MVC Dynamic controls load/post different models -

I have such scenario when i have to load controls dynamically.
I have untyped view and a set of strong typed controls.
All strong typed controls has completely different models.
The questions is, how to create kind of generic post action method wich allows to get all this models on post?
May be some one may suggest the more efficient way of doing this?
Load controls dynamically (kind of wizard, prev/next) and then catch data on post action.
I just was thinking that i may have post action for each step for each model. I will try it now.
Any more ideas are welcome :)

Assuming you can determine from the request what models you created for edit, you could just recreate those objects and call UpdateModel() on each one.
Of course, you'll need to make sure the fields names don't overlap between the object types.
Also, you'll need to look at the implications of using dynamic objects in UpdateModel(). To get around the limitations look at the code I posted here:
MVC 2 UpdateModel on Interface, Should ModelBinderAttribute be ignored?


In MVC3, should I have separate "edit" models vs. "display" models?

With MVC3, should I design my view models such that there is one that is bound to the view (DisplayModel), and one that is posted back to the controller (EditModel)?
To clarify, I am not asking about data models vs. view models -- I know it's not good to bind my views/controllers to data/domain models.
Nor am I asking about sharing one model across two separate views, one view that is used for displaying the data, and another view that is used for editing the data.
Rather, I am asking about one view that is used for editing data, and the model that is bound to the view vs. the model that is bound to the controller action.
In other words, if this is my view:
#model MyApp.Models.CustomerModel
Should my controller action look like:
public ActionResult Index(CustomerModel model)
public ActionResult Index(CustomerEditModel model)
At one point, we were doing the latter (separate). But lately, we've started doing the former (shared).
The reason for this change was because:
With MVC3 unobtrusive validation, if I'm using DataAnnotations on my model for validation, this is needed in both models if they are separated (on the display model to map client-side validation, and on the edit model for server-side validation).
As our application matured, we realized that our display and edit models were 95% identical, with the exception of the select lists that were in our view models. We've now moved these to a shared class and are passing these in via the view now.
But I've seen some other discussions that point to having shared models for view/controller to be a bad idea, and that it violates separation of concerns.
Can someone help me understand the tradeoffs for these two approaches?
I've seen perfectly good arguments for and against, it just depends what works best for your application. There's no one size fits all approach that can be applied!
If you haven't read it Jimmy Bogard has written a very good post about how his team does MVC here, which covers this topic.
I agree with rich.okelly's answer that there's no right approach.
There are a couple of concerns I have with using one model, though.
It's going to be very to always use one model without having unneeded properties when the view needs to display a selectable list of objects. The model will need to have the list of objects as well as a property to accept the POSTed value the user chooses. These unneeded properties add a small amount of code clutter and overhead.
(One way around this is to have the model contain only selected ID and have HTML helpers to build the lists.)
Another concern is more related to security.
A common scenario is displaying information in a form that should be considered read-only.
In the case of a ViewModel and an EditModel, the EditModel will only contain properties that are expected to be POSTed, whereas the ViewModel will contain all of the properties.
For example, if a form displays a user's salary, a user will be able to POST a 'salary' and have it bound to the ViewModel's Salary property automatically by MVC.
At this point, something has to be done to ensure it doesn't end up in the database. It could be if/else logic, a Bind attribute, Automapper logic or something else, but the point is that it's a step that could be overlooked.
When considering the lifespan of an application, I like the explicitness of the EditModel over time.
These concerns don't mean that two models are good and one model is bad, but they should be considered when choosing a design.
If the properties are the same for display and edit view models I see no reason to have separate classes.
I think you'll find that it's hit or miss no matter what way you go but if you can take the path of easiest maintainability then you should do that. In my experience, having a single model is much easier to maintain, obviously, but it seems that there is always some business decision that is made that forces me to split the models. If you're in that 95% then I think you are in really good shape. Your application, from a maintainability perspective related to your models, will be easy to maintain. When a change comes along, you have one place to make that change, for the most part. The issue I always seem to run into is scaling business changes across multiple models. Copy/paste issues, or simply forgetting about some property somewhere, always seems to hurt me because of the multi-model issue.
we realized that our display and edit models were 95% identical, with the
exception of the select lists that were in our view models. We've now
moved these to a shared class and are passing these in via the view now.
Are they 95% identical in data and operations or only in data? Remember that classes encapsulate data and behavior.
If they are 95% similar in properties but have totally different operations you might benefit from splitting them in two classes. Or you might not :)
As others pointed out there is no one-size-fit-all answer and in your case it seems that one class is OK...but if you start noticing that the behavior on each of them is unrelated don't be afraid to rethink you approach.
No - one view model for both directions. Mixing it up is not only harder to follow, but one could easily inject invalid values into the page that then get automatically bound. I could overwrite your customerid (or create one) for example.
Inherit from a base view model if you must or don't rely on data annotations at all and use the fluent api on your model save.
A great link (somewhat unrelated but the auto map is nice)
(sorry someone else previously posted this below I just realized)
Also MVC - One ViewModel per View or per Action?
You (IMHO) should be generally binding to your method specific VieWModel rather than a shared view model. You could get caught in a trap of missing properties, etc. but it may also work just fine for you.
Use auto mapper to go between both. Jimmy also has a nice AutoMap attribute when returning to the View. Going back the other way I would not use a CustomerModel in general as there may be fields required in there that are not coming from my say, create view. For example a customer id may be a required field and for a "create" action it won't be present. But - if you find in the most of your cases this to actually work for you, then there is no reason at all not to use it.

