Delphi TAdoQuery - Multiple Inserts? - delphi

Is it possible with a Delphi TAdoQuery to execute multiple inserts in one go, or do you have to execute each statement separately? What I want to do is this:
AdoQuery.SQL.Add('INSERT INTO user VALUES (1, "User 1");');
AdoQuery.SQL.Add('INSERT INTO user VALUES (2, "User 2");');
AdoQuery.SQL.Add('INSERT INTO user VALUES (3, "User 3");');
Is this possible? I'm getting an error from MySQL when executing this. I also tried adding BEGIN; and END; around the queries, but that didn't work either.
Edit: I want to do this because when I execute the inserts in a for loop it seems like it takes a really long time for > 10 queries. I'm assuming adding them all like above would speed things up. Does anyone know if the AdoQuery.Close call is necessary between inserts?

Try something like this (with an AdoCommand):
sSql := 'INSERT INTO User (FieldName1, FieldName2) values (:Nr, :Strng)';
AdoCmd.CommandText := sSql;
AdoCmd.CommandType := cmdText;
AdoCmd.Parameters.ParseSQL( sSql, True );
AdoCmd.Parameters.ParamByName('Nr').DataType := ftInteger
AdoCmd.Parameters.ParamByName('Strng').DataType := ftString;
for i := 1 to 10 do
AdoCmd.Parameters.ParamByName('Nr').Value := i;
AdoCmd.Parameters.ParamByName('Strng').Value := sUserName(i);
You could speed up thing by using .Params(0) and .Params(1) because ParamByName takes up some time.
But the trick here is the ParseSql statement. It keeps your code clear but still only parses the sql string only once.
And you can use transactions if necessary ... by using AdoCmd.Connection.BeginTrans and AdoCmd.Connection.CommitTrans / RollbackTrans.

With MySQL you can use the syntax:
INSERT INTO user VALUES (1, "User 1"), (2, "User 2"), (3, "User 3")
Then you may use parameters:
AdoQuery.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO user VALUES (:p11, :p12), (:p21, :p22), (:p31, :p32)';
AdoQuery.Parameters[0].Value := 1;
AdoQuery.Parameters[1].Value := 'User 1';
AdoQuery.Parameters[2].Value := 2;
AdoQuery.Parameters[3].Value := 'User 2';
AdoQuery.Parameters[4].Value := 3;
AdoQuery.Parameters[5].Value := 'User 3';

Proper use of transactions will also speed up your inserts. If each statement needs to be committed, it will take longer to be executed. If you can execute everything within a single transaction and just commit at the end it will be faster.
Don't know MySQL, but some databases also support "array DML", where a single SQL statement is sent to the DB together array of parameters and thereby execute multiple times but with a single communication roundtrip.


TADOQuery Including blank rows

When using the 'while not TADOQuery.Eof' with an microsoft Excel Workbook, it's including rows which are completely empty. Is there a way to stop including any rows that are completely blank as I don't need them?
You could exclude blank lines in the SQL used to open the spreadsheet. If the first row contains column headings like 'Column1', 'Column2', etc then the following SQL will not return rows where the value in the first column is blank
select * from [sheet1$]
where Column1 <> ''
Obviously the SQL could be a bit more specific (in terms of column values) about what you regard as constituting a blank row.
You'll have gathered that there are various ways to deal with variations in the contents of the column headers, but as the other answer shows, these are likely to be far more verbose than simply skipping blank rows inside the body of your main while not EOF loop to read the table contents, so I can't really see any benefit to not doing it by just skipping the blank rows.
Btw, ime the Excel data accessible via SQL behaves as though the query is automatically restricted to the UsedRange range in the Excel COM interface.
Original answer:
If I understand you correctly and you want to exclude empty rows after the query is opened, then next approach may help (but I think, that you should exclude these rows with SQL statement, as in #MartynA's answer). Here, empty rows are all rows, which have Null value for all fields.
procedure TForm1.btnDataClick(Sender: TObject);
i: Integer;
empty: Boolean;
while not qry.Eof do begin
// Check for empty row. Row is empty if all fields have NUull value.
empty := True;
for i := 0 to qry.FieldCount - 1 do begin
if not qry.Fields[i].IsNull then begin
empty := False;
// Read record data if record is not empty
if not empty then begin
// Your code here ...
// Next record
It's an attempt to improve my answer. If the table structure is not known, you can query the table with always false WHERE clause to get this structure and generate an SQL statement dynamically:
procedure TForm1.btnDataClick(Sender: TObject);
i: Integer;
where: string;
// Get column names
qry.SQL('SELECT * FROM [SheetName] WHERE 1 = 0');
where := '';
for i := 0 to qry.FieldCount - 1 do begin
where := where + '(' + qry.Fields[i].FieldName + ' <> '''') AND ';
where := 'WHERE ' + Copy(where, 1, Length(where) - 5);
// Read data without "empty" rows
qry.SQL('SELECT * FROM [SheetName] ' + where);

How to limit number of records in TFDMemTable?

