How Can I Get Around this EOutOfMemory Exception When Encoding a Very Large File? - delphi

I am using Delphi 2009 with Unicode strings.
I'm trying to Encode a very large file to convert it to Unicode:
Buffer: TBytes;
Value: string;
Value := Encoding.GetString(Buffer);
This works fine for a Buffer of 40 MB that gets doubled in size and returns Value as an 80 MB Unicode string.
When I try this with a 300 MB Buffer, it gives me an EOutOfMemory exception.
Well, that wasn't totally unexpected. But I decided to trace it through anyway.
It goes into the DynArraySetLength procedure in the System unit. In that procedure, it goes to the heap and calls ReallocMem. To my surprise, it successfully allocates 665,124,864 bytes!!!
But then towards the end of DynArraySetLength, it calls FillChar:
// Set the new memory to all zero bits
FillChar((PAnsiChar(p) + elSize * oldLength)^, elSize * (newLength - oldLength), 0);
You can see by the comment what that is supposed to do. There is not much to that routine, but that is the routine that causes the EOutOfMemory exception. Here is FillChar from the System unit:
procedure _FillChar(var Dest; count: Integer; Value: Char);
I: Integer;
P: PAnsiChar;
P := PAnsiChar(#Dest);
for I := count-1 downto 0 do
P[I] := Value;
asm // Size = 153 Bytes
MOV CH, CL // Copy Value into both Bytes of CX
JL ##Small
MOV [EAX ], CX // Fill First 8 Bytes
FST QWORD PTR [EAX+EDX] // Fill Last 16 Bytes
AND ECX, 7 // 8-Byte Align Writes
FST QWORD PTR [EAX+EDX] // Fill 16 Bytes per Loop
JL ##Loop
JLE ##Done
MOV [EAX+EDX-1], CL // Fill Last Byte
AND EDX, -2 // No. of Words to Fill
LEA EDX, [##SmallFill + 60 + EDX * 2]
NOP // Align Jump Destinations
MOV [EAX+28], CX
MOV [EAX+26], CX
MOV [EAX+24], CX
MOV [EAX+22], CX
MOV [EAX+20], CX
MOV [EAX+18], CX
MOV [EAX+16], CX
MOV [EAX+14], CX
MOV [EAX+12], CX
MOV [EAX+10], CX
MOV [EAX+ 8], CX
MOV [EAX+ 6], CX
MOV [EAX+ 4], CX
MOV [EAX+ 2], CX
RET // DO NOT REMOVE - This is for Alignment
So my memory was allocated, but it crashed trying to fill it with zeros. This doesn't make sense to me. As far as I'm concerned, the memory doesn't even need to be filled with zeros - and that is probably a time waster anyhow - since the Encoding statement is about to fill it anyway.
Can I somehow prevent Delphi from doing the memory fill?
Or is there some other way I can get Delphi to allocate this memory successfully for me?
My real goal is to do that Encoding statement for my very large file, so any solution that will allow this would be much appreciated.
Conclusion: See my comments on the answers.
This is a warning to be careful in debugging assembler code. Make sure you break on all the "RET" lines, since I missed the one in the middle of the FillChar routine and erroneously concluded that FillChar caused the problem. Thanks Mason, for pointing this out.
I will have to break the input into Chunks to handle the very large file.

FillChar isn't allocating any memory, so that's not your problem. Try tracing into it and placing breakpoints at the RET statements, and you'll see that the FillChar finishes. Whatever the problem is, it's probably in a later step.

Read a chunk from the file, encode and write to another file, repeat.

A wild guess: Could the problem be memory being overcommitted and when the FillChar actually accesses the memory it can't find a page to actually give you? I don't know if Windows will even overcommit memory, I do know that some OSes do--you don't find out about it until you actually try to make use of the memory.
If this is the case it could cause the blowup in FillChar.

Programs are great at looping. They loop tirelessly without complaining.
Allocating a huge amount of memory takes time. There will be many calls to the heap manager. Your OS won't even know if it has the amount of contiguous memory that you need ahead of time. Your OS says, yeah, I have 1 GB free. But as soon as you go to use it, your OS says, wait, you want all of it in one chunk? Let me make sure I have enough all in one place. If it doesn't you get the error.
If it does have the memory, well, there's still a lot of work for the heap manager in preparing the memory and marking it as used.
So, obviously, it makes some sense to allocate less memory and simply loop through it. This saves the computer from doing a lot of work that it will only have to undo when it's done. Why not have it do just a little bit of work in setting aside your memory, then just keep re-using it?
Stack memory is allocated much faster than heap memory. If you keep your memory usage small (under 1 MB, by default), the compiler may just use stack memory over heap memory, which will make your loops even faster. In addition, local variables that get allocated in the register are very fast.
There are factors such as hard drive cluster and cache sizes, CPU cache sizes, and things, that offer hints about the best chunk sizes. The key is to find a good number. I like to use 64 KB chunks.


