Automatically set property after component creation with Autofac -

Here is the example code:
public interface IService<TEntity> {
IContext Context { get; set; }
//unimportant methods
bool Validate(TEntity entity);
void Add(TEntity enttity);
public class UsersController : Controller {
private IService<User> _service;
public MyController(IService<User> service){
_service = service;
_service.Context = ControllerContext;
I'm using AutofacControllerFactory to create controllers in my ASP.NET MVC app.
Is it possible to eliminate this line of code in every controller's constructor:
_service.Context = ControllerContext;
In other words: is it possible to automatically set this property with ControllerContext?
It should be possible because every IService implementation has a settable IContext property.
Should I extend the AutofacControllerFactory or is there a standard way of doint this?

What you have there is a Circular Dependency.
UsersController depends on IService<User>
IService<User> depends on ControllerContext
ControllerContext depends on UsersController
No DI Container can reach into your classes' innards and control what happens there. They can set up dependencies for you and inject them into your classes from the outside. However, they can't very well deal with circular dependencies, so a better option is to redesign the API.
From here it looks very much like the Context property of IService<TEntity> is a Leaky Abstraction. A Service shouldn't need to know anything about the UI framework in which it is running.
You can often break a circular dependency by changing one of the consumers to a more event-driven architecture.
Here's an article about this sort of problem.
Here's a related answer to a ASP.NET MVC question that looks a lot like yours: Is there a good/proper way of solving the dependency injection loop problem in the ASP.NET MVC ContactsManager tutorial?
See also the answer: Dependency-Injection to resolve circular dependencies


How to resolve a DI class in a class library with .NET Core?

I understand the basics of DI in .NET Core, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to use it with multiple projects. Imagine I'm setting up a database context in the Startup class of ASP.NET Core:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
I know how to access that context in an API controller:
public class AlbumController : Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Controller
private GalleryDb _ctx;
public AlbumController(GalleryDb ctx)
_ctx = ctx;
But what does one do when there are many layers and functions between the API controller and the data access class? Eventually the code reaches my repository class, which is the one that actually requires the context. It looks like this:
public class AlbumRepository
private GalleryDb _ctx;
public AlbumRepository(GalleryDb ctx)
_ctx = ctx;
public void Save(AlbumEntity entity)
// Use _ctx to persist to DB.
I understand that I could pass the context from the API entry point all the way down, but that seems like an anti-pattern because it means passing it as a parameter through multiple classes and functions that have no interest in it.
Instead, I'd like to do something like this at the point where I invoke the repository class:
public void Save(AlbumEntity album)
var ctx = DependencyResolver.GetInstance<GalleryDb>();
var repo = new AlbumRepository(ctx);
I believe some DI frameworks have something like this, but I'm trying to figure out how to do it with native .NET Core 2.0. Is this possible? What is the best practice? I found one thread (ASP.NET Core DependencyResolver) talk about using IServiceProvider but the implication was that this was not a desirable solution.
I'm hoping whatever the solution is, I can extend it to apply to other DI classes like ASP.NET Identity's RoleManager and SignInManager.
The key breakthrough chris-pratt helped me understand is that the only way this works is to use DI through all the layers. For example, down in the data layer I get a DB context through DI:
public class AlbumRepository
private GalleryDb _ctx;
public AlbumRepository(GalleryDb ctx)
_ctx = ctx;
In the business layer I use DI to get a reference to the data layer:
public class Album
private AlbumRepository _repo;
public Album(AlbumRepository repo)
_repo = repo;
Then, in the web layer, I use DI to get a reference to the business layer class:
public class AlbumController : Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Controller
private Album _album;
public AlbumController (Album album)
_album = album;
By using DI through every layer, the DI system is able to construct all the necessary classes at the point where they are needed.
This requirement has a profound impact on the architecture of an application, and I now realize that my initial hope to tweak an existing, non-DI app to start using DI for the DB context is a major undertaking.
I understand that I could pass the context from the API entry point all the way down, but that seems like an anti-pattern because it means passing it as a parameter through multiple classes and functions that have no interest in it.
No, that's not an anti-pattern. That's how you should do it. However, the bit about "classes and functions that have no interest in it" makes no sense.
Simply, if you're working with something like a repository that wraps a DbContext (a horrible idea, by the way, but we'll put a pin in that), then you shouldn't ever be dealing directly with that DbContext. Instead, you should be injecting your repository into your controllers and then simply let the context be injected into that:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
Since ASP.NET Core knows how to inject GalleryDb, and AlbumRepository takes GalleryDb as a constructor param, you simply register AlbumRepository for injection as well (using a "scoped" or request lifetime).
Now, you can inject AlbumRepository the same way you're currently injecting the context:
public class AlbumController : Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Controller
private AlbumRepository _repo;
public AlbumController(AlbumRepository repo)
_repo = repo;
Where this starts to get tricky is when you have many repositories, especially if you have controllers that need to interact with several repositories. Eventually, your code will become a rat's nest of service config and injection boilerplate. However, at that point, you should really be employing the unit of work pattern as well, encapsulating all your repositories in one class that you can inject instead. But wait, oh yeah, that's what DbContext is already. It's a unit of work encapsulating multiple repositories, or DbSets. This is why you shouldn't being using the repository pattern in conjunction with Entity Framework. It's a pointless abstraction that does nothing but add additional and unnecessary entropy to your code.
If you want to abstract DbContext, then you should use something like the service layer pattern (not to be confused with the RPC bull excrement Microsoft refers to as the "service pattern") or the CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) pattern. The repository pattern is for one thing: abstracting away raw SQL. If you don't have raw SQL, you should not be implementing that pattern.

