The difference between "Software development methodology" and "Software development process" [duplicate] - methodology

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Software Development Methodology
What's The difference between "Software development methodology" and "Software development process"

About $5000 a day in consultancy ;-)


Port an iOS app to OSX (mac)? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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There are already some questions regarding this topic at SO, but they are quite old, so I wanted to know if nowadays there is something that allows to port an iOS app (swift & objective-c) to OSX.
If the answer is no, Is it "easy" to do this task for one with no experience in OSX programming ?
Is it "easy" to do this task for one with no experience in OSX programming
No. Desktop programming is nothing like iOS programming. Cocoa Touch (on iOS) is a very different framework from good old-fashioned decades-old crufty tricky complex Cocoa. What you describe is do-able, but it can't be done by magic or by machine; it requires serious human work, and to call that work "easy" is wrong. There's a definite non-trivial learning curve.

iOS app development on windows 10 64-bit [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I need to build a very simple app for iOS phone but after searching the IDEs for iOS phone development i found that one way to do we will need to install VMWare with OSX image.
Now I am not sure it could be the ultimate solution and i hope there could be some other way to develop apps for iOS with.
Please suggest me some lightweight IDE that could be able to run over windows OS...
Don't use VMWare to develop iOS application.
Install Hackintosh
In windows, you can use Xamarin or VisualStudio
If you have core2Duo Processor you can install iAtkos.

Scrum plugin with Redmine [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Could you please give me a scrum plugin compatible with Redmine 3.0.0.
I tried scrum2b, but I got this error when I run the server:
undefined method `sanitize_forbidden_attributes' scrumb2
I also tried Redmine Backlogs, but when I ran:
bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate
it showed this error:
rake aborted!
NameError: uninitialized constant Backlogs::IssuePatch::RbIssueHistory
Is there any other plugin or an alternative to one of these?
There is a free and working redmine 3.x compatible plugin available at
Version v0.13.0 was released just a few days ago.
I used it in an earlier version at my old company and it has some useable features.
There are no scrum plugins adapted for use with Redmine 3.x.
At this moment you can try Agile plugin by redminecrm ( ), it has free version with limited functionality. Also there is Easy Agile Board ( ), but it has no free version, only commercial

Switching from MAC development to IOS development [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am a MAC developer for more than 4 years. I am planning to switch to iOS development. I am confused how to start with this. Please suggest from where I can start. What are the main things should I be concentrating on. If there is any links on switching from MAC development to iOS development will be very much appreciable. Thanks.
I think you just have to follow basic tutorials with iOS programmation.
It will be very easy to switch on with those tutorials - Raywenderlich !
Go to the Part3. You just have to know the fundamental about iOS, the rest is the same as Mac programming !
It's my opinion, but if you aren't a junior in Objective-C it should be very easy for you with those tutorials !
Good luck ;)

webframeworks in lua? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What web server to use for Lua web development
Are there any good web frameworks in Lua?
