How to deal with authentication for a Ruby API wrapper? - ruby-on-rails

I'm working on an API wrapper for Viddler, which will eventually be made public, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to deal with authentication/API keys, specifically with usage within Rails applications in mind.
The easiest way to write the wrapper would be to just have the code create a new client each time, and the developer could store the API key in a constant for future use:
#client =
The problem with this is, it's kind of clunky to have to keep creating client objects and passing in the API key. This gets even more complicated when you throw user authentication into the mix.
I'm thinking some sort of solution where I all the the API key to be set in the environment file and then the authentication would be done in a before_filter.
Viddler::Client.api_key = 'abc123'
Viddler::Client.authenticate! 'username', 'password'
Viddler::Client would then store this in a class variable, and you could call without any parameters and make authenticated calls. One thing I'd be concerned about is that this means the developer would have to be sure to clear out the authentication before or after each request, since the class variables would persist between requests.
Any thoughts?

Storing the API key globally would for sure be pretty useful and certainly is the way to go for that kind of information. User authentication on the other hand I think shouldn't be stored globally, never ever, especially for a high level API, because telling your users to "ensure to add an after_filter :reset_viddler_auth" might lead to some unexpected security risks.
# in a config/initializer/*.rb file or something
Viddler::Client.api_key = "abc123"
# in the controller/action/model/wherever
#client = # anonymous
#client.authenticate!("username", "password") # authenticate anon client
#client_auth ="username", "password") # authenticated client
Guess like that you've best of both worlds :) Maybe even provide a way to create a new client with another API key like,
#client_other ="username", "password", :api_key => "xyz890")
So... just my 2 cents.
PS: not sure how up-to-date it is, but there's already a ruby viddler wrapper, just FYI,


How to generate an API Key and Secret in Ruby on Rails?

E.g. API_key: 4faa86aa5848207502000002 and API_secret 7375d7d1e89d3d602b184432fbcf3c09c7cb30676f19af9ac57d228be401.
Should I use SecureRandom?
ActiveSupport::SecureRandom would work for the actual generation, but you should also consider a way to invalidate and reset the token on different events.
Since you're using Devise, take a look at the Token Auth Strategy. You could write a similar strategy with two tokens (API Key and API Secret, respectively). You need to write both the strategy and the Model, but in both cases the Token Auth example gets you pretty far.
As a starting point (from the Token Auth example), your model should declare both required parameters.
module Devise
module Models
module APIKeyAuthenticatable
def self.required_fields(klass)
[:api_key, :api_secret]
def reset_keys
self.api_key = self.class.api_key
self.api_secret = self.class.api_secret
You might also want to read Custom authentication strategy for devise. If you're looking to provide a more full-featured API auth solution atop devise devise_oauth2_providable looks pretty good.
I have tried authlogic_api. It was fairly easy to implement.

Rails authentication across apps/servers

I've been developing my rails apps whilst keeping them as modular as possible. I'm trying to implement different parts underneath as services.
Say an example of Facebook:
a) A MainApp that allows the user to have a wall, posts, etc.
b) A PhotoApp that stores photos, allows the user to see his photos, etc. This is a standalone app that will have a REST API that can be used by MainApp as well.
I was thinking of using OAuth as a Single Sign On solution (as in this tutorial where each app will be authorized via OAuth and will get access to the current user session based on the cookie.
First question: Is this a viable solution?
Second question: I want to be able to call the PhotoApp API from the MainApp server (not from the user's browser). How would authentication work in this situation?
Third question: How would this work if say I had a service that used node.js?
Yes, SSO using OAuth is a viable solution, but it's not the simplest one. When building anything new, OAuth 2.0 is the way to go. The OAuth standards cover a lot of ground.
The primary advantage of OAuth is that it allows users to give 3rd party apps access to their account without disclosing their password to the 3rd party. If you are not seriously providing such interoperability, then OAuth is probably overkill.
Given the complexity, I offer a different pair of solutions:
For Single Sign On
The trick is to share the session ID cookie between hosts within your domain & to use a shared session store (like ActiveRecordStore or a cache-based store.)
Every Rails app has a "secret" that is used to sign cookies. In newer Rails apps this is located in /config/initializers/secret_token.rb. Set the same secret token in each application.
Then, configure the session to allow access from all subdomains:
AppName::Application.config.session_store :active_record_store, :key => '_app_name_session', :domain => :all
For Internal API calls
Use a good shared secret to authenticate over HTTPS connections. Pass the secret in the "Authorization" header value.
You can use the shared secret easily with other architectures (like node.js). Just make sure you always use HTTPS, otherwise the shared secret could be sniffed on the network.
You could look at a Service Oriented Architecture solution as proposed by Jeremy Green at Octolabs during the 2014 RailsConf.
The blog post with all the resources (repos, demos, etc.) is located here:
And the video that explains everything is here:
This centralized SSO is no simple task but Jeremy has done an excellent job talking about Service Oriented Architecture and sharing exactly how you might put this system together.
I recently had a similar problem of wanting to share session data between Rails and an Erlang app. My solution was to write a Rack::Session::Abstract::ID class that stored sessions in Redis as hash vaules. It doesn't call Marshal.dump on String types. This allows non-ruby applications to use some of the session values if they have the session_id.
require 'rack/session/abstract/id'
class MaybeMarshalRedisSession < Rack::Session::Abstract::ID
def initialize(app, options = {})
#redis = options.delete(:redis) || Redis.current
#expiry = options[:expire_after] ||= (60 * 60 * 24)
#prefix = options[:key] || 'rack.session'
#session_key = "#{#prefix}:%s"
def get_session(env, sid)
sid ||= generate_sid
session = #redis.hgetall(#session_key % sid)
session.each_pair do |key, value|
session[key] = begin
rescue TypeError
[sid, session]
def set_session(env, sid, session, options={})
#redis.multi do
session.each_pair do |key, value|
# keep string values bare so other languages can read them
value = value.is_a?(String) ? value : Marshal.dump(value)
#redis.hset(#session_key % sid, key, value)
#redis.expire(#session_key % sid, #expiry)
def destroy_session(env, sid, option={})
#redis.del(#session_key % sid)
generate_sid unless options[:drop]
You can use this from rails with:
MyApp::Application.config.session_store MaybeMarshalRedisSession
From Rack with:
use MaybeMarshalRedisSession
And from elsewhere with:
If you want to call PhotoApp from your MainApp or Node.js you can make a HTTP request that includes your user's session cookie.

