Is Rails appropriate for use with a non-web-centric app? - ruby-on-rails

It seems to me that Rails shines when building web-centric applications such as the Depot online-store app presented in the Agile book or the Basecamp project management system. The crux of these applications is their web interface, and Rails gives you the tools to create these webapps quickly, easily, and elegantly.
But what if you have an application with a command line interface for which you'd like to add a front-end? For example, imagine an application which processes third-party EDI files - it gets them from an FTP server, parses them, inserts the data into a database and sends out reports via emails. The schedule of when the app should run, which reports should be generated, who should get the email, etc. is all configured in a database. And although the main point of the application is the processing of EDI files and you want to run it via cron, you'd like to build a web page to allow users to manage which reports they're receiving, how often they receive them, etc.
Both the command line app and the web page need to access the same data in the database. They should be able to share models and business logic. If the command line app already contains a library with a data access layer, is there a way to leverage this library within Rails? Or, conversely, is there a way to reuse Rails' models and controllers in an outside app? Or does it not make sense to use Rails as the web framework in this scenario?

You could always just include the ActiveRecord library (and ActiveSupport) in a regular ruby application, if you are just looking to abstract away the model layer for a db centric app.

Actually, most rails apps have a web interface and also a command-line interface - through rake.
The classical example are batch jobs that have to be run periodically, though cron or whenever. But it is also possible to run those tasks manually.
If I were you, I'd try building some rake tasks inside lib/tasks in order to map those command-line commands.


What exactly will the architecture for a Rails app and mobile app look like?

So I am creating both a Rails app and they are getting a mobile app created for their project.
I would prefer to use Heroku and that whole tool chain because I love it. It is simple, has lots of caching add-ons, is cheap/free on the low-end and can scale up easily.
However, they want a mobile client that can also do the same thing the Rails app can do.
It obviously doesn't make sense running two different databases (one on Heroku and the other on Parse - which is what they want to use).
So how do I setup both apps to use the same DB?
Do I just create a public-facing API from the Rails app and have the mobile client ping those endpoints?
Do I use Parse for the mobile stuff, and write the Rails app to use the Parse DB instead? Is Parse a suitable Heroku replacement for serving cached files and scaling up as needed, etc.?
Do I maintain two databases (one at Parse and one on Heroku) and just create a Rake task that syncs the two?
What's the best way to approach this problem, so we keep the entire project as DRY as possible and also future-proof it so when we want to add more mobile clients and perhaps other clients in general, we can easily just add them on to the existing infrastructure?
I see many developers using Rails to deliver their API while taking advantage of Ember or Angular to build the front of the application. It makes it a lot easier to build the mobile app at the same time.

Rails application architecture and common setup

So I am starting out on company project that will have several components:
At first...
Job list
Client profile creation and management
User administration and access (login, signup, roles, etc)
Basic reporting
way later...
Deeper analysis and bi
I'm wondering if it makes sense for each bullet item to be its own rails project, self contained and modular (if that is indeed the case); or if it's just best for it to be in the same app. I could envision a situation where each module could operate so independently of each other that it wouldn't need the rest (except for the user funcionality) and another situation where all modules would be used together.
It seems like to me that many tasks can be handled with a lighter framework like Sinatra (and then situated physically under the rails app). It also seems like it would be a lot of overhead to have several rails apps running on a server. But I am not totally aware of all the pluses and minuses to operating each scenario.
I know this is kind of a general question that is bound to get a lot of "it depends" kind of responses (and rightfully so) I was looking for opinions/examples of how you setup this kind/your kind of project in rails. I am a quasi noob so be gentle.
Thanks in advance!
Generally speaking I would consider a website to be a suitable target for a Rails app. Each part of the app can have its own namespaces within the app, so the app has some structure internally, but they should all be one application. Consider things like sessions, where you want a user to login and use whatever features of the site you want. You want those sessions in one application without a user having to login to different sections.
Saying that, if there is complex or extended functionality that isn't part of the MVC architecture (say talking to an external API, data-mining etc), then you could offset that to a separate project and a include it as a Gem in your application. You would still have one main Rails application that includes those Gems.
You might also want to bundle together a section of your project into a reusable Rails engine that can be loaded into multiple projects. For example, Devise handles user login and management. It is a Rails engine, bundled as a Gem, that you include in your project.
Another example from Meducation (one of my sites). I'm in the process of extracting our email tracking system out into its own Rails engine as I feel its functionality sits alongside Meducation and is not a core part of it. I can then use it in other projects as well.
In your specific example, I think your requirements fit fine in one Rails application.

