'Splitting' ActiveRecord collection - ruby-on-rails

Let's say I have two models Post and Category:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :category
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :posts
Is there a method that will allow me to do something like
posts = Post.find(:all)
p = Array.new
p[1] = posts.with_category_id(1)
p[2] = posts.with_category_id(2)
p[3] = posts.with_category_id(3)
p = posts.split_by_category_ids(1,2,3)
=> [posts_with_category_id_1,
In other words, 'split' the collection of all posts into arrays by selected category ids

Try the group_by function on Array class:
Refer to the API documentation for more details.
Grouping should not performed in the Ruby code when the potential dataset can be big. I use the group_by function when the max possible dataset size is < 1000. In your case, you might have 1000s of Posts. Processing such an array will put strain on your resources. Rely on the database to perform the grouping/sorting/aggregation etc.
Here is one way to do it(similar solution is suggested by nas)
# returns the categories with at least one post
# the posts associated with the category are pre-fetched
Category.all(:include => :posts,
:conditions => "posts.id IS NOT NULL").each do |cat|

Something like this might work (instance method of Post, untested):
def split_by_categories(*ids)
self.inject([]) do |arr, p|
arr[p.category_id] ||= []
arr[p.category_id] << p if ids.include?(p.category_id)

Instead of getting all posts and then doing some operation on them to categorize them which is a bit performance intensive exercise I would rather prefer to use eager loading like so
categories = Category.all(:include => :posts)
This will generate one sql query to fetch all your posts and category objects. Then you can easily iterate over them:
p = Array.new
categories.each do |category|
p[1] = category.posts
# do anything with p[1] array of posts for the category

Sure but given your model relationships you I think you need to look at it the other way around.
p = []
1.upto(some_limit) do |n|
posts = Category.posts.find_by_id(n)
p.push posts if posts


Rails append the correct model object from has_many association to an array of Models

companies = Company.all
companies.each do |company|
company.locations = current_user.locations.where(company_id: company.id)
return companies
Is there a better way of doing what I'm trying to do above, preferably without looping through all companies?
You need to use includes, given you did set up relationships properly:
companies = Company.all.includes(:locations)
I would be concerned here because you dont use any pagination, could lead to tons of data.
There are many articles explaining in depth like this
After your edit, I'd say
companies = Company.all
locations_index = current_user.locations.group_by &:company_id
# no need for where(company_id: companies.map(&:id)) because you query all companies anyway
companies.each do |company|
company.locations = locations_index.fetch(company.id, [])
This way, you have 2 queries max.

Specific search implementation

So I'm trying to improve the search feature for my app
My model relationships/associations are like so (many>one, one=one):
Clients < Projects < Activities = Assignments = Users
Assignments < Tasks
Tasks table has only a foreign key to assignments.
Search params look something like this:
params[:search]==User: 'user_handle', Client: 'client_name', Project: 'project_name', Activity: 'activity_name'
So I need to porbably search Clients.where().tasks, Projects.where().tasks and so on.
Then I need to somehow concatenate those queries and get rid of all the duplicate results. How to do that in practice however, I have no clue.
I've been hitting my head against a brick wall with this and internet searches didn't really help... so any help is greatly apreciated. Its probably a simple solution too...
I am on rails 4.2.5 sqlite for dev pg for production
A few things I would change/recommend based on the code in your own answer:
Move the search queries into scopes on each model class
Prefer AREL over raw SQL when composing queries (here's a quick
Enhance rails to use some sort of or when querying Models
The changes I suggest will enable you to do something like this:
search = search_params
tasks = Tasks.all
tasks = tasks.or.user_handle_matches(handle) if (handle = search[:user].presence)
tasks = tasks.or.client_name_matches(name) if (name = search[:client].presence)
tasks = tasks.or.project_name_matches(name) if (name = search[:project].presence)
tasks = tasks.or.activity_name_matches(name) if (name = search[:activity].presence)
#tasks = tasks.uniq
First, convert each of your queries to a scope on your models. This enables you to reuse your scopes later:
class User
scope :handle_matches, ->(handle) {
class Client
scope :name_matches, ->(name) {
class Project
scope :name_matches, ->(name) {
class Activity
scope :name_matches, ->(name) {
You can then use these scopes on your Task model to allow for better searching capabilities. For each of the scopes on Task we are doing an join (inner join) on a relationship and using the scope to limit the results of the join:
class Task
belongs_to :assignment
has_one :user, :through => :assignment
has_one :activity, :through => :assignment
has_one :project, :through => :activity
scope :user_handle_matches, ->(handle) {
joins(:user).merge( User.handle_matches(handle) )
scope :client_name_matches, ->(name) {
joins(:client).merge( Client.name_matches(name) )
scope :activity_name_matches, ->(name) {
joins(:activity).merge( Activity.name_matches(name) )
scope :project_name_matches, ->(name) {
joins(:project).merge( Project.name_matches(name) )
The final problem to solve is oring the results. Rails 4 and below don't really allow this out of the box but there are gems and code out there to allow this functionality.
I often include the code in this GitHub gist in an initializer to allow oring of scopes. The code allows you to do things like Person.where(name: 'John').or.where(name: 'Jane').
Many other options are discussed in this SO question.
If you don't want include random code and gems, another option is to pass an array of ids into the where clause. This generates a query similar to SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE id IN (1, 4, 5, ...):
tasks = []
tasks << Tasks.user_handle_matches(handle) if (handle = search[:user].presence)
tasks << tasks.or.client_name_matches(name) if (name = search[:client].presence)
tasks << tasks.or.project_name_matches(name) if (name = search[:project].presence)
tasks << tasks.or.activity_name_matches(name) if (name = search[:activity].presence)
# get the matching id's for each query defined above
# this is the catch, each call to `pluck` is another hit of the db
task_ids = tasks.collect {|query| query.pluck(:id) }
#tasks = Tasks.where(id: tasks_ids)
So I solved it, it is supper sloppy however.
first I wrote a method
def add_res(ar_obj)
ar_obj.each do |o|
res += o.tasks
return res
then I wrote my search logic like so
if !search_params[:user].empty?
query = add_res(User.where('handle LIKE ?', "%#{search_params[:user]}%"))
#tasks.nil? ? #tasks=query : #tasks=#tasks&query
if !search_params[:client].empty?
query = add_res(Client.where('name LIKE ?', "%#{search_params[:client]}%"))
#tasks.nil? ? #tasks=query : #tasks=#tasks&query
if !search_params[:project].empty?
query = add_res(Project.where('name LIKE ?', "%#{search_params[:project]}%"))
#tasks.nil? ? #tasks=query : #tasks=#tasks&query
if !search_params[:activity].empty?
query = add_res(Activity.where('name LIKE ?', "%#{search_params[:activity]}%"))
#tasks.nil? ? #tasks=query : #tasks=#tasks&query
if #tasks.nil?
If someone can provide a better answer I would be forever greatful

