Integration testing Rails API with basic authentication - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to get a test signing in using basic authentication. I've tried a few approaches. See code below for a list of failed attempts and code. Is there anything obvious I'm doing wrong. Thanks
class ClientApiTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest
fixtures :all
test "adding an entry" do
# No access to #request
##request.env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] = "Basic " + Base64::encode64("")
# Not sure why this didn't work
#session["warden.user.user.key"] = [User, 1]
# This didn't work either
# url = URI.parse("")
# req =
# req.basic_auth '', 'qwerty123'
post "/diary/people/1/entries.xml", {:diary_entry => {
:drink_product_id => 4,
:drink_amount_id => 1,
:quantity => 3
puts response.body
assert_response 200

It looks like you might be running rails3 -- Rails3 switched over to Rack::test so the syntax is different. You pass in an environment hash to set your request variables like headers.
Try something like:
path = "/diary/people/1/entries.xml"
params = {:diary_entry => {
:drink_product_id => 4,
:drink_amount_id => 1,
:quantity => 3}
env["CONTENT_TYPE"] = "application/json"
env["ACCEPT"] = "application/json"
env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] = "Basic " + Base64::encode64("")
get(end_point, params, env)
This could work too, but it might be a sinatra only thing:
get '/protected', {}, {'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' => encode_credentials('go', 'away')}
Sinatra test credit

This works for me in Rails 3
#request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic.encode_credentials('username', 'password')
get :index


Rspec request specs and Rails 5

I'm starting a new project, my first with Rails 5.1.0. I have a pb with my first request spec.
describe 'Users', type: :request do
it 'are created from external data' do
json_string ='path/to/test_data/user_data.json')
params = { user: JSON.parse(json_string) }
headers = { "CONTENT_TYPE" => "application/json" }
expect do
post '/api/v1/users', params.to_s, headers change {
expect(response.status).to eq 200
this spec return the error ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 3, expected 1). The official documentation don't say much.
If I take out the .to_s, and send a hash, like this:
post '/api/v1/users', params, headers
I got another error:
ArgumentError: unknown keyword: user
Any thought?
I think they changed the syntax recently. Now it should use keyword args. So, something like this:
post '/api/v1/users', params: params, headers: headers
Here's a little addendum to Sergio's answer. If you are upgrading from Rails 4 to Rails 5, have lots of tests, and aren't too keen on changing them all ā€“ at least not until you've finished upgrading ā€“ I've found a way to make them work with the old method signature.
In my spec_helper I added
module FixLegacyTestRequests
def get(path, par = {}, hdr = {})
process(:get, path, params: par, headers: hdr)
def post(path, par = {}, hdr = {})
process(:post, path, params: par, headers: hdr)
def put(path, par = {}, hdr = {})
process(:put, path, params: par, headers: hdr)
def delete(path, par = {}, hdr = {})
process(:delete, path, params: par, headers: hdr)
and then I added this configuration for each test:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.before :each do |example|
extend(FixLegacyTestRequests) # to be removed at some point!
My tests went back to working, and I think it should be safe because it's only applied to the currently running test and shouldn't pollute any gem's code such as with a monkey patch.

How do you test HttpAuthentication::Digest in rails 4?

