how to use NCover in console/command line? - ncover

i've downloaded a free version of ncover here ->
but unortunately i am unable to find steps on how to use it in the command line.
any help would be great, thanks!

Have a look at this question.
There are two free versions of NCover available: The SourceForge one (which is discontinued and not working well as Try's comment on Ira Baxter's answer shows) and the Gnoso one (which used to be free and has gone commercial after version 1.5.8). Get the latter one from here.

In case it helps somebody else. I was able to get NCover 1.5.8 (one that comes with TestDriven.NET) working nicely with nunit.
NCover.Console.exe nunit-console-x86.exe /noshadow yourAssembly.dll
The only trick was to makes sure CoverLib.dll COM component is properly registered
regsrv32 CoverLib.dll
Otherwise you'd get "Profiled Process Terminated" error, and then making sure we are passing /noshadow parameter to nunit, otherwise NCover would fail to load symbols for the assembly (at least in my case).

Have a look at this question.
Steps to solve
1.Need to monitor the execution of Test cases Using ncover-console.exe
"[path]\NCover.Console.exe" "[path]\nunit- console.exe" "E:\Myapp\test.sln" /xml="[PATH]\TestResult.xml"
This will create a .nccov file
2.Create coverage html report from .nccov file using NCover.Reporting.exe
"[path]\NCover\NCover.Reporting.exe" "[path]\coverage.nccov" //or FullCoverageReport:Html:output


How to distinguish between compile and build with D2007?

I have successfully registered an IDE notifier (IOTAIDENotifier80) so I get AfterCompile notifications.
Is it possible to find out whether the project was built versus just being compiled/made?
I've found this answer about implementing a IOTAProjectCompileNotifier but this is not available in D2007.
Any other way? I'd be fine with an undocumented way as this is for an inhouse expert only.
Update: I need this to replicate the "AutoInc build number" feature with an external .rc file containing the version info resource. Maybe this can be done via BuildEvents? Although I like the ability to log a message in the IDE showing the updated version number...
I have no idea about writing experts or hooking into the IDE, and I'm scared of trampolines. Having said that, I've noticed that you can tell the difference between a compile and build by monitoring the timestamps of the files in your project output folder, but this difference is only evident if no code (*.pas or *.dfm) has changed since last compile or build. In other words, when there is a code change, you can NOT tell the difference by monitoring the timestamps. However, when there is no code change since last compile or build, a compile will only change the timestamp of the exe (the dcu timestamps are not changed).
Therefore, in the absence of other more elegant solutions, and only if you are really desperate for this information (ie, was it compiled or was it built?) then I can suggest a 2-part solution for you.
Part 1. Write a process to monitor changes in timestamps in your output folder, and
Part 2. Tell your fellow developers there is a bug in D2007 which complicates your build process, but that this bug is easily overcome by simply compiling twice or building twice (or if you know how to automate this then go for your life). If you can get your developers to compile twice or build twice then upon the second compile or build you will be able to deduce whether it was a compile or build by testing if the timestamp of the dcu changed upon the second compile or build.
Now, I will go and stand in the naughty corner and ask myself "why me?". Cheers.

Incrementing Delphi XE project version number from command line

I have a Delphi XE project and I'm trying to change the version number of the program before building it with MSBuild. Version number information is located in the DPROJ file but if I change these values the version number does not change. I think the reason for this is that when you change version number in the IDE, Delphi saves the changes to both DPROJ and RES files.
Is there a way to compile the RES file from the command line with the changes in DPROJ file? I found this question which suggested saving the version number in an INC file and including that to the project but this feels a bit more complex solution compared to just making changes in DPROJ.
shameless plug:
I ended up solving my problem with this answer. First I unchecked "Include version information in project" in Project Options and added VersionInformation.rc with dummy data. When my build batch file is executed, it generates the correct RC file and because that RC file is added in to the Delphi project, MSBuild uses the contained information for built executable.
I use FinalBuilder to handle the version info. Isn't the stripped version bundled with your Delphi? If not, it is definitely worth the money. Makes releasing a one click action.
Yes you are right. Delphi keeps the version number in both project file and resource file. Unfortunately, resource files' structure is a bit complicated so it is not easy to update programmatically. When I came across this need, I ended up using a tool "SetVersion.exe" which did the job for me. It might help you as well. See this link.
Actually now I remember, I used a different tool named "ChangeRes.exe" and it worked smoothly (but it is not free). You can try both and see which one works for you.
Some years ago, I have writed a script to build and increment build number using ruby and rake. Very easy to use.
After the build, the script calls Inno Setup and generates a new installer.

How can I build PDF LaTeX documents with ANT (or some other build system if you prefer)?