I have a TFDMemTable filled with thousands of records. Is there a way to limit result records for only the first 50 ?
I've tried to use:
FDMemTable.FetchOptions.RecsSkip := 0;
FDMemTable.FetchOptions.RecsMax := 50;
But it did not work, data remained unchanged.
I expect #Victoria will be able to show you a better and more general
way, but there are at least two ways to do this:
Use FD's FDLocalSQL feature to copy the first X rows of the FDMemTable into, say,
an FDQuery and then copy them back into your FDMemTable.
Apply a filter to the FDMemTable to filter out the other records, use an FDBatchMove
to copy the X records into a second FDMemTable and then copy them back into the original
To implement the first of these, add the following components to your form/datamodule:
FDConnection1: TFDConnection;
FDQuery1: TFDQuery;
FDPhysSQLiteDriverLink1: TFDPhysSQLiteDriverLink;
and then execute code like this:
procedure TForm3.CopyData1;
FDConnection1.DriverName := 'SQLite';
FDConnection1.Connected := True;
FDLocalSQL1.Connection := FDConnection1;
FDLocalSQL1.DataSets.Add(FDMemTable1); // this is the source dataset
FDLocalSQL1.Active := True;
FDQuery1.SQL.Text := 'select * from FDMemTable1 order by ID limit 5'; // ID being an Integer field of the FDMemTable
FDQuery1.Active := True;
FDMemTable1.Data := FDQuery1.Data; // Re-opens FDMemTable 1, which now contains only the first X records
FD's LocalSQL uses Sqlite to do its stuff. The functional equivalent in Sqlite's SQL
to "Select Top X ..." is its limit clause.
An advantage of using LocalSQL for your task, of course, is that because LocalSQL
supports order by, you can it to determine which (top) X records are retained.
The batchmove method requires a bit less code but requires you to have a way of identifying
the first X records using a filter expression. An example using an ID field might be
procedure TForm3.CopyData2;
FDMemTable1.Filter := 'ID <=50';
FDMemTable1.Filtered := True;
FDBatchMove1.Execute; // move data from FDMemTable1 to FDMemTable2;
FDMemTable1.Data := FDMemTable2.Data; // Re-opens FDMemTable 1, which now contains only the first X records
Btw, you say
I have a TFDMemTable filled with thousands of records. I
I think the problem with the method you've tried is probably that by the time you have the records in the FDMemTable, it's too late to try and limit the number of them in the way you're attempting. *)

How to print a data field in two different columns in FastReports

So, I have a table in database like this :
number varchar2 (50)
activities varchar2 (50)
value number
flag varchar(2)
for flag, I have 2 options which means :
1=debit and 2=credit.
assume I wanted to create a report using fastreport 4, I'll make the report look like this :
my question is, how do you code in fastreport so that every value with flag 1 will show up in debit column and value with flag 2 shows up in credit column?
I am using delphi 7 by the way. Thanks!
One possible solution is to use band's OnBeforePrint event:
procedure MasterData1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
if <reportdataset."FLAG"> = '1' then begin
MemoDebit.Text := FormatFloat('#0.00', <reportdataset."VALUE">);
MemoCredit.Text := FormatFloat('#0.00', 0);
else if <reportdataset."FLAG"> = '2' then begin
MemoDebit.Text := FormatFloat('#0.00', 0);
MemoCredit.Text := FormatFloat('#0.00', <reportdataset."VALUE">);
else begin
MemoDebit.Text := FormatFloat('#0.00', 0);
MemoCredit.Text := FormatFloat('#0.00', 0);
FastReport can include an IIF statement in a TfrxMemoView.
Your report band will include two fields, one for the Debit column and one for the credit column.
Then in the debits field, you will enter:
[IIF(<Data."flag"> = '1', <Data."value">, '')]
And in the credits field:
[IIF(<Data."flag"> = '2', <Data."value">, '')]
The IIF statement can also be used inside a Sum() call in footers to get the correct totals.
[SUM(IIF(<Data."flag"> = '1', <Data."value">, 0))]

Creating a Load More filter using a TListView Search - Firemonkey Mobile Application

