Starting remote Erlang nodes - erlang

I want to write a master-slave application in Erlang. I am thinking at the following things I need from the architecture:
the slaves shouldn't die when the master dies, but rather try to reconnect to it while the master is down
the master should automatically start the remote nodes if they don't connect automatically or they are down (probably the supervisor behaviour in OTP)
Is there a OTP oriented behaviour to do this? I know I can start remote nodes with slave:start_link() and I can monitor nodes with erlang:monitor(), but I don't know how this can be incorporated in a gen_server behaviour.

I agree with the comments about using erlang:monitor_node and the use of distributed applications.
You cannot just use the slave module to accomplish that, it clearly states "All slave nodes which are started by a master will terminate automatically when the master terminates".
There is currently no OTP behaviour to do it either. Supervision trees are hierarchical ; it seems like you are looking for something where there is a hierarchy in terms of application logic, but spawning is done an a peer-to-peer basis (or an individual basis, depending upon your point of view).
If you were to use multiple Erlang VMs then you should carefully consider how many you run, as a large number of them may cause performance issues due to the OS swapping OS processes in and out. A rule of thumb for best performance is to aim for having no more than one OS process (i.e. one Erlang VM) per CPU core.

If you're interested in studying other implementations, Basho's riak_core framework has a pretty good take on decentralized distributed applications.
riak_core_node_watcher.erl has most of the interesting node observation code in it.
Search and you'll find there are quite a few talks and presentations about the framework.


