I'm somewhat familiar with displaying simple data via a JMX MBean using older JDKs. What I'd like to do is have one MBean link to a couple related MBeans, making it nicer for users to access related info. Is there a good, standard way to do that?
I'd like it to work in both the HTML adapter and richer clients like JConsole (i.e. I don't want to hardcode an operation to return HTML or something like that). Ideally this could be done via an attribute, though an operation would be ok. Perhaps I need to use some of the newer JMX features added in 1.6, such as MXBeans?
My conclusion is that you can return an ObjectName but it will not be linked when you access your M[X]Bean from the sun jconsole application. Instead you will just be presented the string representation of the ObjectName.
However, if you implement your own JMX client you can use these returned ObjectName to look up the "linked to" M[X]Bean.
I have a client and a server both written in Java and sharing Java classes that should be sent between each other. I'm not sure which libraries I can use for this on mobile because I don't know what Dalvik supports, what RoboVM supports etc. Not sure what Gluon Mobile can do for me in this case.
Specifically I have a file that looks like this:
class Data {
IntegerProperty int1 = new SimpleIntegerProperty(4);
ObjectProperty<Person> person = new SimpleObjectProperty();
ObservableList<Contact> contacts = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
// other properties
// also add the getters for the properties and the getters and setters for the values
Person and Contact are similar to the above - they contain mostly data properties and some methods for adding and removing from internal (private) lists etc. Basically they are like beans or POJOs only with properties wrappers. This is the data that needs to be sent between the server and the client but only the wrapped values are important - not the bindings. This leads me to the point about serialization: javaFX properties are not serializeable so it was suggested here to make such class as the above externalizeable and write and read the wrapped values.
Ultimately I don't care if i need to do this custom stuff (though it's a lot of work) or if there's a way around it. I need a method on the server like Data receiveDatafor(...) that the client can call, the server fetches the Data data and returns it. The client and server each have their own unrelated bindings to the Data object.
Currently we use RMI internally for desktop. I read that RMI isn't supported and it might not be that great of an option anyway but it does allow to just send java objects really easily. JavaEE has websockets which can transfer the binary form of the objects but it's JavaEE so I guess not supported. I'm not against JSONing and sending as Text but it seems more work than to just serialize - could be wrong. The communication method should support encryption for example when sending passwords. What are my options?
In terms of client-server communication you can have a look at Gluon Connect and Gluon CloudLink.
Gluon Connect
An open source library:
Gluon Connect is a client-side library that simplifies binding your data from any source and format to your JavaFX UI controls. It works by retrieving data from a data source and converting that data from a specific format into JavaFX observable lists and observable objects that can be used directly in JavaFX UI controls.
It is also part of the Charm dependencies, so you have it already included when you create a new Gluon project.
See the documentation on how to use to create a FileProvider or a RestProvider, and also the GluonConnectRestProvider sample.
As the doc already mentions: with a RestClient you can "convert" a REST endpoint into an ObservableList:
// create a RestClient to the specific URL
RestClient restClient = RestClient.create()
// retrieve a list from the DataProvider
GluonObservableList<Error> errors = DataProvider
// create a JavaFX ListView and populate it with the retrieved list
ListView<Error> lvErrors = new ListView<>(errors);
The Notes sample uses Gluon Connect for local storage of Notes and Settings.
Note that these samples make uses of JavaFX POJOs (i.e. Error, Note and Settings use properties).
Gluon CloudLink
Gluon CloudLink enables enterprise and mobile developers to easily connect their different services and applications together, enabling bi-directional communications between mobile apps, enterprise infrastructure, and cloud systems.
The data is stored in the cloud, and you (as administrator) can access to it through a Dashboard.
See documentation about it here.
Have a look at the PWS-GluonCloudLink-Whiteboard sample: a full demo of a back-end application (webapp-mobile) running on the cloud (Pivotal Web Services) and a mobile client (mobile app).
In the client side, once you get a valid GluonClient, you can retrieve an observable list of items:
public GluonObservableList<Item> retrieveItems() {
GluonObservableList<Item> items = DataProvider.retrieveList(gluonClient.createListDataReader("items", Item.class));
return items;
As you can see, in the client you don't deal with REST endpoints, json serializing... Everything is just JavaFX observables. The connection with the backend is set in CloudLink with the Dashboard application, defining a REST Connector.
Hi i have googled all day long but i can't find an answer.
I have to write a web app which talks to asterisk.
It should be able to do ClicktoCall operations.
Can you guys recommend something ?
I came across a few projects but I'm still not sure.
I just want to connect to Asterisk and do calls from the web app.
If you're a Ruby programmer the best way for you to hook into Asterisk is adhearsion. It wraps up Asterisk's AGI and Manager (MAPI) APIs for you.
Also hAve a look at SIP, asterisk, adhearson and VoIP and in particular Adam Kalsey's answer. He works for Tropo which sponsor the adhearsion project.
First you need to know, that the protocol Asterisk uses is SIP, you can learn more at the Wikipedia.
Since you want to use an rails application, you may want to use ruby as well, so there's a ruby implementation named OverSip, you can check their API and see if it fits your requirements.
If you are aiming at web calls, you'll need an WebRTC, Flash or Java applet. For WebRTC you can check sipML5 for an opensource solution.
You can also opt for an interface, that will start a call from one number to another, using your phone. When the first call is picked up the server starts ringing in the destination.
Also you could make use of cloud communications providers like twilio, tropo, etc.
