Team Foundation Server 2010: How to enable reports? - tfs

Having installed the "Team Foundation Server - Standard Edition"; but no reports/reporting are available in the VS "Team Explorer" under my collection/project.
Can I assuming that it's the "Reporting Application Tier" that I need to configure in the TFS2010 Administration Console? And in that case I should create som TFS_* databases?

Well, the solution were to uninstall/reinstall all.
The secret is to bang the rocks together guys :)
But for others: Remember to have the user for TFS being a member of your domain, to complete and configure the SQL including Reporting and Sharepoint BEFORE installing TFS
For some, it's also advisable to enable TCP/IP protocol in SQL before anything else.
And finally: Some of the reports on a freshly installed TFS2010 does now work, but have patience in around ½ day, since there are jobs that have not yet run...


SQL Management Studio won't connect to TFS

I am doing some research regarding continuous integration with SQL servers. I downloaded some free trials of Red-Gate to play around with. However, I am having trouble getting my SQL Server Management studio to connect to TFS. The error I'm getting is that the page is not found. Here is a screenshot.
This is probably an incredibly easy fix, but I'm new to my job, so I'm a bit overwhelmed at the moment.
Since you can connect to TFS fine in VS2015. Then the settings of SQL with TFS should be no problem.
The most possibility should be the permission, make sure you have enough permission to open the TFS Database from SQL Management Studio.
Also you can check this link from MSDN TF31002: Unable to connect to this Team Foundation Server to find a solution.

team foundation server (TFS) in the cloud not able to delete / adjust mapping

I tried out the TFS Service with a project of mine. After I experienced some problems (probably misuse) I used VSUnbindSourceControl.exe (see: to detach the project (locally) from the TFS, but it looks as if on the server side, the project that was uploaded, is still bound to my computer.
See image:
and the error message in the output window:
Failed To Create Mapping
The working folder G:\Quant tool DotNet4 is already in use by the workspace USER-PC;myemail# somedomain dot com on computer USER-PC.
(I now use a different email address than the one above)
I've tried to delete the project from the server via the Source Control Explorer in VS, but the delete option is disabled. (also when I login with mldz at hotmail dot com.
I was also not able to delete the project or change it's settings via the TFS web interface.
Anyone experience with this problem and how to solve it with the new TFS in the cloud? i saw some similar problems with a normal TFS and some solutions could be done via the the team foundation administration tool, but that cannot be applied to the TFS in the cloud (AFAIK)
Some info about trying to install TFS integration tool
I use VS2012 express and although I installed vs_teamexplorer.exe,
I'm not able to install Microsoft Team Foundation Server Integration Tool.
Already restarted the computer after installation and tried again. Doesn't work. Missing something?
You can use the same admin tools for tfs.visualstudio. See examples. At end of article which show deletion of workspaces, for example.

How to change Data Tier(Sql Instance) in TFS

I have just installed TFS Server 2010 but during installation I selected SqlExpress as my data tier. Both my TFS application server and database exists on the same box. I also have full enterprise Sql Server edition on the samebox and now want to use the same rather than SqlExpress.
In TFS administration console, I found no way to change my data tier. I haven't created any project as such on TFS so there is no data to migrate. I just want to use my default instance now.
How to go about this ?
In order to restore the TFS databases using the restore tool, you must install but not configure TFS on the new data-tier server, and then use the restore function in the Scheduled Backups node.
Install TFS and cancel the setup TFS setup window once it opens. Or in my case I used the Uninstall Application tier option in the TFS Admin Tool. I didn't know you could cancel the application tier install. The wizard kind of forces you into it. Then I had to rename\delete the configuration db and any others that were created in the install.
I had to do this today for a TFS 2018 and found the below article useful. May not fit everyone's scenario but sharing since this SO link came on top of search results.
in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 14.0\Tools
folder. It has a GUI.
At this early point, you might as well just uninstall and reinstall. That's probably the easiest method.

About to work in a company that uses Team Foundation Server?Advice needed

As a developer I am a user of Subversion at the moment and I am changing job and going to work for a company that uses Team Foundation Server
I would like to learn the basic and more as user of Team Foundation Server
What do I need to do to replicate the enviroment and practice a bit?
Any Tips ?
What should I read?
Can I simulate the enviroment?
Thanks a lot
I would recommend reading this comprehensive document on codeplex: Visual Studio TFS Branching Guide 2010
For simulation, without having to set eveything up, there are virtual labs here: Team System Virtual Labs
As an aside, it is also worth installing TFS Sidekicks and the TFS Power Tools

How do i configure team system 2008

I am installing VSTS. What components do i need to install for both .net & sql server. ?
How do we configure our projects?
There are two parts to a successful Team System environment: Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio Team System.
For best results, install the former on a dedicated server. There are great resources to help you through installation right from Microsoft. There's even a video series of TFS-related content!
Once your Team Foundation Server (TFS) is installed, Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) is installed on your development workstation. VSTS looks just like any other VS install at startup. To configure it to work with your TFS instance, go into Tools > Options and Select Source Control: here you will see a pull down which should contain an entry entitled Visual Studio Team Foundation Server. I forget how to select your TFS server instance for VSTS to work with but I don't recall having trouble with it when I did it a few months ago.
Once you've configured all that, you interact with your TFS work items and source code from the Team Explorer and Source Control Explorer panes in VSTS: it should begin to feel rather like using VS without integrated source control from there forward.
The bigger issue is configuring your process in TFS to reflect your project's strategy, etc. That is an exercise in thought/reading more-so than how to configure it.
All this documentation is readily available via Microsoft's website. It does require some reading but devote some time to it: it'll pay off in the long run.
Team Foundation Server Requirements