I managed to make a "Search" bar through a TEdit that seeks whatever i type from inside
a ListView that gets its information from a DataBase and goes through a filter and updates the ListView's items on the fly after a key is pressed.
Now i am trying to learn how to implement a way of limiting the results i get in my ListView temporarily until i press a Show More button or something like that in order to get some more relevant results.
Since the Database might return over 500 results by the time i press "A" and that would be harsh to a mobile phone's capabilities so i need that feature to make my Search button more efficient.
Could someone give me some pointers on what i can use in order to make something like that?
The current code i am using for searching in the ListView is this...
procedure TContactsForm.Edit1ChangeTracking(Sender: TObject);
Lower: string;
i: integer;
Lower:= LowerCase(Edit1.Text.Trim);
if Lower= '' then
if Filtered then
ListView1.Items.Filter := nil;
ListView1.ItemIndex := BindSourceDB1.ComponentIndex;
ListView1.ItemIndex := -1;
ListView1.Items.Filter :=
function(X: string): Boolean
Result:= (Lower = EmptyStr) or LowerCase(X).Contains(Lower);
function TContactsForm.Filtered: Boolean;
Result := Assigned(ListView1.Items.Filter);
The easiest way is to model your select statement so it only returns a limited about of rows (you can always remove the limitation upon user request).
For SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL you'd use a LIMIT clause:
SELECT acolumn FROM atable WHERE afield LIKE :param LIMIT 4;
In SQL Server you'd have to do something like:
SELECT column, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY name) as row FROM atable
) a WHERE a.row <= 4
This has the added benefit that less data is generated and transmitted by the database.
When doing the full search you simple omit the limit clause.
If you want to keep the results you already have and just add to extra results, use a
LIMIT 20 OFFSET 5 clause (without the offset keyword the operands are reversed LIMIT 5,20).
You always want to limit so as to make the experience snappy.
Every new page, you fetch the next x records.
You can even do this in real time, as the user is scrolling the list down.
Fetch new records as he nears the bottom of the list.

absolute database batch move

I would like to use the batch component to archive some old records within a table. I looked at the example on the Ace components site but I am unsure how to use it. The command is :
For the task I intended to use two datetimepickers. So a query would go something like with parameters:
SELECT * from MYTABLE where DATE BETWEEN :a1 and :a2
ABSTQuery1.Parameters.ParamByName ('a1').AsDate := DateTimePicker1.Date;
ABSTQuery1.Parameters.ParamByName ('a2').AsDate := DateTimePicker2.Date;
How do I incorporate the query with the batchmove command? I want all the retrieved records to move from my source table to destination table.
Absolute Database's BatchMove appears to be modeled after the old BDE TBatchMove, which required two TTable components; IIRC, it didn't work with TQuery, but I could be remembering wrong. (The BDE has been deprecated for more than a decade, and I haven't used it since Delphi 1.)
You don't need BatchMove, though. You can do it all with your single query (exception handling omitted for brevity):
// Copy rows into destination
ABSTQuery1.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO DestTable'#32 +
'(SELECT * from MYTABLE where DATE BETWEEN :a1 and :a2)';
ABSTQuery1.Parameters.ParamByName ('a1').AsDate := DateTimePicker1.Date;
ABSTQuery1.Parameters.ParamByName ('a2').AsDate := DateTimePicker2.Date;
// Remove them from source (you said "move", after all)
ABSTQuery1.SQL.Text := 'DELETE FROM MyTable'#32 +
`WHERE Date BETWEEN :a1 and :a2';
ABSTQuery1.Parameters.ParamByName ('a1').AsDate := DateTimePicker1.Date;
ABSTQuery1.Parameters.ParamByName ('a2').AsDate := DateTimePicker2.Date;
Replace DestTable with the name of the destination table in the first SQL statement.
More info in the Absolute Database on-line manual
I haven't used Absolute Database, but if their SQL support includes scripting (I'll leave that research up to you - docs link above) and multiple statements, you can do it in one pass:
// Note addition of `;` at end of each SQL statement
// and change in param names for second statement.
// Some DBs will allow you to just use one pair, and
// set the value for each once. Some require setting
// each twice, and some require unique param names.
// Check the documentation for Absolute DB.
ABSTQuery1.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO DestTable'#32 +
'(SELECT * from MYTABLE where DATE BETWEEN :a1 and :a2);'
'DELETE FROM MyTable WHERE Date BETWEEN :d1 and :d2;';
ABSTQuery1.Parameters.ParamByName ('a1').AsDate := DateTimePicker1.Date;
ABSTQuery1.Parameters.ParamByName ('a2').AsDate := DateTimePicker2.Date;
// New param names for second pass
ABSTQuery1.Parameters.ParamByName ('d1').AsDate := DateTimePicker1.Date;
ABSTQuery1.Parameters.ParamByName ('d2').AsDate := DateTimePicker2.Date;