Erlang clusters

I'm trying to implement a cluster using Erlang as the glue that holds it all together. I like the idea that it creates a fully connected graph of nodes, but upon reading different articles online, it seems as though this doesn't scale well (having a max of 50 - 100 nodes). Did the developers of OTP impose this limitation on purpose? I do know that you can setup nodes to have explicit connections only as well as have hidden nodes, etc. But, it seems as though the default out-of-the-box setup isn't very scalable.
So to the questions:
If you had 5 nodes (A, B, C, D, E) that all had explicit connections such that A-B-C-D-E. Does Erlang/OTP allow A to talk directly to E or does A have to pass messages from B through D to get to E, and thus that's the reason for the fully connected graph? Again, it makes sense but it doesn't scale well from what I've seen.
If one was to try and go for a scalable and fault-tolerant system, what are your options? It seems as though, if you can't create a fully connected graph because you have too many nodes, the next best thing would be to create a tree of some kind. But, this doesn't seem very fault-tolerant because if the root or any parent of children nodes dies, you would lose a significant portion of your cluster.
In looking into supervisors and workers, all of the examples I've seen apply this to processes on a single node. Could it be applied to a cluster of nodes to help implement fault-tolerance?
Can nodes be part of several clusters?
Thanks for your help, if there is a semi-recent website or blogpost (roughly 1-year old) that I've missed, I'd be happy to look at those. But, I've scoured the internet pretty well.
Yes, you can send messages to a process on any remote node in a cluster, for example, by using its process identifier (pid). This is called location transparency. And yes, it scales well (see Riak, CouchDB, RabbitMQ, etc).
Note that one node can run hundred thousands of processes. Erlang has proven to be very scalable and was built for fault tolerance. There are other approaches to build bigger, e.g. SOA approach of CloudI (see comments). You also could build clusters that use hidden nodes if you really really need to.
At the node level you would take a different approach, for example, build identical nodes that are easy to replace if they fail and the work is taken over by the remaining nodes. Check out how Riak handles this (look into riak_core and check the blog post Introducing Riak Core).
Nodes can leave and enter a cluster but cannot be part of multiple clusters at the same time. Connected nodes share one cluster cookie which is used to identify connected nodes. You can set the cookie while the VM is running (see Distributed Erlang).
Read for greater good.
The distribution protocol is about providing robustness, not scalability. What you want to do is to group your cluster into smaller areas and then use connections, which are not distribution in Erlang but in, say, TCP sessions. You could run 5 groups of 10 machines each. This means the 10 machines have seamless Pid distribution: you can call a pid on another machine. But distributing to another group means you can't seamlessly address the group like that.
You generally want some kind of "route reflection" as in BGP.
1) I think you need a direct connection between nodes to communicate between processes. This does, however, mean that you don't need persistent connections between all the nodes if two will never communicate (say if they're only workers, not coordinators).
2) You can create a not-fully-connected graph of erlang nodes. The documentation is hard to find, and comes with problems - you disable the global system which handles global names in the cluster, so you have to do everything by locally registered names, or locally registered names on remote nodes. Or just use Pids, as they work too. To start an erlang node like this, use erl ... -connect_all false .... I hope you know what you're up to, as I couldn't trust myself to do that.
It also turns out that a not-fully-connected graph of erlang nodes is a current research topic. The RELEASE Project is currently working on exactly that, and have come up with a concept of S-groups, which are essentially fully-connected groups. However, nodes can be members of more than one S-group and nodes in separate s-groups don't have to be fully connected but can establish the connections they need on demand to do direct node-to-node communication. It's worth finding presentations of theirs because the research is really interesting.
Another thing worth pointing out is that several people have found that you can get up to 150-200 nodes in a fully-connected cluster. Do you really have a use-case for more nodes than that? Surely 150-200 incredibly beefy computers would do most things you could throw at them, unless you have a ridiculous project to do.
3) While you can't start processes on a different node using gen_server:start_link/3,4, you can certainly call servers on a foreign node very easily. It seems that they've overlooked being able to start servers on foreign nodes, but there's probably good reason for it - such as a ridiculous number of error cases.
4) Try looking at hidden nodes, and at having a not-fully-connected cluster. They should allow you to group nodes as you see fit.
TL;DR: Scaling is hard, let's go shopping.
There are some good answers already, so I'm trying to be simple.
1) No, if A and E are not connected directly, A cannot talk to E. The distribution protocol runs on direct TCP connection - no routing included.
2) I think a tree structure is good enough - trade-offs always exist.
3) There's no 'supervisor for nodes', but erlang:monitor_node is your friend.
4) Yes. A node can talk to nodes from different 'clusters'. In the local node, use erlang:set_cookie(OtherNode, OtherCookie) to access a remote node with a different cookie.
yes. they talk to each other
2) 3) and 4)
Generally speaking, when building a scalable and fault tolerant system, you would want, or more over, need to divide the work load to different "regions" or "clusters". Supervisor/Worker model has this envisioned thus the topology. What you need is a few processes coordinating work between clusters and all workers within one single cluster will talk to each other to balance out within group.
As you can see, with this topology, the "limitation" is not really a limitation as long as you divide your tasks carefully and in a balanced fashion. Personally, I believe a tree like structure for supervisor processes is not avoidable in large scale systems, and this is the practice I'm following. Reasons are vary but boils down to scalability, fault tolerance as fall back policy implementation, maintenance need and portability of the clusters.
So in conclusion,
2) use a tree-like topology for your supervisors. let workers explicitly connect to each other and talk within their own domain with the supervisors.
3) while this is the native designed environment, as I presume, I'm pretty sure a supervisor can talk to a worker on a different machine. I would not suggest this as fault tolerance can be hell in remote worker scenario.
4) you should never let a node be part of two different cluster at the same moment. You can switch it from one cluster to another though.

What's the best way to run a gen_server on all nodes in an Erlang cluster?

