Erlang Facebook Example - erlang

Does anyone know of an example facebook app (or facebook connect app) done in Erlang? I'm looking for something that includes the whole process. Specifically I don't seem to find anything on user authentication.
I've checked out erlang_facebook, erlang2facebook and erlyface but none of them seem to offer a simple and comprehensive example accessible to me as a beginner .
I'd be happy for just a bit of code to plough through though, preferably using mochiweb as backend.

I've played around writing a FB app in Erlang and looked at the projects you mentioned as well. I found it easier to just use FB's graph API directly for authentication, etc. I used Nitrogen/Mochiweb for the web server and made graph requests with httpc:request.

Zotonic (Erlang CMS/Framework) provides Facebook integration, including authentication.

A few years on and I still find Jeremy Raymond's method satisfying. In particular, wrapping their ever-changing url-as-an-API scheme inside your own API seems to be the most painless. httpc is useful, and so is cowboy if you are familiar with that.
Whatever you choose, you should absolutely not be designing your ideas around their API. Convert their ideas into your project's semantics by wrapping their API. After all, the web isn't the whole internet and you never know when FB might stop being the cool place to waste your life. There is no telling if your application/library/codebase-you-use-on-something-else will outlive theirs.


Can Twitter's Streaming API be safely deployed client side?

I'm trying to develop an open source solution which will be deployed on Raspberry Pi's or similar SBCs. The RPi part is only relevant insofar as it means all the code and app resources need to be publicly available.
The solution needs to read Twitter statuses, as close to real time as possible, and with as little interference from third parties as possible. I found Twitter's Streaming API, which is blazingly fast, and would be perfect for my application – except it requires OAuth. And as far as I can tell, the OAuth mechanism isn't well suited for deployment on users' machines, since it relies on a secret key which belongs to the application owner (the consumer secret).
I couldn't find any easy way around this – the only solutions I could think of are either handling request signing on a central server, or asking each user to create their own Twitter app account. And I find both solutions terribly distasteful.
Do you see any elegant way out?
It turns out this is indeed not currently feasible cleanly with any of Twitter's public APIs; not now, and not in the foreseeable future. Refreshingly, for once we do have proof for a negative: I also asked this on Twitter's own forum, and I was lucky enough to have my question kindly answered by Andy Piper, Global Lead Developer Advocate at Twitter. There you go.
Your app can open a web browser with Twitter's application authentication webpage loaded. When the user enters their credentials Twitter will return a code which they can copy/paste into your app. It's not particularly elegant. Here is a Python example of the workflow:

OAuth2.0 for Rest API

I have spent the past three days researching OAuth 2.0 and I understood how OAuth can be used to interact with a service provided by a heavy weight such as Google or Facebook. However, I'm struggling to see how someone without a team of tech wizards (aka Me) goes about protecting their API with the protocol.
I have a number of questions and was wondering if someone with some experience can help me.
Here goes nothing...
Is there a clear cut leader in terms of an OAuth Authorization Server implementation (Java)? If yes, is there any good resource out there to teach me how to use it?
Its my understanding that I would need to either build an authorization server or leverage a library to dish out client secrets/tokens.
Should I even be thinking about a library or should I be building my own implementation?
Is OAuth still relevant? From what I can see, it seems like the hype around the technology has leveled off or diminished since 2010. I also saw an article where the spec lead disassociated himself from the protocol.
I appreciate any advice or help, I can't find many resources on this topic that address it clearly (tons of Powerpoints, no code). There seems to be a bunch of talk about how it works, yet no book or article can give a solid tutorial. The documentation for the providers I have found is also very spotty at best. I'm just really starting to question whether this is a legitimate undertaking for someone looking to protect their own simple API. Thanks ahead of time.
Take a look at the Libraries on the OpenID Connect developer pages here:
I don't think there's a clear cut leading Java implementation yet
I would not recommend implementing the Authorization Server part on your own, that is the complex part and details matter because this is about security; the client part is easier and should be possible to build even without a library
OAuth is very relevant as it is the only standard out there for securing REST APIs; the hype is over, and now it is common technology; just take a look at all big vendors/SaaS out there, they all use it (starting with Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter etc.)