How do I translate DOS assembly targeted for the small memory model to the large memory model?

I'm somewhat new to assembly language and wanted to understand how it works on an older system. I understand that the large memory model uses far pointers while the small memory model uses near pointers, and that the return address in the large model is 4 bytes instead of two, so the first parameter changes from [bp+4] to [bp+6]. However, in the process of adapting a graphics library from a small to a large model, there are other subtle things that I don't seem to understand. Running this code with a large memory model from C is supposed to clear the screen, but instead it hangs the system (it was assembled with TASM):
; void gr256cls( int color , int page );
COLOR equ [bp+6]
GPAGE equ [bp+8]
public C gr256cls
gr256cls PROC
push bp
mov bp,sp
push di
jmp skip_1
mov ax,0A800h
mov es,ax
mov ax,0E000h
mov fs,ax
mov al,es:[bp+6]
mov ah,al
mov bx,ax
shl eax,16
mov ax,bx
cmp word ptr GPAGE,0
je short cls0
cmp word ptr GPAGE,2
je short cls0
jmp short skip_0
mov bh,0
mov bl,1
call grph_cls256
cmp word ptr GPAGE,1
je short cls1
cmp word ptr GPAGE,2
je short cls1
jmp short skip_1
mov bh,8
mov bl,9
call grph_cls256
pop di
pop bp
mov fs:[0004h],bh
mov fs:[0006h],bl
mov cx,16384
mov di,0
rep stosd
add word ptr fs:[0004h],2
add word ptr fs:[0006h],2
mov cx,16384
mov di,0
rep stosd
add word ptr fs:[0004h],2
add word ptr fs:[0006h],2
mov cx,16384
mov di,0
rep stosd
add word ptr fs:[0004h],2
add word ptr fs:[0006h],2
mov cx,14848 ;=8192+6656
mov di,0
rep stosd
;; Freezes here.
gr256cls ENDP
It hangs at the ret at the end of grph_256cls. In fact, even if I immediately ret from the beginning of the function it still hangs right after. Is there a comprehensive list of differences when coding assembly in the two modes, so I can more easily understand what's happening?
EDIT: To clarify, this is the original source. This is not generated output; it's intended to be assembled and linked into a library.
I changed grph_256cls to a procedure with PROC FAR and it now works without issue:
grph_cls256 PROC FAR
grph_cls256 ENDP
The issue had to do with how C expects functions to be called depending on the memory model. In the large memory model, all function calls are far. I hadn't labeled this assumption on the grph_256cls subroutine when trying to call it, so code that didn't push/pop the right values onto/off the stack was assembled instead.