Rails app with non-HTTP access

Hypothetical question (at the moment!)
Suppose I have a great idea for an application. It acts on data which can be well-represented by tables in a relational database, using interlinked objects which represent those tables. It supports a well-defined API for interacting with (Creating, Reading, Updating, Deleting) those objects, and viewing information about them.
In short, it's a perfect fit for Rails... except it doesn't want to be a web-app. Perhaps it wants a Command Line interface; or an OS-native dialog-based interface; or perhaps it wants to present itself as a resource to other apps. Whatever - it just isn't designed to present itself over HTTP.
These questions suggest it's certainly possible, but both approach the problem from the point of view of adapting an existing web-app to have an additional, non-web, interface.
I'm interested in knowing what the best way to create such an app would be. Would you be best to rails new non_web_app, in order to get the skeleton built "for free", then write some "normal" Ruby code that requires config/environment - but then you have a lot of web-centric cruft that you don't need? Or would it be better to roll up your sleeves and build it from whole cloth, taking just the libraries you need and manually writing any required configuration?
If the latter, what exactly is needed to make a Rails app, but without the web bits?
If you want to access the Rails ORM to develop a CRUD non-web application, just include ActiveRecord in your own Ruby script; you will avoid using a lot of Rails modules you probably don't need (routing, template generator, ...) Here is an example of how to do it.
If you prefer to have the full Rails stack, do not run your Rails web app in an application server (WEBrick, Passenger, Mongrel, ...) to avoid any HTTP exposure, and interact with your application using tasks or the rails console.
I would avoid taking Rails too far off the rails. If I were doing this and felt that the gains of rails w/o the web stuff I'd do the following:
rails new non_web_app
and ignore the webbish cruft and use rails to generate models. In this way you get the tight, comfortable database behavior and can tie various gems in as you want to augment those models. I'd not bother implementing views, of course, and I'd consider implementing controllers in which the various render bits are removed and to use you instantiate an instance of the controller and call the action directly. This means the controller represents your API into your business logic still but the "views" it now "renders" are simply the return of the data output.
Then you could simply strip out the bits you do not need...the public directory, the view structure under app, config/routes.rb, etc. You'll need to test those changes incrementally and make sure that removing some now extraneous bit doesn't throw the Rails world into chaos.
Rails is for Web apps. That means HTTP. Now, you could package a Web app so that it runs on the desktop instead, or you could use ActiveRecord with a desktop application framework like Monkeybars.

using rabbitmq with rails, how to create the endless loop process?