The team I work for manages a large collection of technical documentation which is written in LaTeX.
Currently all the documentation we have is manually built by the editors and then checked into a version control system. Sometimes people forget to compile their documents so we have a situation where the PDF and .tex files are often out of step. Unfortunately when this happens our users find themselves reading old versions of our document.
I've managed to hack a simple script to build PDFs using Make - it's rather clumsy.
I was wondering if there was a better way to do it? Most people in our department use Eclipse + Pydev for a Python project which means we are all very familiar with this IDE. I know that Ant plays nicely with Eclipse, so might we be able to use this tool for our doc building?
So what's the best way of doing this? I hope I will not have to learn everything there is to know about a new build-system in order to automate the building of some quite simple docs.
There is an external Ant task for LaTeX PDF generation, though the site is in German.
To use it, download the jar to a location on your machine, then define a taskdef as follows:
<taskdef name="latex" classname="de.dokutransdata.antlatex.LaTeX"
Then to use it, define a target like this:
<target name="doLaTeX">
Where ltx2.file is the file to process.
This is a link to the howto page listing the parameters. If you need any more options, my German is just about passable enough to explain, maybe.
There is also a maven plugin for LaTeX, but I can't find any documentation.
Haven't tried it, but I remember seeing a blog post about it.
If you know python, this blog post might be interesting
EDIT: Also, I would assume that you're using some kind of version control system, and I can't say for sure, but I use git to manage all my latex docs, and it might be possible to use some kind of post-commit hook to execute a script to rebuild the document. This would depend on how your repository is structured... just thinking out loud, so to speak.
I went into great detail on a large number of build systems for latex in this question, but its slightly different in your case. I think you want rubber or latexmk. The latex-makefile seems a good idea, but only supports building via postscript, which might not be your build process.
In general, its a good idea to keep generated files outside of version control for just this reason. A good exception is when specialist build tools are not widely available, and your situation sounds similar. You might do better with a commit-hook to build automatically upon commit.
I guess I should also point out that committing something without first building it and checking it is a deadly sin, so a better solution might be to stamp that out.
Maven is a better alternative as build system compared to Ant. So I would recommend a maven-plugin to generate PDF from LaTeX sources. Have a look at mathan-latex-maven-plugin

How can I load a package and keep the debugger working?

I'm using TJvPluginManager in the JVCL to create and load BPL-based plugins for my program. Problem is, one of the plugins isn't loading properly, and I can't debug it. Every time I try to trace into the loading sequence, it gets as far as the LoadLibrary API call, and then the debugger seems to forget what it's there for. It completely loses the ability to associate program code with source lines, give meaningful data in a call stack, or display local variables. It will still stop at breakpoints, but it breaks to the CPU window, with all the inline source code stripped out.
This happens on Delphi 2007 and 2009, and it's driving me nuts. Does anyone know how to load a plugin without it breaking the debugger? Does anyone even know why it's breaking it in the first place?
NOTE: I'm not looking for alternative methods of debugging. I know all about tracing and logging and all the rest. What I want is to understand what's going wrong and how to fix it. Surely I'm not the only person who's ever used TJvPluginManager?
Not quite the answer to your question: Have you tried to debug the package project, by setting the host application and putting a breakpoint into the package's startup code?
I've found Ray Kanopka's (Raize) CodeSite to be invaluable for debugging in situations where the integrated debugger is acting up. Thinking about the things I want to monitor using CodeSite actually helps me focus on what's important - it enforces good habits.
Another alternative to Codesite is Overseer which is part of the nexus project, but stands alone so does not require you to use their framework. Codesite is by far the better option, but in a pinch Overseer would work just as well.
I found that using packages for plugins can be problematic and many years ago switched to a completely COM based implementation for plugins and never had any problems. The other advantage to COM based plugins, they don't require Delphi to write, do not need to be recompiled when the main app switches to a new version of the compiler (my plugins compiled with Delphi 5 still run fine against the main application compiled in Delphi 2009!) and they are easier to write test applications to assist in debugging.
The only side effect I notice, is that shared code ends up in both executables and the plugins require registration into the registry.
Hmmmm... This is a stupid question, but I have to ask: the initialization function have the EXACT declaration syntax like the other plugins that work ?(from your question, I deducted you made some others that work)
Check your dependencies. Make sure each unit is compiled into one package only. Whenever a package needs to reference a unit from another package, use the requires clause to do so. Watch for compiler warnings about implicitly linked units.

FxCop/StyleCop for Delphi?

Does anyone know of an equivalent to FxCop/StyleCop for Delphi? I would really like to get the automatic checking of style, etc. into Continuous Integration.
There's Pascal Analyzer from Peganza:
I don't know how the features compare to FxCop, since I haven't really used either one.
The closest I've seen is CodeHealer from SOCK software. We use it, and we have integrated it into our FinalBuilder build. It differs from FxCop in one important way: It analyzes the source code, rather than the produced executable. It also doesn't check quite as much as FxCop does. But I think it is the best thing which is available in this category for Delphi.
Delphi 2009 support isn't there just yet, but they say they're working on it.
Delphi Code Analyzer is another one that is open source.
The DGrok project started with something like FxCop some years ago. The parser and analysis parts are still available, read more at "DGrok 0.8.1: multithreading, default options, GPL" - The parser is a .Net project but
DGrok is a set of tools for parsing
Delphi source code and telling you
stuff about it. Read more about it on
the DGrok project page.
There is a new Delphi plugin for Sonar, which uses a Delphi grammar to run automatic tests over the source code.
I've heard of something called Delforex but haven't used it myself (yet)
Delforex is great for actually formatting the code. It does not do much more than that though. (we have/do use it).
I would second the votes for either Pascal Analyzer or Code Healer.
Doesn't Delphi output .net compatible IL code? I haven't used it in an age but I thought newer versions output .net assemblies.
If so then I would have thought FXcop would work and you could always add some of your own custom rules to it. Stylecop would not work but you could at least get FXCop running.