I'm upgrading from rails 3 to rails 4 and trying to get digest authentication working based on this example:
It looks like the 'process_with_test' method was removed, so I think I can just override the controller's process method like this:
def authenticate_with_http_digest(user = API_USERNAME, password = API_PASSWORD, realm = API_REALM)
ActionController::Base.class_eval { include ActionController::Testing }
#controller.instance_eval %Q(
alias real_process process
def process(name)
credentials = {
:uri => request.url,
:realm => "#{realm}",
:username => "#{user}",
:nonce => ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Digest.nonce(Rails.configuration.secret_key_base),
:opaque => ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Digest.opaque(Rails.configuration.secret_key_base)
request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Digest.encode_credentials(request.request_method, credentials, "#{password}", false)
I can see the new method gets called, but I still get 401 access denied errors when I call the controller. I'm not sure I am creating the digest authentication correctly, but I don't know which part is incorrect. Does anyone have tips for debugging this?
I had the same issue. I read through the Rails 4 test cases and built the below solution. Its not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but it works in my test environment. It is a drop-in solution for the original authenticate_with_http_digest helper method.
Gist here:
And for posterity:
# This should go into spec/support/auth_spec_helpers.rb (if you are using RSpec)
module AuthSpecHelpers
# Convenience method for setting the Digest Authentication details.
# To use, pass the username and password.
# The method and target are used for the initial request to get the digest auth headers. These will be translated into 'get :index' for example.
# The final 'header' parameter sets the request's authentication headers.
def authenticate_with_http_digest(user, password, method = :get, target = :index, header = 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION')
#request.env[header] = encode_credentials(username: user, password: password, method: method, target: target)
# Shamelessly stolen from the Rails 4 test framework.
# See
def encode_credentials(options)
options.reverse_merge!(:nc => "00000001", :cnonce => "0a4f113b", :password_is_ha1 => false)
password = options.delete(:password)
# Perform unauthenticated request to retrieve digest parameters to use on subsequent request
method = options.delete(:method) || 'GET'
target = options.delete(:target) || :index
case method.to_s.upcase
when 'GET'
get target
when 'POST'
post target
assert_response :unauthorized
credentials = decode_credentials(#response.headers['WWW-Authenticate'])
path_info = #request.env['PATH_INFO'].to_s
uri = options[:uri] || path_info
credentials.merge!(:uri => uri)
#request.env["ORIGINAL_FULLPATH"] = path_info
ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Digest.encode_credentials(method, credentials, password, options[:password_is_ha1])
# Also shamelessly stolen from the Rails 4 test framework.
# See
def decode_credentials(header)
# Don't forget to add to rspec's config (spec/spec_helper.rb)
RSpec.configure do |config|
# Include auth digest helper
config.include AuthSpecHelpers, :type => :controller
Happy testing.

Ruby: POST data to a url

In a rails app I want to be able to post some information to another website inside a method without visiting the website. I'm fairly new to the topic so act as if Iā€™m 5 years old.
My idea so far:
def create_button
button = {
:name => 'test',
:type => 'buy_now',
:callback_url => '',
:description => 'sample description',
:include_email => true
"" + button.to_query
# post logic here
Ruby ships with the Net::HTTP library for making HTTP requests. There are a lot of gems that wrap HTTP as well, my favorite is Faraday. Look into those libraries, it is pretty straightforward how to make a POST request with them.
There are a lots of gems that do this for free but if you only want to use the standard library, try something like this:
require "net/http"
require 'net/https'
require "uri"
uri = URI.parse("")
https =,uri.port)
https.use_ssl = true
req =
# I'm unsure if symbols will work
button = {
"name" => 'test',
"type" => 'buy_now',
"callback_url" => '',
"description" => 'sample description',
"include_email" => true
res = https.request(req)
Try: Net::HTTP
uri = URI.parse("")
button = {
:name => 'test',
:type => 'buy_now',
:callback_url => '',
:description => 'sample description',
:include_email => true
res = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri,button)
res.body # response from api

Rspec: add some header requests inside routing specs

I'm working on a Rails application having a REST API in JSON format and versioned (according to this excellent Ryan's cast:
For instance, there is a spec/requests spec:
require 'spec_helper'
describe "My Friends" do
describe "GET /my/friends.json" do
it "should get my_friends_path" do
get v1_my_friends_path, {}, {'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'application/vnd.myapp+json; level=1'}
response.status.should be(401)
And it works well. But (keeping this example) how can we write the routing spec? For instance this spec isn't correct:
require 'spec_helper'
describe "friends routing" do
it "routes to #index" do
get("/my/friends.json", nil, {'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'application/vnd.myapp+json; level=1'}).
should route_to({ action: "index",
controller: "api/v1/private/my/friends",
format: "json" })
I tried different ways (such as request.headers['Accept'] and #request.headers['Accept'], where request is undefined and #request is nil); I really don't see how to do.
I'm on Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 3.2.6 and rspec-rails 2.11.0. Thanks.
By combining the ideas from Cristophe's and Piotr's answers, I came up with a solution that worked for me. I'm using rspec and rails 3.0.
it 'should route like i want it to' do
Rack::MockRequest::DEFAULT_ENV["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "*/*"
{get: "/foo/bar"}.
should route_to(
controller: 'foo',
action: 'bar',
Rack::MockRequest::DEFAULT_ENV.delete "HTTP_ACCEPT"
Currently you can't send addititional Headers in Routing specs, this is due to line 608 in actionpack-3.2.5/lib/action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb where it says:
env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for(path, {:method => method})
path is your requested path "/my/friends.json" and method is :get
The resulting env contains something like the following:
"rack.version"=>[1, 1],
"SERVER_NAME"=>"", # if path was
If you are able to mock Rack::MockRequest::env_for it should be possible to inject other headers than the ones generated by env_for (see Hash above).
Other than that you are currently using the route_to matcher wrong, you should call it on a Hash where you specify the method and the path like this:
{ get: '/' }.should route_to(controller: 'main', action: 'index')
Let us know if you were able to Mock out that env_for and let it return your headers, would be nice to know.
before do
ActionDispatch::TestRequest::DEFAULT_ENV["action_dispatch.request.accepts"] = "application/vnd.application-v1+json"
after do
You can using rspec's and_wrap_original to mock the Rack::MockRequest.env_for method:
expect(Rack::MockRequest).to receive(:env_for).and_wrap_original do |original_method, *args, &block|*args, &block).tap { |hash| hash['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = 'application/vnd.myapp+json; level=1' }
For Rails 3 and 4 I had done the following in an RSpec around hook:
around do |example|
Rack::MockRequest::DEFAULT_ENV['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = 'application/vnd.vendor+json; version=1'
Rack::MockRequest::DEFAULT_ENV.delete 'HTTP_ACCEPT'
Since Rack >= 2.0.3 (used by Rails 5) the Rack::MockRequest::DEFAULT_ENV hash is frozen.
You can redefine the constant and use Kernel.silence_warnings to silence the Ruby warnings:
around do |example|
silence_warnings do
Rack::MockRequest::DEFAULT_ENV = Rack::MockRequest::DEFAULT_ENV.dup
Rack::MockRequest::DEFAULT_ENV['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = 'application/vnd.vendor+json; version=1'
Rack::MockRequest::DEFAULT_ENV.delete 'HTTP_ACCEPT'
It's a bit of hack but it works like a charm.

