Is it possible to use modify nginx config file and use X-Accel-Redirect on Heroku? - ruby-on-rails

Reading this article on nginx website, I'm interested in using X-Accel-Redirect header in the way that Apache or Lighttpd users might use the X-Sendfile header to help with the serving of large files.
Most tutorials I've found require you to modify the nginx config file.
Can I modify the nginx config file on Heroku and if so, how?
I found this X-Accel-Redirect plugin on github which looks like it removes the need to manually alter the nginx config file - it seems to let you add the redirect location in your controller code - does anyone know if this works on heroku? I can't test it out until tonight.
NB - I have emailed both Heroku support and goncalossilva to ask them the same questions but I have no idea when they will get back to me. I will post back with whatever it is they tell me though.

Although Heroku seem to be using Nginx for their reverse-proxy component, the thing about a platform-as-a-service stack like this is that no individual tenant has to (nor even gets to) configure or tune distinct elements of the stack for any given application.
Requests in and out could be routed through any number of different elements to and from your Rails app so it's their platform infrastructure (and not any particular tenant) that manages all of the internal configuration and behavior. You give up the fine-grained control for the other conveniences offered by a PaaS such as this.
If you really need what you've described then I'd suggest you might need to look elsewhere for Rails app hosting. I'd be surprised if their answer would be anything else but no.


Rails rewriting link from Blogger

I use rack-reverse-proxy to setup my to a subdomain of my Ruby on Rails app:
It's work, but I have an issue with the link of Blogger which returns to (where my Blogger blog is host).
I would like to rewrite this link. But I don't know-how. Can you help me?
(I have found someone who does this in PHP:
But I would like to do the same thing with Rails and a gem maybe)
Indeed, you cannot use rack-reverse-proxy because it does not allow you to change the response (you need to rewrite the page you retrieve using a regular expression replacement, as in the example you link to.
Also, you should probably avoid using rack-reverse-proxy in production, as it will keep your ruby processes busy waiting for the backend responses, that might fail or be slow. And:
It is not meant for production systems
You should instead proxy from your front HTTP acceptor (nginx or other). For nginx you can see a very thorough response, using a combination of proxy_pass and sub_filter, at
edit: If it's not possible to use nginx or another reverse proxy, you can still do it in ruby.
rack-reverse-proxy supports transformers, you can build one yourself, and register it so it's run on the response. This (closed) issue will help, it is exactly what you need: The caveat (as always when changing responses) is that you have to update the Content-Length response header to match the updated size of the body.

Best practice to add static content to be served by NGINX ?

I have found extensive documentation on how to serve static content with NGINX but I haven't found a good source of information with best practices to have the content (files in the file system) added.
Is POSTing acceptable? or NGNIX by design delegates the actual population of content to another process?
Nginx is best as a proxy server. You could add functionality to do much more in nginx, including posting files, with openresty.
Generally, send the post request to another process to handle it, such as nodejs.
If I misunderstood, and you just want to get your local files into the server directories that nginx is using, check out rsync

How to block an ip address from linode?

I have rails application running in linode server .Some guy is continuously spamming (writing bullsh*t in my site).Can anybody tell how to block that person ip.Any other help would be appreciated.
I would suggest you don't only look into blocking that one person but rather into making sure this can't happen again.
Spams usually originate from bots that randomly try to fill in their marketing message into input fields on pages they encounter.
You block one, another will find your page and continue.
The only ways to prevent this kind of automated spam I know of are either using some sort of CAPTCHA or by securing your site through authentication.
There are some very nice captcha gems like reCaptcha or look around in the captcha category on Ruby Toolbox and you should be up and running soon.
If it's really a person that is annoying you with writing bad stuff to your site, while not ideal an IP block is easily set up through apache. Just put the following into your VirtualHost file inside the <Directory> node and then enable the mod_authz_host module through a2enmod authz_host
Deny from 192.168.205
You can do this in the web server config file, here is the example for Nginx:

Is it possible to have Rails mask as

I'd like to install a Wordpress blog that is associated with my domain. I am running a Ruby on Rails app on that domain so I know the easiest thing to do is set up a subdomain for the blog. However, I'd like to keep everything under the same roof, as it were.
How would I go about using Rails/Rack to serve when going to My first thought was to perform some kind of mask or scrape the other domain and present the HTML as coming from /blog.
The app is running on Heroku, and I'm pretty sure how I would take care of this one an Apache server with .htaccess file (similar to what Wordpress does with permalinks), but I'm not sure how to accomplish this with the tools I have on hand.
You could use rack-rewrite to redirect requests to to

Need to link WP Blog with Rails App on Heroku

I have a client who wants to migrate his Rails app to Heroku. However the client also has a blog associated with his domain that runs on WordPress. Currently, the WordPress blog is running happily alongside the Rails app, but once we migrate to Heroku, that clearly won't be possible.
The url for the app is like, and the url for the blog is like http://mydomain/blog.
I realize that the best long-term solution is to redo the blog in a Rails format like Toto or Jekyll. But in the short term, what is the best way to continue hosting the WP blog where it is (or somewhere) but use Heroku to run the app? The client doesn't want the blog to be on a subdomain, but to remain at mydomain/blog for SEO reasons and also since there is traffic to the blog. I have two ideas:
Use rack_rewrite or refraction (or just a regular old 301 and Apache mod_rewrite) on the old (non-Heroku) server to redirect the main url from the old site to Heroku. In this case, I can just leave the Wordpress blog running happily where it is. I think?? Is there a reason to choose one of those options (rack_rewrite, refraction, or mod_rewrite) over the others if I do it this way?
Switch the DNS info to point to the Heroku site, and then use a 301 redirect from the blog to the old site. But then I'll have to get the old (non-Heroku) site on a subdomain and use some kind of rewrite rules anyway so it looks like it isn't a subdomain.
Are either of these approaches preferable, or is there another way to do it that's easier that I'm missing?
The only tenable long term/scalable solution would be to host the blog permanently on a sub-domain or different domain and add a redirect from to the new location (ie:
You would need a single server running a front-end like Apache/nginx on to serve up mixed back-ends like Rails and Wordpress and that is not possible on Heroku.
Sadly, this is where you need to dig in as a consultant and be stern with your client about the technical limitations.
Why does you client want to migrate to Heroku? Is there a larger goal behind that you could accomplish with different hosting where you control the front-end and can mix in different back ends?
Another solution is to set heroku to, and Wordpress to You put your Wordpress-landing page in the root , and blog on /blog. When the user click "login" or "signup" on the landing-page, they're linked to the heroku-app.
This will be optimal in a SEO-perspective, but require some DNS-knowledge.
Winfield's answer is not correct. You can run a reverse proxy on your rack server (via Heroku) to direct to the blog, wherever it may be.
After you install the gem and set up your app according to the docs, your ./ file will have something like this:
use Rack::ReverseProxy do
opts = {:preserve_host => true})
