%%mkRightSide) are necessary. Without them, the compiler would understand it as %%(mkRightSide myvar), because function application has a higher priority than the %% operator.
If I am wrong in guessing your intent, please clarify it, and I'll be happy to amend the answer.

How to flatten input of mixed 'T and seq<'T> into single seq<'T>

I need a function that could take an arbitrary number of arguments, each could be either of type 'T or seq<'T>. Inside the function I need to process it as a single seq<'T> with all inputs combined in the same order as they sere supplied.
The obvious way was to have something like:
module Test =
let flatten ([<ParamArray>] args) =
let flat = seq {
for a in args do
match box a with
| :? int as x -> yield x
| :? seq<int> as sq ->
for s in sq do
yield s
| _ -> failwith "wrong input type"
flat // this should be seq<int>
but I cannot make it work in FSI even with the simplest case
let fl = Test.flatten 1;;
...: error FS0001: The type 'int' is not compatible with the type 'seq<'a>'
What is wrong here and how to get it work as needed? Probably this could be done in some completely different way?
From msdn :
In F#, parameter arrays can only be defined in methods. They cannot be
used in standalone functions or functions that are defined in
So instead of a module, declare a type with a static method.
open System
type Test() =
static member flatten ([<ParamArray>] args: obj[]) =
let flat = seq {
for a in args do
match box a with
| :? int as x -> yield x
| :? seq<int> as sq ->
for s in sq do
yield s
| _ -> failwith "wrong input type"
If you have other let bindings you can still declare a module with the same name.
Also note that in the second guard of the match you can avoid the for loop by doing:
| :? seq<int> as sq -> yield! sq
And box is not required.

Packrat parsing (memoization via laziness) in OCaml

I'm implementing a packrat parser in OCaml, as per the Master Thesis by B. Ford. My parser should receive a data structure that represents the grammar of a language and parse given sequences of symbols.
I'm stuck with the memoization part. The original thesis uses Haskell's lazy evaluation to accomplish linear time complexity. I want to do this (memoization via laziness) in OCaml, but don't know how to do it.
So, how do you memoize functions by lazy evaluations in OCaml?
EDIT: I know what lazy evaluation is and how to exploit it in OCaml. The question is how to use it to memoize functions.
EDIT: The data structure I wrote that represents grammars is:
type ('a, 'b, 'c) expr =
| Empty of 'c
| Term of 'a * ('a -> 'c)
| NTerm of 'b
| Juxta of ('a, 'b, 'c) expr * ('a, 'b, 'c) expr * ('c -> 'c -> 'c)
| Alter of ('a, 'b, 'c) expr * ('a, 'b, 'c) expr
| Pred of ('a, 'b, 'c) expr * 'c
| NPred of ('a, 'b, 'c) expr * 'c
type ('a, 'b, 'c) grammar = ('a * ('a, 'b, 'c) expr) list
The (not-memoized) function that parse a list of symbols is:
let rec parse g v xs = parse' g (List.assoc v g) xs
and parse' g e xs =
match e with
| Empty y -> Parsed (y, xs)
| Term (x, f) ->
match xs with
| x' :: xs when x = x' -> Parsed (f x, xs)
| _ -> NoParse
| NTerm v' -> parse g v' xs
| Juxta (e1, e2, f) ->
match parse' g e1 xs with
| Parsed (y, xs) ->
match parse' g e2 xs with
| Parsed (y', xs) -> Parsed (f y y', xs)
| p -> p
| p -> p
( and so on )
where the type of the return value of parse is defined by
type ('a, 'c) result = Parsed of 'c * ('a list) | NoParse
For example, the grammar of basic arithmetic expressions can be specified as g, in:
type nt = Add | Mult | Prim | Dec | Expr
let zero _ = 0
let g =
[(Expr, Juxta (NTerm Add, Term ('$', zero), fun x _ -> x));
(Add, Alter (Juxta (NTerm Mult, Juxta (Term ('+', zero), NTerm Add, fun _ x -> x), (+)), NTerm Mult));
(Mult, Alter (Juxta (NTerm Prim, Juxta (Term ('*', zero), NTerm Mult, fun _ x -> x), ( * )), NTerm Prim));
(Prim, Alter (Juxta (Term ('<', zero), Juxta (NTerm Dec, Term ('>', zero), fun x _ -> x), fun _ x -> x), NTerm Dec));
(Dec, List.fold_left (fun acc d -> Alter (Term (d, (fun c -> int_of_char c - 48)), acc)) (Term ('0', zero)) ['1';'2';'3';])]
The idea of using lazyness for memoization is use not functions, but data structures, for memoization. Lazyness means that when you write let x = foo in some_expr, foo will not be evaluated immediately, but only as far as some_expr needs it, but that different occurences of xin some_expr will share the same trunk: as soon as one of them force computation, the result is available to all of them.
This does not work for functions: if you write let f x = foo in some_expr, and call f several times in some_expr, well, each call will be evaluated independently, there is not a shared thunk to store the results.
So you can get memoization by using a data structure instead of a function. Typically, this is done using an associative data structure: instead of computing a a -> b function, you compute a Table a b, where Table is some map from the arguments to the results. One example is this Haskell presentation of fibonacci:
fib n = fibTable !! n
fibTable = [0,1] ++ map (\n -> fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)) [2..]
(You can also write that with tail and zip, but this doesn't make the point clearer.)
See that you do not memoize a function, but a list: it is the list fibTable that does the memoization. You can write this in OCaml as well, for example using the LazyList module of the Batteries library:
open Batteries
module LL = LazyList
let from_2 = LL.seq 2 ((+) 1) (fun _ -> true)
let rec fib n = fib_table (n - 1) + fib_table (n - 2)
and fib_table = lazy (LL.Cons (0, LL.cons 1 <| fib from_2))
However, there is little interest in doing so: as you have seen in the example above, OCaml does not particularly favor call-by-need evaluation -- it's reasonable to use, but not terribly convenient as it was forced to be in Haskell. It is actually equally simple to directly write the cache structure by direct mutation:
open Batteries
let fib =
let fib_table = DynArray.of_list [0; 1] in
let get_fib n = DynArray.get fib_table n in
fun n ->
for i = DynArray.length fib_table to n do
DynArray.add fib_table (get_fib (i - 1) + get_fib (i - 2))
get_fib n
This example may be ill-chosen, because you need a dynamic structure to store the cache. In the packrat parser case, you're tabulating parsing on a known input text, so you can use plain arrays (indexed by the grammar rules): you would have an array of ('a, 'c) result option for each rule, of the size of the input length and initialized to None. Eg. juxta.(n) represents the result of trying the rule Juxta from input position n, or None if this has not yet been tried.
Lazyness is a nice way to present this kind of memoization, but is not always expressive enough: if you need, say, to partially free some part of your result cache to lower memory usage, you will have difficulties if you started from a lazy presentation. See this blog post for a remark on this.
Why do you want to memoize functions? What you want to memoize is, I believe, the parsing result for a given (parsing) expression and a given position in the input stream. You could for instance use Ocaml's Hashtables for that.
The lazy keyword.
Here you can find some great examples.
If it fits your use case, you can also use OCaml streams instead of manually generating thunks.

