I am trying to load an external swf file. The swf width and height is small and I want to enlarge it when loading it. (My scene has large width and height). My current code could load the file but I am not sure how to enlarge the swf width and height. I would appreciate if anyone can help me about it...Thanks
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("index.swf");
var loader:Loader = new Loader()
The Loader class is a DisplayObject (which is how you can add it to the stage). You should be able to just set the width and height of your loader:
loader.width = 50;
loader.height = 50;
UPDATED: Make sure to read the comments about width vs. scaleX and being loaded or on the stage.
How can I get the height of my custom control?
The idea is I will use it to dynamically set the height of some buttons inside the custom control. I've set the Placeholder height to 44 in the Xcode size inspector.
Working off Apple's Start Developing iOS Apps (Swift) tutorial, I am attempting to access frame.size.height and it gives a value of 1000 while the tutorial seems to suggest it should be 44.
class RatingControl: UIView {
override public var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize {
let buttonSize = Int(frame.size.height)
print(buttonSize) // prints 1000
let width = (buttonSize * starCount) + (spacing * (starCount - 1))
return CGSize(width: width, height: buttonSize)
You should never access frame inside intrinsicContentSize. intrinsicContentSize should return the size that perfectly fits the contents of the view, regardless of its current frame.
In your case, I think you can just use 44 for your buttonSize.
The placeholder intrinsic size is just that, placeholder, so that IB interpreter is has some value to work with and can layout the rest of the scene. But in your intrinsicContentSize getter, you implement the real size, which will be used in runtime by the AutoLayout engine. Since you return 1000 as the intrinsic content height, that's what you will see in runtime.
I'm new to iPhone developing. I have a screen with image, title and content:
Image has dynamic size and also all text can have any length. What I want to achievie is to fit the image exactly in screen and make all labels to be only as long as they should be.
Afterk about 5 hours of work I have:
Working labels length, achieved by setting Lines=0 and Preferred Width=content width
Not working image, which lefts blank spaces
I have read a lot, I understand Content Hugging Priority and Content Compression Resistance Priority. I know differences in UIViewContentMode. I know that I can manually set UIImage.frame=CGRectMake(...). Nothing works. My image is more wider than higher (lets assume that width/height = 3). If I have UIViewContentMode=Aspect Fit then I will have blank space above and below the image. If set to Aspect fill then image is too high and also cropped. Changing frame in code doesn't change anything in view. What I want is to have image with size that was made using Aspect fit, but without blank space.
Finally I dit it. First of all, everyone writes that UIImageView.Frame should be modified to shrink the image, but be aware, that if your view is UITableViewCell then you should do that in layoutSubviews method (remember to invoke super.layoutSubviews() at the begging).
Secondly, make in IB a height constraint for your UIImageView for temporary value (for example 100). You will change that constraint in layoutSubviews method.
And finally: fitting image is NOT about its ratio. Set UIViewContentMode=Aspect Fit. Then the case with blank top and bottom areas occurs only when the initial image is wider than screen. Calculating the proper height should also take place in layoutSubviews.
Example implementation:
override func layoutSubviews() {
var imageWidth = (imageViewObject.image?.size.width)!
var imageHeight = (imageViewObject.image?.size.height)!
var frameWidth = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.width
var properHeight: CGFloat
if imageWidth > frameWidth {
var ratio = frameWidth / imageWidth
properHeight = imageHeight * ratio
else {
properHeight = imageHeight
imageHeightConstraint.constant = properHeight
imageViewObject.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, frameWidth, properHeight)
Can't find any manual about changing width of taglist element size.
Taglist element is wider than icons I had set. It looks really awful =(
Screenshot: http://s12.postimg.org/fkva7xywd/Screenshot_16_02_2014_16_04_07.png
Taglist element consist of icon, text and gap between them. This gap defined in awful.widget.common.list_update function in line
m = wibox.layout.margin(tb, 4, 4)
Despite you have no text, double gap is still here. To solve this problem you can copy list_update function to your rc file, fix it and send as fifth(!) argument in awful.widget.taglist.
just tell your imagebox not to be resizable, example:
wibox.widget.imagebox(beautiful.clock, false)
or you can even resize you wibox:
mywibox[s] = awful.wibox({ position = "top", screen = s, height = 32 })
you just need to modify height value
or another method using wibox.layout.constraint:
clock_icon = wibox.widget.imagebox(beautiful.clock, true)
local const = wibox.layout.constraint()
then, instead of adding your icon to the layout, just add the constraint.
I'm trying to have a TabSet in a Window. I would like the window to fit the contents so I turned autoSize on like I have done with many other windows. The window have a minimum width and height that I want it to be. My problem is that the TabSet in the Window doesn't fill up the height completely.
Here is my setup:
public MyWindow()
theTabSet = new TabSet();
// I need to set this for it to at least display the contents
theTabSet.setPaneContainerOverflow(Overflow.VISIBL E);
//This seems to solve my issue buy I think I shouldn't be doing this.
Tab tab1 = new Tab("first");
Tab tab2 = new Tab("second");
private Layout getFirstTab(){
if(theFirstTab == null){
theFirstTab = new VLayout();
return theFirstTab;
Please let me know if I am missing something. According to the Layout API:
Like other Canvas subclasses, Layout and Stack components may have %
width and height values. To create a dynamically-resizing layout that
occupies the entire page (or entire parent component), set width and
height to "100%
Seems to be the way to go. The window is set to fit it contents and the layout is set to fill the canvas. The window knows a minimum height and width but initially the layout doesn't know that. So we need to set it manually.
var width = 400;
var height = 400;
Stage {
style: StageStyle.TRANSPARENT
onClose: function():Void {
scene: Scene {
content: Scribble {}
width: width
height: bind height
Why does the width work, but the height not?
And, what can I do to fix this? Netbeans is saying:
height has script only(default) bind access in javafx.scene.Scene
Ok, I figured it out:
var width : Number = 400;
var height : Number = 400;
var stage:Stage = Stage {
width: bind width with inverse
height: bind width with inverse
scene: Scene {
content: Scribble {
canvasWidth: bind stage.scene.width
canvasHeight: bind stage.scene.height
Although, I don't really need to specify the width and height here, because I can access these through the stage variable. The scene width and height updates when the stage width and height changes. I've found that the canvasWidth will update a lot better when bound to the scene width and height rather than to the var width and height (which only update once the resize is complete)
To be more precise on this, the Scene's width and height are declared as "public-init". This means they can only be set at initialization time. The bind on height in the Scene Object literal implies that height will be updated, hence the error. The Stage's width and height are declared as "public" meaning they can be updated.
You should not bind the scene dimensions to anything. Mostly because the scene dimensions will not get updated when the user tries to resize the containing window.