I'm building a monitoring tool in Erlang. When run on a cluster, it should run a set of data collection functions on all nodes and record that data using RRD on a single "recorder" node.
The current version has a supervisor running on the master node (rolf_node_sup) which attempts to run a 2nd supervisor on each node in the cluster (rolf_service_sup). Each of the on-node supervisors should then start and monitor a bunch of processes which send messages back to a gen_server on the master node (rolf_recorder).
This only works locally. No supervisor is started on any remote node. I use the following code to attempt to load the on-node supervisor from the recorder node:
rpc:call(Node, supervisor, start_child, [{global, rolf_node_sup}, [Services]])
I've found a couple of people suggesting that supervisors are really only designed for local processes. E.g.
Starting processes at remote nodes
how: distributed supervision tree
What is the most OTP way to implement my requirement to have supervised code running on all nodes in a cluster?
A distributed application is suggested as one alternative to a distributed supervisor tree. These don't fit my use case. They provide for failover between nodes, but keeping code running on a set of nodes.
The pool module is interesting. However, it provides for running a job on the node which is currently the least loaded, rather than on all nodes.
Alternatively, I could create a set of supervised "proxy" processes (one per node) on the master which use proc_lib:spawn_link to start a supervisor on each node. If something goes wrong on a node, the proxy process should die and then be restarted by it's supervisor, which in turn should restart the remote processes. The slave module could be very useful here.
Or maybe I'm overcomplicating. Is directly supervising nodes a bad idea, instead perhaps I should architect the application to gather data in a more loosely coupled way. Build a cluster by running the app on multiple nodes, tell one to be master, leave it at that!
Some requirements:
The architecture should be able to cope with nodes joining and leaving the pool without manual intervention.
I'd like to build a single-master solution, at least initially, for the sake of simplicity.
I would prefer to use existing OTP facilities over hand-rolled code in my implementation.
Interesting challenges, to which there are multiple solutions. The following are just my suggestions, which hopefully makes you able to better make the choice on how to write your program.
As I understand your program, you want to have one master node where you start your application. This will start the Erlang VM on the nodes in the cluster. The pool module uses the slave module to do this, which require key-based ssh communication in both directions. It also requires that you have proper dns working.
A drawback of slave is that if the master dies, so does the slaves. This is by design as it probably fit the original use case perfectly, however in your case it might be stupid (you may want to still collect data, even if the master is down, for example)
As for the OTP applications, every node may run the same application. In your code you can determine the nodes role in the cluster using configuration or discovery.
I would suggest starting the Erlang VM using some OS facility or daemontools or similar. Every VM would start the same application, where one would be started as the master and the rest as slaves. This has the drawback of marking it harder to "automatically" run the software on machines coming up in the cluster like you could do with slave, however it is also much more robust.
In every application you could have a suitable supervision tree based on the role of the node. Removing inter-node supervision and spawning makes the system much simpler.
I would also suggest having all the nodes push to the master. This way the master does not really need to care about what's going on in the slave, it might even ignore the fact that the node is down. This also allows new nodes to be added without any change to the master. The cookie could be used as authentication. Multiple masters or "recorders" would also be relatively easy.
The "slave" nodes however will need to watch out for the master going down and coming up and take appropriate action, like storing the monitoring data so it can send it later when the master is back up.
I would look into riak_core. It provides a layer of infrastructure for managing distributed applications on top of the raw capabilities of erlang and otp itself. Under riak_core, no node needs to be designated as master. No node is central in an otp sense, and any node can take over other failing nodes. This is the very essence of fault tolerance. Moreover, riak_core provides for elegant handling of nodes joining and leaving the cluster without needing to resort to the master/slave policy.
While this sort of "topological" decentralization is handy, distributed applications usually do need logically special nodes. For this reason, riak_core nodes can advertise that they are providing specific cluster services, e.g., as embodied by your use case, a results collector node.
Another interesting feature/architecture consequence is that riak_core provides a mechanism to maintain global state visible to cluster members through a "gossip" protocol.
Basically, riak_core includes a bunch of useful code to develop high performance, reliable, and flexible distributed systems. Your application sounds complex enough that having a robust foundation will pay dividends sooner than later.
otoh, there's almost no documentation yet. :(
Here's a guy who talks about an internal AOL app he wrote with riak_core:
Here's a note about a rebar template:
...and here's a post about a fork of that rebar template: on riak_core:
...riak_core announcement:

Is it better to start multiple erlang nodes per machine, or just one per machine?