Should the model be responsible for holding lists that will ultimately populate dropdownlists in the view?

This might be similar to ASP.NET MVC - Populate Commonly Used Dropdownlists.
I want to populate DropDownLists. Some of it is static data. Some of it comes from the Database. A couple of times I found myself forgetting to call the code that populates my lists and sets the ViewBag accordingly. It is almost worth adding a unit test for this. The only way I think that this suits a unit test is if you place it in model/service. Is there a best practice for this kind of thing?
I'd suggest that the data is contained within the model but is perhaps constructed by a html.helper method. this way, you keep the plumbing markup out of the view and leave the controller free to invoke the neccesary view and model.
You could also of course hand it off to a partialview with an <IList<SelectList>> model.
cats and their skin :)
If you follow the spirit of the pattern then the Model should supply the View with everything it needs to present to the user that's not static. If you have static dropdown lists then you could say that these could be constructed within the mark-up. If you are passing a SelectList to the View from your Action then I'd stick it in the Model to make things simpler and more coherent.
My rule of thumb is that the data must somehow be in the model, either as a ready to use SelectList or at worst in some container that can easily be turned into a SelectList using a LINQ-to-object call.
The bottom line is that the view should never contain any non trivial code.
EDIT (answer to your comment):
I try not to put too much code in models. Models are more like a simple bunch of data gathered by the controller and used by the view.
Regarding simple and/or common things such as the days of week, I believe an HTML helper is the most elegant solution. See WayneC's answer in this question.

