In rails 2.3.5 you could do something like this inside the routes.rb file:
map.root :controller => "pages", :action => "show", :id => 3
In rails 3 I haven't found any way to pass a specific parameter (like in rails 2.3.5 with :id => 3).
I know I can handle it from the controller and have the same result (which I did), but I was wondering if there is a way to do the same thing in rails 3 from the routes.rb or has it changed because it is better practice for some reason?
Are you sure the following doesn't work?
root :to => "pages#show", :id => 3
I was trying to accomplish the following:
<%= link_to "Log out", { :controller
=> 'users', :action => 'logout' }, :class => 'menulink2' %>
But it didn't work, it always redirected me to a show view. I had to had the following to my routes.rb:
map.connect 'users/logout',
:controller => 'users', :action =>
Why didn't rails recognize the action I was passing ('logout') ?
That logic has to be specified somewhere. There's got to be some mapping from the hash {:controller => 'users', :action => 'logout'} to a url, and the place that's done in rails is the routes.rb file. In older versions of rails many routes.rb came with a default at the end:
map.connect ':controller(/:action/(:id(.:format)))'
Which would make it so that most any :controller, :action hash could be specified and then routed to host.url/:controller/:action.
With the more modern versions resource-based routes are heavily favored, and controllers which don't follow rails' REST conventions (i.e. having only :index,:show,:create,:new,:edit,:update,:destroy methods) generally have to have their routes explicitly specified in some way.
(Either with map.resources :users, :collection => {:get => :logout} or with map.connect( 'some_url', :controller => 'users', :action => 'logout'}))
I'm guessing, but the reason they did that is probably that the actions of a controller are really just its public methods.
It's frequently nice to have public methods in your controllers that aren't url-end-points for testing purposes.
For instance, you could have before_filters as public methods that you might want to test without having to use #controller.send(:your_before_filter_method) in your test code.
So they whitelist the resource actions, and make the others unreachable by default. Let me look through the rails changelog and see if I'm right.
In my Rails 2.3.11 app, I want to specify that the default format for a route is :xml. According to the documentation I can do this using :defaults
map.connect '/myroute', :controller => 'mycontroller',
:action => 'myaction',
:defaults => {:format => :xml}
The documentation specifically says this should work:
You can also define other defaults in a route by supplying a hash for
the :defaults option. This even applies to parameters that are not
explicitly defined elsewhere in the route.
But if I do that, then I get this error:
/Users/simon/myproject/vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/builder.rb:107:in `assign_route_options':
format: No matching segment exists; cannot assign default (ArgumentError)
I see that a lighthouse ticket has been raised about this; a respondent notes that it works for resources but not named routes; an admin has incorrectly marked it as fixed because he's tested it on resources. Ho hum.
Elsewhere it is suggested that i do it like this:
map.connect '/myroute', :controller => 'mycontroller',
:action => 'myaction',
:format => :xml
but then if I test it
assert_generates '/myroute', :controller => 'mycontroller',
:action => 'myaction'
I get told that no route matches :controller => 'mycontroller', :action => 'myaction' - I have to put the format in by hand, so it isn't a default.
How do I specify a default in a rails 2.3 route? Do I need to get them to reopen the ticket and actually fix the bug? Is there any hope that that will happen now Rails 3 is out?
Hmmm that is pretty weird. I've used :defaults hash in a named route, and it worked for me. Can you try using a named route instead and see if it works ?
map.myroute '/myroute', :controller => 'mycontroller',
:action => 'myaction',
:defaults => {:format => :xml}
I convert the Rails-2 application into Rails-3. In my Rails-2 routing i have the routes like the below
Rails 2
map.connect 'example/:action/:id.:format', :controller => 'Test',:q =>'example-string'
Note: This is working well in Rails-2 application; when the url comes with /example it redirect to Test controller's index action with the parameter q="example-string"
I converted the above to support Rails-3 routes:
match 'example(/:action(/:id.(:format)))',:to => 'Test',:q=>'example-stirng'
The problem is I got the Routing Error /example not found.
How can i change the Rails-2 routes into Rails-3 routes?
You almost got it right. Should be
match 'example(/:action(/:id.(:format)))',:controller => :test, :q=>'example-stirng'
:to => "foo#bar" is a shortcut for :controller => :foo, :action => :bar
I have an app written for Rails 2 that I am trying to get running under rails3 but am failing at the first hurdle,the routes table. What I currently have is the following:
map.redirect ':shortened', :controller => 'items', :action => 'redirect', :conditions => {:method => :get}
map.shorten '', :controller => 'items', :action => 'shorten'
but I am trying to 'translate' this for rails3 - is there an equivalent to the above that would work?
many thanks in advance.
For your redirect route see here:
For your second route you can simply do match '/shorten/' => 'items#shorten'
How can I make Twitter-style routes with Rails3?
I've tried the following:
match ':username', :controller => "users", :action => "show"
match ':username/:controller(/:action(/:id))', :path_prefix => '/:username'
After some more digging through the docs, I did this and it seems to work:
scope '/:username' do
resources :clubs
What is the "scope" method exactly and is there an automatic way of generating link_to URLs in my views?
The following matcher will match /dhh/update/1
match ':username/update/:id' => 'updates#show'
'update#show' is new in Rails 3 and is the short version of :controller => 'updates', :action => 'show'
Try clubs_path(:username => 'bob').