Ruby: HTTParty: can't format XML POST data correctly?

NOTE: "object" is a placeholder work, as I don't think I should be saying what the controller does specifically.
so, I have multiple ways of calling my apps API, the following works in the command line:
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' -d '<object><name>Test API object</name><password>password</password><description>This is a test object</description></object>' ""
the above command generates the following request in the devlog:
Processing ObjectsController#create to xml (for at 2011-07-07 09:17:51) [POST]
Parameters: {"format"=>"xml", "action"=>"create", "api_key"=>"1234", "controller"=>"objects",
"object"=>{"name"=>"Test API object", "description"=>"This is a test object", "password"=>"[FILTERED]"}}
Now, I'm trying to write tests for the actions using the API, to make sure the API works, as well as the controllers.
Here is my current (broken) httparty command:
response = post("create", :api_key => SharedTest.user_api_key, :xml => data, :format => "xml")
this command generates the following request in the testlog:
Processing ObjectsController#create to xml (for at 2011-07-07 09:37:35) [POST]
Parameters: {
"xml"=>"<object><name><![CDATA[first post]]></name>
<description><![CDATA[Things are not as they used to be]]></description>
So, as you can see, the command line command actually generates the object hash from the xml, whereas the httparty command ends up staying in xml, which causes problems for the create method, as it needs a hash.
Any ideas / proper documentation?
Current documentation says that post takes an url, and "options" and then never says what options are available
as per #Casper's suggestion, my method now looks like this:
def post_through_api_to_url(url, data, api_key = SharedTest.user_api_key)
response = post("create", {
:query => {
:api_key => api_key
:headers => {
"Content-Type" => "application/xml"
:body => data
ap #request.env["REQUEST_URI"]
assert_response :success
return response
unfortunately, the assert_response fails, because the authentication via the api key fails.
looking at the very of of the request_uri, the api_key isn't being set properly... it shows:
but it should just be equals, without the %5D (right square bracket)
I think this is how you're supposed to use it:
options = {
:query => {
:api_key => 1234
:headers => {
"Content-Type" => "application/xml"
:body => "<xmlcode>goes here</xmlcode>"
post("/create", options)
Forgive me for being basic about it but if you only want to send one variable as a parameter, why don't you do as Casper suggests, but just do:
post("/create?api_key=1234", options)
Or rather than testing HTTParty's peculiarities in accessing your API, perhaps write your tests using Rack::Test? Very rough example...
require "rack/test"
require "nokogiri"
class ObjectsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
include Rack::Test::Methods
def app
def create_an_object(o)
authorize "x", "1234" # or however you want to authenticate using query params
header 'Accept', 'text/xml'
header 'Content-Type', 'text/xml'
body o.to_xml
post "/create"
xml = Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body)
assert something_logic_about(xml)
