Grails 'scale' dropping decimal digits - grails

Question using Grails 1.3.4 - the 'scale' constraint does not seem to keep my decimals.
I have a field defined as: Float latitude
I have a constraint: latitude(blank: false, range:-360.0f..360.0f, scale:6)
The Oracle 10g field is defined as: NUMBER(10,6)
When I enter a value in Create or Edit, the correct value gets to the database. However, it never displays correctly in Show. If I enter 10.1234567 and update, 10.123457 is in the database but 10.123 displays in Show.
If I Edit, the value shows as 10.123, and if I update without modifying it, 10.123 will be stored in the database, replacing 10.123457 even though I never touched that field.
If I edit the value to 10.456789, but leave another required field blank, the resulting Edit screen with the error message displays the value as 10.457.
Why is Grails continually rounding the value to 3 digits? I tried the field as a Double as well, but same results. I thought maybe it was Oracle, but I tried it with the default dev database, and same result. I thought maybe it was the 'range', but I took that off with the same result.

Hmm - are you sure it's displaying correctly in your database viewer? Also - check your use of tags: See

Wasted too much time trying to figure this out, ended up using the solution suggested by snowmanjack.
The default data binding that occurs with the fieldValue call is truncating it. You can write a new data binder that handles conversion the way you want as described here
Or you can do the lazy, probably less safe method that I used and access the property directly.
I replaced.
${fieldValue(bean: countryInstance, field: "latitude")}


BigDecimalField validation bug

BigDecimalField has a nice feature: it allows only digits, "+" and "-" signs, and a decimal separator defined by the current locale ("." or ","). It works fine until someone tries to enter a combination that is not a number or cannot be directly converted to the java BigDecimal type (e.g "123...45.6+++7-89--").
For sach combinations, the validation passes without any warning, and the background business object gets a null value.
Field is in the dialog and every time before opening the dialog there is a call to Binder.readBean() method (in order to set the appropriate data for editing), on "save" button in dialog I call Binder.writeBean(). Problem is that the next time I open the dialog, the problematic BigDecimalField still contains an invalid number entered,
actually Binder.readBean() stops working for that field.
There is a similar bug with IntegerField which I noticed: IntegerField validation bug.
How can I validate BigDecimalField and avoid this bug? How do i get the BigDecimalField to work again and not keep showing invalid data? Is there a elegant way to catch the NumberFormatException that probably occurs somewhere inside the vaadin api, and proces it i.e. warn the user that he has to enter a valid decimal number. Is there a way to do it via Binder?
I am using Vaadin 23.3.0
Checking format error is not yet by default on. You need to enable it by setting enforceFieldValidation=true in feature flags in src/main/resources/ file.
See more at:

How to reset the field value on a custom form field?

I have a custom field in Jira and I want to set the value on the field to match the current user.
This seems as though it should be fairly easy, but it has stumped me. I have trawled for information and have been led to using post functions.
Post functions don't seem to actually pre-set the value of fields on the create issue screen unfortunately? I am able to set a value which appears on the issue once it is created using a post function but I cant seem to find a way to set the value on the form itself.
Is this possible?
There is Default Values for 'Create Issue' screen plugin which seems to be doing exactly what you want.

Access 2010 form not displaying query

I'm sure this is an easy fix but I can't seem to find it. I just have a form, that will be a subform of another, that needs to display the results of a query.
The query is simple enough, just displays all fields of records that fall between specified dates. The query works great, but when I attach it to the form as its record source it doesn't display the data. I can see the correct amount of record selectors so I know its understanding the query but its as if all fields are hidden!
I have also tried building a query to the forms record source that was simply Select query.* From query. Oddly I have had this working before but I had to specify every field. What I mean is:
Select title From query
Select type From query
Select date From query
And so on for all the fields but this seems foolish, can anyone think of what I may be doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
Edit, forgot to mention I also tried the foolish solution that I mentioned above and it didn't work so its definitely some issue that I'm not seeing, some property that's probably not appropriately set
#sshekhar well its not really code at the moment I'm using Access 2010. I have a form that needs to display a subform that executes this query of displaying records that have a data field that fall between dates specified by the user. The query works and displays the correct records, but the form that it is attached to only shows the record selectors and all the fields appear to be "hidden." I thought it may be one of the form's properties set incorrectly but I checked on the test form from another database that I used and each have what appears to be identical settings. So I'm at a loss!
So it turns out even though I using a query that holds all the fields it will not display the content unless you go to the Add Existing Fields and add all the the fields you want to see. This seems really silly especially when the results in the query but at least its working now.
I had this problem and discovered that having the property DataEntry set to YES will only display new records. From Microsoft Help:
You can use the DataEntry property to specify whether a bound form
opens to allow data entry only. The Data Entry property doesn't
determine whether records can be added; it only determines whether
existing records are displayed. Read/write Boolean.