Inline asm (32) emulation of move (copy memory) command

I have two two-dimensional arrays with dynamic sizes (guess that's the proper wording). I copy the content of first one into the other using:
// src,dest:array of array of longint; x,y:longint;
// setlength(both arrays,x,y); //x and y are max 15 bit positive!
It works. However I'm unable to reproduce this in asm. I tried the following variations to no avail... Could someone enlighten me...
Also tried with LEA (didn't expect that to work since it should fetch the pointer address not the array address), no workie, and tried with:
p1:=#src[0,0]; p2:=#dest[0,0]; //being no-type pointers
MOV ESI,p1; MOV EDI,p2... (the same asm)
Hints pls? Btw it's delphi 6. The error is, of course, access violation.
This is really a two-fold three-fold question.
What's the structure of a dynamic array.
Which instructions in asm will copy the array.
I'm throwing random assembler at the CPU, why doesn't it work?
Structure of a dynamic array
To quote:
Dynamic Array Types
On the 32-bit platform, a dynamic-array variable occupies 4 bytes of memory (and 8 bytes on 64-bit) that contain a pointer to the dynamically allocated array. When the variable is empty (uninitialized) or holds a zero-length array, the pointer is nil and no dynamic memory is associated with the variable. For a nonempty array, the variable points to a dynamically allocated block of memory that contains the array in addition to a 32-bit (64-bit on Win64) length indicator and a 32-bit reference count. The table below shows the layout of a dynamic-array memory block.
Dynamic array memory layout (32-bit and 64-bit)
Offset 32-bit -8 -4 0
Offset 64-bit -12 -8 0
contents refcount count start of data
So the dynamic array variable is a pointer to the middle of the above structure.
How do I access this in asm
Let's assume the array holds records of type TMyRec
you'll need to run this code for every inner array in the outer array to do the deep copy. I leave this as an exercise for the reader. (you can do the other part in pascal).
TDynArr: array of TMyRec;
procedure SlowButBasicMove(const Source: TDynArr; var dest);
//insert register pushes, see below.
mov esi,Source //esi = pointer to source data
mov edi,Dest //edi = pointer to dest
sub esi,8
mov ebx,[esi] //ebx = refcount (just in case)
mov ecx,[esi+4] //ecx = element count
mov edx,SizeOf(TMyRec) //anywhere from 1 to zillions
mul ecx,edx //==ecx=number of bytes in array.
//// now we can start moving
xor ebx,ebx //ebx =0
add eax,8 //eax = #data
mov eax,[esi+ebx] //Get data from source
mov [edi+ebx],esi //copy it to dest
add ebx,4 //4 bytes at a time
cmp ebx,ecx //is ebx> number of bytes?
jle loop
//Done copying.
//insert register pops, see below
That's the copy done, however in order for the system not to crash, you need to save and restore the non volatile registers (all but EAX, ECX, EDX), see:
push ebx
push esi
push edi
--- insert code shown above
//restore non-volatile registers
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx //note the restoring must happen in the reverse order of the push.
See the Jeff Dunteman's book assembly step by step if you're completely new to asm.
You will get access violations if:
you try to read from a wrong address.
you try to write to a wrong adress.
you read past the end of the array.
you write to memory you haven't claimed before using GetMem or whatever means.
if you write past the end of your buffer.
if you do not restore all non-volatile registers
Remember you're directly dealing with the CPU. Delphi will not assist you in any way.
Really fast code will use some form of SSE to move 16bytes per instruction in an unrolled loop, see the above mentioned fastcode for examples of optimized assembler.
Random assembler
In assembler you need to know exactly what you're what to do, how and what the CPU does.
Set a breakpoint and run your code. Press ctrl + alt + C and behold the CPU-debug window.
This will allow you to see the code Delphi generates.
You can single step through the code to see what the CPU does.
For more reading.
Dynamic Arrays differ from Static Arrays, especially when it comes to multi-dimensionality.
Refer to this reference for internal formats.
The point is that an Array Of Array Of LongInt of dimensions X and Y (in this order!) is a pointer to an array of X pointers that point to an array of Y LongInts.
Since it seems, from your comments, that you have already allocated the space for all elements in Dest, I assume you want to do a Deep Copy.
Here a sample program, where the assembly as been made as simple as possible for the sake of clarity.
Program Test;
Var Src, Dest: Array Of Array Of LongInt;
X, Y, I, J: Integer;
X := 4;
Y := 2;
setLength(Src, X, Y);
setLength(Dest, X, Y);
For I := 0 To X-1 Do
For J := 0 To Y-1 Do
Src[I,J] := I*Y + J;
{$ASMMODE intel}
cld ;Be sure movsd increments the registers
mov esi, DWORD PTR [Src] ;Src pointer
mov edi, DWORD PTR [Dest] ;Dest pointer
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [X] ;Repeat for X times
;The number of elements in Src
push esi ;Save these for later
push edi
push ecx
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [Y] ;Repeat for Y times
;The number of element in a Src[i] array
mov edi, DWORD PTR [edi] ;Get the pointer to the Dest[i] array
mov esi, DWORD PTR [esi] ;Get the pointer to the Src[i] array
rep movsd ;Copy sub array
pop ecx ;Restore
pop edi
pop esi
add esi, 04h ;Go from Src[i] to Src[i+1]
add edi, 04h ;Go from Dest[i] to Dest[i+1]
loop #_copy
For I := 0 To X-1 Do
For J := 0 To Y-1 Do
Write(' ');
Note 1 This source code is intended to be compile with freepascal.
Donation of Spare Time(TM) for downloading and installing Delphi are welcome!
Note 2 This source code is for illustration purpose only, it is pretty obvious, it has already been stated above, but somehow not everybody got it.
If the OP wanted a fast way to copy the array, they should have stated so.
Note 3 I don't save the clobbered registers, this is bad practice, my bad; I forgot, as there are no subroutines, no optimizations and no reason for the compiler to pass data in the registers between the two fors.
This is left as an exercise to the reader.