Preface: When I say "machine" below, I mean either a physical dedicated server, or a virtual private server. When I say "node" I mean, an instance of the erlang virtual machine, of which there could be multiple running as separate processes under a single unix kernel.
I've got a project that involves multiple erlang/OTP applications. The applications will be running together and talking to each other on the same machine. They will all be hitting the disk, using memory and spawning erlang processes. They will also be using network resources because they will be talking to similar machines with the same set of applications running on them in a cluster.
Almost all of this communication is via HTTP. Thus I could separate each erlang OTP application into a separate instance of the erlang VM on the same machine and they could still talk to each other.
My question is: Is it better to have them running all under one erlang VM so that this erlang VM process can allocate access to resources among them, and schedule the execution of the various erlang processes.
Or is it better to have separate erlang nodes on a given server?
If one is better than the other, why?
I'm assuming running all of these apps in a single erlang vm which is given, essentially, full run of the server, will result in better performance. The OS is just managing the disk and ram at the low level, and only has one significant process (the erlang VM) to switch with... and the erlang VM is probably smarter about allocating resources when it has the holistic view of all the erlang processes.
This may be something that I need to test, but I'm not in a position to do so effectively in the near term.
The answer is: it depends.
Advantages of using a single node:
Memory is controlled by a single Erlang VM. It is way easier.
Inter-application communication (if using erlang-messaging) is faster.
Less operating system context switches happens
Advantages of using multiple nodes:
If the system is linking in C code to the VM, death of one node due to a bug in C will not kill the others.
I would go with one VM. Here is why:
dynamic handling of run time queues belonging to schedulers (with varied origin of CPU load its important)
fewer VMs to monitor
better understanding of memory allocation and easier to spot malicious process (can compare all of them at once)
much easier inter app supervision
I wouldn't care about VM crash - you need to be prepared any way. Heart works especially well in the cluster of equal units.
We've always used one VM per application because it's easier to manage.
The scheduler and SMP support in Erlang have come a long way in the past few years, so there isn't as much reason as there used to be to run multiple VMs on the same node.
I Agree with previous answers but there is a case scenario where having multiple nodes per cpu is the answer: When a heavy task hits the node. A task may take multiple minutes to complete and in such case a gen server will hold the node until completion of the task.

Should separate Erlang applications share the same VM on the same machine?

I have a CouchDB instance running on one machine, and thus with its own Erlang VM process. If I have another separate Erlang application running on that machine too, is it be better to share the same VM between CouchDB and my application, or is it recommended to start a new Erlang node?
While many would recommend decoupling these subsystems I would take the opposite approach. Erlang has a built in strategy to run many applications on the same release. If your applications talk to each other directly it might make sense for you to bundle them together into a release. This will make calls between the applications faster. Some will argue that all you applications now share the same fate should you need to take the system down for an upgrade that only one of the applications needs. This is a moot point with Erlang where you are distributing your applications across many nodes. Also most upgrades can be done with hot code loading.
There is no problem with running several VMs on the same machnie (at least recent OTP releases), however it is quite handy if you have all your applications on one Erlang node. Easier communication, dependency management, supervision, fault-tolerance - you get it for free in this case, not mentioning maintaining only one 'node' in source control system.
The problem starts with CouchDB. It does not have decent build system which let you use it as one of independent Erlang node applications. So in this case you need to have at least 2 VMs (one acts as Couch daemon, the other one hosts your application)

Erlang Documentation/SMP: single-node and multi-node per machine or per application, and the confusion that may follow

