I'm developing a firefox extension and I'm looking for a way to access (read) the version of my extension from the extension code itself.
This post provides the APIs you would need to use to make this work. Even has sample code!
You can use nsIFile and read your own .rdf, I suppose.
I am creating a cocoa web browser using WKWebView and Swift. Like most browsers, they have extensions or plugins. I want to implement the same thing in my web browser. I came across CFPlugin. I want to use this feature but I do not know how. It would be good if you give a sample application.
I haven't tried anything because I don't know what to do
This is how I want my extension to look like
I want to know how to read the files in the bundle
After a few minutes of trying I found the answer
Bundles are considered as Directories
so you can do something like this
I am not sure whether it's possible or not but I want to perform GET API call from share extension and display result on it.
Not sure how Whatsapp is performing POST call from share extension. Any suggestion would be helpful. Thanks.
Finally, I got working solution using NSURLSession, I tried Alamofire but it was not working. Thanks Salman for your suggestion. :)
I think Alamofire is not available because in my pod file I have not set target to extension's target
I found a way to create Safari extension here
but this is only for 'OS X'. I wonder if there is a way to create one for the iOS.
Any help will be appreciated!
You can not make extensions for mobile safari.
On the other hand you can add bookmarklets.
The article is pretty old but it should do the trick: https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/create-bookmarklets-the-right-way--net-18154
Maybe I'm a bit confused here. I've built a custom extension which consists of the following files:
| |--main.js
If I install these as an an extension and run the Brackets app my extension works as expected.
I now want to build a custom app, the question is where do I put these files so that it becomes part of my custom application?
Carl, See here https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/brackets-dev/BKVA8MIqXzk. Then here https://github.com/alloyking/node-app-brackets/tree/master
I followed this guide
to generate PDF from a UIWebView.
What I actually need to do is generate a PDF from the cordova UIWebView in my app.
Does someone know how to do this? I think it will be necessary to write a plugin for this..
Thank in advance.
Use this KAPDFPlugin .Add into the plugin into your project and follow the instructions to link it to your code.
Yes, you'll need a plugin for that.
You already have the native code you need, so it won't be difficult