My cookie token is strong enough in order to use that for user authentication purposes?

I am running Ruby on Rails 3 and I would know if the code that I am using in order to set the cookie value for user authentication purposes is strong enough.
In my model I have:
require 'digest'
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def make_cookie_id_salt(string)
def secure_hash(string)
In my controller I have:
cookies.signed[:current_user_id] = { :value => [, #user.make_cookie_id_salt(], :expires => 15.days.from_now }
Is it strong enough? If no, how I can improve that (make an example!)?
Everything that gets put into cookies is stored as plain text.
If you set a cookie, and then check the cookies in your browser you will notice (in your case the cookie name would be current_user_id) that it is represented by a string of characters like: G8gcm9sbCB5b3VyIG93biBhdXRoIHRvIGt... (Not quite plain text, right? It is actually Base64 encoded, but you can easily read it - require('base64'); Base64.decode64(string)).
Rails stores a special _yourapp_session cookie that is used to check the cookies validity. If for example someone/something was trying to modify it, it would get rejected.
Now in your case it doesn't really matter if you try to hash something in the cookie or not.
It is just used for authentication (to look up a user in the database by his id) and you are not storing any unique secret data (Which you should not place in a cookie anyway, but it would be the only reason to hash something)
Of course someone could steal the cookie of a user (if he used a public computer and hasn't cleared his cache, etc.) and log in, but there's no way to prevent that (No matter what kind of hashing was used to obfsucate it)
In conclusion you should be fine with what you have.
Rather than try to create your own, I suggest using the Authlogic gem. In a few minutes of configuration you get a complete authentication solution, including cookies and much more. If you really want to roll your own, install the Authlogic gem and take a look at how they do it.
Devise is another option. It's extremely configurable, pretty DRY, with exhausting wiki.
For now-days I prefer it over Authlogic.

Prevent Authlogic from establishing a session/cookie for non-HTML requests

I'm using Authlogic and Rails 3. On top of the regular browser-based user experience (logging in via form and whatnot), I'd like to implement an API.
Authlogic seems to support single access tokens that don't persist by default. I supply them by adding a GET argument as in:
Question: Is there any way I can have Authlogic accept the API key via HTTP Basic Auth? Highrise does something just like this, allowing for:
curl -u 605b32dd:X
The same with Freshbooks:
curl -u insert_token_here:X -d '[xml body here]'
How I would go about imitating this functionality? I can't even figure out where the input data (postdata from forms, HTTP basic, API token) are taken in. I've boiled it down to a call to UserSessions.find with no arguments, but I lose track of it after there.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Related question: I'd also like to disable session persistence (make it so that no cookie is stored) if HTTP basic is used. Any help on this too would be appreciated!
If you're implementing an API, you could consider building a separate Rack application that is then mounted at '/api/1.0/...' and shares your models.
That way you are not tying yourself into having your API directly related to your public routes, which could be difficult to construct for the API user.
A good approach would be to create a simple Sinatra application that exposes just the methods that you want, and to then create a separate authentication strategy:
require 'sinatra'
require 'active_support' # all the Rails stuff
require 'lib/user' # your User class
require 'sinatra/respond_to' # gem install sinatra-respond_to
Sinatra::Application.register Sinatra::RespondTo
use Rack::Auth::Basic, "API", do |username, password|
get '/api/1.0/posts' do
#posts = Post.recent # assuming you have a Post model...
respond_to do |wants|
wants.xml { #posts.to_xml }
wants.to_json { #posts.to_json }
get '/api/1.0/users/:id' do
#user = User.find_by_login(params[:id])
# Careful here - don't release personal details!
respond_to do |wants|
wants.xml { #user.to_xml }
wants.to_json { #user.to_json }
Versioning your API with a '1.0' (or similar) in the path means that if you change your models you can create a new version of your API without breaking your users' existing code.
Using this you should be able to allow users to authenticate with HTTP Basic in the form:
curl -u steven:password
curl -u steven:password
curl -u steven:password
To get this running, save it as 'api.rb', and either run it as a Rack Middleware, or create a '' file like so:
require 'api'
run Sinatra::Application
And then from that directory:
Disclaimer: I'm not a 100% this is possible in the way your describing without hacking up Authlogic's core functionality.
The first issue your going to have is that authlogic prevents the use of SSO tokens for authentication unless the request is ATOM or RSS to override this you need to pass a config paramater see here:
To the core issue: I don't see any 'easy' way to handle this functionality, however what you could do for something like curl is pass the user token as a paramater (using the -G option) just like you would when visiting the url.
cURL Documentation:
Forgive me if I misunderstand your question, but I think the answer is a simple "no." You're mixing two metaphors here. If you want a secure API key, use the single access token; if you want to use http basic access authentication, you need a different base64 glyph -- and http basic auth isn't particularly secure (unless used over https, which isn't generally practical).
In more detail:
Per the wikipedia, http basic authentication is intended to provide a username and password in a simple, standard, but fairly insecure base64 encoded glyph.
To use basic auth, then I believe you want to generate the glyph via a simple
...and I'd probably do this by having the user type their password, since you can't derive the password from the crypted_password that authlogic stores in your database.
But the upshot is that this is a very different beast from the single_access_token, and the two can't be mixed.