I'm studying Erlang's process model at the moment. I have hit a snag in a tech report (section 3, paragraph 2) on Erlang:
This explains why it in some cases can be more efficient to run several SMP VM's
with one scheduler each instead on one SMP VM with several schedulers. Of course
the running of several VM's require that the application can run in many parallel tasks
which has no or very little communication with each other.
Now this paragraph is confusing me; I can see the uni-process multiple scheduler scenario, but I am failing to see multiple processes with a single scheduler; Presumably each process would have a different node name, and this would mean a certain application, without modification, cannot be used with this model; the virtue of not requiring modification has been mentioned as a key feature of SMP in the report. If the multiple processes have the same node names, than performance would be disastrous due to inter-Erlang-process messaging storms -- this assume the use of in-memory amnesia. Is there some process model that is not introduced in the article and that I am missing here ?
What is the author trying say here ? is he trying to suggest that an application would have to be rewritten (to take multiple unique node-names into account) for the multi-process single-scheduler case ?
-- edit 1: Clarification of Source of Problem --
The question has been answered through discussion; the following is an outline of the trouble I had.
The issue for this question has been that the documentation, as I recall, does not touch on a scenario of running multiple Erlang emulators per physical machine -- it has always been shown that the emulator represents your physical machine (in industrial usage); also, the scenario of having to explicitly partition a program for computational efficiency has never been considered. This sudden introduction has been the source of my woe.
The convention is still biased towards creating LOTS of processes and that the future holds many improvements for the SMP emulator for Erlang, and this means that single node per machine is still a very viable option assuming favourable application design.
Rewrite after reading article:
This explains why it in some cases can
be more efficient to run several SMP
VM's with one scheduler each instead
on one SMP VM with several schedulers.
Non-SMP VM has no-lock so runs fast.
Single scheduler SMP VM 10% slower, due to cost of checking locks
Multiple scheduler SMP VM slower again due to using/waiting for locks
Of course the running of several VM's
require that the application can run
in many parallel tasks which has no or
very little communication with each
I think: Nodes on the same server have to have different names.
Inter process messaging while by slower due to the inter-process nature verse intra process messaging of a VM node.
If you have multiple schedulers in a single VM, they will inevitably contend over various resources (e.g. ets meta table, atom-table, scheduler run-queue during migration, etc.) because of the inner architecture. If you have a single scheduler, contention will obviously not occur. Lock checking and acquiring will still be done though, so running a non SMP VM instead shall yield even better performance (but requires a rebuilding of the VM from source).
Take a four-core machine for example. Option one means that you run four instances of the Erlang VM, each with a single scheduler, affinity set to different processor cores. Option two means running a single Erlang VM with four schedulers, each scheduler's affinity set to different processor cores.
If you have a whole lot of independent processes to run, option two will result in better performance, because the four cores will be fully utilized (theoretically). In contrast, in option one, this won't be possible, because the lock contention will make execution on cores wait for each other every now and then.
On the other hand if your processes need to chatter a lot, option one is the way to go because the inter-process communication is way cheaper than communication between different VMs. You gain more with this than you lose with lock contention.
I believe the answer is in the preceding paragraph:
The SMP VM with only one scheduler is slightly slower (10%) than the non
This is because the SMP VM need to use locks for all shared
datastructures. But as
long as there are no lock-conflicts the overhead caused by
locking is not that high (it
is the lock conflicts that takes time).
Scheduler's reliance on locks for shared data structures can impose an overhead on a given system. It seems to follow that having multiple schedulers on one SMP VM imposes a collectively greater overhead.
There are some advatanges with several nodes on one physical machine.
1) Resource locking overhead as mentioned.
2) Fail-over. In telecom products you really don't want to have the beam come crashing down on you. If you have NIFs or linked-in drivers in your system this might occur.
3) Memory locality. Few nodes gives you a poor-mans way to force processes to a few cores. This could be a big boost for NUMA archs typically but also for SMP. The scheduler don't take NUMA into account (yet). You can spawn a process to a specific scheduler and lock it to it, it won't migrate but that is an undocumented feature ... or it was removed all together. I forget.
With several nodes you will need a load balancer between the nodes of course but that is the usual way to do it anyways. Some logic that supervises the nodes.
However, the numbers from the EUC papers are over a year old [#] and I wouldn't recommend a multi-node approach if you don't really need it. The runtime system is much better at handling these types of problems today. A lot of lock overhead has been removed and the mrq-scheduler has been improved.
# 2009's numbers look like this.
Regarding 3) the spawn feature i mentioned is,
spawn_opt(fun() -> ... end, [{scheduler, Id}]) -> pid(),
where Id is an integer and refers to a specific scheduler.
I wouldn't recommend using it since it undocumented.
