Hidden file names in URLs - url

I usually like defining my pages to know exactly what page does what. However, on a number of sites, I see where the filename is hidden from view and I was just a little curious.
Is there any specific benefit of having URLs appear like this:
As opposed to this:

Done correctly it can be better for:
the end user, it is easier to say and remember.
SEO, the page name may just detract from the URL in terms of search parsing.
Note: In your example (at least with IIS) all that may have happened is you've made index.php the default document of that sub directory. You could use both URLs to access the page which could again affect SEO page rank. A search engine would see both URLs as different, but the page content would be the same, resulting in duplicate content being flagged. The solution to this would be to:
301 redirect from one of the URLs to the other
Add a canonical tag to the page saying which URL you want page rank to be given to.

Some technologies simply don't match url with files. Java Servlet for examples.

These are not file names. These are URLs. Their goal is to describe the resource. Nobody cares whether you did it in PHP or ASP or typed your HTML in the Emacs. Nobody cares that you named your file index.php. We like to see clean URLs with clear structure and semantics.


What are URL codes called?

I came across a website with a blog post teaching all how to clear cache for web development purposes. My personal favourite one is to do /? on the end of a web address at the URL bar.
Are there any more little codes like that? if so what are they and where can I find a cheat sheet?
Appending /? may work for some URLs, but not for all.
It works if the server/site is configured in a way that, for example, http://example.com/foo and http://example.com/foo/? deliver the same document. But this is not the case for all servers/sites, and the defaults can be changed anyway.
There is no name for this. You just manipulate the canonical URL, hoping to craft a URL that points to the same document, without getting redirected.
Other common variants?
I’d expect appending ? would work even more often than /? (both, of course, only work if the URL has no query component already).
You’ll also find sites that allow any number of additional slashes where only one slash used to be.
Not sure if it affects the cache, but specifying the domain as FQDN, by adding a dot after the TLD, would work for many sites, too.
Some sites might not have case-sensitive paths.

Canonical url and localization

In my application I have localized urls that look something like this:
This question is mainly for Facebook Likes, but I guess I will hit similar problems when I start thinking about search engine crawlers.
What kind of url would you expect as canonical url? I don't want to use the exact english url, because I want that people clicking the link will be forwarded to their own language (browser setting/dependent on IP).
The IP lookup is not something that I want to do on every page hit. Besides that I would need to incorporate more 'state' in my application, because I have to check wether a user has already been forwarded to his own locale, or is browsing the english version on purpose.
I guess it will going to be something like:
or maybe without any language identifier at all:
but that is a bit harder to implement, bigger chance on url clashes in the future (in the rare case I would get a category called en or de).
What kind of url would you expect as canonical url? Is there already a standard set for this?
I know this question is a bit old, but I was facing the same issue.
I found this:
Different language versions of a single page are considered duplicates only if the main content is in the same language (that is, if only the header, footer, and other non-critical text is translated, but the body remains the same, then the pages are considered to be duplicates).
That can be found here: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/crawling/consolidate-duplicate-urls
From this I can conclude that we should add locales to canonicals.
I did find one resource that recommends not using the canonical tag with localized addresses. However, Google's documentation does not specify and only mentions subdomains in another context.
There is more that that language that you need to think of.
It's typical a tuple of 3 {region, language, property}
If you only have one website then you have {region, language} only.
Every piece of content can either be different in this 3 dimensional space, or at least presented differently. But this is the same piece of content so you'd like to centralize managing of editorial signals, promotions, tracking etc etc. Think about search systems - you'd like page rank to be merged across all instances of the article, not spread thinly out.
I think there is a standard solution: Canonical URL
Put language/region into the domain name
Now you have a choice how you attach a cookie for subdomain (for language/region) or for domain (for user tracking)!
On every html page add a link to canonical URL
<link rel="canonical" href="http://example.com/awesome-article.html" />
Now you are done.
There certainly is no "Standard" beyond it has to be an URL. What you certainly do see on many comercial websites is exactly what you describe:
For the "language-tag" you may follow RFCs as well. I guess your 2-letter-abbrev is quite fine.
I only disagree on the <more-path> of the URL. If I understand you right you are thinking about transforming each page into a local-language URL? I would not do that. Maybe I am not the standard user, but I personally like to manually monkey around in URLs, i.e. if the URL shown is http://examle.com/de/tiere/elefant, but I don't trust the content to be translated well I would manually try http://examle.com/en/tiere/elefant -- and that would not bring me to the expected page. And since I also dislike those URLs http://ex.com/with-the-whole-title-in-the-url-so-the-page-will-be-keyworded-by-search-engines my favorite would be to just exchange the <language> part and use generic english (or any other language) for <more-path>. Eg:
If your site is something like Wikipedia, then I would agree to your scheme of translating the <more-part> as well.
Maybe this Google's guidelines can help with your issue: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/189077?hl=en
It says that many websites serve users (across the world) with content targeted to users in a certain region. It is advised to use the rel="alternate" hreflang="x" attributes to serve the correct language or regional URL in Search results.