ASP.NET 5 / Core 1 Dependency Injection: Bad design or bad documentation?

I'm reading through the ASP.NET 5 docs and was choking on the chapter of dependency injection.
I am recommended to write my controllers like so:
public class MyController: Controller
private readonly MyService _myService;
public MyController(MyService myService)
_myService = myService;
public IActionResult Index()
// use _myService
The short and direct version is discouraged:
public class MyController : Controller
public IActionResult Index()
var myService = (MyService)HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(MyService));
The given reason is because allegedly the recommended version...
[...] yields classes that are easier to test (see Testing) and are more loosely coupled.
The linked testing chapter doesn't shed any light on this weird statement.
I didn't look at the sources, but I assume whatever constructs the controller is using HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService itself to deliver the dependency? Clearly a test can setup a different implementation for testing, and clearly that is the whole point of a DI framework, right?
The colossus (MyService)HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(MyService)) is bad enough, but a small helper could fix that (was a simple Get<MyService>() really so hard?).
But that this excessive clutter is recommended for basically every controller and more is disturbing.
It's all the more puzzling as there already is a Microsoft DI framework with a proper usage, MEF:
public class MyController : Controller
private MyService _myService;
public IActionResult Index()
// use _myService
Why not at least just take that one? What's going on here?
This isn't a ASP.NET Core specific solution. This is how just about every DI framework works. The most common approach is to have all the dependencies of a controller as constructor parameters. This makes it clear what services the controller uses. There are multiple alternative solutions, but the basic idea stays the same and there are multiple pros and cons to them.
Clearly a test can setup a different implementation for testing, and clearly that is the whole point of a DI framework, right?
This line isn't clear to me. What do you think the 'whole point of a DI framework ' is? This line suggest you only use it so you can use a different implementation for testing.
But that this excessive clutter is recommended for basically every controller and more is disturbing.
Excessive clutter? What if I want to use MyService in two (or more) functions? Should I use this:
public class MyController : Controller
public IActionResult Index()
var myService = (MyService)HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(MyService));
public IActionResult Index2()
var myService = (MyService)HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(MyService));
Or should I opt for the solution where I set it up in the constructor? Seems like an obvious choice to me. In such a small example it may look like clutter, but add 10 lines of code to it and you'll barely notice a small constructor and some variable declarations.
You can use it while testing. It's a way to quickly grab something from the container when you need it, but it should certainly not be part of the actual code. You're simply hiding the dependency from sight.
At last you suggest property injection. This is a valid solution. But an often used argument against it is that it hides the dependency. If you define it as a parameter in the constructor you can't hide it. Besides, a lot of DI frameworks don't even have support for property or method injection because of this.
If you want to use MEF in your project you are free to do so. But it should, in my opinion, not be the default DI framework for ASP.NET. What's available right now is more than sufficient to do most tasks. If you need more functionality you can always use a different DI framework like StructureMap or AutoFac.
In the end it all comes down to what works for you. But stating this is either bad design or bad documentation is just wrong. You are of course free to prove me wrong on this. You could improve the ASP.NET documentation and/or would prove that the concept of inversion of control is wrong and suggest a better solution.

Can I use Ninject to inject dependencies into attributes rather than using the service locator pattern?

I'm using feature flags to selectively enable/disable certain aspects of my MVC4 web application in different environments. I have an interface named IConfiguration with a IsEnabled(FeatureFlag) method that provides access to these flags.
To this end, I want to disable certain MVC action methods when the feature they relate to is turned off. I have an attribute named FeatureAttribute defined like this:
// Usage: [Feature(FeatureFlag.I18N)]
public class FeatureAttribute : ActionMethodSelectorAttribute {
private IConfiguration _config;
private FeatureFlag _feature;
public FeatureAttribute(FeatureFlag feature) {
_config = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<IConfiguration>();
_feature = feature;
public override bool IsValidForRequest(ControllerContext controllerContext,
MethodInfo methodInfo) {
return _config.IsEnabled(_feature);
This works, but using DependencyResolver to get an instance of IConfiguration smells funny. Is there any way I can redesign my code to avoid the Service Locator pattern?
I initially thought of using filter injection, but ActionMethodSelectorAttribute is not actually a filter, so it doesn't apply here.
Attributes are created by the .NET Framework. So you can't do Constructor injection. The only two ways to inject into Attributes is to do PropertyInjection or ServiceLocation.
PropertyInjection can be done like this:
Add a IPlanningStrategy that does the scanning with reflection for your attribute (or ActionMethodSelectorAttribute). Return immediatly if not a controller.
Foreach method that has this attribute add a IDirective that contains a reference to the MethodInfo
Add A IActivationStrategy that injects the attribute using kernel.Inject(attribute).
Best you have a look at the PropertyInjection implementation of Ninject it works exactly like this. It just needs some changes to do what you want.