Change the value at an absolute word address

How do you perform operations like change the value at an absolute word address?
Say you have some value at 5DAh and you want to count the number of zeros on that address, or move a value from one absolute address to another. How can one do that?
Short Answer: You Can't
You might have a trick question in front of you (no clue, just my guess).
The physical architecture of the 8086 chip did not have that instruction.
As for your two specific questions...
" want to count the number of zeros on that address..."
That's somewhat ambiguous, in fact so vague that I can't understand it.
"...move a value from one absolute address to another..."
Good question. We'll do this in 32 bit, no, 16 and then 32 bit.
16 bit example
Push Si ;source index register
Push Di ;destination index register
Push Ax ;We'll use this for the transfer
Lea Si, Where_The_Number_Is_Now ;You'll define this, somehow
Lea Di, Where_We_Want_It_To_Go ;You'll define this also, same thing
Mov Ax, Ds:[Si] ;The "Ds:" may or may not be needed, be safe
Mov Ds:[Di], Ax ;Probably do need "Ds:" for this instruction
Pop Ax ;Do pay attention to the reverse order
Pop Di ;...of popping the registers in exact
Pop Si ;...opposite of how they were pushed
; And you are done
32 bit example
Push Esi ;source index register
Push Edi ;destination index register
Push Eax ;We'll use this for the transfer
Lea Esi, Where_The_Number_Is_Now ;You'll define this, somehow
Lea Edi, Where_We_Want_It_To_Go ;You'll define this also, same thing
Mov Eax, Ds:[Esi] ;The "Ds:" may or may not be needed, be safe
Mov Ds:[Edi], Eax ;Probably do need "Ds:" for this instruction
Pop Eax ;Do pay attention to the reverse order
Pop Edi ;...of popping the registers in exact
Pop Esi ;...opposite of how they were pushed
; And you are done
To change a value at an absolute word address:
mov byte ptr [5dah], 0
mov word ptr [5dah], 0
To move a value from one absolute word address to another:
mov al, byte ptr [5dah]
mov byte ptr [1234h], al
mov ax, word ptr [5dah]
mov word ptr [1234h], ax
As for the other question, the one that asked how to count the number of zeros on that address, you were a little to vague.

Why is 64 bit Delphi app calculating different results than 32 bit build?