In a rails web app, if I write messages to a queue like rabbitmq, how will clients be notified when a producer sends a message to the queue?
I'm guessing I have to create a seperate process that runs in the background to respond to messages correct? i.e. this code is outside of the scope of a web application.
If this is the case, is it possible to re-use the models/libs that are in the rails application already? do I have to copy this code in 2 places then?
It looks like your application requires what's usually called a background or worker process. This is a fairly common requirement for any moderately complex web application.
I'm guessing I have to create a seperate process that runs in the background to respond to messages correct?
Yes - you're right about this. Whilst it's perfectly possible to use threads to handle the background tasks (in your case, reading and processing messages from RabbitMQ), the standard and recommended route for a Rails application is to run a separate background process.
If this is the case, is it possible to re-use the models/libs that are in the rails application already?
Absolutely. The simplest possible way to get this working is by using Rails' built in runner command.
Another option is to create a ruby script which loads up your Rails application. For example, you could create the file my_script.rb in the root of your project, which might look something like this:
# Load my application:
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'config/environment.rb')
# Now you can access your Rails environment as normal:
MyModel.all.each { |x| x.do_something }
If your needs become more complex, or you find that you need to run more than one background process to keep up with the volume of data you need to process, you might want to look at one of the many available libraries and frameworks which can help with this.
Once you've created your background process, you'll need a way to run it continuously when you deploy it to your production server. Whilst it's possible to use libraries like daemons, as suggested by ctcherry, I would recommend using a dedicated tool like upstart (if deploying to ubuntu) or runit. A good summary of the most popular options is available here.
You are correct, you do need a background process. And you can keep the code for that process in the lib folder of the Rails project if you like, I have done that before without issue, and it keeps related code together which is nice.
I used this library to create my long running process, it was quite simple:
In order to re-use models from your rails application you can run a require on the config/environment.rb file to get everything loaded. (Set RAILS_ENV as an environment variable first to select the correct envrionement) From that point the script behaves as though you are inside a rails console session.

Best practice for importing a partial database dump into a rails app daily?

The iTunes Enterprise Partner Feed is "a data feed of the complete set of metadata from iTunes and the App Store" and "is available in two different formats - either as the files necessary to build a relational database or as stand-alone flat files that are country and media dependent."
I need to consume the data from this feed (which is essentially exported into flat files) and allow linking of my own Model objects (User, Activity, etc.) to data provided by the feed (App, Developer, etc.) The data is provided as a weekly full export and a daily incremental export.
I have two ideas for ways to implement this:
Create all of the models in my rails app and write my own importer that will insert/update records directly into my app's database daily via cron using models I've created (App, Developer, etc.)
Keep this database entirely separate and open up REST API that my own app will consume
My naive approach with #1 to keep everything in the Rails app is based on the need to be able to observe changes in the data I'm getting from the EPF. For example, if an App's description is updated, I want to be able to create an Activity object via an observer to track that update.
On one hand #2 feels like a better approach because it creates a standalone API into the data that can be consumed from several different apps I create. On the other hand, I'm just not sure how I'd accomplish the data change notifications without using observers directly on my own models. Or, how I would even consume the data in an object oriented way that could still be used with my own models. It feels like a lot of duplicate work to have to query the API for, say, an App's data, create a proper Active Record object for it and then save it just so it can be linked to one of my own models.
Is there a standard way to do this that I'm totally missing? Any pointers?
EDIT: Rails engines sound interesting but it would mean that each app would still need to consume and insert the data separately. That doesn't sound so DRY. It sounds more and more like a REST API is the way to go. I just don't know how to bridge the gap from API to Active Record model.
Rails Engines might be a good fit for this. You can create a Rails Engine gem and add all of your models and rake tasks to consume the data. Then you can include this gem in any app that uses it and also create an API app which includes the gem. You should be able to create observers in your other apps that interact with the gem.
I have quite a few apps that interact with each other and this approach works well for me. I have one central app that includes all the engines that consume data and I run all of my cronjobs from this app. I use the use_db plugin which allows my app to communicate with different databases. Each engine has use_db as a dependency and I keep the database configuration inside the gem. One example:
Engine Gem = transaction_core
This gem consumes transaction data from a source and inserts it into my transaction database.
The gem is included in my central app and I pull the transaction data using a rake task on the cron
I include this gem in several other apps that need to use the transaction data. Since the engine automatically adds the models and database config to the app, there is no additional work required to use the models in the app.
I have not used observers inside an app that includes my engines, but I see no reason why it would not work. With the engine the models work as if they are in your app/models directory. Hope this helps!
Modest Rubyist has a good 4 part tutorial on Rails 3 plugins that includes Engines:
