Recommended TextMate Bundles for Ruby on Rails Development - ruby-on-rails

Can you guys please recommend few textmate bundles that would be helpful while developing ruby on rails applications

Kevin Faustino put together a fairly recent list (May 2010) of his favorite Textmate bundles. This list got me started on improving my productivity with Textmate and searching the web for Textmate bundles that fit my personal needs.

The Ruby on Rails bundle, obvi. The jQuery bundle is also cool if you happen to be using Rails with jQuery.


Ruby on Rails Gem or Bower for CSS and Javascript?

In Ruby on Rails, which is better for CSS and Javascript dependencies?
To install them as Gem or as Bower dependency? Such as jQuery and or Bootstrap?
It is better to install CSS frameworks like Bootstrap as a Gem. Here is my favorite Bootstrap installation guide:
jQuery is already included in the default Rails setup.
This is very much a personal preference. There are schools of thought that go both ways.
I haven't looked in a long time, but oftentimes the gems are usually behind the current release of front-end libraries.
UI portability is greater if you keep the frontend/backend logic completely separate. If you wanted to switch to another backend tomorrow, how long would it take?
Using gems is faster, and you have a single tool (bundler) to handle the depedencies.
I have avoided providing my personal preference in favor of a neutral post.
AS my opinion ....
rather than gem/bower, you should download files and integrate to project
like for bootstrap download bootstrap files

HTML site to Rails

I'm trying to learn Ruby and Rails. So, I've created a template site with Foundation framework for HTML and CSS. Now, at the begining, I want to add multilanguage platform to this site. I knew about i18n on Rails.
But my question is about:
How to move html site (f.e. mine) to ruby on rails platform? Is it enough to move template rails project to my site and then merge it? As I understand Cloud9 IDE support rails platform

How to use Twitter bootstrap with rails 3.0

How am I supposed to use bootstap with rails 3.0 rather than >= 3.1 ? is there any plugin which supports rails 3.0 ?
I think all of the bootstrap gems require Rails 3.1 or greater. I recently had bootstrap on a 3.0.10 Rails app using the Less.js file that you download from their site: This is the simplest most basic way to use Twitter-Bootstrap; the file compiles all of your "my_file.less" files into css on the client side.
However, if you want to modify the variables (which is the real power of using this framework) than you need to compile it. You can take a look at this Less compiler: I've never tried that, but I hear good things about it and it works on Mac, Linux, or PC.
Probably the easiest thing to do - if you want to compile the code on server side - would be to upgrade your project to Rails 3.1.1 and just use one of the Twitter Bootstrap gems. This is actually exactly what I ended up doing. I was able to update my app to 3.1.1 and I used the Boostrap-Sass gem (just because I slightly prefer Sass).
If you decide to upgrade, follow this RailsCast:
It helped me a lot.
Ryan Bates also offers a video on how to incorporate Twitter Bootstrap into a Rails app:
Here's a link to the Sass version of Bootstrap that I am currently using:
Many solutions : you can upgrade to rails 3.1+, might be the better (not the easier, depending on you app) way. You can include the static files yourself if you don't intend to change anything that is handled at the less level. You can do it even if you intend to, but you'll have to recompile the files yourself (or find a way to automate it). Finally, there might be a gem out there that is compatible with rails pre-asset-pipeline, or an old version of a gem. You'll have to look for yourself if you absolutely want a gem.

what is the relationship between ruby, ruby on rails and html?

what is the relationship between ruby, ruby on rails and html?
Ruby is a programming language. Ruby on Rails is a Model-View-Controller (MVC) web application framework written in Ruby. HTML is a markup language used for the formatting of web pages and is commonly used to present the output generated by a Ruby on Rails application to the final user.
Ruby is programming language
Ruby on rails is a web framework written in Ruby.
HTML is a markup language to create web pages
HTML is markup language used majority of times in view of rails.It is used to design the frontend.
Ruby is a object oriented programming language with latest version as 1.9.2 and Ruby on rails built on ruby is a web application framework with version3 currently in use.Links which may help you:

What are the most useful TextMate bundles or plugins for Rails development

I'm compiling a list of the most useful bundles and plugins for TextMate which are helpful for using while developing with Rails.
I have two which I use religiously:
Project Plus
Zen Coding
Find in Project in TextMate is slow in a large project. Try "Ack In Project Bundle"
I get a lot of mileage out of the Haml and Sass bundles.
Listed under TextMate Bundles:
Javascript Tools (ever wanted warnings / errors when saving file?)
Ruby on Rails by the effervescent Dr Nic (disclaimer: he's my boss)
Not listed:
Javascript jQuery