PayPal integration. C# POST vs. WSDL

I got the PayPal integration working well using plain old HTTP POST using C# & .NET 2/3.5. I also get all transaction details in the response.
So, if I want to use WSDL (SOAP), will there be any advantage? (you can assume I know how to use web services)
Also, are there any examples on a complete C# project using this method? I already looked at
but that page tells very little about how to make a fully functional transaction using WSDL.
Any ideas?
Or "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"
I really don't work from WSDL's very often because I'm primarily a PHP developer. I have worked with them in Adobe Flex, though, and I gotta say I liked what I saw.
Basically, I was able to hook the WSDL up in Flex (which you can do in other IDE's as well) and it automatically gave me access to all of the API calls in the system. I could see all of the possible requests (functions) available to the web service as well as how to build them without even referring to much documentation.
When building HTTP requests directly (NVP/XML/JSON/etc) you gotta refer to documentation quite a bit to see how to build the request, and there's typically more trial and error involved, too, until you get things working. The WSDL helps you get around that, although, in reality you'll probably still be referring quite a bit to documentation.
The WSDL/SOAP tools I've used with PHP don't work nearly as nice as Flex or Visual Studio from what I've seen, so I typically stick to custom class libraries that build my requests for me. when I'm working in other platforms that utilize WSDL's a little nicer, though, I definitely prefer it.

OAuth within non browser application?

I know how OAuth works in web applications that run in a browser, but I'm not sure how OAuth can be implemented in an application that does not run in a browser.
It's easy to display the URL using some kind of a WebView, but how do I get back the information it sends back? My research doesn't reveal a straightforward way to do this.
There are a few Java libraries out there that can do this. (Are you looking for a particular language?)
Scribe is probably the most mature Java library:
There are more libraries for pretty much every language here:

How can I get twitter running on my local server?

I want to put the Twitter service on my server and customize it for my purpose. I have no idea how it works.
My goal is to communicate to your own Twitter server rather than the original twitter server and serve my purpose.
You should check out: StatusNet. It is an open source micro blogging platform. From their site, you can download the source and deploy it on your own server. Once you have it installed you can customize it to your liking.
Twitter isn't an Open Source project - they don't provide their server code.
From my experience at another company deploying very widely distributed systems, the chances are there's a bucket-load of infrastructure you'd need to get running first - complete overkill for a single-server solution, but vital for a global service with many millions of users. In other words, even if Twitter did provide their code, it probably wouldn't be an appropriate solution for your situation.
The actual Twitter ( service is proprietary, you can't run it yourself.
There are plenty of open source twitter clones out there. The more general name is "microblogging". Pinax for example has basic microblogging. Try searching google for 'open source microblogging' for other projects.
I don't believe the Twitter platform is freely available to the general public. If you want to make your own "Twitter server", you're going to have to clone the service yourself.
You can't run Twitter on your own server, but you can write your own application that talks to Twitter through Twitter's API.
It all depends on what you mean by "customizing" Twitter. There are many applications like Twitpic and TweetDeck that are built "on top of" Twitter. They add their own functionality while leaving Twitter to do the "heavy lifting".
For example, I have written a personal project for moderating a stream of tweets. This application runs on my local server, but it gets its data by querying Twitter's API.
There are two main advantages to extending rather than rebuilding Twitter:
It takes a lot less effort because you can reuse all the basic functions of Twitter
You can take advantage of Twitter's huge user base. Even if you succeeded in cloning Twitter, it would be far less interesting than the original because Twitter works by strength of numbers.
You could use Wordpress and get the twitter developer add in then get a api code from them and there users can use your site and vice versa also apps for twitter will work for your site.
Wow. That's a highly ambitious request that you have there. Twitter isn't like Wordpress, there's no .org version that can be downloaded and run locally. Twitter is a highly scalable service that is designed to run on large scale servers.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news to you on this.