Can someone explain Rails behavior for multiple fields with identical names and ids?

I needed to create a input mask for a jQuery datepicker in my Rails app, where the first form field uses m/d/yy format and the datepicker populates a hidden input with the proper database format.
I was using SimpleForm, and so I extended my own input so that the input is preceded by the mask.
I got everything set up and when checking out the browser, it all just worked well before I thought I would be done.
The form ends up with two inputs for the same attribute, each with the same id and name. I never thought this would work. Checking the development log I only see one date getting submitted, the second of the two which is the one that has the proper format for the database.
Is this all okay? Should I take some extra steps even though this appears to work fine, and more importantly, can someone explain what's going on under the hood that results in this behavior?
Rails uses the Hash params to store fields submitted. When you declare two or more inputs using the same name, it happens the same as if you do something like
Result is bar because the foo was overwritten. So the "winner" is always the field value which the browser last appended to postdata.
But if I where you, I would not rely on the browser that the second field gets appended at last.

BDE says "Field not found" but field exists

I have the following query to one of my database tables:
select count(*) as mycount
from mytable
where fieldone = :fieldone
and fieldtwo = :fieldtwo
Parameters are correctly loaded into the query (both of type String).
When I run this query outside the app (for instance, through the dbexplore) and replace the parameters with the actual values, I get the correct result. But when running it in the app, I get a Field 'fieldtwo' not found error, right on the Query.Open call.
Why would the BDE not find this field, when it actually exist?
Update: The following query, executed right after the first one (the one that fails), works fine in the app:
select *
from mytable
where fieldone = :fieldone
order by fieldone, fieldtwo
The best guess is that you have populated the field list in the query, this overrides any concept of the underlying fields that are in the query and is a cause of countless confusion.
Right click on the query, pick the fields editor clear all the values that are there and then choose 'add all fields' that should cause the missing field to appear once the query is executed.
I think it should auto-populate the fields if there are no defined fields when the query is executed, so you may not need to choose 'add all fields' after clearing the fields.
Whenever we come across a problem like this we tend to remove the query from the form and create it dynamically at run time... It depends how ingrained into the form it is...
E.g. If you have a data aware control looking at "fieldtwo" which tries to fetch some data when the underlying data set gets updated then it'll trigger an error like this, but it's more obvious when you've written code such
SomeEdit.Text = Query.FieldByName("fieldtwo").AsString;
That way it falls over on the relevant line instead of the open (triggering a related event)
Clear the query content using Query1.SQL.Clear; statement before opening it.
Other reason can be you are opening other database which may not have the specified field. Be sure that both the DatabaseName's in your app and dbexplore are same
I used to face porblems with BDE when i have SQLExplorer open and the app accesses the DB at the same time (but i had errors like ), try closing the Explorer it may help, if not i would build the SQL as text without the Parameters and try if it works then (if its possible in your situation).
I don't use parameters, so I'm just grabbing at straws here. I still use the BDE regularly, but am no expert. I find I shy away from more complex expressions (which yours is not!) because of the little "surprises" like this that the BDE throws at you.
Perhaps adding parentheses:
where (fieldone = :fieldone)
and (fieldtwo = :fieldtwo)
Or, single or double quote signs (this probably will make it worse?)
where (fieldon = ":fieldone")
and (fieldtwo = ":fieldtwo")
Or, to explore the problem, remove the "and fieldtwo = :fieldtwo" line and see if it runs.
Would it be possible for you to do your own parameter substitution with a StringReplace as in
Query1.SQL.Text := StringReplace(Query1.SQL.Text, ":fieldone", "MyVarName",[rfReplaceAll ]);
If you are creating a ClienDataSet in memory by the Create DataSet method, you should check the TFieldDefs property, which must have a different field name or not created
I was having a weird but small problem, I'll post in case it will help someone in some day.
with frmEditPerson do
PersonID := qryPerson.FieldByName(ID).AsInteger;
I had qryPerson both in frmRegPeople and in frmEditPerson, by using with I was referencing to frmEditPerson.qryPerson, however I wanted to reference to frmRegPeople.qryPerson. Then I need to change to the following code.
with frmEditPerson do
PersonID := Self.qryPerson.FieldByName(ID).AsInteger;
// Explanation
// qryPerson --> frmEditPerson.qryPerson;
// Self.qryPerson --> frmRegPeople.qryPerson;