Is there a simpler way to return a belongs_to relation of an ActiveRecord result set?

I have two models:
belongs_to: user
has_many: answers
Is there a way in Ruby or Rails to do the following in one go instead of creating an array and pushing the needed object into it?
def top_experts
answers = Answer.where(some constraints)
users = []
answers.each do |answer|
users << answer.user
You can user joins
def top_experts
Answer.where(some constraints).includes(:user).collect{|x| x.user}
# Will return an Array of users
Use includes for eager loading. It will reduce the no of queries executed to get user.
Hi you can use a select clause to select what should be returned along with the where clause
Vote.select(user_id).where(some contraints)
Use sub-query to get users:
User.where( :id => Answer.where(some constraints).select(:user_id) )
Refer: subqueries in activerecord

Finding records which belong to multiple models with HABTM

My Track model has_and_belongs_to_many :moods, :genres, and :tempos (each of which likewise has_and_belongs_to_many :tracks).
I'm trying to build a search "filter" where users can specify any number of genres, moods, and tempos which will return tracks that match any conditions from each degree of filtering.
An example query might be
params[:genres] => "Rock, Pop, Punk"
params[:moods] => "Happy, Loud"
params[:tempos] => "Fast, Medium"
If I build an array of tracks matching all those genres, how can I select from that array those tracks which belong to any and all of the mood params, then select from that second array, all tracks which also match any and all of the tempo params?
I'm building the initial array with
#tracks = []
Genre.find_all_by_name(genres).each do |g|
#tracks = #tracks | g.tracks
where genres = params[:genres].split(",")
I'd recommend using your database to actually perform this query as that would be a lot more efficient.
You can try to join all these tables in SQL first and then using conditional queries i.e. where clauses to first try it out.
Once you succeed you can write it in the Active Record based way. I think its fairly important that you write it in SQL first so that you can properly understand whats going on.
This ended up working
#tracks = []
Genre.find_all_by_name(genres).each do |g|
g.tracks.each do |t|
temptempos = []
tempartists = []
tempmoods = []
t.tempos.each do |m|
t.moods.each do |m|
if !(temptempos & tempos).empty? && !(tempartists & artists).empty? && !(tempmoods & moods).empty?
#tracks = #tracks.uniq

Help in ActiveRecord find with include on conditions

I have a Coach Model which:
has_many :qualifications
I want to find all coaches whose some attribute_id is nil and they have some qualifications. Something which is like.
def requirement
legal_coaches = []
coaches = find_all_by_attribute_id(nil)
coaches.each do |coach|
legal_coaches << coach if coach.qualifications.any?
Is there a way to get all such records in one line ?
I think you can't do that via purely ruby syntax. I can only think of the following (ugly) way
Coach.find(:all, :conditions => "attribute_id IS NULL AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM qualifications WHERE coach_id = coaches.id)")