Try this Google search:
rails asterisk manager interface
I saw some interesting things right off. I am not trying to be one if those Use Google type people, just didn't want to paste all the links in that I found from this Google search.
Check it out, hope it helps.
There are several ways to do this but the three easiest ones are
1. Generate a call file on the Asterisk server
These files should be written to the dir
Asterisk will then pickup the file, process and delete it.
It's pretty aggressive when doing this so it's recommended to write the file into a temporary directory and then move it to the spool dir for processing.
An tutorial of the file format is here:
(I personally feel this is a bit "hacky", and prefer doing it with an API call)
2. Generate the call by the AMI API interface.
Use the Originate function of the AMI API to generate the call. It's pretty easy to set this up just configure the manager.conf file whitch sets up a HTTP server on port 5038 from witch you can call the API.
3. Set up the call using the ARI API
First you need to setup ari.conf, this is enough for now:
enabled = yes
type = user
read_only = no
password = my_password
password_format = plain
This is a little bit more complicated to set up, but it really isn't that hard if you just get past the technical geek-speak. Just set up two channels, setup a mixing bridge and add both channels to the bridge.
To set up a click2call you dont even need to do that...
This is the call we use (ruby):
#{sip_id} is your registered SIP username
#{number} is the extension that is sent to the dialplan
#{PASSWORD} is from ari.conf
(Note that you need to send the variabels for the variable parameter as a separate JSON for the originate command if you need to send them)
A really useful tool to understand how this works is the swagger at
http://ari.asterisk.org. We already allowed this origin in ari.conf so it should be ready to go. Remember to open your ports in firewalls etc.
Setup your Server IP and port and the API_KEY is in this format: my_username:my_password
So I have the following scenario (it's a Grails 2.1 app):
I have a Controller that can be accessed via //localhost:8080/myController
This controller in turn executes a call to another URL opening a connection using new URL("https://my.other.url").openConnection()
I want to capture the request so I can log the information
I have a Filter present in my web.xml already which does the job well for controllers mapped in my app. But as soon as a request is fired to an external URL, I don't get anything.
I understand that my filter will only be invoked to URLs inside my app, and that depends on my filter mapping which is fine.
I'm struggling to see how a solution inside the app is actually viable. I'm thinking of using a mixed approach with the DevOps team to capture such outgoing calls from the container and then log them into a separate file.
I guess my questions are:
Is there a way to do it inside the app itself?
Is the approach I'm planning a sensible one?
Any reason why you don't want to use http-builder? There a Grails plugin for it, and it makes remote XML calls much easier than handling the plumbing yourself. At the bottom of the linked page they describe how you can enable request logging via log4j configuration.
I want to test the results from a WSDL service in a browser like IE9 or FireFox. I know that I can view the WSDL XML, but I want to test the return results of an endpoint called GetEmployeeById that accepts a parameter called Id and returns a class. I am assuming this is all serialized to XML, so a browser would be a good fit for testing this. Is this possible?
In case you are using Visual Studio for .net development, I think something much better than a browser probably would to use:
wcftestclient <url>
which can be called from the command prompt and is part of the tools from visual studio.
The tool will help you to build and receive complex objects and see the results already serialized.
internet explorer let's you make a request with simple string parameters if the WSDL provides enough information.
If you haven't seen it, then probably the WSDL is only for discoverability reasons, probably just points to another service in a different transport protocol, not port 80, if the service is not on port 80 you won't be able to use your browser.
You have another more complex tool called FIDDLER that you can format any kind of http request, as well as receiving any kind of requests, like json for example.
You can use this URL to test WSDL endpoints, send request and see response.
In a java web app, I need to call a remote soap service, and I'm trying to use a CXF 2.5.0-generated client. The soap service is provided by a particular ERP vendor, and its wsdl is monstrous, thousands of types, dozens of xsd imports, etc. wsdl2java generates the client ok, thanks to the -autoNameResolution flag. But at runtime it retrieves the remote wsdl twice, once when I create the service object, and again when I create a port object.
MyService_Service myService = new MyService_Service(giantWsdlUrl); // fetches giantWsdl
MyService myPort = myService.getMyServicePort(); // fetches giantWsdl again
Why is that? I can understand retrieving it when creating myService, you want to see that it matches the client I'm currently using, or let a runtime wsdl location dictate the endpoint address, etc. But I don't understand why asking for the port would reload everything it just went out on the wire for. Am I missing something?
Since this is in a web application, and I can't be sure that myPort is threadsafe, then I'd have to create a port for each thread, except that's way too slow, 6 to 8 seconds thanks to the monstrous wsdl. Or add my own pooling, create a bunch in advance, and do check-outs and check-ins. Yuck.
For the record, the JaxWsProxyFactoryBean creation route does not ever fetch the wsdl, and that's good for my situation. It still takes a long time on the first create(), then about a quarter second on subsequent create()s, and even that's less than desirable. And I dunno... it sorta feels like I'm under the hood hotwiring the thing rather than turning the key. :)
Well, you have actually answered the question yourself. Each time you invoke service.getPort() the WSDL is loaded from remote site and parsed. JaxWsProxyFactoryBean goes absolutely the same way, but once the proxy is obtained it is re-used for further invocations. That is why the 1st run is slow (because of "warming up"), but subsequent are fast.
And yes, JaxWsProxyFactoryBean is not thread-safe. Pooling client proxies is an option, but unfortunately will eat a lot of memory, as JAX-WS runtime model is not shared among client proxies; synchronization is perhaps better way to follow.