How to refer to Entity Framework DbContext from MVC business objects?

I'm starting a new ASP.NET MVC project. In my last project, one of the biggest code smells was how I passed around the Entity Framework DbContext, stored it in HttpContext.Current, called SaveChanges() in my rendering event, and did all manner of (probably unseemly) related things.
Suppose that my unit of work always corresponds to a web request. What is the right way to create a DbContext, share that context to a business library (e.g. an assembly outside the MVC project responsible for processing some workflow activities), share result models back to my controller, and persist any changes?
I'll be honest, I don't know much about dependency injection. It sounds like it should be related, but I don't see how it would get me a shared context instance between my controller and my business processes in an external assembly.
If I only needed it from controllers, it would be easy. I'd stick to HttpContext. But now HttpContext has spilled over to my external library. Do I just define an interface that returns the current DbContext, and base an implementation of that on HttpContext?
Hope that's clear what I'm asking, as I'm a little lost.
Dependency injection definitely sounds like what you are after here. My preference is ninject so below is a bit of an example of how I do this with EF.
Install Ninject.MVC3 (available on nuget)
Go to \app_start\NinjectWebCommon.cs (added by the above package) and add the following to the RegisterServices method
kernel.Bind<MyContext>().ToSelf().InRequestScope(); //binding in the context in request scope, this will let us use it in our controllers
Inside a controller consume the context as follows
public class MyController : ....{
private readonly MyContext _context;
public MyController(MyContext context){ _context = context; }
//Do stuff with _context in your actions
This is a really simple example for you to try there are plenty of better ways to structure this as your application grows (such as ninject modules) but this will demonstrate how DI works.
A few things to note, Always make sure you bind the context in requestscope (or more frequently) as DBContext has a nasty habit of growing quite bit if it sticks around too long.
In terms of sharing it with your external stuff that can be injected too, eg
public class MyExternalLogic{
public MyExternalLogic(MyContext context){....}
public class MyController : ....{
private readonly MyContext _context;
public MyController(MyContext context, MyExternalLogic logic){ _context = context; ...}
//Do stuff with _context in your actions
In the above the same instance of DbContext will be used for both MyController and MyExternalLogic. Ninject will handle the creation of both objects.
There are also a bunch of other DI containers available which will give you very similar experiences. I highly recommend DI as it helps a lot with unit test-ability as well.
For some more examples of how I use Ninject to structure my MVC apps check out some of my projects on github, such as

IModelBinder or IOC in ASP.NET MVC?

While Scott Hanselman performed an excellent demonstration of the use of IModelBinder in
“IPrincipal (User) ModelBinder in ASP.NET MVC for easier testing” he felt compelled to make this rather defensive comment:
Yes, I realize I could use an IoC container for this also.
Did he mean that he could have used IOC instead of IModelBinder or is he saying that we should use IModelBinder with IOC? With the understanding that many, many things can be done with a general-purpose programming language (now I’m getting defensive) what is actually done in real-world scenarios? For example, a project like KiGG does not appear to be using IModelBinder at all.
For example, in my project I have a custom binder that does something like this (I use it with ViewModel like shown here):
public interface IEntityResolver
object Find(string id);
public class PrimaryKeyResolver<T> where T: Entity
public PrimaryKeyResolver(IRepository<T> repository) {}
public object Find(string id)
return repository.Get(new Guid(id));
public class NameResolver<T> where T: NamedEntity
public NameResolver(IRepository<T> repository) {}
public object Find(string id)
return repository.Find(new { Name = id });
public class MyBinder: IModelBinder
public override object BindModel()
var id = ... //get id from context
var resolverType = typeof(IResolver<>).MakeGenericInterface(typeof(bindingContext.ModelType));
var resolver = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance(resolverType);
return resolver.Find(id);
Now, what are the benefits and why it's about IoC? This helps me to keep my model binder free of entity resolution concerns, preserving Separation of Concerns. What does id means and how we get entity is delegated to resolver. This helps to reuse same IModelBinder for any entity. The only thing I need to do is to provide model resolver if (as shown above) I want to search by name, not by id.
IoC here (I use Service Locator but anyway) helps to find proper resolver and instantiate it. Notice that resolvers accept IRepository, which IoC container passes automatically.
About your specific questions, of course we should use IoC with IModelBinder, not without - but you can probably also use IoC to instantiate IModelBinder - this will avoid the need to use ServiceLocator; but I don't know how to intercept MVC creating the binder, and frankly I don't care since I'm happy with Locator.
As for KiGG, I usually suggest not to rely on example projects such as NerdDinner or Oxite (can't tell anything about KiGG) as if they're "good design" references - as far as I see they usually demonstrate technical aspects (i.e. features), not good design.
I've just added this to codeplex which might help.
I've also added a sample application, let me know if you have any questions.