best practice for what is in a ViewModel

I am wondering if it is a good idea or bad, placing things like a List of countries in ViewModel, for binding to a drop down list? For example on a site's Registration page.
I was under the impression that a ViewModel is supposed to represent an instance of the filled out form, but I think I may be wrong as I have seen other people put things like lists in their ViewModel.
Would it not be better to put it in a static class somewhere and called directly from the View?
Like CommonData.ListCountries(); and then using Lambda to convert to SelectList item list in the view Directly?
As you've realized there are a variety of ways to accomplish your goal. While the MVC design pattern encourages certain application organizations how you organize your models, views and controllers is ultimately a matter of preference.
Scott Allen discusses his preference for dealing with ASP.NET MVC drop down lists in a blog post. Scott uses an extension method to convert an enumerable of a complex type into an IEnumerable<SelectListItem> on his model. He then describes that upon post back ASP.NET MVC will not be returning the IEnumerable<SelectListItem> he sent to the view, but only the value the user selected. He then suggests that utilizing two models can simplify things.
This is a reasonable description of what I refer to as ViewModels and FormModels. A ViewModel carries the display data to the view and a FormModel is used for carrying collected data back to a controller action. To explain further:
ViewModels contain data that help render views. By organizing my ViewModels this way I can place all necessary information to render a particular view into an associated model. This prevents me from having to use ViewData for anything that's not truly temporary.
FormModels are used to gather user input. FormModels (almost) never contain references to other complex types and are made up of primitives, DateTimes, and strings.
In either case I have a hard rule to never reuse a model for a different view. Having your models closely aligned with the views used to render them makes your views easier to write. You don't have to worry about things like static methods because your models should be carrying data to their associated views in a form that is easy for them to render. Tools like AutoMapper can help "flatten" domain objects into models for display purposes.
For additional reading checkout: ASP.NET MVC terminology is tripping me up - why 'ViewModel'?
Whatever data your View needs, put it in the ViewModel.
The way i see it, once your view is going through the rendering process, it should have all the info it needs from the Model it is bound to.
If you start to use helper methods, then the View is "going back to the controller" in a sense. Extension/helper methods are fine for formatting, etc, but they should not call through the model.
Don't forget, you also have ViewData (basically HttpContext.Current.Items, lives for single request), which is a lightweight storage mechanism that can be used to share data across partial views (for example).

Can I use a MVC Global Action Filter to disable form fields?

Some users of our application will have read-only access to many of our pages, in our current web forms app this means they see the form, but all of the fields are disabled. We're looking at MVC 3 and searching for the cleanest, most idiomatic way of implementing this functionality.
Some ideas so far:
Some combination of a global action filter and edit templates.
A custom Html helper, something like Html.SecureTextBox etc...
I'm leaning towards number 1, but I'm wondering if any of you guys/gals with more MVC experience have solved this problem in a better way.
I agree with using a base view model, or perhaps just an interface with a "CanEdit" type of property. If you go the interface route, you could set the property in an ActionFilter in the OnActionExecuted method.
To tie it to the view, creating a new HtmlHelper would be pretty easy. I'd use TextBoxFor as the base class, since it has access to the view's model. You can then inspect the property and create the necessary HTML attribute. However, with going this route you will need to create a new helper for each type of input control you need (textbox, select list, etc).
Without knowing all the details of what you are doing, a much simpler idea would be to not provide a Save button for read-only users. The Save button would be driven by one property in the view model (or ViewData, if you like).
Several other people mentioned that a server-side restriction is still needed to prevent people from bypassing the client-restrictions. You will need an action filter for this. This link has a good idea about that.
My preference would be to set a variable in a common base view model (or ViewData), using a global action filter, and then use a bit of jquery to dynamically disable the input fields, delete buttons etc.
$(':input').attr('readonly', true);

MVC reusable propertygrid

In my web application framework (currently WebForms) I have a control that behaves like a classic propertygrid. It is initialized with an object ID (database key), then it reads metadata to determine the type of the object and the attributes of the object. It displays the attributes, string attributes as textboxes, bool attributes as checkboxes, enum attributes as dropdown lists. On page submit there is a method of the control ctrl.SaveData() that saved the changed attribute values back to the database.
The WebForm control tree and event model supports this approach quite nicely. Now I am asking myself if it is possible to achieve a similar solution for ASP.NET MVC. The main objective is to have a generic, reusable component that can be applied in a variety of situations with not much hassle. Additionally the solution must be flexible enough to put multiple instances of the component for multiple objects on a single page. Here the auto-generated WebForms HTML IDs also helped.
I am very curious about your ideas! Thanks a lot for answering!
You could achieve this effect using a custom ViewModel that contains enough metadata to identify the object being edited/saved. You would use this in conjunction with a partial view that renders the ViewModel. The main page would use the metadata in the ViewModel to either direct the post to a specific controller action to save that particular object or pass the metadata back to a common action (as hidden inputs, perhaps) in order that that action can choose the proper table in which to persist the data.
Personally, I would not take this approach. My feeling is that the more general you make a view/action, the more work it becomes to adapt it for different circumstances. I have done similar things for viewing sets of objects, but for a detail view or editing I like to work with more specific models and views.