Remove multiple indexed URLs (duplicates) with redirect

I am managing a website that has only about 20-50 pages (articles, links and etc.). Somehow, Google indexed over 1000 links (duplicates, same page with different string in the URL). I found that those links contain ?date= in url. I already blocked by writing Disallow: *date* in robots.txt, made an XML map (which I did not had before) placed it into root folder and imported to Google Webmaster Tools. But the problem still stays: links are (and probably will be) in search results. I would easily remove URLs in GWT, but they can only remove one link at the time, and removing >1000 one by one is not an option.
The question: Is it possible to make dynamic 301 redirects from every page that contains $date= in url to the original one, and how? I am thinking that Google will re-index those pages, redirect to original ones, and delete those numerous pages from search results.
bad page: www.website.com/article?date=1961-11-1 and n same pages with different "date"
good page: www.website.com/article
automatically redirect all bad pages to good ones.
I have spent whole work day trying to solve this problem, would be nice to get some support. Thank you!
P.S. As far as I think this coding question is the right one to ask in stackoverflow, but if I am wrong (forgive me) redirect me to right place where I can ask this one.
You're looking for the canonical link element, that's the way Google suggests to solve this problem (here's the Webmasters help page about it), and it's used by most if not all search engines. When you place an element like
<link rel='canonical' href='http://www.website.com/article'>
in the header of the page, the URI in the href attribute will be considered the 'canonical' version of the page, the one to be indexed and so on.
For the record: if the duplicate content is not a html page (say, it's a dynamically generated image), and supposing you're using Apache, you can use .htaccess to redirect to the canonical version. Unfortunately the Redirect and RedirectMatch directives don't handle query strings (they're strictly for URIs), but you could use mod_rewrite to strip parts of the query string. See, for example, this answer for a way to do it.

Hide website filenames in URL

I would like to hide the webpage name in the url and only display either the domain name or parts of it.
For example:
I have a website called "MyWebSite". The url is: localhost:8080/mywebsite/welcome.xhtml. I would like to display only the "localhost:8080/mywebsite/".
However if the page is at, for example, localhost:8080/mywebsite/restricted/restricted.xhtml then I would like to display localhost:8080/mywebsite/restricted/.
I believe this can be done in the web.xml file.
I believe that you want URL rewriting. Check out this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rewrite_engine - there are many approaches to URL rewriting, you need to decide what is appropriate for you. Some of the approaches do make use of the web.config file.
You can do this in several ways. The one I see most is to have a "front door" called a rewrite engine that parses the URL dynamically to internally redirect the request, without exposing details about how that might happen as you would see if you used simple query strings, etc. This allows the URL you specify to be digested into a request for a master page with specific content, instead of just looking up a physical page at that location to serve.
The StackExchange sites do this so that you can link to a question in a semi-permanent fashion (and thus can use search engines with crawlers that log these URLs) without them having to have a real page in the file system for every question that's ever been asked (we're up to 9,387,788 questions as of this one).

SEO duplicate content

If you have an URL like this:
Java lib or app to convert CSV to XML file?
If someone creates a link on his website, but changes the name like this
Java lib or app to convert CSV to XML file?
that would cause duplicate content. Is it nessecary to check if the name in the url is the same as the real name of the question and if not do a 301 redirect to the correct URL?
I see Stackoverflow.com doesn't do a 301 redirect, but just accepts any name in the URL. Can this cause duplicate content or your ranking to drop? Is SO not affected by this?
This won't cause duplicate content as long as you use a <link rel="canonical"> element. For example, this question's <link rel="canonical"> element is:
<link rel="canonical" href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3488655/seo-duplicate-content">
This element does not change even if you visit the page with a different slug at the end of the URL.
It tells Google that, even if it got to this page via a different URL, it's the same page as the canonical page (not a duplicate) and it should be counted as such.
More info: Official Google Webmaster Central Blog — Specify Your Canonical
I think this can be resolved with canonical meta tag.
Duplicate content does not "cause your ranking to drop", this is a myth. In the example you gave, the worst thing that'll happen is that the first URL wouldn't gain any page rank benefit from the (incorrect) link, since it is to a different URL. You want to try and avoid this sort of thing simply because if lots of people are linking to the same content at different addresses, the benefit you get from those links is split. There is no 'penalty'.
In my opinion the correct thing to do here is to check the name in the URL against the name in the database, and if it doesn't match, send a 404 (the link is wrong after all). This way people are unlikely to link to the wrong URL in the first place.
If this is an old site and you already have lots of inbound links to incorrect URLs, you might want to send 301s to the correct URLs instead so as not to dead end users.
Some further reading:
