Implementing our billing system in rails: Paypal, pure Merchant Account / Gateway, or something like Chargify? - ruby-on-rails

I've seen a few questions related to API specifics and paypal. Generally speaking if I'm going to offer my rails app as a subscription based service, what are the pros and cons of the different payment systems available on rails?
My main concerns are:
Avoiding PCI compliance, and not storing any credit cards on our servers
Easy API with recurring payments
Looking professional (not showing someone paypal branding anywhere as an example)
Paypal seems to have some "PRO" services that meet the above criteria, but I was curious about using a gateway like Authorize.NET directly?
What does Braintree offer above and beyond these?
What about Charify? It seems to be a layer on-top of gateways like with added dashboards and reports.
If the gateway or payment processor is storing credit cards for me, what happens if I want to take my 10,000 customers with me to a new billing service? Do they all have to enter payment info all over again? Is there a procedure in place so that different providers can move my customer / Credit Card database between them?

We've used Chargify and it's great for a couple of reasons:
PCI compliance: Chargify handles the storing of the credit card
Auto Charging: Will auto charge the credit cards after N months and a trial period
Dunning: Will email users if the charge fails, and try several times before expiring their account
Great Gems: the chargify gem rocks.
So I highly recommend using Chargify with
Chargify adds about $0.10 to each account per month in addition to your merchant fees

I recommend this write-up which will clear up many of these questions.


Preauth and split payment in paypal using REST APIs in rails

I have buyer and seller in my platform.
When the buyer purchases a product, at the same time the amount should be captured from his account, and on product delivery the seller should receive the amount and admin gets 10% as platform charge.
This implementation is very easy in stripe but I want this to implemented in Russia, France, and Germany and stripe is not supporting these countries.
So, I want to go with PayPal.
I am googled and found that adaptive payment is used for that.
But on the paypal documentation page, it is written that adaptive payment is restricted. Paypal's documentation is very confusing and limited.
I want some can help me on that or can share some links for my better understanding.
Unfortunately, there is not a "quick and easy" solution available right now.
They have added the Marketplaces API which will replace what Adaptive Payments was doing, but it's not ready for public use yet.
You might be interested in this article about PayPal split payments with Express Checkout. It outlines a few alternative methods to get this done.

Recurring billing in activemerchant using Moneris Canada

I am working on an e-commerce site which allows user to purchase a product in 3 monthly instalments. Previously I was using Stripe payment gateway for instalments. I was using Stripe webhooks to update my system after instalments gets paid.
Now I have to achieve the same thing using Moneris(Canada) payment gateway. There are official libraries for Java, PHP & .NET but I am using Ruby. I looked into ActiveMerchant. It allows single charge but I couldn't find anything about recurring payment support.
As far as I know there is no any webhook support but I am looking for API's which I can schedule to run to fetch data from Moneris & update my system accordingly.
I would prefer using ActiveMerchant & a bit of custom code to update my system. I am looking for a good starting point which can lead to a better solution given this scenario.
AFAIK Moneris at this time doesn't support access to reporting via API so there's no programmatic way of checking that a recurring payment was successful or not, neither through webooks or through reportings.
This answer suggests another solution...
Looking for some one who has implemented Moneris recurring payments for a website subcription
...which is basically just storing the credit cards on Moneris in exchange for a token, presumably, (what the poster refers to as "the vault") and then setting up your own scheduler to request payments as needed and getting real-time feedback on success or failure of payments.

Paypal parallel payment using saved card

I am saving the customer credit/debit card on paypal. is there is any method to send Parallel Payment using these saved cards.
So your looking to use pay-pal vault with adaptive payments APIs? I was stuck with the same sort of issue.
My research concluded that this cannot be done, with the current adaptive payments APIs.
So there are two solutions
1) Wait till the rest api team adds spilt payments to the rest APIs. You can follow development of this feature #
2) Pay into one account (A nominee account look it up) and use mass payments to pay out to other accounts

Payment gateway API that allows transferring money to credit card

I'm looking for a way to accept money from credit cards and send money from my account to someone's credit card. Does anyone know of an API/Gateway that allows me to do this?
I'm working in Rails.
Thanks to all helpers!
First, I assume you're integrated into an online payment gateway such as Cybersource, Stripe, Braintree or anything else. You'd need that to process cards and each has its own integration documentation and gems.
Once integrated, you want to issue a REFUND to a credit card. This will send money to that card, debiting your bank account. Now the tricky part is that most processors demand a preliminary positive transaction to make a refund, which isn't your case. You're looking for something called stand alone credit or stand alone refund, which some processors require special permission for.
I've used this with Cybersource via Paymentech in the past. Have a look at page 45 in their documentation.
Alternatively, the easiest way to pay someone to his credit card is via a wallet. PayPal is the most popular wallet so you can use that, allowing users to draw their funds into a credit card.
If your comapny is big enough, it can also use Payout services such as Tipalti and Payoneer.
The standard gem for this is active_merchant.
You can transfer money to other accounts, if the gateway supports this.
See API documentation of transfer

Multiple merchant accounts with Activemerchant gem

I am developing a rails site that will allow a group of merchants (5 - 10) to accept credit card orders online. I plan on using the Activemerchant gem to handle the processing.
In this case, each merchant will have their own merchant accounts to handle the payments. Storing banking information like that is not something I am a fan of. This could be solved by queing orders and allowing the merchant to log in to the site, input their credentials and process the order.
However, if I go that route then it seems to me that I would have to store the customers' credit card information temporarily until the merchant has the opportunity to log in and process the order, which to me is the greater evil.
Has anyone dealt with this situation? If so, what are the options available and what pitfalls should I look out for? In my mind, security customer credit card information is priority number one with the merchant account information a close second.
When you create the gateway object with ActiveMerchant, you specify the merchant's information. So I'd think that it'd work ok for your sw to place transactions on behalf of multiple merchants. Just keep their information in a db and use as needed. I'd recommend that you encrypt the merchant's information.
See gem attr_encrypted
I'm not sure why you don't want to store the merchant's information. Maybe you should say more about this.
If the merchant is using Authorize.Net, you just need the login and password for each merchant.
I'd recommend that you standardize all of your merchants on a single payment gateway such as or one of their competitors. It's hard enough dealing with one gateway, why deal with more than one. Also, you can easily become a reseller for and ease the process for your merchants.
You're right, you really don't want to delay the credit card transactions until a merchant login in and supplies their merchant info:
Depending on how often the merchant logs in, you'd be breaking the merchant's card agreement about timely charges and batching.
You'd have no way to provide speedy feedback to the end customer--did their charge succeed or not?
You'd have to store the complete credit card number and other information. That requires high level of pci compliance. Not worth it. And you are forbidden from storing the CVV number, no matter what. So depending on your other information from the end customer, your charges would have lower qualification (higher transaction costs to your merchants).
My recommendation is to store the merchants' information. -- Encrypt it and do not let a merchant (or anyone else) see it. Only let the merchants replace their info, do not let them see the current info in order to edit it. That will lessen security risk of the wrong person seeing the merchant's info.