We recently started the process of creating 64 bit builds of our applications. During comparison testing we found that the 64 bit build is calculating differently. I have a code sample that demonstrates the difference between the two builds.
currPercent, currGross, currCalcValue : Currency;
currGross := 1182.42;
currPercent := 1.45;
currCalcValue := (currGross * (currPercent * StrToCurr('.01')));
If you step through this in the 32 bit version, currCalcValue is calculated with 17.1451 while the 64 bit version comes back with 17.145.
Why isn't the 64 bit build calculating out the extra decimal place? All variables are defined as 4 decimal currency values.
Here's my SSCCE based on your code. Note the use of a console application. Makes life much simpler.
currPercent, currGross, currCalcValue : Currency;
currGross := 1182.42;
currPercent := 1.45;
currCalcValue := (currGross * (currPercent * StrToCurr('.01')));
Now look at the code that is generated. First 32 bit:
Project3.dpr.13: currCalcValue := (currGross * (currPercent * StrToCurr('.01')));
0041C409 8D45EC lea eax,[ebp-$14]
0041C40C BADCC44100 mov edx,$0041c4dc
0041C411 E8A6A2FEFF call #UStrLAsg
0041C416 8B1504E74100 mov edx,[$0041e704]
0041C41C 8B45EC mov eax,[ebp-$14]
0041C41F E870AFFFFF call StrToCurr
0041C424 DF7DE0 fistp qword ptr [ebp-$20]
0041C427 9B wait
0041C428 DF2DD83E4200 fild qword ptr [$00423ed8]
0041C42E DF6DE0 fild qword ptr [ebp-$20]
0041C431 DEC9 fmulp st(1)
0041C433 DF2DE03E4200 fild qword ptr [$00423ee0]
0041C439 DEC9 fmulp st(1)
0041C43B D835E4C44100 fdiv dword ptr [$0041c4e4]
0041C441 DF3DE83E4200 fistp qword ptr [$00423ee8]
0041C447 9B wait
And the 64 bit:
Project3.dpr.13: currCalcValue := (currGross * (currPercent * StrToCurr('.01')));
0000000000428A0E 488D4D38 lea rcx,[rbp+$38]
0000000000428A12 488D1513010000 lea rdx,[rel $00000113]
0000000000428A19 E84213FEFF call #UStrLAsg
0000000000428A1E 488B4D38 mov rcx,[rbp+$38]
0000000000428A22 488B155F480000 mov rdx,[rel $0000485f]
0000000000428A29 E83280FFFF call StrToCurr
0000000000428A2E 4889C1 mov rcx,rax
0000000000428A31 488B0510E80000 mov rax,[rel $0000e810]
0000000000428A38 48F7E9 imul rcx
0000000000428A3B C7C110270000 mov ecx,$00002710
0000000000428A41 48F7F9 idiv rcx
0000000000428A44 488BC8 mov rcx,rax
0000000000428A47 488B0502E80000 mov rax,[rel $0000e802]
0000000000428A4E 48F7E9 imul rcx
0000000000428A51 C7C110270000 mov ecx,$00002710
0000000000428A57 48F7F9 idiv rcx
0000000000428A5A 488905F7E70000 mov [rel $0000e7f7],rax
Note that the 32 bit code performs the arithmetic on the FPU, but the 64 bit code performs it using integer arithmetic. That's the key difference.
In the 32 bit code, the following calculation is performed:
Convert '0.01' to currency, which is 100, allowing for the fixed point shift of 10,000.
Load 14,500 into the FPU.
Multiply by 100 giving 1,450,000.
Multiply by 11,824,200 giving 17,145,090,000,000.
Divide by 10,000^2 giving 171,450.9.
Round to the nearest integer giving 171,451.
Store that in your currency variable. Hence the result is 17.1451.
Now, in the 64 bit code, it's a little different. Because we use 64 bit integers all the way. It looks like this:
Convert '0.01' to currency, which is 100.
Multiply by 14,500 which is 1,450,000.
Divide by 10,000 which is 145.
Multiply by 11,824,200 giving 1,714,509,000.
Divide by 10,000 which is 171,450. Uh-oh, loss of precision here.
Store that in your currency variable. Hence the result is 17.145.
So the issue is that the 64 bit compiler divides by 10,000 at each intermediate step. Presumably to avoid overflow, much more likely in a 64 bit integer than a floating point register.
Were it to do the calculation like this:
100 * 14,500 * 11,824,200 / 10,000 / 10,000
it would get the right answer.
This has been fixed as of XE5u2 and as of current writing XE6u1.

Interesting stack overflow! compiler bug?