Is it possible to differentiate between typed and untyped nested quotations?

For example, given <# let x = <# 1 #> in x #> and <# let x = <## 1 ##> in x #>, I can match both with Patterns.Let(_, (Patterns.Quote(_) as q), _) -> q but I can't differentiate between the typed and untyped q.
Interesting. It seems that quotations are always stored in the typed form.
The type of the <## 1 ##> sub-expression inside the quotation is always Expr<int>. However, the type of the variable x differs in your two quotations:
match q1 with
| Patterns.Let(v, (Patterns.Quote(_) as q), _) when v.Type = typeof<Expr> -> "untyped"
| Patterns.Let(_, (Patterns.Quote(_) as q), _) -> "typed"
| _ -> "other"
But I'm not sure how to use this to differentiate between the two cases in general. It seems that you can only do that if you look at the context (and there are just too many possible context...)

F# Quotations - traversing into function calls represented by a Value

I've spent a few hours trying to get to grips with F# Quotations, but I've come across a bit of a road block. My requirement is to take simple functions (just integers,+,-,/,*) out of a discriminated union type and generate an expression tree that will eventually be used to generate C code. I know this is possible using Quotations with 'direct' functions.
My problem is that the expression tree seems to terminate with a "Value", and I can't figure out how to traverse into that value.
My questions is
whether this is actually possible in this situation? or are there any other approaches that are worth considering.
type FuncType =
| A of (int -> int -> int)
| B
| C
let add x y = x + y
let myFunc1 = A (fun x y -> x + y )
let myFunc2 = A add
let thefunc expr =
match expr with
| A(x) ->
<# x #>
| _ ->
failwith "fail"
printfn "%A" (thefunc myFunc1) // prints "Value (<fun:myFunc1#14>)"
printfn "%A" (thefunc myFunc2) // prints "Value (<fun:myFunc2#15>)"
printfn "%A" <# fun x y -> x + y #> // generates usable expression tree
Quotations represent the F# code that was quoted syntactically. This means that if you write something like <# x #>, the quotation will contain just Value case specifying that you quoted something which has the specified value. (Variables are automatically replaced with values if the variable is defined outside of the quotation).
You can only get quotation of code that was explicitly quoted using <# .. #> or of a function that was marked as ReflectedDefinition and is referred to by name in a quotation (e.g. <# add #> but not for example let f = add in <# f #>).
To be able to do what your snippet suggests, you'll need to store quotations in your FuncType too (so that the lambda function that you write is also quoted and you can get its body). Something like:
type FuncType =
| A of Expr<int -> int -> int>
| B | C
let add x y = x + y
let myFunc1 = A <# fun x y -> x + y #>
let myFunc2 = A <# add #>
let thefunc expr =
match expr with
| A(x) -> x
| _ -> failwith "fail"
This should work for functions marked as ReflectedDefinition too. To extract the body of the function you need to add something like (you'll need to substitute arguments of the function for parameters, but this should give you some idea):
match expr with
| Lambdas(_, body) ->
match body with
| Call(_, mi, _) when Expr.TryGetReflectedDefinition(mi) <> None ->
let func = Expr.TryGetReflectedDefinition(mi)
match func with
| Some(Lambdas(_, body)) ->
// 'body' is the quotation of the body
| _ -> failwith "Not supported function"
| _ -> failwith "Not supported function"
| _ -> failwith "Not supported expression"