LDAP through Ruby or Rails

I've been attempting to hook a Rails application up to ActiveDirectory. I'll be synchronizing data about users between AD and a database, currently MySQL (but may turn into SQL Server or PostgreSQL).
I've checked out activedirectory-ruby, and it looks really buggy (for a 1.0 release!?). It wraps Net::LDAP, so I tried using that instead, but it's really close to the actual syntax of LDAP, and I enjoyed the abstraction of ActiveDirectory-Ruby because of its ActiveRecord-like syntax.
Is there an elegant ORM-type tool for a directory server? Better yet, if there were some kind of scaffolding tool for LDAP (CRUD for users, groups, organizational units, and so on). Then I could quickly integrate that with my existing authentication code though Authlogic, and keep all of the data synchronized.
Here is sample code I use with the net-ldap gem to verify user logins from the ActiveDirectory server at my work:
require 'net/ldap' # gem install net-ldap
def name_for_login( email, password )
email = email[/\A\w+/].downcase # Throw out the domain, if it was there
email << "" # I only check people in my company
ldap =
host: '', # Thankfully this is a standard name
auth: { method: :simple, email: email, password:password }
if ldap.bind
# Yay, the login credentials were valid!
# Get the user's full name and return it
base: "OU=Users,OU=Accounts,DC=mycompany,DC=com",
filter: Net::LDAP::Filter.eq( "mail", email ),
attributes: %w[ displayName ],
The first.displayName.first code at the end looks a little goofy, and so might benefit from some explanation:
Net::LDAP#search always returns an array of results, even if you end up matching only one entry. The first call to first finds the first (and presumably only) entry that matched the email address.
The Net::LDAP::Entry returned by the search conveniently lets you access attributes via method name, so some_entry.displayName is the same as some_entry['displayName'].
Every attribute in a Net::LDAP::Entry is always an array of values, even when only one value is present. Although it might be silly to have a user with multiple "displayName" values, LDAP's generic nature means that it's possible. The final first invocation turns the array-of-one-string into just the string for the user's full name.
Have you tried looking at these:
This is more anecdotal than a real answer...
I had a similar experience using Samba and OpenLDAP server. I couldn't find a library to really do what I wanted so I rolled my own helper classes.
I used ldapbrowser to see what fields Samba filled in when I created a user the "official" way and and basically duplicated that.
The only tricky/non-standard LDAP thing was the crazy password encryption we have:
"{MD5}" + Base64.encode64(Digest::MD5.digest(pass))
OpenSSL::Digest::MD4.hexdigest(Iconv.iconv("UCS-2", "UTF-8", pass).join).upcase
For the def authenticate(user, pass) function I try to get LDAP to bind to the domain using their credentials, if I catch an exception then the login failed, otherwise let them in.
Sorry, cannot comment yet... perhaps someone can relocate this appropriately.
#Phrogz's solution works well, but bind_simple (inside bind) raises an Net::LDAP::LdapError exception due to auth[:username] not being set as shown here:
The corrected replaces:
auth: { method: :simple, email: email, password:password }
auth: { method: :simple, username: email, password:password }
I began using ruby-activedirectory, and even extended it/fixed a few things, hosting judy-activedirectory in Github.
Doing the next iteration, I've discovered ActiveLdap has a much better code base, and I'm seriously contemplating switching to it. Does anyone have personal experience with this?
Have you checked out thoughtbot's ldap-activerecord-gateway? It might be something for you to consider...