i wonder if i've found a compiler bug? i was removing some old code from my app and now i get stackoverflow at "begin" (see code & disassembly below).
procedure TfraNewRTMDisplay.ShowMeasurement;
iDummy, iDummy2, iDummy3:integer;
case iDummy2 of
case iDummy of
NewRTMDisplay.pas.1601: begin
00983BF8 55 push ebp
00983BF9 8BEC mov ebp,esp
00983BFB B9D4E40400 mov ecx,$0004e4d4
00983C00 6A00 push $00 // stack overflow loop
00983C02 6A00 push $00 // stack overflow loop
00983C04 49 dec ecx // stack overflow loop
00983C05 75F9 jnz $00983c00 // stack overflow loop
00983C07 56 push esi
00983C08 57 push edi
00983C09 8945FC mov [ebp-$04],eax
00983C0C 8D856005FFFF lea eax,[ebp-$0000faa0]
00983C12 8B153C789A00 mov edx,[$009a783c]
00983C18 E88B35A8FF call #InitializeRecord
00983C1D 8D85D00AFEFF lea eax,[ebp-$0001f530]
00983C23 8B153C789A00 mov edx,[$009a783c]
00983C29 E87A35A8FF call #InitializeRecord
00983C2E 33C0 xor eax,eax
00983C30 55 push ebp
00983C31 68F73C9800 push $00983cf7
00983C36 64FF30 push dword ptr fs:[eax]
00983C39 648920 mov fs:[eax],esp
NewRTMDisplay.pas.1602: iDummy:=0;
00983C3C 33C0 xor eax,eax
00983C3E 8945F8 mov [ebp-$08],eax
NewRTMDisplay.pas.1603: iDummy2:=0;
00983C41 33C0 xor eax,eax
00983C43 8945F4 mov [ebp-$0c],eax
NewRTMDisplay.pas.1605: case iDummy2 of
00983C46 8B45F4 mov eax,[ebp-$0c]
00983C49 48 dec eax
00983C4A 7571 jnz $00983cbd
NewRTMDisplay.pas.1607: case iDummy of
00983C4C 8B45F8 mov eax,[ebp-$08]
00983C4F 48 dec eax
00983C50 7405 jz $00983c57
00983C52 48 dec eax
00983C53 7436 jz $00983c8b
00983C55 EB66 jmp $00983cbd
NewRTMDisplay.pas.1608: 1:m_SelectedRTMMenuData.ChannelMeasSet.MeasKV.ClearMeasurementData;
00983C57 8D951872EBFF lea edx,[ebp-$00148de8]
00983C5D 8B45FC mov eax,[ebp-$04]
00983C60 8B80F0020000 mov eax,[eax+$000002f0]
00983C66 E895DBE9FF call TRTMMenuData.ChannelMeasSet
00983C6B 8DB52072EBFF lea esi,[ebp-$00148de0]
00983C71 8DBD6005FFFF lea edi,[ebp-$0000faa0]
00983C77 B9A43E0000 mov ecx,$00003ea4
00983C7C F3A5 rep movsd
00983C7E 8D856005FFFF lea eax,[ebp-$0000faa0]
00983C84 E81B3F0200 call TDeviceMeas.ClearMeasurementData
00983C89 EB32 jmp $00983cbd
NewRTMDisplay.pas.1609: 2:m_SelectedRTMMenuData.ChannelMeasSet.MeasKV.ClearMeasurementData;
00983C8B 8D9560D9D8FF lea edx,[ebp-$002726a0]
00983C91 8B45FC mov eax,[ebp-$04]
00983C94 8B80F0020000 mov eax,[eax+$000002f0]
00983C9A E861DBE9FF call TRTMMenuData.ChannelMeasSet
00983C9F 8DB568D9D8FF lea esi,[ebp-$00272698]
00983CA5 8DBDD00AFEFF lea edi,[ebp-$0001f530]
00983CAB B9A43E0000 mov ecx,$00003ea4
00983CB0 F3A5 rep movsd
00983CB2 8D85D00AFEFF lea eax,[ebp-$0001f530]
00983CB8 E8E73E0200 call TDeviceMeas.ClearMeasurementData
NewRTMDisplay.pas.1612: end;
any ideas?
thank you!
Something's creating a 320 KB buffer. Do you have any of those objects in that chain of calls have a statically allocated huge array inside them? Perhaps it's trying to fit one of the returned objects onto the stack.
The following code appears to be the problem:
It looks like ChannelMeasSet is a huge data structure that the compiler is trying to copy to your stack for some reason. I'm not sure why the compiler would attempt to do that without seeing the rest of your object declaration. Furthermore, the compiler appears to have allocated two separate temporary storage areas on the stack, one for each line where you call this (even though only one will be used at any given time).
You have at least two possible solutions:
Make the stack bigger. There is probably a Delphi directive for this.
Rework your data structures so the compiler isn't inclined to copy huge temporary objects around.
Yuliy is right: The 320KB buffer is likely an array[20] of whatever is returned by ChannelMeasSet - based on the size of the rep movsd loop.
It looks like you've got some code that is returning a very large data structure by value, rather than just a reference to it. Apart from the stack overflow issue, that's likely to be very inefficient.
thank you for your suggestions! here is the call stack (from delphi 2009).
Menus.TPopupList.WndProc((273, 386, 0, 0, 386, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
:7e418734 USER32.GetDC + 0x6d
:7e418816 ; C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll
:7e4189cd ; C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll
:7e418a10 USER32.DispatchMessageW + 0xf
:0051e31c TApplication.ProcessMessage + $F8
am working on more of your comments here right now. come back in a few minutes.
admittedly there are some moderately large structs around. i doubt they're anywhere near that big but i'll get back to you shortly.
stupid site; it auto refreshed, wiping out my answer. ChannelMeasSet is a record that surprised me that it occupies 1.2 MB!
m_SelectedRTMMenuData a small object
ChannelMeasSet a record
MeasKV a record with method ClearMeasurementData( );
strangely, the app was just now having a bunch of old code being stripped out. i have never seen a stack overflow like this one.
i'll post this comment so it doesn't get destroyed before i can finish!
thank you for your help!
